224 resultados para Solid-liquid


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The thermodynamic properties of K2CO3 -KSO, solid solutions with hexagonal structure have been measured using a solid-state cell, incorporating a composite solid electrolyte with step-changes in composition. The cell with the configuration Pt, CO2' + O2' || K2CO3 | K2(CO3)x(SO4)1-x || CO2'' + O2'' + Pt X =1 X=X was investigated in the temperature range of 925 to 1165 K. The composite gradient solid electrolyte consisted of pure K2CO3 at one extremity and the solid solution under study at the other. The Nernstian response of the cell to changes in partial pressures of CO2 and O2 at the electrodes and temperature was demonstrated. The activity of K2CO3 in the solid solution was measured by three techniques. All three methods gave identical results, indicating unit transport number for K+ ions and negligible diffusion potential due to concentration gradients of carbonate and sulfate ions. The activity of K2CO3 exhibits positive deviation from Raoult's law. The excess Gibbs energy of mixing of the solid solution can be represented using a subregular solution model DELTAG(E) = X(1 - X)[5030X + 4715(1 - X)] J mol-1 By combining this information with the phase diagram, mixing properties of the liquid phase were obtained.


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Instability and dewetting engendered by the van der Waals force in soft thin (<100 nm) linear viscoelastic solid (e. g., elastomeric gel) films on uniform and patterned surfaces are explored. Linear stability analysis shows that, although the elasticity of the film controls the onset of instability and the corresponding critical wavelength, the dominant length-scale remains invariant with the elastic modulus of the film. The unstable modes are found to be long-wave, for which a nonlinear long-wave analysis and simulations are performed to uncover the dynamics and morphology of dewetting. The stored elastic energy slows down the temporal growth of instability significantly. The simulations also show that a thermodynamically stable film with zero-frequency elasticity can be made unstable in the presence of physico-chemical defects on the substrate and can follow an entirely different pathway with far fewer holes as compared to the viscous films. Further, the elastic restoring force can retard the growth of a depression adjacent to the hole-rim and thus suppress the formation of satellite holes bordering the primary holes. These findings are in contrast to the dewetting of viscoelastic liquid films where nonzero frequency elasticity accelerates the film rupture and promotes the secondary instabilities. Thus, the zero-frequency elasticity can play a major role in imposing a better-defined long-range order to the dewetted structures by arresting the secondary instabilities. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3554748]


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The compounds Zn(C12H8N2)](2)C12N2H8(COO)(2)](2)center dot(C6H12O)center dot(H2O), I, Zn(C12H8N2)]C12N2H8(COO)(2)], II, Cd(C12H8N2)(H2O)]C12N2H8(COO)(2)]center dot(H2O), III, Zn(C10N2H8)]C12N2H8(COO)(2)]center dot 0.5(C10N2H8), IV, Cd(C12N2H8(COO)(2)center dot H2O], V, and Zn-3(mu(2)-O)(mu(3)-O)(3)]C12N2H8(COO)(2)], VI, have been synthesized by using a biphasic approach (I, III, V, VI) or regular hydrothermal method (II, IV). The compounds exhibit one (I and II), two (In), and three dimensionally (IV, V, VI) extended structures. The flexible azodibenzoate ligand gives rise to a 3-fold interpenetration (IV) when the synthesis was carried out using normal hydrothermal methods. The biphasic approach forms structures without any interpenetrations, especially in the three-dimensional structures of V and VI. Formation of Cd2O2 dimers in V and extended M-O(H)-M two-dimensional layers in VI suggests the subtle structural control achieved by the biphasic method. Transformation studies indicate that it is possible to transform I to II. Lewis acid catalytic studies have been performed to evaluate the role of the coordination environment in such reactions. All the compounds have been characterized by a variety of techniques that includes powder X-ray diffraction, infrared, thermogravitric analysis, UV-vis, photoluminescence studies.


