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Laminar two-dimensional sudden expansion flow of different nanofluids is studied numerically. The governing equations are solved using stream function-vorticity method. The effect of volume fraction of the nanoparticles and type of nanoparticles on flow behaviour is examined and found significant impact. The flow response to Reynolds number in the presence of nanoparticles is examined. The presence of nanoparticles decreases the flow bifurcation Reynolds number. The size and the reattachment length of the bottom wall recirculation increase with increasing volume fraction and particle density. The effect of volume fraction and density of nanoparticles on friction factor is reported. The bottom wall recirculation strongly respond to the variation in volume faction and type of particles. However, weak response is observed for top wall recirculation.


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The Radio Interference (RI) from electric power transmission line hardware, if not controlled, poses serious electromagnetic interference to system in the vicinity. The present work mainly concerns with the RI from the insulator string along with the associated line hardware. The laboratory testing for the RI levels are carried out through the measurement of the conducted radio interference levels. However such measurements do not really locate the coronating point, as well as, the mode of corona. At the same time experience shows that it is rather difficult to locate the coronating points by mere inspection. After a thorough look into the intricacies of the problem, it is ascertained that the measurement of associated ground end currents could give a better picture of the prevailing corona modes and their intensities. A study on the same is attempted in the present work. Various intricacies of the problem,features of ground end current pulses and its correlation with RI are dealt with. Owing to the complexity of such experimental investigations, the study made is not fully complete nevertheless it seems to be first of its kind.


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In a previous study of the properties of red blood cells (RBC) trapped in an optical tweezers trap, an increase in the spectrum of Brownian fluctuations for RBCs from a Plasmodium falciparum culture (due to increased rigidity) compared with normal RBCs was measured. A bystander effect was observed, whereby RBCs actually hosting the parasite had an effect on the physical properties of remaining non-hosting RBCs. The distribution of corner frequency (f(c)) in the power spectrum of single RBCs held in an optical tweezers trap was studied. Two tests were done to confirm the bystander effect. In the first, RBCs from an infected culture were separated into hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second, all RBCs were removed from the infected culture, and normal RBCs were incubated in the spent medium. The trapping environment was the same for all measurements so only changes in the properties of RBCs were measured. In the first experiment, a similar and statistically significant increase was measured both for hosting and non-hosting RBCs. In the second experiment, normal RBCs incubated in spent medium started to become rigid after a few hours and showed complete changes (comparable with RBCs from the infected culture) after 24 h. These experiments provide direct evidence of medium-induced changes in the properties of RBCs in an infected culture, regardless of whether the RBCs actually host the parasite.


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Reduction of switching surge over voltages allows an economic design of UHV transmission system with reduced insulation. The various means of switching surge over voltage control with pre-insertion resistors/closing resistors, shunt re-actors and controlled switching are illustrated. The switching surge over voltages during the energization of series compensated line are compared with uncompensated line. An Electromagnetic transients program has been developed for studying the effect of various means of control of switching transients during 765kV UHV transmission line energization. This paper presents the studies carried out on switching surges control in 765kV UHV transmission line energization.


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A dynamical instability is observed in experimental studies on micro-channels of rectangular cross-section with smallest dimension 100 and 160 mu m in which one of the walls is made of soft gel. There is a spontaneous transition from an ordered, laminar flow to a chaotic and highly mixed flow state when the Reynolds number increases beyond a critical value. The critical Reynolds number, which decreases as the elasticity modulus of the soft wall is reduced, is as low as 200 for the softest wall used here (in contrast to 1200 for a rigid-walled channel) The instability onset is observed by the breakup of a dye-stream introduced in the centre of the micro-channel, as well as the onset of wall oscillations due to laser scattering from fluorescent beads embedded in the wall of the channel. The mixing time across a channel of width 1.5 mm, measured by dye-stream and outlet conductance experiments, is smaller by a factor of 10(5) than that for a laminar flow. The increased mixing rate comes at very little cost, because the pressure drop (energy requirement to drive the flow) increases continuously and modestly at transition. The deformed shape is reconstructed numerically, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are carried out to obtain the pressure gradient and the velocity fields for different flow rates. The pressure difference across the channel predicted by simulations is in agreement with the experiments (within experimental errors) for flow rates where the dye stream is laminar, but the experimental pressure difference is higher than the simulation prediction after dye-stream breakup. A linear stability analysis is carried out using the parallel-flow approximation, in which the wall is modelled as a neo-Hookean elastic solid, and the simulation results for the mean velocity and pressure gradient from the CFD simulations are used as inputs. The stability analysis accurately predicts the Reynolds number (based on flow rate) at which an instability is observed in the dye stream, and it also predicts that the instability first takes place at the downstream converging section of the channel, and not at the upstream diverging section. The stability analysis also indicates that the destabilization is due to the modification of the flow and the local pressure gradient due to the wall deformation; if we assume a parabolic velocity profile with the pressure gradient given by the plane Poiseuille law, the flow is always found to be stable.


