90 resultados para debris flows


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The identification of the damage mechanisms involved in the wear process demands the finer scale characterization of the surface, as well as the subsurface region of the wear scar region, and to this end, this article discusses the results obtained with Cu-10 wt% Pb-based metallic nanocomposites using a host of characterization techniques, including transmission electron microscopy and ion milling microscopy. Apart from finer scale characterization to understand deformation and cracking during the wear process, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of wear debris confirms the occurrence of oxidation of Pb phase to Pb3O4. In order to understand the role of oxides on friction and wear, sliding wear tests in argon were also carried out and such tests did not result in the formation of any tribo-oxides, as confirmed using electron probe microanalysis. Conclusively, oxidative wear is attributed as the dominant wear mechanism in ambient conditions for Cu-10 wt% Pb composite.


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We investigate the evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (or hydromagnetic as coined by Chandrasekhar) perturbations in the presence of stochastic noise in rotating shear flows. The particular emphasis is the flows whose angular velocity decreases but specific angular momentum increases with increasing radial coordinate. Such flows, however, are Rayleigh stable but must be turbulent in order to explain astrophysical observed data and, hence, reveal a mismatch between the linear theory and observations and experiments. The mismatch seems to have been resolved, at least in certain regimes, in the presence of a weak magnetic field, revealing magnetorotational instability. The present work explores the effects of stochastic noise on such magnetohydrodynamic flows, in order to resolve the above mismatch generically for the hot flows. We essentially concentrate on a small section of such a flow which is nothing but a plane shear flow supplemented by the Coriolis effect, mimicking a small section of an astrophysical accretion disk around a compact object. It is found that such stochastically driven flows exhibit large temporal and spatial autocorrelations and cross-correlations of perturbation and, hence, large energy dissipations of perturbation, which generate instability. Interestingly, autocorrelations and cross-correlations appear independent of background angular velocity profiles, which are Rayleigh stable, indicating their universality. This work initiates our attempt to understand the evolution of three-dimensional hydromagnetic perturbations in rotating shear flows in the presence of stochastic noise.


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A detalied study of the maonthly Convery river flows at the krishna raja sagara (KRS) reservoir is carried out by using the techniques of spectral analysis. The correlogram and power spectrum ate platted and used to identify the peridiocities inherent in the monthly inflows. The statistical significance of these periodicities is tested. Apart from the periodiocities at 12 months and 6 months, a significant of periodicity of 4 month was also observed in the monthly inflows. The analysis prepares ground for developing an appropriate stochastic model for the item series of the monthly flows.


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We investigated area changes in glaciers covering an area of similar to 200 km(2) in the Tista basin, Sikkim, Eastern Indian Himalaya, between similar to 1990 and 2010 using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Indian Remote-sensing Satellite (IRS) images and related the changes to debris cover, supraglacial lakes and moraine-dam lakes. The glaciers lost an area of 3.3 +/- 0.8% between 1989/90 and 2010. More detailed analysis revealed an area loss of 2.00 +/- 0.82, 2.56 +/- 0.61 and 2.28 +/- 2.01 km(2) for the periods 1989-97, 1997-2004/05 and 2004-2009/10, respectively. This indicates an accelerated retreat of glaciers after 1997. On further analysis, we observed (1) the formation and expansion of supraglacial lakes on many debris-covered glaciers and (2) the merging of these lakes over time, leading to the development of large moraine-dam lakes. We also observed that debris-covered glaciers with lakes lose a greater area than debris-covered glaciers without lakes and debris-free glaciers. The climatic data for 24 years (1987-2011), measured at the Gangtok meteorological station (1812 m a.s.l.), showed that the region experienced a 1.0 degrees C rise in the summer minimum temperature and a 2.0 degrees C rise in the winter minimum temperature, indicating hotter summers and warmer winters. There was no significant trend in the total annual precipitation. We find that glacier retreat is caused mainly by a temperature increase and that debris-covered glaciers can retreat at a faster rate than debris-free glaciers, if associated with lakes.