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The thermodynamic properties of Na2CO3-Na2SO4 solid solution with hexagonal structure have been measured in the temperature range of 873 to 1073 K, using a composite-gradient solid electrolyte. The cell used can be represented as The composite-gradient solid electrolyte consisted of pure Na2CO3 at one extremity and the solid solution under study at the other, with variation in composition across the electrolyte. A CO2 + O2 + Ar gas mixture was used to fix the chemical potential of sodium at each electrode. The Nernstian response of the cell to changes in partial pressures of CO2 and O2 at the electrodes has been demonstrated. The activity of Na2CO3 in the solid solution was measured by two techniques. In the first method, the electromotive force (emf) of the cell was measured with the same CO2 + O2 + Ar mixture at both electrodes. The resultant emf is directly related to the activity of Na2CO3 at the solid solution electrode. By the second approach, the activity was calculated from the difference in compositions Of CO2 + O2 + Ar mixtures at the two electrodes required to produce a null emf. Both methods gave identical results. The second method is more suitable for gradient solid electrolytes that exhibit significant electronic conduction. The activity of Na2CO3 exhibits positive deviation from Raoult's law. The excess Gibbs' energy of mixing of the solid solution can be represented using a subregular solution model such as the following: DELTAG(E) = X(1 - X)[6500(+/-200)X + 3320(+/-80)(1 - X)J mol-1 where X is the mole fraction of Na2CO3. By combining this information with the phase diagram, mixing properties of the liquid phase are obtained.


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The solvation time correlation function for solvation in liquid water was measured recently. The solvation was found to be very fast, with a time constant equal to 55 fs. In this article we present theoretical studies on solvation dynamics of ionic and dipolar solutes in liquid water, based on the molecular hydrodynamic approach developed earlier. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can successfully predict the ultrafast dynamics of solvation in liquid water as observed from recent experiments. The present study also reveals some interesting aspects of dipolar solvation dynamics, which differs significantly from that of ionic solvation.


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We have developed an alternate description of dynamics of nucleation in terms of an extended set of order parameters. The order parameters consist of an ordered set of kth largest clusters, ordered such that k = 1 is the largest cluster in the system, k = 2 is the second largest cluster, and so on. We have derived an analytic expression for the free energy for the kth largest cluster, which is in excellent agreement with the simulated results. At large supersaturation, the free energy barrier for the growth of the kth largest cluster disappears and the nucleation becomes barrierless. The major success of this extended theoretical formalism is that it can clearly explain the observed change in mechanism at large metastability P. Bhimalapuram et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206104 (2007)] and the associated dynamical crossover. The classical nucleation theory cannot explain this crossover. The crossover from activated to barrierless nucleation is found to occur at a supersaturation where multiple clusters cross the critical size. We attribute the crossover as the onset of the kinetic spinodal. We have derived an expression for the rate of nucleation in the barrierless regime by modeling growth as diffusion on the free energy surface of the largest cluster. The model reproduces the slower increase in the rate of growth as a function of supersaturation, as observed in experiments.


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We have prepared stable colloidal suspensions in a lyotropic liquid crystal exhibiting an isotropic-nematic-lamellar phase sequence. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) studies show the existence of attractive interparticle interactions in the nematic phase, which lead to a gas-liquid transition of the particles. The resulting liquid phase is weakly anisotropic. Further, the nematic-lamellar transition of the liquid crystal is found to be accompanied by a liquid-solid transition of the particles.


