408 resultados para boundary network


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Measurements of both the velocity and the temperature field have been made in the thermal layer that grows inside a turbulent boundary layer which is subjected to a small step change in surface heat flux. Upstream of the step, the wall heat flux is zero and the velocity boundary layer is nearly self-preserving. The thermal-layer measurements are discussed in the context of a self-preserving analysis for the temperature disturbance which grows underneath a thick external turbulent boundary layer. A logarithmic mean temperature profile is established downstream of the step but the budget for the mean-square temperature fluctuations shows that, in the inner region of the thermal layer, the production and dissipation of temperature fluctuations are not quite equal at the furthest downstream measurement station. The measurements for both the mean and the fluctuating temperature field indicate that the relaxation distance for the thermal layer is quite large, of the order of 1000θ0, where θ0 is the momentum thickness of the boundary layer at the step. Statistics of the thermal-layer interface and conditionally sampled measurements with respect to this interface are presented. Measurements of the temperature intermittency factor indicate that the interface is normally distributed with respect to its mean position. Near the step, the passive heat contaminant acts as an effective marker of the organized turbulence structure that has been observed in the wall region of a boundary layer. Accordingly, conditional averages of Reynolds stresses and heat fluxes measured in the heated part of the flow are considerably larger than the conventional averages when the temperature intermittency factor is small.


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Urban growth identification, quantification, knowledge of rate and the trends of growth would help in regional planning for better infrastructure provision in environmentally sound way. This requires analysis of spatial and temporal data, which help in quantifying the trends of growth on spatial scale. Emerging technologies such as Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS) along with Global Positioning System (GPS) help in this regard. Remote sensing aids in the collection of temporal data and GIS helps in spatial analysis. This paper focuses on the analysis of urban growth pattern in the form of either radial or linear sprawl along the Bangalore - Mysore highway. Various GIS base layers such as builtup areas along the highway, road network, village boundary etc. were generated using collateral data such as the Survey of India toposheet, etc. Further, this analysis was complemented with the computation of Shannon's entropy, which helped in identifying prevalent sprawl zone, rate of growth and in delineating potential sprawl locations. The computation Shannon's entropy helped in delineating regions with dispersed and compact growth. This study reveals that the Bangalore North and South taluks contributed mainly to the sprawl with 559% increase in built-up area over a period of 28 years and high degree of dispersion. The Mysore and Srirangapatna region showed 128% change in built-up area and a high potential for sprawl with slightly high dispersion. The degree of sprawl was found to be directly proportional to the distances from the cities.


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The effect of vectored mass transfer on the flow and heat transfer of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar boundary layer with viscous dissipation for two-dimensional and axisymmetric porous bodies with pressure gradient has been studied. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for a cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction is strongly influenced by the vectored mass transfer, and the heat transfer both by the vectored mass transfer and dissipation parameter. It is observed that the vectored suction tends to delay the separation whereas the effect of the vectored injection is just the reverse. Our results agree with those of the local nonsimilarity, difference-differential and asymptotic methods but not with those of the local similarity method.


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The flow, heat and mass transfer problem for boundary layer swirling flow of a laminar steady compressible electrically conducting gas with variable properties through a conical nozzle and a diffuser with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme after they have been transformed into dimensionless form using the modified Lees transformation. The results indicate that the skin friction and heat transfer strongly depend on the magnetic field, mass transfer and variation of the density-viscosity product across the boundary layer. However, the effect of the variation of the density-viscosity product is more pronounced in the case of a nozzle than in the case of a diffuser. It has been found that large swirl is required to produce strong effect on the skin friction and heat transfer. Separationless flow along the entire length of the diffuser can be obtained by applying appropriate amount of suction. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of the local nonsimilarity method, but they differ quite significantly from those of the local similarity method.


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The unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer flow near the three-dimensional asymmetric stagnation point has been studied under the assumptions that the free-stream velocity, wall temperature, and surface mass transfer vary arbitrarily with time. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that in contrast with the symmetric flow, the maximum heat transfer occurs away from the stagnation point due to the decrease in the boundary-layer thickness. The effect of the variation of the wall temperature with time on heat transfer is strong. The skin friction and heat transfer due to asymmetric flow only are comparatively less affected by the mass transfer as compared to those of symmetric flow.


