174 resultados para Training algorithms


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A new class of nets, called S-nets, is introduced for the performance analysis of scheduling algorithms used in real-time systems Deterministic timed Petri nets do not adequately model the scheduling of resources encountered in real-time systems, and need to be augmented with resource places and signal places, and a scheduler block, to facilitate the modeling of scheduling algorithms. The tokens are colored, and the transition firing rules are suitably modified. Further, the concept of transition folding is used, to get intuitively simple models of multiframe real-time systems. Two generic performance measures, called �load index� and �balance index,� which characterize the resource utilization and the uniformity of workload distribution, respectively, are defined. The utility of S-nets for evaluating heuristic-based scheduling schemes is illustrated by considering three heuristics for real-time scheduling. S-nets are useful in tuning the hardware configuration and the underlying scheduling policy, so that the system utilization is maximized, and the workload distribution among the computing resources is balanced.


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An important tool in signal processing is the use of eigenvalue and singular value decompositions for extracting information from time-series/sensor array data. These tools are used in the so-called subspace methods that underlie solutions to the harmonic retrieval problem in time series and the directions-of-arrival (DOA) estimation problem in array processing. The subspace methods require the knowledge of eigenvectors of the underlying covariance matrix to estimate the parameters of interest. Eigenstructure estimation in signal processing has two important classes: (i) estimating the eigenstructure of the given covariance matrix and (ii) updating the eigenstructure estimates given the current estimate and new data. In this paper, we survey some algorithms for both these classes useful for harmonic retrieval and DOA estimation problems. We begin by surveying key results in the literature and then describe, in some detail, energy function minimization approaches that underlie a class of feedback neural networks. Our approaches estimate some or all of the eigenvectors corresponding to the repeated minimum eigenvalue and also multiple orthogonal eigenvectors corresponding to the ordered eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. Our presentation includes some supporting analysis and simulation results. We may point out here that eigensubspace estimation is a vast area and all aspects of this cannot be fully covered in a single paper. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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Genetic algorithms (GAs) are search methods that are being employed in a multitude of applications with extremely large search spaces. Recently, there has been considerable interest among GA researchers in understanding and formalizing the working of GAs. In an earlier paper, we have introduced the notion of binomially distributed populations as the central idea behind an exact ''populationary'' model of the large-population dynamics of the GA operators for objective functions called ''functions of unitation.'' In this paper, we extend this populationary model of GA dynamics to a more general class of objective functions called functions of unitation variables. We generalize the notion of a binomially distributed population to a generalized binomially distributed population (GBDP). We show that the effects of selection, crossover, and mutation can be exactly modelled after decomposing the population into GBDPs. Based on this generalized model, we have implemented a GA simulator for functions of two unitation variables-GASIM 2, and the distributions predicted by GASIM 2 match with those obtained from actual GA runs. The generalized populationary model of GA dynamics not only presents a novel and natural way of interpreting the workings of GAs with large populations, but it also provides for an efficient implementation of the model as a GA simulator. (C) Elsevier Science Inc. 1997.


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We consider a discrete time queue with finite capacity and i.i.d. and Markov modulated arrivals, Efficient algorithms are developed to calculate the moments and the distributions of the first time to overflow and the regeneration length, Results are extended to the multiserver queue. Some illustrative numerical examples are provided.


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This paper is concerned with off-line signature verification. Four different types of pattern representation schemes have been implemented, viz., geometric features, moment-based representations, envelope characteristics and tree-structured Wavelet features. The individual feature components in a representation are weighed by their pattern characterization capability using Genetic Algorithms. The conclusions of the four subsystems teach depending on a representation scheme) are combined to form a final decision on the validity of signature. Threshold-based classifiers (including the traditional confidence-interval classifier), neighbourhood classifiers and their combinations were studied. Benefits of using forged signatures for training purposes have been assessed. Experimental results show that combination of the Feature-based classifiers increases verification accuracy. (C) 1999 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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ASICs offer the best realization of DSP algorithms in terms of performance, but the cost is prohibitive, especially when the volumes involved are low. However, if the architecture synthesis trajectory for such algorithms is such that the target architecture can be identified as an interconnection of elementary parameterized computational structures, then it is possible to attain a close match, both in terms of performance and power with respect to an ASIC, for any algorithmic parameters of the given algorithm. Such an architecture is weakly programmable (configurable) and can be viewed as an application specific integrated processor (ASIP). In this work, we present a methodology to synthesize ASIPs for DSP algorithms. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Antenna selection (AS) provides most of the benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In receive AS, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. The "best" subset to be used for data reception is determined by means of channel estimates acquired using training sequences. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence, and are, thus, outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N, we highlight a new issue of "training voids", in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We present a "void-filling" method for fully exploiting these voids, which essentially provides more accurate training for some antennas, and derive the optimal subset selection rule for any void-filling method. We also derive new closed-form equations for the performance of receive AS with optimal subset selection.


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This paper considers the problem of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks when the primary user is using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). For this we develop cooperative sequential detection algorithms that use the autocorrelation property of cyclic prefix (CP) used in OFDM systems. We study the effect of timing and frequency offset, IQ-imbalance and uncertainty in noise and transmit power. We also modify the detector to mitigate the effects of these impairments. The performance of the proposed algorithms is studied via simulations. We show that sequential detection can significantly improve the performance over a fixed sample size detector.


