183 resultados para Solving Equations


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Previous techniques used for solving the 1-D Poisson equation ( PE) rigorously for long-channel asymmetric and independent double-gate (IDG) transistors result in potential models that involve multiple intercoupled implicit equations. As these equations need to be solved self-consistently, such potential models are clearly inefficient for compact modeling. This paper reports a different rigorous technique for solving the same PE by which one can obtain the potential profile of a generalized IDG transistor that involves a single implicit equation. The proposed Poisson solution is shown to be computationally more efficient for circuit simulation than the previous solutions.


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We study the occurrence of nonclassical rotational inertia (NCRI) arising from superfluidity along grain boundaries in a two-dimensionalbosonic system. We make use of a standard mapping between the zero-temperature properties of this system and the statistical mechanics of interacting vortex lines in the mixed phase of a type-II superconductor. In the mapping, the liquid phase of the vortex system corresponds to the superfluid bosonic phase. We consider numerically obtained polycrystalline configurations of the vortex lines in which the microcrystals are separated by liquidlike grain-boundary regions which widen as the vortex system temperature increases. The NCRI of the corresponding zero-temperature bosonic systems can then be numerically evaluated by solving the equations of superfluid hydrodynamics in the channels near the grain boundaries. We find that the NCRI increases very abruptly as the liquid regions in the vortex system (equivalently, superfluid regions in the bosonic system) form a connected, system-spanning structure with one or more closed loops. The implications of these results for experimentally observed supersolid phenomena are discussed.


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The shock manifold equation is a first order nonlinear partial differential equation, which describes the kinematics of a shockfront in an ideal gas with constant specific heats. However, it was found that there was more than one of these shock manifold equations, and the shock surface could be embedded in a one parameter family of surfaces, obtained as a solution of any of these shock manifold equations. Associated with each shock manifold equation is a set of characteristic curves called lsquoshock raysrsquo. This paper investigates the nature of various associated shock ray equations.


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Three-dimensional (3-D) kinematical conservation laws (KCL) are equations of evolution of a propagating surface Omega(t) in three space dimensions. We start with a brief review of the 3-D KCL system and mention some of its properties relevant to this paper. The 3-D KCL, a system of six conservation laws, is an underdetermined system to which we add an energy transport equation for a small amplitude 3-D nonlinear wavefront propagating in a polytropic gas in a uniform state and at rest. We call the enlarged system of 3-D KCL with the energy transport equation equations of weakly nonlinear ray theory (WNLRT). We highlight some interesting properties of the eigenstructure of the equations of WNLRT, but the main aim of this paper is to test the numerical efficacy of this system of seven conservation laws. We take several initial shapes for a nonlinear wavefront with a suitable amplitude distribution on it and let it evolve according to the 3-D WNLRT. The 3-D WNLRT is a weakly hyperbolic 7 x 7 system that is highly nonlinear. Here we use the staggered Lax-Friedrichs and Nessyahu-Tadmor central schemes and have obtained some very interesting shapes of the wavefronts. We find the 3-D KCL to be suitable for solving many complex problems for which there presently seems to be no other method capable of giving such physically realistic features.


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There are a number of large networks which occur in many problems dealing with the flow of power, communication signals, water, gas, transportable goods, etc. Both design and planning of these networks involve optimization problems. The first part of this paper introduces the common characteristics of a nonlinear network (the network may be linear, the objective function may be non linear, or both may be nonlinear). The second part develops a mathematical model trying to put together some important constraints based on the abstraction for a general network. The third part deals with solution procedures; it converts the network to a matrix based system of equations, gives the characteristics of the matrix and suggests two solution procedures, one of them being a new one. The fourth part handles spatially distributed networks and evolves a number of decomposition techniques so that we can solve the problem with the help of a distributed computer system. Algorithms for parallel processors and spatially distributed systems have been described.There are a number of common features that pertain to networks. A network consists of a set of nodes and arcs. In addition at every node, there is a possibility of an input (like power, water, message, goods etc) or an output or none. Normally, the network equations describe the flows amoungst nodes through the arcs. These network equations couple variables associated with nodes. Invariably, variables pertaining to arcs are constants; the result required will be flows through the arcs. To solve the normal base problem, we are given input flows at nodes, output flows at nodes and certain physical constraints on other variables at nodes and we should find out the flows through the network (variables at nodes will be referred to as across variables).The optimization problem involves in selecting inputs at nodes so as to optimise an objective function; the objective may be a cost function based on the inputs to be minimised or a loss function or an efficiency function. The above mathematical model can be solved using Lagrange Multiplier technique since the equalities are strong compared to inequalities. The Lagrange multiplier technique divides the solution procedure into two stages per iteration. Stage one calculates the problem variables % and stage two the multipliers lambda. It is shown that the Jacobian matrix used in stage one (for solving a nonlinear system of necessary conditions) occurs in the stage two also.A second solution procedure has also been imbedded into the first one. This is called total residue approach. It changes the equality constraints so that we can get faster convergence of the iterations.Both solution procedures are found to coverge in 3 to 7 iterations for a sample network.The availability of distributed computer systems — both LAN and WAN — suggest the need for algorithms to solve the optimization problems. Two types of algorithms have been proposed — one based on the physics of the network and the other on the property of the Jacobian matrix. Three algorithms have been deviced, one of them for the local area case. These algorithms are called as regional distributed algorithm, hierarchical regional distributed algorithm (both using the physics properties of the network), and locally distributed algorithm (a multiprocessor based approach with a local area network configuration). The approach used was to define an algorithm that is faster and uses minimum communications. These algorithms are found to converge at the same rate as the non distributed (unitary) case.


