337 resultados para constituent ordering


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Bi5Ti3FeO15 and Bi7Ti3Fe3O21 which are n=4 and n=6 members of the family of oxides of the general formula (Bi2O2)2+(An−1BnO3n+1)2− show unusual superstructures, possibly due to cation ordering. Bi5Ti3FeO15; Bi7Ti3Fe3O21; oxides.


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This paper describes a switching theoretic algorithm for the folding of programmable logic arrays (PLA). The algorithm is valid for both column and row folding, although it has been presented considering only the simple column folding. The pairwise compatibility relations among all the pairs of the columns of the PLA are mapped into a square matrix, called the compatibility matrix of the PLA. A foldable compatibility matrix (FCM), a new concept introduced by the author, is then derived from the compatibility matrix. A new theorem called the folding theorem is then proved. The theorem states that the existence of an m by 2m FCM is both necessary and sufficient to fold 2m columns of the n column PLA (2m ≤ n). Once an FCM is obtained, the ordered pairs of foldable columns and the re-ordering of the rows are readily determined.


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A technique to quantify in real time the microstructural changes occurring during mechanical nanoscale fatigue of ultrathin surface coatings has been developed. Cyclic nanoscale loading, with amplitudes less than 100 nm, is achieved with a mechanical probe miniaturized to fit inside a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The TEM tribological probe can be used for nanofriction and nanofatigue testing, with 3D control of the loading direction and simultaneous TEM imaging of the nano-objects. It is demonstrated that fracture of 10-20 nm thick amorphous carbon films on sharp gold asperities, by a single nanoscale shear impact, results in the formation of < 10 nm diameter amorphous carbon filaments. Failure of the same carbon films after cyclic nanofatigue, however, results in the formation of carbon nanostructures with a significant degree of graphitic ordering, including a carbon onion.


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The effect of rapid solidification on the ordering reaction in Fe---Si and Fe---Al alloys has been reported. It is shown that rapid solidification can influence the ordering reaction in alloys with higher critical ordering temperatures. For ordering reactions at lower temperatures, the effect is similar to that of solid-state quenching. Different factors influencing the ordering reactions and domain structures during rapid solidification of iron-based alloys are discussed.


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Superconducting and magnetically long-range ordered states were believed to be mutually exclusive phenomena. The discovery of rare-earth compounds in recent years, which exhibit both superconductivity and magnetic ordering (ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic or sinusoidal), has led to considerable theoretical and experimental work on such systems. In the present article, we give a review of various theoretical models and important experimental results. In the theoretical sections, we start with the Abrikosov-Gorkov pair breaking theory for dilute alloys and discuss its improvement in the work of Müller-Hartmann and Zittartz. Then, in the context of magnetic superconductors, various microscopic theories that have been advanced are presented. These predict re-entrant behaviour in some systems (ferromagnetic superconductors) and coexistence regions in others (particularly antiferromagnetic superconductors). Following this, phenomenological generalized Ginzburg-Landau theories for two kinds of orders (superconducting and magnetic) are presented. A section dealing with renormalization group analysis of phase diagrams in magnetic superconductors is given. In experimental sections, the properties of each rare-earth compounds (ternary as well as some tetranery) are reviewed. These involve susceptibility, heat capacity, resistivity, upper critical field, neutron scattering and magnetic resonance measurements. The anomalous behaviour of the upper critical field of antiferromagnetic superconductors near the Néel temperature is discussed both in theory sections and experimental section for various systems.


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Fractionation of methanolic extracts of air dried aerial parts ofParthenium resulted in the isolation of a toxic constituent which was identified as parthenin, the major sesquiterpene lactone from the weed. The LD50 (minimal lethal dose required to cause 50% mortality) for parthenin in rats was 42 mg/kg body weight. When [3H]-parthenin was given orally or by intravenous administration, radioactivity appeared in the milk of lactating laboratory and dairy animals. Tissue distribution of radioactivity revealed that maximum label was detectable in kidneys.


