203 resultados para Temporal acoustic window
Modeling of wave propagation in hoses, unlike in rigid pipes or waveguides, introduces a coupling between the inside medium, the hose wall, and the outside medium, This alters the axial wave number and thence the corresponding effective speed of sound inside the hose resulting in sound radiation into the outside medium, also called the breakout or shell noise, The existing literature on the subject is such that a hose cannot be integrated into the,whole piping system made up of sections of hoses, pipes, and mufflers to predict the acoustical performance in terms of transmission loss (TL), The present paper seeks to fill this gap, Three one-dimensional coupled wave equations are written to account for the presence of a yielding wall with a finite lumped transverse impedance of the hose material, The resulting wave equation can readily be reduced to a transfer matrix form using an effective wave number for a moving medium in a hose section, Incorporating the effect of fluid loading due to the outside medium also allows prediction of the transverse TL and the breakout noise, Axial TL and transverse TL have been combined into net TL needed by designers, Predictions of the axial as well as transverse TL are shown to compare well with those of a rigorous 3-D analysis using only one-hundredth of the computation time, Finally, results of some parametric studies are reported for engineers involved in the acoustical design of hoses. (C) 1996 Institute of Noise Control Engineering.
Leak Detection In Pressure Tubes Of A Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor By Acoustic-Emission Technique
Leak detection in the fuel channels is one of the challenging problems during the in-service inspection (ISI) of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). In this paper, the use of an acoustic emission (AE) technique together with AE signal analysis is described, to detect a leak that was ncountered in one (or more) of the 306 fuel channels of the Madras Atomic Power Station (PHWR), Unit I. The paper describes the problems encountered during the ISI, the experimental methods adopted and the results obtained. Results obtained using acoustic emission signal analysis are compared with those obtained from other leak detection methods used in such cases.
SAW matched filter is commonly used in spread spectrum communication receivers in order to maximize the SNR prior to detection, At times the receiver would be a mobile one while the signal is processed at the IF level, In that case frequency deviations due to Doppler shift or temperature dependence of the acoustic medium used for SAW device would, severely effect it's performance, The impact of these errors on the receiver performance is analyzed on a generalised basis.
This paper is aimed at investigating the acoustic emission activities during indentation toughness tests on an alumina based wear resistant ceramic and 25 wt% silicon carbide whisker (SIC,) reinforced alumina composite. It has been shown that the emitted acoustic emission signals characterize the crack growth during loading. and unloading cycles in an indentation test. The acoustic emission results indicate that in the case of the composite the amount of crack growth during unloading is higher than that of loading, while the reverse is true in case of the wear resistant ceramics. Acoustic emission activity observed in wear resistant ceramic is less than that in the case of composite. An attempt has been made to correlate the acoustic emission signals with crack growth during indentation test.
Two vitellins, VtA and VtB, were purified from the eggs of Dysdercus koenigii by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. VtA and VtB have molecular weights of 290 and 260 kDa, respectively. Both Vts are glycolipoproteinaceous in nature. VtA is composed of three polypeptides of M-r 116, 92 and 62 kDa while VtB contained an additional subunit of M-r 40 kDa. All subunits except the 116-kDa subunit are glycolipopolypeptides. Polyclonal antibody raised against VtA (anti-VtA antibody) cross-reacted with VtB and also with vitellogenic haemolymph and ovaries and pre-vitellogenic fat bodies, but not with haemolymph from either adult male, fifth instar female, or pre-vitellogenic females demonstrating sex and stage specificity of the Vts. Immunoblots in the presence of anti-VtA revealed two proteins (of 290 and 260 kDa) in both vitellogenic haemolymph and pre-vitellogenic fat bodies that are recognised as D. koenigii Vgs. In newly emerged females, Vgs appeared on day 1 in fat bodies and on day 3 in haemolymph and ovaries. Vg concentration was maximum on day 2 in fat body, day 4 in haemolymph and day 7 in ovary. Although the biochemical and temporal characteristics of these proteins show similarity to some hemipterans, they are strikingly dissimilar with those of a very closely related species. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
A framework based on the notion of "conflict-tolerance" was proposed in as a compositional methodology for developing and reasoning about systems that comprise multiple independent controllers. A central notion in this framework is that of a "conflict-tolerant" specification for a controller. In this work we propose a way of defining conflict-tolerant real-time specifications in Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL). We call our logic CT-MITL for Conflict-Tolerant MITL. We then give a clock optimal "delay-then-extend" construction for building a timed transition system for monitoring past-MITL formulas. We show how this monitoring transition system can be used to solve the associated verification and synthesis problems for CT-MITL.
Aero-Acoustic Analysis Of Straight-Through Mufflers With Simple And Extended Tube Expansion Chambers
Conventional hardware implementation techniques for FIR filters require the computation of filter coefficients in software and have them stored in memory. This approach is static in the sense that any further fine tuning of the filter requires computation of new coefficients in software. In this paper, we propose an alternate technique for implementing FIR filters in hardware. We store a considerably large number of impulse response coefficients of the ideal filter (having box type frequency response) in memory. We then do the windowing process, on these coefficients, in hardware using integer sequences as window functions. The integer sequences are also generated in hardware. This approach offers the flexibility in fine tuning the filter, like varying the transition bandwidth around a particular cutoff frequency.