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The ubiquity of the power law relationship between dQ/dt and Q for recession periods (-dQ/dt kQ(alpha); Q being discharge at the basin outlet at time t) clearly hints at the existence of a dominant recession flow process that is common to all real basins. It is commonly assumed that a basin, during recession events, functions as a single phreatic aquifer resting on a impermeable horizontal bed or the Dupuit-Boussinesq (DB) aquifer, and with time different aquifer geometric conditions arise that give different values of alpha and k. The recently proposed alternative model, geomorphological recession flow model, however, suggests that recession flows are controlled primarily by the dynamics of the active drainage network (ADN). In this study we use data for several basins and compare the above two contrasting recession flow models in order to understand which of the above two factors dominates during recession periods in steep basins. Particularly, we do the comparison by selecting three key recession flow properties: (1) power law exponent alpha, (2) dynamic dQ/dt-Q relationship (characterized by k) and (3) recession timescale (time period for which a recession event lasts). Our observations suggest that neither drainage from phreatic aquifers nor evapotranspiration significantly controls recession flows. Results show that the value of a and recession timescale are not modeled well by DB aquifer model. However, the above mentioned three recession curve properties can be captured satisfactorily by considering the dynamics of the ADN as described by geomorphological recession flow model, possibly indicating that the ADN represents not just phreatic aquifers but the organization of various sub-surface storage systems within the basin. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Single fluid schemes that rely on an interface function for phase identification in multicomponent compressible flows are widely used to study hydrodynamic flow phenomena in several diverse applications. Simulations based on standard numerical implementation of these schemes suffer from an artificial increase in the width of the interface function owing to the numerical dissipation introduced by an upwind discretization of the governing equations. In addition, monotonicity requirements which ensure that the sharp interface function remains bounded at all times necessitate use of low-order accurate discretization strategies. This results in a significant reduction in accuracy along with a loss of intricate flow features. In this paper we develop a nonlinear transformation based interface capturing method which achieves superior accuracy without compromising the simplicity, computational efficiency and robustness of the original flow solver. A nonlinear map from the signed distance function to the sigmoid type interface function is used to effectively couple a standard single fluid shock and interface capturing scheme with a high-order accurate constrained level set reinitialization method in a way that allows for oscillation-free transport of the sharp material interface. Imposition of a maximum principle, which ensures that the multidimensional preconditioned interface capturing method does not produce new maxima or minima even in the extreme events of interface merger or breakup, allows for an explicit determination of the interface thickness in terms of the grid spacing. A narrow band method is formulated in order to localize computations pertinent to the preconditioned interface capturing method. Numerical tests in one dimension reveal a significant improvement in accuracy and convergence; in stark contrast to the conventional scheme, the proposed method retains its accuracy and convergence characteristics in a shifted reference frame. Results from the test cases in two dimensions show that the nonlinear transformation based interface capturing method outperforms both the conventional method and an interface capturing method without nonlinear transformation in resolving intricate flow features such as sheet jetting in the shock-induced cavity collapse. The ability of the proposed method in accounting for the gravitational and surface tension forces besides compressibility is demonstrated through a model fully three-dimensional problem concerning droplet splash and formation of a crownlike feature. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Simplified equations are derived for a granular flow in the `dense' limit where the volume fraction is close to that for dynamical arrest, and the `shallow' limit where the stream-wise length for flow development (L) is large compared with the cross-stream height (h). The mass and diameter of the particles are set equal to 1 in the analysis without loss of generality. In the dense limit, the equations are simplified by taking advantage of the power-law divergence of the pair distribution function chi proportional to (phi(ad) - phi)(-alpha), and a faster divergence of the derivativ rho(d chi/d rho) similar to (d chi/d phi), where rho and phi are the density and volume fraction, and phi(ad) is the volume fraction for arrested dynamics. When the height h is much larger than the conduction length, the energy equation reduces to an algebraic balance between the rates of production and dissipation of energy, and the stress is proportional to the square of the strain rate (Bagnold law). In the shallow limit, the stress reduces to a simplified Bagnold stress, where all components of the stress are proportional to (partial derivative u(x)/partial derivative y)(2), which is the cross-stream (y) derivative of the stream-wise (x) velocity. In the simplified equations for dense shallow flows, the inertial terms are neglected in the y momentum equation in the shallow limit because the are O(h/L) smaller than the divergence of the stress. The resulting model contains two equations, a mass conservation equations which reduces to a solenoidal condition on the velocity in the incompressible limit, and a stream-wise momentum equation which contains just one parameter B which is a combination of the Bagnold coefficients and their derivatives with respect to volume fraction. The leading-order dense shallow flow equations, as well as the first correction due to density variations, are analysed for two representative flows. The first is the development from a plug flow to a fully developed Bagnold profile for the flow down an inclined plane. The analysis shows that the flow development length is ((rho) over barh(3)/B) , where (rho) over bar is the mean density, and this length is numerically estimated from previous simulation results. The second example is the development of the boundary layer at the base of the flow when a plug flow (with a slip condition at the base) encounters a rough base, in the limit where the momentum boundary layer thickness is small compared with the flow height. Analytical solutions can be found only when the stream-wise velocity far from the surface varies as x(F), where x is the stream-wise distance from the start of the rough base and F is an exponent. The boundary layer thickness increases as (l(2)x)(1/3) for all values of F, where the length scale l = root 2B/(rho) over bar. The analysis reveals important differences between granular flows and the flows of Newtonian fluids. The Reynolds number (ratio of inertial and viscous terms) turns out to depend only on the layer height and Bagnold coefficients, and is independent of the flow velocity, because both the inertial terms in the conservation equations and the divergence of the stress depend on the square of the velocity/velocity gradients. The compressibility number (ratio of the variation in volume fraction and mean volume fraction) is independent of the flow velocity and layer height, and depends only on the volume fraction and Bagnold coefficients.