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Nucleation at large metastability is still largely an unsolved problem, even though it is a problem of tremendous current interest, with wide-ranging practical value, from atmospheric research to materials science. It is now well accepted that the classical nucleation theory (CNT) fails to provide a qualitative picture and gives incorrect quantitative values for such quantities as activation-free energy barrier and supersaturation dependence of nucleation rate, especially at large metastability. In this paper, we present an alternative formalism to treat nucleation at large supersaturation by introducing an extended set of order parameters in terms of the kth largest liquid-like clusters, where k = 1 is the largest cluster in the system, k = 2 is the second largest cluster and so on. At low supersaturation, the size of the largest liquid-like cluster acts as a suitable order parameter. At large supersaturation, the free energy barrier for the largest liquid-like cluster disappears. We identify this supersaturation as the one at the onset of kinetic spinodal. The kinetic spinodal is system-size-dependent. Beyond kinetic spinodal many clusters grow simultaneously and competitively and hence the nucleation and growth become collective. In order to describe collective growth, we need to consider the full set of order parameters. We derive an analytic expression for the free energy of formation of the kth largest cluster. The expression predicts that, at large metastability (beyond kinetic spinodal), the barrier of growth for several largest liquid-like clusters disappears, and all these clusters grow simultaneously. The approach to the critical size occurs by barrierless diffusion in the cluster size space. The expression for the rate of barrier crossing predicts weaker supersaturation dependence than what is predicted by CNT at large metastability. Such a crossover behavior has indeed been observed in recent experiments (but eluded an explanation till now). In order to understand the large numerical discrepancy between simulation predictions and experimental results, we carried out a study of the dependence on the range of intermolecular interactions of both the surface tension of an equilibrium planar gas-liquid interface and the free energy barrier of nucleation. Both are found to depend significantly on the range of interaction for the Lennard-Jones potential, both in two and three dimensions. The value of surface tension and also the free energy difference between the gas and the liquid phase increase significantly and converge only when the range of interaction is extended beyond 6-7 molecular diameters. We find, with the full range of interaction potential, that the surface tension shows only a weak dependence on supersaturation, so the reason for the breakdown of CNT (with simulated values of surface tension and free energy gap) cannot be attributed to the supersaturation dependence of surface tension. This remains an unsettled issue at present because of the use of the value of surface tension obtained at coexistence.


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Using intensity autocorrelation of multiply scattered light, we show that the increase in interparticle interaction in dense, binary colloidal fluid mixtures of particle diameters 0.115µm and 0.089µm results in freezing into a crystalline phase at volume fraction? of 0.1 and into a glassy state at?=0.2. The functional form of the field autocorrelation functiong (1)(t) for the binary fluid phase is fitted to exp[??(6k 0 2 D eff t)1/2] wherek 0 is the magnitude of the incident light wavevector and? is a parameter inversely proportional to the photon transport mean free pathl*. TheD eff is thel* weighted average of the individual diffusion coefficients of the pure species. Thel* used in calculatingD eff was computed using the Mie theory. In the solid (crystal or glass) phase, theg (1)(t) is fitted (only with a moderate success) to exp[??(6k 0 2 W(t))1/2] where the mean-squared displacementW(t) is evaluated for a harmonically bound overdamped Brownian oscillator. It is found that the fitted parameter? for both the binary and monodisperse suspensions decreases significantly with the increase of interparticle interactions. This has been justified by showing that the calculated values ofl* in a monodisperse suspension using Mie theory increase very significantly with the interactions incorporated inl* via the static structure factor.


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Undoped and Te-doped gallium antimonide (GaSb) layers have been grown on GaSb bulk substrates by the liquid phase epitaxial technique from Ga-rich and Sb-rich melts. The nucleation morphology of the grown layers has been studied as a function of growth temperature and substrate orientation. MOS structures have been fabricated on the epilayers to evaluate the native defect content in the grown layers from the C-V characteristics. Layers grown from antimony rich melts always exhibit p-type conductivity. In contrast, a type conversion from p- to n- was observed in layers grown from gallium rich melts below 400 degrees C. The electron mobility of undoped n-type layers grown from Ga-rich melts and tellurium doped layers grown from Sb- and Ga-rich solutions has been evaluated.


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Measurement of dipolar couplings using separated local field (SLF) NMR experiment is a powerful tool for structural and dynamics studies of oriented molecules such as liquid crystals and membrane proteins in aligned lipid bilayers. Enhancing the sensitivity of such SLF techniques is of significant importance in present-day solid-state NMR methodology. The present study considers the use of adiabatic cross-polarization for this purpose, which is applied for the first time to one of the well-known SLF techniques, namely, polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle (PISEMA). The experiments have been carried out on a single crystal of a model peptide, and a dramatic enhancement in signal-to-noise up to 90% has been demonstrated.


