107 resultados para Time-varying delay


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In this article, theoretical and the experimental studies are reported on the adaptive control of vibration transmission in a strut system subjected to a longitudinal pulse train excitation. In the control scheme, a magneto-strictive actuator is employed at the downstream transmission point in the secondary path. The actuator dynamics is taken into account. The system boundary parameters are first estimated off-line, and later employed to simulate the system dynamics. A Delayed-X Filtered-E spectral algorithm is proposed and implemented in real time. The underlying mechanics based filter construction allows for the time varying system dynamics to be taken into account. This work should be of interest for active control of vibration and noise transmission in helicopter gearbox support struts and other systems.


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We consider a time varying wireless fading channel, equalized by an LMS linear equalizer. We study how well this equalizer tracks the optimal Wiener equalizer. We model the channel by an Auto-regressive (AR) process. Then the LMS equalizer and the AR process are jointly approximated by the solution of a system of ODEs (ordinary differential equations). Using these ODEs, the error between the LMS equalizer and the instantaneous Wiener filter is shown to decay exponentially/polynomially to zero unless the channel is marginally stable in which case the convergence may not hold.Using the same ODEs, we also show that the corresponding Mean Square Error (MSE) converges towards minimum MSE(MMSE) at the same rate for a stable channel. We further show that the difference between the MSE and the MMSE does not explode with time even when the channel is unstable. Finally we obtain an optimum step size for the linear equalizer in terms of the AR parameters, whenever the error decay is exponential.


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We propose and demonstrate a technique for electrical detection of polarized spins in semiconductors in zero applied magnetic fields. Spin polarization is generated by optical injection using circularly polarized light which is modulated rapidly using an electro-optic cell. The modulated spin polarization generates a weak time-varying magnetic field which is detected by a sensitive radio-frequency coil. Using a calibrated pickup coil and amplification electronics, clear signals were obtained for bulk GaAs and Ge samples from which an optical spin orientation efficiency of 4.8% could be determined for Ge at 1342 nm excitation wavelength. In the presence of a small external magnetic field, the signal decayed according to the Hanle effect, from which a spin lifetime of 4.6 +/- 1.0 ns for electrons in bulk Ge at 127 K was extracted.


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function represents the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a near-optimal output-sensitive algorithm for computing the Reeb graph of scalar functions defined over manifolds or non-manifolds in any dimension. Key to the simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm is an alternate definition of the Reeb graph that considers equivalence classes of level sets instead of individual level sets. The algorithm works in two steps. The first step locates all critical points of the function in the domain. Critical points correspond to nodes in the Reeb graph. Arcs connecting the nodes are computed in the second step by a simple search procedure that works on a small subset of the domain that corresponds to a pair of critical points. The paper also describes a scheme for controlled simplification of the Reeb graph and two different graph layout schemes that help in the effective presentation of Reeb graphs for visual analysis of scalar fields. Finally, the Reeb graph is employed in four different applications-surface segmentation, spatially-aware transfer function design, visualization of interval volumes, and interactive exploration of time-varying data.


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The concept of interference alignment when extended to three-source three-destination instantaneous multiple unicast network for the case where, each source-destination pair has a min-cut of 1 and zero-interference conditions are not satisfied, is known to achieve a rate of half for every source-destination pair under certain conditions [6]. This was called network alignment. We generalize this concept of network alignment to three-source three-destination multiple unicast (3S-3D-MU) networks with delays, without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes (i.e., nodes other than the sources and destinations) and using time varying Local Encoding Kernels (LEKs). This achieves half the rate corresponding to the individual source-destination min-cut for some classes of 3S-3D-MU network with delays which do not satisfy the zero-interference conditions.


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This paper suggests the use of simple transformations like ÿ=kx, kx2 for second-order nonlinear differential equations to effect rapid plotting of the phase-plane trajectories. The method is particularly helpful in determining quickly the trajectory slopes along simple curves in any desired region of the phase plane. New planes such as the tÿ-x, tÿ2-x are considered for the study of some groups of nonlinear time-varying systems. Suggestions for solving certain higher-order nonlinear systems are also made.