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Heat transfer rate and pressure measurements were made upstream of surface pro-tuberances on a flat plate and a sharp cone subjected to hypersonic flow in a conventional shock tunnel. Heat flux was measured using platinum thin-film sensors deposited on macor substrate and the pressure measurements were made using fast acting piezoelectric sensors. A distinctive hot spot with highest heat flux was obtained near the foot of the protuberance due to heavy vortex activity in the recirculating region. Schlieren flow visualization was used to capture the shock structures and the separation distance ahead of the protrusions was quantitatively measured for varying protuberance heights. A computational analysis was conducted on the flat plate model using commercial computational fluid dynamics software and the obtained trends of heat flux and pressure were compared with the experimental observation. Experiments were also conducted by physically disturbing the laminar boundary layer to check its effect on the magnitude of the hot spot heat flux. In addition to air, argon was also used as test gas so that the Reynolds number can be varied. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A simple method employing an optical probe is presented to measure density variations in a hypersonic flow obstructed by a test model in a typical shock tunnel. The probe has a plane light wave trans-illuminating the flow and casting a shadow of a random dot pattern. Local slopes of the distorted wavefront are obtained from shifts of the dots in the pattern. Local shifts in the dots are accurately measured by cross-correlating local shifted shadows with the corresponding unshifted originals. The measured slopes are suitably unwrapped by using a discrete cosine transform based phase unwrapping procedure and also through iterative procedures. The unwrapped phase information is used in an iterative scheme for a full quantitative recovery of density distribution in the shock around the model through refraction tomographic inversion. Hypersonic flow field parameters around a missile shaped body at a free-stream Mach number of 5.8 measured using this technique are compared with the numerically estimated values. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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The origin of linear instability resulting in rotating sheared accretion flows has remained a controversial subject for a long time. While some explanations of such non-normal transient growth of disturbances in the Rayleigh stable limit were available for magnetized accretion flows, similar instabilities in the absence of magnetic perturbations remained unexplained. This dichotomy was resolved in two recent publications by Chattopadhyay and co-workers Mukhopadhyay and Chattopadhyay, J. Phys. A 46, 035501 (2013); Nath et al., Phys. Rev. E 88, 013010 (2013)] where it was shown that such instabilities, especially for nonmagnetized accretion flows, were introduced through interaction of the inherent stochastic noise in the system (even a ``cold'' accretion flow at 3000Kis too ``hot'' in the statistical parlance and is capable of inducing strong thermal modes) with the underlying Taylor-Couette flow profiles. Both studies, however, excluded the additional energy influx (or efflux) that could result from nonzero cross correlation of a noise perturbing the velocity flow, say, with the noise that is driving the vorticity flow (or equivalently the magnetic field and magnetic vorticity flow dynamics). Through the introduction of such a time symmetry violating effect, in this article we show that nonzero noise cross correlations essentially renormalize the strength of temporal correlations. Apart from an overall boost in the energy rate (both for spatial and temporal correlations, and hence in the ensemble averaged energy spectra), this results in mutual competition in growth rates of affected variables often resulting in suppression of oscillating Alfven waves at small times while leading to faster saturations at relatively longer time scales. The effects are seen to be more pronounced with magnetic field fluxes where the noise cross correlation magnifies the strength of the field concerned. Another remarkable feature noted specifically for the autocorrelation functions is the removal of energy degeneracy in the temporal profiles of fast growing non-normal modes leading to faster saturation with minimum oscillations. These results, including those presented in the previous two publications, now convincingly explain subcritical transition to turbulence in the linear limit for all possible situations that could now serve as the benchmark for nonlinear stability studies in Keplerian accretion disks.