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Recently, a special class of complex designs called Training-Embedded Complex Orthogonal Designs (TE-CODs) has been introduced to construct single-symbol Maximum Likelihood decodable (SSD) distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) for two-hop wireless relay networks using the amplify and forward protocol. However, to implement DSTBCs from square TE-CODs, the overhead due to the transmission of training symbols becomes prohibitively large as the number of relays increase. In this paper, we propose TE-Coordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (TE-CIODs) to construct SSD DSTBCs. Exploiting the block diagonal structure of TE-CIODs, we show that the overhead due to the transmission of training symbols to implement DSTBCs from TE-CIODs is smaller than that for TE-CODs. We also show that DSTBCs from TE-CIODs offer higher rate than those from TE-CODs for identical number of relays while maintaining the SSD and full-diversity properties.


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Owing to the increased customer demands for make-to-order products and smaller product life-cycles, today assembly lines are designed to ensure a quick switch-over from one product model to another for companies' survival in market place. The complexity associated with the decisions pertaining to the type of training and number of workers and their exposition to the different tasks especially in the current era of customized production is a serious problem that the managers and the HRD gurus are facing in industry. This paper aims to determine the amount of cross-training and dynamic deployment policy caused by workforce flexibility for a make-to-order assembly. The aforementioned issues have been dealt with by adopting the concept of evolutionary fuzzy system because of the linguistic nature of the attributes associated with product variety and task complexity. A fuzzy system-based methodology is proposed to determine the amount of cross-training and dynamic deployment policy. The proposed methodology is tested on 10 sample products of varying complexities and the results obtained are in line with the conclusions drawn by previous researchers.


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Parallel execution of computational mechanics codes requires efficient mesh-partitioning techniques. These mesh-partitioning techniques divide the mesh into specified number of submeshes of approximately the same size and at the same time, minimise the interface nodes of the submeshes. This paper describes a new mesh partitioning technique, employing Genetic Algorithms. The proposed algorithm operates on the deduced graph (dual or nodal graph) of the given finite element mesh rather than directly on the mesh itself. The algorithm works by first constructing a coarse graph approximation using an automatic graph coarsening method. The coarse graph is partitioned and the results are interpolated onto the original graph to initialise an optimisation of the graph partition problem. In practice, hierarchy of (usually more than two) graphs are used to obtain the final graph partition. The proposed partitioning algorithm is applied to graphs derived from unstructured finite element meshes describing practical engineering problems and also several example graphs related to finite element meshes given in the literature. The test results indicate that the proposed GA based graph partitioning algorithm generates high quality partitions and are superior to spectral and multilevel graph partitioning algorithms.


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Receive antenna selection (AS) provides many benefits of multiple-antenna systems at drastically reduced hardware costs. In it, the receiver connects a dynamically selected subset of N available antennas to the L available RF chains. Due to the nature of AS, the channel estimates at different antennas, which are required to determine the best subset for data reception, are obtained from different transmissions of the pilot sequence. Consequently, they are outdated by different amounts in a time-varying channel. We show that a linear weighting of the estimates is necessary and optimum for the subset selection process, where the weights are related to the temporal correlation of the channel variations. When L is not an integer divisor of N , we highlight a new issue of ``training voids'', in which the last pilot transmission is not fully exploited by the receiver. We then present new ``void-filling'' methods that exploit these voids and greatly improve the performance of AS. The optimal subset selection rules with void-filling, in which different antennas turn out to have different numbers of estimates, are also explicitly characterized. Closed-form equations for the symbol error probability with and without void-filling are also developed.


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In this paper we consider the problem of learning an n × n kernel matrix from m(1) similarity matrices under general convex loss. Past research have extensively studied the m = 1 case and have derived several algorithms which require sophisticated techniques like ACCP, SOCP, etc. The existing algorithms do not apply if one uses arbitrary losses and often can not handle m > 1 case. We present several provably convergent iterative algorithms, where each iteration requires either an SVM or a Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) solver for m > 1 case. One of the major contributions of the paper is to extend the well knownMirror Descent(MD) framework to handle Cartesian product of psd matrices. This novel extension leads to an algorithm, called EMKL, which solves the problem in O(m2 log n 2) iterations; in each iteration one solves an MKL involving m kernels and m eigen-decomposition of n × n matrices. By suitably defining a restriction on the objective function, a faster version of EMKL is proposed, called REKL,which avoids the eigen-decomposition. An alternative to both EMKL and REKL is also suggested which requires only an SVMsolver. Experimental results on real world protein data set involving several similarity matrices illustrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms.


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Instruction scheduling with an automaton-based resource conflict model is well-established for normal scheduling. Such models have been generalized to software pipelining in the modulo-scheduling framework. One weakness with existing methods is that a distinct automaton must be constructed for each combination of a reservation table and initiation interval. In this work, we present a different approach to model conflicts. We construct one automaton for each reservation table which acts as a compact encoding of all the conflict automata for this table, which can be recovered for use in modulo-scheduling. The basic premise of the construction is to move away from the Proebsting-Fraser model of conflict automaton to the Muller model of automaton modelling issue sequences. The latter turns out to be useful and efficient in this situation. Having constructed this automaton, we show how to improve the estimate of resource constrained initiation interval. Such a bound is always better than the average-use estimate. We show that our bound is safe: it is always lower than the true initiation interval. This use of the automaton is orthogonal to its use in modulo-scheduling. Once we generate the required information during pre-processing, we can compute the lower bound for a program without any further reference to the automaton.


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This article explores issues and challenges in the field of education in nanoscience and technology with special emphasis with respect to India, where an expanding programme of research in nano science and technology is in place. The article does not concentrate on actual curricula that are needed in nano science and technology education course. Rather it focuses on the desirability of nanoscience and technology education at different levels of education and future prospect of students venturing into this within the economic and cultural milieu of India. We argue that care is needed in developing the education programme in India. However, the risk is worth taking as the education on nanoscience and technology can bridge the man power gap not only in this area of technology but also related technologies of hardware and micro electronics for which the country is a promising destination at global level. This will also unlock the demographical advantage that India will enjoy in the next five decades.