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We address the problem of estimating instantaneous frequency (IF) of a real-valued constant amplitude time-varying sinusoid. Estimation of polynomial IF is formulated using the zero-crossings of the signal. We propose an algorithm to estimate nonpolynomial IF by local approximation using a low-order polynomial, over a short segment of the signal. This involves the choice of window length to minimize the mean square error (MSE). The optimal window length found by directly minimizing the MSE is a function of the higher-order derivatives of the IF which are not available a priori. However, an optimum solution is formulated using an adaptive window technique based on the concept of intersection of confidence intervals. The adaptive algorithm enables minimum MSE-IF (MMSE-IF) estimation without requiring a priori information about the IF. Simulation results show that the adaptive window zero-crossing-based IF estimation method is superior to fixed window methods and is also better than adaptive spectrogram and adaptive Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD)-based IF estimators for different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).


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Notched three point bend (TPB) specimens made with plain concrete and cement mortar were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and simultaneously acoustic emissions (AE) released were recorded during the experiments. Amplitude distribution analysis of AE released during concrete was carried out to study the development of fracture process in concrete and mortar specimens. The slope of the log-linear frequency-amplitude distribution of AE is known as the AE based b-value. The AE based b-value was computed in terms of physical process of time varying applied load using cumulative frequency distribution (Gutenberg-Richter relationship) and discrete frequency distribution (Aki's method) of AE released during concrete fracture. AE characteristics of plain concrete and cement mortar were studied and discussed and it was observed that the AE based b-value analysis serves as a tool to identify the damage in concrete structural members. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Epoxy resin bonded mica splitting is the insulation of choice for machine stators. However, this system is seen to be relatively weak under time varying mechanical stress, in particular the vibration causing delamination of mica and deboning of mica from the resin matrix. The situation is accentuated under the combined action of electrical, thermal and mechanical stress. Physical and probabilistic models for failure of such systems have been proposed by one of the authors of this paper earlier. This paper presents a pragmatic accelerated failure data acquisition and analytical paradigm under multi factor coupled stress, Electrical, Thermal. The parameters of the phenomenological model so developed are estimated based on sound statistical treatment of failure data.


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In a communication system in which K nodes communicate with a central sink node, the following problem of selection often occurs. Each node maintains a preference number called a metric, which is not known to other nodes. The sink node must find the `best' node with the largest metric. The local nature of the metrics requires the selection process to be distributed. Further, the selection needs to be fast in order to increase the fraction of time available for data transmission using the selected node and to handle time-varying environments. While several selection schemes have been proposed in the literature, each has its own shortcomings. We propose a novel, distributed selection scheme that generalizes the best features of the timer scheme, which requires minimal feedback but does not guarantee successful selection, and the splitting scheme, which requires more feedback but guarantees successful selection. The proposed scheme introduces several new ideas into the design of the timer and splitting schemes. It explicitly accounts for feedback overheads and guarantees selection of the best node. We analyze and optimize the performance of the scheme and show that it is scalable, reliable, and fast. We also present new insights about the optimal timer scheme.


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Savitzky-Golay (S-G) filters are finite impulse response lowpass filters obtained while smoothing data using a local least-squares (LS) polynomial approximation. Savitzky and Golay proved in their hallmark paper that local LS fitting of polynomials and their evaluation at the mid-point of the approximation interval is equivalent to filtering with a fixed impulse response. The problem that we address here is, ``how to choose a pointwise minimum mean squared error (MMSE) S-G filter length or order for smoothing, while preserving the temporal structure of a time-varying signal.'' We solve the bias-variance tradeoff involved in the MMSE optimization using Stein's unbiased risk estimator (SURE). We observe that the 3-dB cutoff frequency of the SURE-optimal S-G filter is higher where the signal varies fast locally, and vice versa, essentially enabling us to suitably trade off the bias and variance, thereby resulting in near-MMSE performance. At low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), it is seen that the adaptive filter length algorithm performance improves by incorporating a regularization term in the SURE objective function. We consider the algorithm performance on real-world electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The results exhibit considerable SNR improvement. Noise performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithms are comparable, and in some cases, better than some standard denoising techniques available in the literature.