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Exchange biased Fe(FM)-FeMn(AFM) bilayers were grown by pulsed laser ablation in UHV and probed by SQUID magnetometer and planar Hall effect measurements. A suppression of barkhausen avalanches was observed during the switching of the bilayer when compared to that of pure Fe, which is indicative of a change in the reversal mechanism.


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Climate change impact on a groundwater-dependent small urban town has been investigated in the semiarid hard rock aquifer in southern India. A distributed groundwater model was used to simulate the groundwater levels in the study region for the projected future rainfall (2012-32) obtained from a general circulation model (GCM) to estimate the impacts of climate change and management practices on groundwater system. Management practices were based on the human-induced changes on the urban infrastructure such as reduced recharge from the lakes, reduced recharge from water and wastewater utility due to an operational and functioning underground drainage system, and additional water extracted by the water utility for domestic purposes. An assessment of impacts on the groundwater levels was carried out by calibrating a groundwater model using comprehensive data gathered during the period 2008-11 and then simulating the future groundwater level changes using rainfall from six GCMs Institute of Numerical Mathematics Coupled Model, version 3.0 (INM-CM. 3.0); L'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace Coupled Model, version 4 (IPSL-CM4); Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate, version 3.2 (MIROC3.2); ECHAM and the global Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation (ECHO-G); Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 (HadCM3); and Hadley Centre Global Environment Model, version 1 (HadGEM1)] that were found to show good correlation to the historical rainfall in the study area. The model results for the present condition indicate that the annual average discharge (sum of pumping and natural groundwater outflow) was marginally or moderately higher at various locations than the recharge and further the recharge is aided from the recharge from the lakes. Model simulations showed that groundwater levels were vulnerable to the GCM rainfall and a scenario of moderate reduction in recharge from lakes. Hence, it is important to sustain the induced recharge from lakes by ensuring that sufficient runoff water flows to these lakes.


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The lead-free Ba (Ti1-xZrx)O-3 ceramic has shown enhanced piezo-response (d(33)) in a narrow composition interval (0.01 <= x <= 0.03) exhibiting the coexistence of two ferroelectric phases. The system presents two electric-field-dependent-property regimes: (i) a low field regime (E < 1.7 kV mm(-1)) where d(33) is nearly independent of the poling field, and (ii) (E > 1.7 kV mm(-1)) for which d(33) drops sharply. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the later phenomenon is related to field driven irreversible structural transformation, which tends to drive the system away from an equilibrium two phase state to a nearly single phase metastable state.


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The widely conserved omega subunit encoded by rpoZ is the smallest subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) but is dispensable for bacterial growth. Function of omega is known to be substituted by GroEL in omega-null strain, which thus does not exhibit a discernable phenotype. In this work, we report isolation of omega variants whose expression in vivo leads to a dominant lethal phenotype. Studies show that in contrast to omega, which is largely unstructured, omega mutants display substantial acquisition of secondary structure. By detailed study with one of the mutants, omega(6) bearing N60D substitution, the mechanism of lethality has been deciphered. Biochemical analysis reveals that omega(6) binds to beta ` subunit in vitro with greater affinity than that of omega. The reconstituted RNAP holoenzyme in the presence of omega(6) in vitro is defective in transcription initiation. Formation of a faulty RNAP in the presence of mutant omega results in death of the cell. Furthermore, lethality of omega(6) is relieved in cells expressing the rpoC2112 allele encoding beta ` (2112), a variant beta ` bearing Y457S substitution, immediately adjacent to the beta ` catalytic center. Our results suggest that the enhanced omega(6)-beta ` interaction may perturb the plasticity of the RNAP active center, implicating a role for omega and its flexible state.