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Rapid granular flows are far-from-equilibrium-driven dissipative systems where the interaction between the particles dissipates energy, and so a continuous supply of energy is required to agitate the particles and facilitate the rearrangement required for the flow. This is in contrast to flows of molecular fluids, which are usually close to equilibrium, where the molecules are agitated by thermal fluctuations. Sheared granular flows form a class of flows where the energy required for agitating the particles in the flowing state is provided by the mean shear. These flows have been studied using the methods of kinetic theory of gases, where the particles are treated in a manner similar to molecules in a molecular gas, and the interactions between particles are treated as instantaneous energy-dissipating binary collisions. The validity of the assumptions underlying kinetic theory, and their applicability to the idealistic case of dilute sheared granular flows are first discussed. The successes and challenges for applying kinetic theory for realistic dense sheared granular flows are then summarised. (C) 2014 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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We show that the removal of angular momentum is possible in the presence of large-scale magnetic stresses in geometrically thick, advective, sub-Keplerian accretion flows around black holes in steady state, in the complete absence of alpha-viscosity. The efficiency of such an angular momentum transfer could be equivalent to that of alpha-viscosity with alpha = 0.01-0.08. Nevertheless, the required field is well below its equipartition value, leading to a magnetically stable disk flow. This is essentially important in order to describe the hard spectral state of the sources when the flow is non/sub-Keplerian. We show in our simpler 1.5 dimensional, vertically averaged disk model that the larger the vertical-gradient of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field is, the stronger the rate of angular momentum transfer becomes, which in turn may lead to a faster rate of outflowing matter. Finding efficient angular momentum transfer in black hole disks via magnetic stresses alone, is very interesting when the generic origin of alpha-viscosity is still being explored.


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Despite the important role of supraglacial debris in ablation, knowledge of debris thickness on Himalayan glaciers is sparse. A recently developed method based on reanalysis data and thermal band satellite imagery has proved to be potentially suitable for debris thickness estimation without the need for detailed field data. In this study, we further develop the method and discuss possibilities and limitations arising from its application to a glacier in the Himalaya with scarce in situ data. Surface temperature patterns are consistent for 13 scenes of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat 7 imagery and correlate well with incoming shortwave radiation and air temperature. We use an energy-balance approach to subtract these radiation or air temperature effects, in order to estimate debris thickness patterns as a function of surface temperature. Both incoming shortwave and longwave radiation are estimated with reasonable accuracy when applying parameterizations and reanalysis data. However, the model likely underestimates debris thickness, probably due to incorrect representation of vertical debris temperature profiles, the rate of heat storage and turbulent sensible heat flux. Moreover, the uncertainty of the result was found to increase significantly with thicker debris, a promising result since ablation is enhanced by thin debris of 1-2 cm.


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In this work, we present a numerical study of flow of shear thinning viscoelastic fluids in rectangular lid driven cavities for a wide range of aspect ratios (depth to width ratio) varying from 1/16 to 4. In particular, the effect of elasticity, inertia, model parameters and polymer concentration on flow features in rectangular driven cavity has been studied for two shear thinning viscoelastic fluids, namely, Giesekus and linear PTT. We perform numerical simulations using the symmetric square root representation of the conformation tensor to stabilize the numerical scheme against the high Weissenberg number problem. The variation in flow structures associated with merging and splitting of elongated vortices in shallow cavities and coalescence of corner eddies to yield a second primary vortex in deep cavities with respect to the variation in flow parameters is discussed. We discuss the effect of the dominant eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors on the location of the primary eddy in the cavity. We also demonstrate, by performing numerical simulations for shallow and deep cavities, that where the Deborah number (based on convective time scale) characterizes the elastic behaviour of the fluid in deep cavities, Weissenberg number (based on shear rate) should be used for shallow cavities. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.