147 resultados para intermethod comparison


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Effective feature extraction for robust speech recognition is a widely addressed topic and currently there is much effort to invoke non-stationary signal models instead of quasi-stationary signal models leading to standard features such as LPC or MFCC. Joint amplitude modulation and frequency modulation (AM-FM) is a classical non-parametric approach to non-stationary signal modeling and recently new feature sets for automatic speech recognition (ASR) have been derived based on a multi-band AM-FM representation of the signal. We consider several of these representations and compare their performances for robust speech recognition in noise, using the AURORA-2 database. We show that FEPSTRUM representation proposed is more effective than others. We also propose an improvement to FEPSTRUM based on the Teager energy operator (TEO) and show that it can selectively outperform even FEPSTRUM


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Many downscaling techniques have been developed in the past few years for projection of station-scale hydrological variables from large-scale atmospheric variables simulated by general circulation models (GCMs) to assess the hydrological impacts of climate change. This article compares the performances of three downscaling methods, viz. conditional random field (CRF), K-nearest neighbour (KNN) and support vector machine (SVM) methods in downscaling precipitation in the Punjab region of India, belonging to the monsoon regime. The CRF model is a recently developed method for downscaling hydrological variables in a probabilistic framework, while the SVM model is a popular machine learning tool useful in terms of its ability to generalize and capture nonlinear relationships between predictors and predictand. The KNN model is an analogue-type method that queries days similar to a given feature vector from the training data and classifies future days by random sampling from a weighted set of K closest training examples. The models are applied for downscaling monsoon (June to September) daily precipitation at six locations in Punjab. Model performances with respect to reproduction of various statistics such as dry and wet spell length distributions, daily rainfall distribution, and intersite correlations are examined. It is found that the CRF and KNN models perform slightly better than the SVM model in reproducing most daily rainfall statistics. These models are then used to project future precipitation at the six locations. Output from the Canadian global climate model (CGCM3) GCM for three scenarios, viz. A1B, A2, and B1 is used for projection of future precipitation. The projections show a change in probability density functions of daily rainfall amount and changes in the wet and dry spell distributions of daily precipitation. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A significant amount of research on the thermodynamic properties of molten alloys is undertaken for obtaining insights into their structure . The partial and integral molar enthalpies, entropies and volumes of mixing provide some general information on the nature and strength of atomic bonds and the distribution of atoms. However, until recently it has been difficult to derive specific quantitative information because the excess entropy of mixing contains configurational , vibrational , electronic , and sometimes magnetic contributions which cannot be easily separated.


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In this paper, we compare the experimental results for Tamil online handwritten character recognition using HMM and Statistical Dynamic Time Warping (SDTW) as classifiers. HMM was used for a 156-class problem. Different feature sets and values for the HMM states & mixtures were tried and the best combination was found to be 16 states & 14 mixtures, giving an accuracy of 85%. The features used in this combination were retained and a SDTW model with 20 states and single Gaussian was used as classifier. Also, the symbol set was increased to include numerals, punctuation marks and special symbols like $, & and #, taking the number of classes to 188. It was found that, with a small addition to the feature set, this simple SDTW classifier performed on par with the more complicated HMM model, giving an accuracy of 84%. Mixture density estimation computations was reduced by 11 times. The recognition is writer independent, as the dataset used is quite large, with a variety of handwriting styles.


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A new hybrid comparison technique for transmission line protection, providing polar characteristics marked by sharp discontinuities, has been developed. The comparator models, described in block schematic form, accompany a steady state theoretical basis for comparison. Dynamic test results are indicated for a directional quadrilateral characteristic which closely corresponds to the probable fault area of a transmission line.


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The paper reports further work on the amplitude-comparison technique described by the same authors in a previous paper. This technique is extended to develop improved polar characteristics. Discontinuous polar characteristics, like directional parallelograms, are obtained by a single measuring gate with a simple mode of relay circuitry, whereas two measuring gates are required to provide a directional-quadrilateral characteristic of potentially general application. The paper also describes some new possibilities in phase-comparison methods for distance-protection schemes. Comparator models which effect the amplitude and phase comparison of the relaying signals are described in their schematic form. A comprehensive theoretical basis for comparison is also presented.


