159 resultados para fire tolerant species


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Often, wrong conclusions about the mobilities of species are drawn from the position of the Kirkendall marker plane or voids in the interdiffusion zone. To clarify, I have discussed the growth mechanism of the phases and the position of the marker plane depending on the relative mobilities of the species. The formation of different kinds of voids in the interdiffusion zone is discussed. Further, the microstructure that could be found because of the Kirkendall effect is also explained.


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In this paper, we propose a new fault-tolerant distributed deadlock detection algorithm which can handle loss of any resource release message. It is based on a token-based distributed mutual exclusion algorithm. We have evaluated and compared the performance of the proposed algorithm with two other algorithms which belong to two different classes, using simulation studies. The proposed algorithm is found to be efficient in terms of average number of messages per wait and average deadlock duration compared to the other two algorithms in all situations, and has comparable or better performance in terms of other parameters.


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We study the trade-off between delivery delay and energy consumption in delay tolerant mobile wireless networks that use two-hop relaying. The source may not have perfect knowledge of the delivery status at every instant. We formulate the problem as a stochastic control problem with partial information, and study structural properties of the optimal policy. We also propose a simple suboptimal policy. We then compare the performance of the suboptimal policy against that of the optimal control with perfect information. These are bounds on the performance of the proposed policy with partial information. Several other related open loop policies are also compared with these bounds.


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Methanol-tolerant Pt-Pd alloy catalysts supported on to carbon with varying Pt:Pd atomic ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 are prepared by a novel wet-chemical method and characterized using powder XRD, XPS, FESEM, EDAX and TEM techniques. The optimum atomic weight ratio for Pt to Pd in the carbon-supported alloy catalyst as established by linear-sweep voltammetry (LSV) and cell polarization studies is found to be 2:1. A direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) employing carbon-supported Pt-Pd (2:1) alloy (Pt-Pd/C) catalyst as the cathode catalyst delivers a peak-power density of 115 mW/cm(2) at 70 degrees C as compared to peak-power density of 60 mW/cm(2) obtained with the DMFC employing carbon-supported Pt (Pt/C) catalyst operating under similar conditions. In the literature, DMFCs operating with Pt-TiO2 (2:1)/C and Pt-Au (2:1)/C methanol-tolerant cathodes are reported to exhibit maximum ORR activity among the group of these methanol-tolerant cathodes with varying catalysts compositions. Accordingly, the present study also provides an effective route to design methanol-tolerant-oxygen-reduction catalysts for DMFCs. (C) 2011 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/1.3596542] All rights reserved.


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A framework based on the notion of "conflict-tolerance" was proposed in as a compositional methodology for developing and reasoning about systems that comprise multiple independent controllers. A central notion in this framework is that of a "conflict-tolerant" specification for a controller. In this work we propose a way of defining conflict-tolerant real-time specifications in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL). We call our logic CT-MITL for Conflict-Tolerant MITL. We then give a clock optimal "delay-then-extend" construction for building a timed transition system for monitoring past-MITL formulas. We show how this monitoring transition system can be used to solve the associated verification and synthesis problems for CT-MITL.


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We build dynamic models of community assembly by starting with one species in our model ecosystem and adding colonists. We find that the number of species present first increases, then fluctuates about some level. We ask: how large are these fluctuations and how can we characterize them statistically? As in Robert May's work, communities with weaker interspecific interactions permit a greater number of species to coexist on average. We find that as this average increases, however, the relative variation in the number of species and return times to mean community levels decreases. In addition, the relative frequency of large extinction events to small extinction events decreases as mean community size increases. While the model reproduces several of May's results, it also provides theoretical support for Charles Elton's idea that diverse communities such as those found in the tropics should be less variable than depauperate communities such as those found in arctic or agricultural settings.


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We discuss the properties of a one-dimensional lattice model of a driven system with two species of particles in which the mobility of one species depends on the density of the other. This model was introduced by Lahiri and Ramaswamy (Phys. Rev. Lett., 79, 1150 (1997)) in the context of sedimenting colloidal crystals, and its continuum version was shown to exhibit an instability arising from linear gradient couplings. In this paper we review recent progress in understanding the full phase diagram of the model. There are three phases. In the first, the steady state can be determined exactly along a representative locus using the condition of detailed balance. The system shows phase separation of an exceptionally robust sort, termed strong phase separation, which survives at all temperatures. The second phase arises in the threshold case where the first species evolves independently of the second, but the fluctuations of the first influence the evolution of the second, as in the passive scalar problem. The second species then shows phase separation of a delicate sort, in which long-range order coexists with fluctuations which do not damp down in the large-size limit. This fluctuation-dominated phase ordering is associated with power law decays in cluster size distributions and a breakdown of the Porod law. The third phase is one with a uniform overall density, and along a representative locus the steady state is shown to have product measure form. Density fluctuations are transported by two kinematic waves, each involving both species and coupled at the nonlinear level. Their dissipation properties are governed by the symmetries of these couplings, which depend on the overall densities. In the most interesting case,, the dissipation of the two modes is characterized by different critical exponents, despite the nonlinear coupling.