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The energy, position, and momentum eigenstates of a para-Bose oscillator system were considered in paper I. Here we consider the Bargmann or the analytic function description of the para-Bose system. This brings in, in a natural way, the coherent states ||z;alpha> defined as the eigenstates of the annihilation operator ?. The transformation functions relating this description to the energy, position, and momentum eigenstates are explicitly obtained. Possible resolution of the identity operator using coherent states is examined. A particular resolution contains two integrals, one containing the diagonal basis ||z;alpha><−z;alpha||. We briefly consider the normal and antinormal ordering of the operators and their diagonal and discrete diagonal coherent state approximations. The problem of constructing states with a minimum value of the product of the position and momentum uncertainties and the possible alpha dependence of this minimum value is considered. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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One of the important developments in rotary wing aeroelasticity in the recent past has been the growing awareness and acceptance of the fact that the problem is inherently non-linear and that correct treatment of aeroelastic problems requires the development of a consistent mathematical model [l]. This has led to a number of studies devoted to the derivation of a consistent set of “second order” non-linear equations, for example, those of Hodges and Dowel1 [2], of Rosen and Friedmann [3], and of Kvaternik, White and Kaza [4], each of which differs from the others on the question of the inclusion of certain terms in the equations of motion. The final form of the equations depends first upon the ordering scheme used for characterizing the displacements and upon the consistency with which this is applied in omitting terms of lower order. The ideal way of achieving this would be to derive the equations of motion with all the terms first included regardless of their relative orders of magnitude and then to apply the ordering scheme.


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The design and two-component [2 + 3] self-assembly of a series of new organometallic molecular prisms (3a-d) are described. Assemblies 3a,b incorporate 4,4',4'-tris[ethynyl-trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)]triphenylamine (1a) containing a Pt-ethynyl functionality as tritopic planar acceptor and organic ``clips'' 2a and 2b, respectively [where 2a = 1,3-bis(3-pyridyl)isophthalic amide; 2b= 1,3-bis(ethynyl-3-pyridyl)benzene]. In a complementary approach all organic tritopic planar donor ligand 2c [2c 4,4',4'-tris(4-pyridylethynyl)triphenylamine] was assembled with all organometallic ``clip'', 1,8-bis[{trans-Pt(PEt3) (2)(NO3)}ethynyl]anthracene (1b), to obtain prism 3c. A organometallic carbon-centered acceptor, 1,1,1- tris[4-{trans-Pt(PEt3)(2)(NO3)}ethynylphenyl]ethane (1c), has been prepared, and its prism derivative (3d) using an organic `clip'' is prepared. Assemblies (3a-d) were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. 3a-d showed fluorescence behavior in solution, and quenching of fluorescence intensity (3a,3c-d) was noticed upon addition of TNT (2,4,6-trinitrotoluene), a common constituent of many commercial explosives. A thin film of the assembly 3d made by spin coating of a solution of 3 x 10(-5) M in DMF on it 1 cm(2) quartz plate showed fluorescence response to the vapor of TNT.


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In this paper, we report the synthesis and self assembly of various sizes of ZnO nanocrystals. While the crystal structure and the quantum confinement of nanocrystals were mainly characterized using XRD and UV absorption spectra, the self assembly and long range ordering were studied using scanning tunneling microscopy after spin casting the nanocrystal film on the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surface. We observe self assembly of these nanocrystals over large areas making them ideal candidates for various potential applications. Further, the electronic structure of the individual dots is obtained from the current-voltage characteristics of the dots using scanning tunneling spectroscopy and compared with the density of states obtained from the tight binding calculations. We observe an excellent agreement with the experimentally obtained local density of states and the theoretically calculated density of states.