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Fast and efficient channel estimation is key to achieving high data rate performance in mobile and vehicular communication systems, where the channel is fast time-varying. To this end, this work proposes and optimizes channel-dependent training schemes for reciprocal Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels with beamforming (BF) at the transmitter and receiver. First, assuming that Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the receiver, a channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) signal is proposed that enables efficient estimation of the BF vector at the transmitter with a minimum training duration of only one symbol. In contrast, conventional orthogonal training requires a minimum training duration equal to the number of receive antennas. A tight approximation to the capacity lower bound on the system is derived, which is used as a performance metric to optimize the parameters of the RCT. Next, assuming that CSI is available at the transmitter, a channel-dependent forward-link training signal is proposed and its power and duration are optimized with respect to an approximate capacity lower bound. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the significant performance improvement offered by the proposed channel-dependent training schemes over the existing channel-agnostic orthogonal training schemes.


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This paper presents the modelling and analysis of voltage stability at AC commutation bus in LCC (Line commutated converters) based multi-infeed HVDC system. The paper also presents the analysis of effects of various operating control modes in HVDC as well as location of disturbance on the voltage stability of the system under study. A new method of modelling the LCC converters as time varying admittance at the AC commutation bus is also presented in this paper. In this paper, the modelling of STATCOM for provision of dynamic voltage support at one of the AC buses of the HVDC system is presented. The reactive power injected by STATCOM is controlled by regulating the voltage of the AC bus to which STATCOM is connected. The case study also discusses the effects of various possible combinations of location of STATCOM and disturbance considered, on the voltage stability of the multi-infeed HVDC system.


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A transform approach to network coding was in-troduced by Bavirisetti et al. (arXiv:1103.3882v3 [cs.IT]) as a tool to view wireline networks with delays as k-instantaneous networks (for some large k). When the local encoding kernels (LEKs) of the network are varied with every time block of length k >1, the network is said to use block time varying LEKs. In this work, we propose a Precoding Based Network Alignment (PBNA) scheme based on transform approach and block time varying LEKs for three-source three-destination multiple unicast network with delays (3-S3-D MUN-D). In a recent work, Menget al. (arXiv:1202.3405v1 [cs.IT]) reduced the infinite set of sufficient conditions for feasibility of PBNA in a three-source three-destination instantaneous multiple unicast network as given by Das et al. (arXiv:1008.0235v1 [cs.IT]) to a finite set and also showed that the conditions are necessary. We show that the conditions of Meng et al. are also necessary and sufficient conditions for feasibility of PBNA based on transform approach and block time varying LEKs for 3-S3-D MUN-D.


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This paper presents a novel, soft computing based solution to a complex optimal control or dynamic optimization problem that requires the solution to be available in real-time. The complexities in this problem of optimal guidance of interceptors launched with high initial heading errors include the more involved physics of a three dimensional missile-target engagement, and those posed by the assumption of a realistic dynamic model such as time-varying missile speed, thrust, drag and mass, besides gravity, and upper bound on the lateral acceleration. The classic, pure proportional navigation law is augmented with a polynomial function of the heading error, and the values of the coefficients of the polynomial are determined using differential evolution (DE). The performance of the proposed DE enhanced guidance law is compared against the existing conventional laws in the literature, on the criteria of time and energy optimality, peak lateral acceleration demanded, terminal speed and robustness to unanticipated target maneuvers, to illustrate the superiority of the proposed law. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.