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Adhesive interaction between impacting bodies can cause energy loss, even in an otherwise elastic impact. Adhesion force induces tensile stress in the bodies, which modifies the stress wave profile and influences the restitution behavior. We investigate this effect by developing a finite element framework, which incorporates a Lennard-Jones-type potential for modeling the adhesive interaction between volume elements. With this framework, the classical problems in contact mechanics can be revisited without the restrictive surface-force approximation. In this paper, we study the longitudinal impact of an elastic cylinder on a rigid half-space with adhesion. In the absence of adhesion, this problem reduces to the impact between two identical cylinders in which there is no energy loss. Adhesion causes a fraction of energy in the stress waves to remain in the cylinder as residual stress waves. This apparent loss in kinetic energy is shown to be a unique function of maximum tensile strain energy. We have developed a 1-D model in terms of interaction force parameters, velocity and material properties to estimate the tensile stain energy. We show that this model can be used to predict practically important phenomena like capture wherein the impacting bodies stick together. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The addition of B, up to about 0.1 wt%, to Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64) reduces its as-cast grain and colony sizes by an order of magnitude. In this paper, the creep resistance of this alloy modified with 0.06 and 0.11 wt% B additions was investigated in the temperature range of 475-550 degrees C and compared with that of the base alloy. Conventional dead-weight creep tests as well as stress relaxation tests were employed for this purpose. Experimental results show that the B addition enhances both elevated temperature strength and creep properties of Ti64, especially at the lower end of the temperatures investigated. The steady state creep rate in the alloy with 0.11 wt% B was found to be an order of magnitude lower than that in the base alloy, and both the strain at failure as well as the time for rupture increases with the B content. These marked improvements in the creep resistance due to B addition to Ti64 were attributed primarily to the increased number of inter-phase interfaces - a direct consequence of the microstructural refinement that occurs with the B addition - that provide resistance to dislocation motion. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An analytical solution to describe the transient temperature distribution in a geothermal reservoir in response to injection of cold water is presented. The reservoir is composed of a confined aquifer, sandwiched between rocks of different thermo-geological properties. The heat transport processes considered are advection, longitudinal conduction in the geothermal aquifer, and the conductive heat transfer to the underlying and overlying rocks of different geological properties. The one-dimensional heat transfer equation has been solved using the Laplace transform with the assumption of constant density and thermal properties of both rock and fluid. Two simple solutions are derived afterwards, first neglecting the longitudinal conductive heat transport and then heat transport to confining rocks. Results show that heat loss to the confining rock layers plays a vital role in slowing down the cooling of the reservoir. The influence of some parameters, e.g. the volumetric injection rate, the longitudinal thermal conductivity and the porosity of the porous media, on the transient heat transport phenomenon is judged by observing the variation of the transient temperature distribution with different values of the parameters. The effects of injection rate and thermal conductivity have been found to be profound on the results.


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Infinite arrays of coupled two-state stochastic oscillators exhibit well-defined steady states. We study the fluctuations that occur when the number N of oscillators in the array is finite. We choose a particular form of global coupling that in the infinite array leads to a pitchfork bifurcation from a monostable to a bistable steady state, the latter with two equally probable stationary states. The control parameter for this bifurcation is the coupling strength. In finite arrays these states become metastable: The fluctuations lead to distributions around the most probable states, with one maximum in the monostable regime and two maxima in the bistable regime. In the latter regime, the fluctuations lead to transitions between the two peak regions of the distribution. Also, we find that the fluctuations break the symmetry in the bimodal regime, that is, one metastable state becomes more probable than the other, increasingly so with increasing array size. To arrive at these results, we start from microscopic dynamical evolution equations from which we derive a Langevin equation that exhibits an interesting multiplicative noise structure. We also present a master equation description of the dynamics. Both of these equations lead to the same Fokker-Planck equation, the master equation via a 1/N expansion and the Langevin equation via standard methods of Ito calculus for multiplicative noise. From the Fokker-Planck equation we obtain an effective potential that reflects the transition from the monomodal to the bimodal distribution as a function of a control parameter. We present a variety of numerical and analytic results that illustrate the strong effects of the fluctuations. We also show that the limits N -> infinity and t -> infinity(t is the time) do not commute. In fact, the two orders of implementation lead to drastically different results.


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Corona discharge is recognized as one of the mechanisms that can influence the surface hydrophobicity of Silicone Rubber (SR) because of the chemical changes that occur on its surface. In this study SR samples were exposed to positive and negative DC corona for 25 and 50 hours using a needle-plane electrode system. Hydrophobicity changes were monitored using a sessile drop contact angle measurement facility. The physical changes on the surface were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and surface roughness measurements. The effect of positive dc corona was found to be different from that of negative dc corona. Significant surface degradation and loss of hydrophobicity was found in the case of negative dc corona exposed samples. Significant improvement in the above mentioned properties were obtained by adding small quantities of nSIL into the SR matrix.