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Shear flows of inelastic spheres in three dimensions in the Volume fraction range 0.4-0.64 are analysed using event-driven simulations.Particle interactions are considered to be due to instantaneous binary collisions, and the collision model has a normal coefficient of restitution e(n) (negative of the ratio of the post- and pre-collisional relative velocities of the particles along the line joining the centres) and a tangential coefficient of restitution e(t) (negative of the ratio of post- and pre-collisional velocities perpendicular to the line Joining the centres). Here, we have considered both e(t) = +1 and e(t) = e(n) (rough particles) and e(t) =-1 (smooth particles), and the normal coefficient of restitution e(n) was varied in the range 0.6-0.98. Care was taken to avoid inelastic collapse and ensure there are no particle overlaps during the simulation. First, we studied the ordering in the system by examining the icosahedral order parameter Q(6) in three dimensions and the planar order parameter q(6) in the plane perpendicular to the gradient direction. It was found that for shear flows of sufficiently large size, the system Continues to be in the random state, with Q(6) and q(6) close to 0, even for volume fractions between phi = 0.5 and phi = 0.6; in contrast, for a system of elastic particles in the absence of shear, the system orders (crystallizes) at phi = 0.49. This indicates that the shear flow prevents ordering in a system of sufficiently large size. In a shear flow of inelastic particles, the strain rate and the temperature are related through the energy balance equation, and all time scales can be non-dimensionalized by the inverse of the strain rate. Therefore, the dynamics of the system are determined only by the volume fraction and the coefficients of restitution. The variation of the collision frequency with volume fraction and coefficient of estitution was examined. It was found, by plotting the inverse of the collision frequency as a function of volume fraction, that the collision frequency at constant strain rate diverges at a volume fraction phi(ad) (volume fraction for arrested dynamics) which is lower than the random close-packing Volume fraction 0.64 in the absence of shear. The volume fraction phi(ad) decreases as the coefficient of restitution is decreased from e(n) = 1; phi(ad) has a minimum of about 0.585 for coefficient of restitution e(n) in the range 0.6-0.8 for rough particles and is slightly larger for smooth particles. It is found that the dissipation rate and all components of the stress diverge proportional to the collision frequency in the close-packing limit. The qualitative behaviour of the increase in the stress and dissipation rate are well Captured by results derived from kinetic theory, but the quantitative agreement is lacking even if the collision frequency obtained from simulations is used to calculate the pair correlation function used In the theory.


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Dendrite structures of ice produced on undirectional solidification of ternary and quaternary aqueous solutions have been studied. Upon freezing, solutions containing more than one solute produce plate-shaped dendrites of ice. The spacing between dendrites increase linearly with the distance from the chill surface and the square root of local solidification time (or square root of inverse freezing rate) for any fixed composition. For fixed freezing conditions, the dendrite spacings from multicomponent aqueous solutions were a function of the concentrations and diffusion coefficients of the individual solutes. The dendrite spacing produced by freezing of a solution was changed by the addition of a solute different from those already present. If the main diffusion coefficient of the added solute is higher than that of solutes already present, the dendrite spacing is increased and vice versa. The dendrite spacing in multi-component systems increases with the total solute concentration if the constituent solutes are present in equal amounts. The dendrite spacing obtained on freezing of these dilute multicomponent solutions can be expressed by regression equations of the type Image Full-size image (2K) where L is the dendrite spacing in microns, C1, C2 and C3 are concentrations of individual solutes, Θf is the total freezing time and A1 −A8 are constants. A Yates analysis of the dendrite spacings in a factorial design of quaternary solutions indicates that there are strong interactions between individual solutes in regard to their effect on the dendrite spacings. A mass transport analysis has been used to calculate the interdendritic supersaturation ΔC of the individual solutes, the supercooling in the interdendritic liquid ΔT, and the transverse growth velocity of the dendrites, VT. In ternary solutions if two solutes are present in equal amount the supersaturation of the solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is lower, and vice versa. If a solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is added to a binary solution, the interface growth velocity, the interdendritic supersaturation of the base solute and the interdendritic supercooling increase with the quantity of solute added.