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The particle and fluid velocity fluctuations in a turbulent gas-particle suspension are studied experimentally using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry with the objective of comparing the experiments with the predictions of fluctuating force simulations. Since the fluctuating force simulations employ force distributions which do not incorporate the modification of fluid turbulence due to the particles, it is of importance to quantify the turbulence modification in the experiments. For experiments carried out at a low volume fraction of 9.15 x 10(-5) (mass loading is 0.19), where the viscous relaxation time is small compared with the time between collisions, it is found that the gas-phase turbulence is not significantly modified by the presence of particles. Owing to this, quantitative agreement is obtained between the results of experiments and fluctuating force simulations for the mean velocity and the root mean square of the fluctuating velocity, provided that the polydispersity in the particle size is incorporated in the simulations. This is because the polydispersity results in a variation in the terminal velocity of the particles which could induce collisions and generate fluctuations; this mechanism is absent if all of the particles are of equal size. It is found that there is some variation in the particle mean velocity very close to the wall depending on the wall-collision model used in the simulations, and agreement with experiments is obtained only when the tangential wall-particle coefficient of restitution is 0.7. The mean particle velocity is in quantitative agreement for locations more than 10 wall units from the wall of the channel. However, there are systematic differences between the simulations and theory for the particle concentrations, possibly due to inadequate control over the particle feeding at the entrance. The particle velocity distributions are compared both at the centre of the channel and near the wall, and the shape of the distribution function near the wall obtained in experiments is accurately predicted by the simulations. At the centre, there is some discrepancy between simulations and experiment for the distribution of the fluctuating velocity in the flow direction, where the simulations predict a bi-modal distribution whereas only a single maximum is observed in the experiments, although both distributions are skewed towards negative fluctuating velocities. At a much higher particle mass loading of 1.7, where the time between collisions is smaller than the viscous relaxation time, there is a significant increase in the turbulent velocity fluctuations by similar to 1-2 orders of magnitude. Therefore, it becomes necessary to incorporate the modified fluid-phase intensity in the fluctuating force simulation; with this modification, the mean and mean-square fluctuating velocities are within 20-30% of the experimental values.


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Fusion of multi-sensor imaging data enables a synergetic interpretation of complementary information obtained by sensors of different spectral ranges. Multi-sensor data of diverse spectral, spatial and temporal resolutions require advanced numerical techniques for analysis and interpretation. This paper reviews ten advanced pixel based image fusion techniques – Component substitution (COS), Local mean and variance matching, Modified IHS (Intensity Hue Saturation), Fast Fourier Transformed-enhanced IHS, Laplacian Pyramid, Local regression, Smoothing filter (SF), Sparkle, SVHC and Synthetic Variable Ratio. The above techniques were tested on IKONOS data (Panchromatic band at 1 m spatial resolution and Multispectral 4 bands at 4 m spatial resolution). Evaluation of the fused results through various accuracy measures, revealed that SF and COS methods produce images closest to corresponding multi-sensor would observe at the highest resolution level (1 m).


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Ethylene gas is burnt and the carbon soot particles are thermophoretically collected using a home-built equipment where the fuel air injection and intervention into the 7.5-cm long flame are controlled using three small pneumatic cylinders and computer-driven controllers. The physical and mechanical properties and tribological performance of the collected soot are compared with those of carbon black and diesel soot. The crystalline structures of the nanometric particles generated in the flame, as revealed by high-resolution transmission electron studies, are shown to vary from the flame root to the exhaust. As the particle journeys upwards the flame, through a purely amorphous coagulated phase at the burner nozzle, it leads to a well-defined crystalline phase shell in the mid-flame zone and to a disordered phase consisting of randomly distributed short-range crystalline order at the exhaust. In the mid-flame region, a large shell of radial-columnar order surrounds a dense amorphous core. The hardness and wear resistance as well as friction coefficient of the soot extracted from this zone are low. The mechanical properties characteristics of this zone may be attributed to microcrystalline slip. Moving towards the exhaust, the slip is inhibited and there is an increase in hardness and friction compared to those in the mid-flame zone. This study of the comparison of flame soot to carbon black and diesel soot is further extended to suggest a rationale based on additional physico-chemical study using micro-Raman spectroscopy.