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Tuberculosis continues to be a major health challenge, warranting the need for newer strategies for therapeutic intervention and newer approaches to discover them. Here, we report the identification of efficient metabolism disruption strategies by analysis of a reactome network. Protein-protein dependencies at a genome scale are derived from the curated metabolic network, from which insights into the nature and extent of inter-protein and inter-pathway dependencies have been obtained. A functional distance matrix and a subsequent nearness index derived from this information, helps in understanding how the influence of a given protein can pervade to the metabolic network. Thus, the nearness index can be viewed as a metabolic disruptability index, which suggests possible strategies for achieving maximal metabolic disruption by inhibition of the least number of proteins. A greedy approach has been used to identify the most influential singleton, and its combination with the other most pervasive proteins to obtain highly influential pairs, triplets and quadruplets. The effect of deletion of these combinations on cellular metabolism has been studied by flux balance analysis. An obvious outcome of this study is a rational identification of drug targets, to efficiently bring down mycobacterial metabolism.


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Vegetable oils are a potential source of base oils for biodegradable lubricants, with limited oxidative stability. This study focuses on the effect of long-term ageing and the influence of oxidation products on the boundary lubrication performance of coconut and soy bean oils, by subjecting them to accelerated ageing in a dark oven at elevated temperature. The samples were collected at regular intervals and analysed for the changes in viscosity, percentage of free fatty acid and peroxide number compared to fresh oil samples. The boundary lubrication properties of these samples were evaluated using a four-ball tester. Increased wear observed with aged oil samples was linked to the destruction of triglyceride structure and formation of peroxides. The difference in the wear properties of soy bean oil to coconut oil was accounted by its high content of unsaturated fatty acids and its susceptibility to undergo oxidation. It was concluded that the coconut oil can perform as a better lubricant and has got a better storage life compared to soy bean oil.


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The conventional Clauser-chart method for determination of local skin friction in zero or weak pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flows fails entirely in strong pressure-gradient situations. This failure occurs due to the large departure of the mean velocity profile from the universal logarithmic law upon which the conventional Clauser-chart method is based. It is possible to extend this method,even for strong pressure-gradient situations involving equilibrium or near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers by making use of the so-called non-universal logarithmic laws. These non-universal log laws depend on the local strength of the pressure gradient and may be regarded as perturbations of the universal log law.The present paper shows that the modified Clauser-chart method, so developed, yields quit satisfactory results in terms of estimation of local skin friction in strongly accelerated or retarded equilibrium and near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers that are not very close to relaminarization or separation.


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With the liberalisation of electricity market it has become very important to determine the participants making use of the transmission network.Transmission line usage computation requires information of generator to load contributions and the path used by various generators to meet loads and losses. In this study relative electrical distance (RED) concept is used to compute reactive power contributions from various sources like generators, switchable volt-amperes reactive(VAR) sources and line charging susceptances that are scattered throughout the network, to meet the system demands. The transmission line charge susceptances contribution to the system reactive flows and its aid extended in reducing the reactive generation at the generator buses are discussed in this paper. Reactive power transmission cost evaluation is carried out in this study. The proposed approach is also compared with other approaches viz.,proportional sharing and modified Y-bus.Detailed case studies with base case and optimised results are carried out on a sample 8-bus system. IEEE 39-bus system and a practical 72-bus system, an equivalent of Indian Southern grid are also considered for illustration and results are discussed.


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Understanding the functioning of a neural system in terms of its underlying circuitry is an important problem in neuroscience. Recent d evelopments in electrophysiology and imaging allow one to simultaneously record activities of hundreds of neurons. Inferring the underlying neuronal connectivity patterns from such multi-neuronal spike train data streams is a challenging statistical and computational problem. This task involves finding significant temporal patterns from vast amounts of symbolic time series data. In this paper we show that the frequent episode mining methods from the field of temporal data mining can be very useful in this context. In the frequent episode discovery framework, the data is viewed as a sequence of events, each of which is characterized by an event type and its time of occurrence and episodes are certain types of temporal patterns in such data. Here we show that, using the set of discovered frequent episodes from multi-neuronal data, one can infer different types of connectivity patterns in the neural system that generated it. For this purpose, we introduce the notion of mining for frequent episodes under certain temporal constraints; the structure of these temporal constraints is motivated by the application. We present algorithms for discovering serial and parallel episodes under these temporal constraints. Through extensive simulation studies we demonstrate that these methods are useful for unearthing patterns of neuronal network connectivity.