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Adsorption of CO has been investigated on the surfaces of polycrystalline transition metals as well as alloys by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy (eels) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (ups). CO adsorbs on polycrystalline transition metal surfaces with a multiplicity of sites, each being associated with a characteristic CO stretching frequency; the relative intensities vary with temperature as well as coverage. Whilst at low temperatures (80- 120 K), low coordination sites are stabilized, the higher coordination sites are stabilized at higher temperatures (270-300 K). Adsorption on surfaces of polycrystalline alloys gives characteristic stretching frequencies due to the constituent metal sites. Alloying, however, causes a shift in the stretching frequencies, indicating the effect of the band structure on the nature of adsorption. The up spectra provide confirmatory evidence for the existence of separate metal sites in the alloys as well as for the high-temperature and low-temperature phases of adsorbed CO.


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Single crystals of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 (x=0 and 12) are grown by the travelling solvent floating zone technique using an image furnace. The grown crystals are characterized for their single crystallinity by the X-ray and Neutron Laue method. The magnetic susceptibility measurements in Sr14Cu24O41 show considerable anisotropy along the main crystallographic axes. Low-temperature specific heat measurement and DC susceptibility measurement in Ca-doped crystal showed antiferromagnetic ordering at 2.8 K at ambient pressure. High-pressure AC susceptibility measurement on Ca-doped crystal showed a sharp superconducting transition at 2 K under 40 kbars. Tc onset reached a maximum value of 9.9 K at 54 kbars. The bulk superconductivity of the sample is confirmed by the high-pressure AC calorimetry with Tc max=9.4 K and TN=5 K at 56 kbars.


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This Paper deals with the analysis of liquid limit of soils, an inferential parameter of universal acceptance. It has been undertaken primarily to re-examine one-point methods of determination of liquid limit water contents. It has been shown by basic characteristics of soils and associated physico-chemical factors that critical shear strengths at liquid limit water contents arise out of force field equilibrium and are independent of soil type. This leads to the formation of a scientific base for liquid limit determination by one-point methods, which hitherto was formulated purely on statistical analysis of data. Available methods (Norman, 1959; Karlsson, 1961; Clayton & Jukes, 1978) of one-point liquid limit determination have been critically re-examined. A simple one-point cone penetrometer method of computing liquid limit has been suggested and compared with other methods. Experimental data of Sherwood & Ryley (1970) have been employed for comparison of different cone penetration methods. Results indicate that, apart from mere statistical considerations, one-point methods have a strong scientific base on the uniqueness of modified flow line irrespective of soil type. Normalized flow line is obtained by normalization of water contents by liquid limit values thereby nullifying the effects of surface areas and associated physico-chemical factors that are otherwise reflected in different responses at macrolevel.Cet article traite de l'analyse de la limite de liquidité des sols, paramètre déductif universellement accepté. Cette analyse a été entreprise en premier lieu pour ré-examiner les méthodes à un point destinées à la détermination de la teneur en eau à la limite de liquidité. Il a été démontré par les caractéristiques fondamentales de sols et par des facteurs physico-chimiques associés que les résistances critiques à la rupture au cisaillement pour des teneurs en eau à la limite de liquidité résultent de l'équilibre des champs de forces et sont indépendantes du type de sol concerné. On peut donc constituer une base scientifique pour la détermination de la limite de liquidité par des méthodes à un point lesquelles, jusqu'alors, n'avaient été formulées que sur la base d'une analyse statistique des données. Les méthodes dont on dispose (Norman, 1959; Karlsson, 1961; Clayton & Jukes, 1978) pour la détermination de la limite de liquidité à un point font l'objet d'un ré-examen critique. Une simple méthode d'analyse à un point à l'aide d'un pénétromètre à cône pour le calcul de la limite de liquidité a été suggérée et comparée à d'autres méthodes. Les données expérimentales de Sherwood & Ryley (1970) ont été utilisées en vue de comparer différentes méthodes de pénétration par cône. En plus de considérations d'ordre purement statistque, les résultats montrent que les méthodes de détermination à un point constituent une base scientifique solide en raison du caractère unique de la ligne de courant modifiée, quel que soit le type de sol La ligne de courant normalisée est obtenue par la normalisation de la teneur en eau en faisant appel à des valeurs de limite de liquidité pour, de cette manière, annuler les effets des surfaces et des facteurs physico-chimiques associés qui sans cela se manifesteraient dans les différentes réponses au niveau macro.