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We have compiled a checklist of Gomphonema Ehrenberg taxa reported previously from India. From forty-nine references, over 100 Gomphonema taxa have been reported, including 39 new taxon descriptions. In addition to these previous reports of Gomphonema taxa, we describe three new species. G. gandhii Karthick & Kociolek, sp. nov., G. difformum Karthick & Kociolek, sp. nov. and G. diminutum Karthick & Kociolek, sp. nov., all from hill streams of Western Ghats, India. Frustule morphology, as studied in light and scanning electron microscopy, is compared with that of other recently described Gomphonema species from Africa and Asia. All three Indian species have distinctly dilated proximal raphe ends, in addition to differentiated apical pore fields, septa, pseudosepta and a round external stigma! opening. Gomphonema gandhii is linear-lanceolate-clavate, has a wide axial area, and is 19-51 mu m long, 3-7 mu m broad. Gomphonema difformum is smaller than G. gandhii, and has a hyaline area around the headpole. Gomphonema diminuta is much smaller and narrower than the other two species. These species are distinct from their closest congeners by their sizes, shape and structure of the head pole, and striae densities. All these species were described from low nutrient, neutral, low ionic content streams of Western Ghats. As most other species described from tropical region these three species appear to be endemic to India. Moreover, within India they have hitherto only been found in Western Ghats, one of the twelve biodiversity hotspots of the World.


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Fault-tolerance is due to the semiconductor technology development important, not only for safety-critical systems but also for general-purpose (non-safety critical) systems. However, instead of guaranteeing that deadlines always are met, it is for general-purpose systems important to minimize the average execution time (AET) while ensuring fault-tolerance. For a given job and a soft (transient) error probability, we define mathematical formulas for AET that includes bus communication overhead for both voting (active replication) and rollback-recovery with checkpointing (RRC). And, for a given multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC), we define integer linear programming (ILP) models that minimize AET including bus communication overhead when: (1) selecting the number of checkpoints when using RRC, (2) finding the number of processors and job-to-processor assignment when using voting, and (3) defining fault-tolerance scheme (voting or RRC) per job and defining its usage for each job. Experiments demonstrate significant savings in AET.


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Validation of the flux partitioning of species model has been illustrated. Various combinations of inequality expression for the fluxes of species A and B in two successively grown hypothetical intermetallic phases in the interdiffusion zone have been considered within the constraints of this concept. Furthermore, ratio of intrinsic diffusivities of the species A and B in those two phases has been correlated in four different cases. Moreover, complete and or partial validation or invalidation of this model with respect to both the species, has been proven theoretically and also discussed with the Co-Si system as an example.


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With the advent of Internet, video over IP is gaining popularity. In such an environment, scalability and fault tolerance will be the key issues. Existing video on demand (VoD) service systems are usually neither scalable nor tolerant to server faults and hence fail to comply to multi-user, failure-prone networks such as the Internet. Current research areas concerning VoD often focus on increasing the throughput and reliability of single server, but rarely addresses the smooth provision of service during server as well as network failures. Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool), being capable of providing high availability by using multiple redundant servers as single source point, can be a solution to overcome the above failures. During a possible server failure, the continuity of service is retained by another server. In order to achieve transparent failover, efficient state sharing is an important requirement. In this paper, we present an elegant, simple, efficient and scalable approach which has been developed to facilitate the transfer of state by the client itself, using extended cookie mechanism, which ensures that there is no noticeable change in disruption or the video quality.


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Saplings of forty nine species of trees from Western Ghats forests were planted on a 1.5 hectare tract of Deccan plateau (in the campus of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) and their performance monitored for 23 years. The objective was to evaluate their adaptability to a habitat and conditions apparently alien to these species. The study was also meant to understand the linkages of these trees with the surrounding environment. Contrary to the belief that tree species are very sensitive to change of location and conditions, the introduced trees have grown as good as they would do in their native habitat and maintained their phenology. Further, they have grown in perfect harmony with trees native to the location. The results show that the introduced species are opportunistic and readily acclimatized and grew well overcoming the need for the edaphic and other factors that are believed to be responsible for their endemicity. Besides ex situ conservation, the creation of miniforest has other accrued ecosystem benefits. For instance, the ground water level has risen and the ambient temperature has come down by two degrees.