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In this paper, numerical modelling of fracture in concrete using two-dimensional lattice model is presented and also a few issues related to lattice modelling technique applicable to concrete fracture are reviewed. A comparison is made with acoustic emission (AE) events with the number of fractured elements. To implement the heterogeneity of the plain concrete, two methods namely, by generating grain structure of the concrete using Fuller's distribution and the concrete material properties are randomly distributed following Gaussian distribution are used. In the first method, the modelling of the concrete at meso level is carried out following the existing methods available in literature. The shape of the aggregates present in the concrete are assumed as perfect spheres and shape of the same in two-dimensional lattice network is circular. A three-point bend (TPB) specimen is tested in the experiment under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/sec and the fracture process in the same TPB specimen is modelled using regular triangular 2D lattice network. Load versus crack mouth opening isplacement (CMOD) plots thus obtained by using both the methods are compared with experimental results. It was observed that the number of fractured elements increases near the peak load and beyond the peak load. That is once the crack starts to propagate. AE hits also increase rapidly beyond the peak load. It is compulsory here to mention that although the lattice modelling of concrete fracture used in this present study is very similar to those already available in literature, the present work brings out certain finer details which are not available explicitly in the earlier works.


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Geometric and structural constraints greatly restrict the selection of folds adapted by protein backbones, and yet, folded proteins show an astounding diversity in functionality. For structure to have any bearing on function, it is thus imperative that, apart from the protein backbone, other tunable degrees of freedom be accountable. Here, we focus on side-chain interactions, which non-covalently link amino acids in folded proteins to form a network structure. At a coarse-grained level, we show that the network conforms remarkably well to realizations of random graphs and displays associated percolation behavior. Thus, within the rigid framework of the protein backbone that restricts the structure space, the side-chain interactions exhibit an element of randomness, which account for the functional flexibility and diversity shown by proteins. However, at a finer level, the network exhibits deviations from these random graphs which, as we demonstrate for a few specific examples, reflect the intrinsic uniqueness in the structure and stability, and perhaps specificity in the functioning of biological proteins.


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One of two boundary conditions generally assumed in solutions of the dynamo equation is related to the disappearance of the azimuthal field at the boundary. Parker (1984) points out that for the realization of this condition the field must escape freely through the surface. Escape requires that the field be detached from the gas in which it is embedded. In the case of the sun, this can be accomplished only through reconnection in the tenuous gas above the visible surface. Parker concludes that the observed magnetic activity on the solar surface permits at most three percent of the emerging flux to escape. He arrives at the conclusion that, instead of B(phi) = 0, the partial derivative of B(phi) to r is equal to zero. The present investigation is concerned with the effect of changing the boundary condition according to Parker's conclusion. Implications for the solar convection zone are discussed.


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We study a scheduling problem in a wireless network where vehicles are used as store-and-forward relays, a situation that might arise, for example, in practical rural communication networks. A fixed source node wants to transfer a file to a fixed destination node, located beyond its communication range. In the absence of any infrastructure connecting the two nodes, we consider the possibility of communication using vehicles passing by. Vehicles arrive at the source node at renewal instants and are known to travel towards the destination node with average speed v sampled from a given probability distribution. Th source node communicates data packets (or fragments) of the file to the destination node using these vehicles as relays. We assume that the vehicles communicate with the source node and the destination node only, and hence, every packet communication involves two hops. In this setup, we study the source node's sequential decision problem of transferring packets of the file to vehicles as they pass by, with the objective of minimizing delay in the network. We study both the finite file size case and the infinite file size case. In the finite file size case, we aim to minimize the expected file transfer delay, i.e. expected value of the maximum of the packet sojourn times. In the infinite file size case, we study the average packet delay minimization problem as well as the optimal tradeoff achievable between the average queueing delay at the source node buffer and the average transit delay in the relay vehicle.


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In this paper we have proposed and implemented a joint Medium Access Control (MAC) -cum- Routing scheme for environment data gathering sensor networks. The design principle uses node 'battery lifetime' maximization to be traded against a network that is capable of tolerating: A known percentage of combined packet losses due to packet collisions, network synchronization mismatch and channel impairments Significant end-to-end delay of an order of few seconds We have achieved this with a loosely synchronized network of sensor nodes that implement Slotted-Aloha MAC state machine together with route information. The scheme has given encouraging results in terms of energy savings compared to other popular implementations. The overall packet loss is about 12%. The battery life time increase compared to B-MAC varies from a minimum of 30% to about 90% depending on the duty cycle.