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We offer a technique, motivated by feedback control and specifically sliding mode control, for the simulation of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) that describe common engineering systems such as constrained multibody mechanical structures and electric networks. Our algorithm exploits the basic results from sliding mode control theory to establish a simulation environment that then requires only the most primitive of numerical solvers. We circumvent the most important requisite for the conventionalsimulation of DAEs: the calculation of a set of consistent initial conditions. Our algorithm, which relies on the enforcement and occurrence of sliding mode, will ensure that the algebraic equation is satisfied by the dynamic system even for inconsistent initial conditions and for all time thereafter. [DOI:10.1115/1.4001904]


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It was proposed earlier [P. L. Sachdev, K. R. C. Nair, and V. G. Tikekar, J. Math. Phys. 27, 1506 (1986); P. L. Sachdev and K. R. C. Nair, ibid. 28, 977 (1987)] that the Euler–Painlevé equations  y(d2y/dη2)+a(dy/dη)2 +f(η)y(dy/dη)+g(η)y2+b(dy/dη) +c=0 represent generalized Burgers equations (GBE’s) in the same way as Painlevé equations represent the Korteweg–de Vries type of equations. The earlier studies were carried out in the context of GBE’s with damping and those with spherical and cylindrical symmetry. In the present paper, GBE’s with variable coefficients of viscosity and those with inhomogeneous terms are considered for their possible connection to Euler–Painlevé equations. It is found that the Euler–Painlevé equation, which represents the GBE ut+uβux=(δ/2)g(t)uxx, g(t)=(1+t)n, β>0, has solutions, which either decay or oscillate at η=±∞, only when −1equations in Paper II. Thus the parametric value β=βn seems to bifurcate the families of solutions, which remain bounded at η=±∞. Other GBE’s considered here are also found to be reducible to Euler–Painlevé equations.


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A modified set of governing equations for gas-particle flows in nozzles is suggested to include the inertial forces acting on the particle phase. The problem of gas-particle flow through a nozzle is solved using a first order finite difference scheme. A suitable stability condition for the numerical scheme for gas-particle flows is defined. Results obtained from the present set of equations are compared with those of the previous set of equations. It is also found that present set of equations give results which are in good agreement with the experimental observation.


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First, the non-linear response of a gyrostabilized platform to a small constant input torque is analyzed in respect to the effect of the time delay (inherent or deliberately introduced) in the correction torque supplied by the servomotor, which itself may be non-linear to a certain extent. The equation of motion of the platform system is a third order nonlinear non-homogeneous differential equation. An approximate analytical method of solution of this equation is utilized. The value of the delay at which the platform response becomes unstable has been calculated by using this approximate analytical method. The procedure is illustrated by means of a numerical example. Second, the non-linear response of the platform to a random input has been obtained. The effects of several types of non-linearity on reducing the level of the mean square response have been investigated, by applying the technique of equivalent linearization and solving the resulting integral equations by using laguerre or Gaussian integration techniques. The mean square responses to white noise and band limited white noise, for various values of the non-linear parameter and for different types of non-linearity function, have been obtained. For positive values of the non-linear parameter the levels of the non-linear mean square responses to both white noise and band-limited white noise are low as compared to the linear mean square response. For negative values of the non-linear parameter the level of the non-linear mean square response at first increases slowly with increasing values of the non-linear parameter and then suddenly jumps to a high level, at a certain value of the non-linearity parameter.


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Utilizing a circuit model [1, 2] of an induction motor, a simplified analysis of steady state performance of a voltage controlled induction motor (VCIM) drive is described in this paper. By solving a set of nonlinear algebraic equations which describe the VCIM drive under steady operation, the operating variables such as constant components of torque, rotor flux linkages, fundamental components of stator voltage and current and phase angle are obtained for any given value of slip, triggering angle and supply voltage.


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An algorithm that uses integer arithmetic is suggested. It transforms anm ×n matrix to a diagonal form (of the structure of Smith Normal Form). Then it computes a reflexive generalized inverse of the matrix exactly and hence solves a system of linear equations error-free.


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The Cole-Hopf transformation has been generalized to generate a large class of nonlinear parabolic and hyperbolic equations which are exactly linearizable. These include model equations of exchange processes and turbulence. The methods to solve the corresponding linear equations have also been indicated.La transformation de Cole et de Hopf a été généralisée en vue d'engendrer une classe d'équations nonlinéaires paraboliques et hyperboliques qui peuvent être rendues linéaires de façon exacte. Elles comprennent des équations modèles de procédés d'échange et de turbulence. Les méthodes pour résoudre les équations linéaires correspondantes ont également été indiquées.


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Experiments are performed to determine the mass and stiffness variations along the wing of the blowfly Calliphora. The results are obtained for a pairs of wings of 10 male flies and fresh wings are used. The wing is divided into nine locations along the span and seven locations along the chord based on venation patterns. The length and mass of the sections is measured and the mass per unit length is calculated. The bending stiffness measurements are taken at three locations, basal (near root), medial and distal (near tip) of the fly wing. Torsional stiffness measurements are also made and the elastic axis of the wing is approximately located. The experimental data is then used for structural modeling of the wing as a stepped cantilever beam with nine spanwise sections of varying mass per unit lengths, flexural rigidity (EI) and torsional rigidity (GJ) values. Inertial values of nine sections are found to approximately vary according to an exponentially decreasing law over the nine sections from root to tip and it is used to calculate an approximate value of Young's modulus of the wing biomaterial. Shear modulus is obtained assuming the wing biomaterial to be isotropic. Natural frequencies, both in bending and torsion, are obtained by solving the homogeneous part of the respective governing differential equations using the finite element method. The results provide a complete analysis of Calliphora wing structure and also provide guidelines for the biomimetic structural design of insect-scale flapping wings.