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Phase relations in the system Ca-Pb-O at 1100 K have been determined by equilibrating 18 compositions in the ternary and identifying the phases present in quenched samples by X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). Only one ternary compound Ca2PbO4 was found to be present. The compound coexists with CaO and PbO. The intermetallic compounds Ca2Pb, Ca5Pb3 and CaPb and liquid alloys are in equilibrium with CaO. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of Ca2PbO4 (880 - 1100 K) and Pb3O4 (770 - 910 K) were determined using solid-state cells based on yttria-stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte. Pure oxygen gas at 0.1 MPa was used as the reference electrode. For measurements on Ca2PbO4, a novel cell design with three electrodes in series, separated by solid electrolyte membranes, was used to avoid polarization of the electrode containing three solid phases. Two three-phase electrodes were used. The first absorbs the electrochemical flux of oxygen from the reference electrode to the measuring electrode. The other three-phase electrode, which is unaffected by the oxygen flux through the solid electrolyte, is used for electromotive force (EMF) measurement. The results from EMF studies were cross-checked using thermogravimetry (TG) under controlled oxygen partial pressures. The stability of Pb3O4 was investigated using a conventional solid-state cell with RuO2 electrodes. The results can be summarized by the following equations: 2CaO + PbO +1/2O(2) --> Ca2PbO4 Delta(r)G degrees/J mol(-1) = (- 128340 + 93.21 T/K) +/- 200 3PbO + 1/2O(2) --> Pb3O4 Delta(r)G degrees/J mol(-1) = (- 70060 + 77.5 T/K) +/- 150


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NMR spectra of liquid crystalline phases and the molecules dissolved therein, spinning at and near the magic angle provide information on the director dynamics and the order parameter. The studies on the dynamics of the liquid crystal director for sample spinning near magic angle in mesophases with positive and negative diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropies (Delta chi) and their mixtures with near-zero macroscopic diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropies have been reported. In systems with weakly positive Delta chi, the director has been observed to switch from an orientation parallel to the spinning axis at low rotational speeds to one perpendicular to the spinning axis at high rotational speeds, when the angle theta, the axis of rotation makes with the magnetic field is smaller than the magic angle theta(m). For systems with a small negative Delta chi, similar director behaviour has been observed for theta greater than theta(m). At magic angle, the spectra under slow spinning speeds exhibit a centre band and side bands at integral values of the spinning speeds. The intensities of the spinning side bands have been shown to contain information on the sign and the magnitude of the order parameter(s). The results are discussed with illustrative examples. Results on the orientation of the chemical shielding tensor obtained from a combination of the NMR studies in the solid and the liquid crystalline states, have been described.


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Vibrational phase relaxation near gas-liquid and liquid-solid phase coexistence has been studied by molecular dynamics simulations of N-N stretch in N-2. Experimentally observed pronounced insensitivity of phase relaxation from the triple point to beyond the boiling point is found to originate from a competition between density relaxation and resonant-energy transfer terms. The sharp rise in relaxation rate near the critical point (CP) can be attributed at least partly to the sharp, rise in vibration-rotation coupling contribution. Substantial subquadratic quantum number dependence of overtone dephasing rate is found near the CP and in supercritical fluids. [S0031-9007 (99)09318-7].


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The dynamics of three liquid crystals, 4'(pentyloxy)-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5-OCB), 4'-pentyl-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (5-CB), and 1-isothiocyanato-(4-propylcyclohexyl)benzene (3-CHBT), are investigated from very short time (similar to1 ps) to very long time (>100 ns) as a function of temperature using optical heterodyne detected optical Kerr effect experiments. For all three liquid crystals, the data decay exponentially only on the longest time scale (> several ns). The temperature dependence of the long time scale exponential decays is described well by the Landau-de Gennes theory of the randomization of pseudonematic domains that exist in the isotropic phase of liquid crystals near the isotropic to nematic phase transition. At short time, all three liquid crystals display power law decays. Over the full range of times, the data for all three liquid crystals are fit with a model function that contains a short time power law. The power law exponents for the three liquid crystals range between 0.63 and 0.76, and the power law exponents are temperature independent over a wide range of temperatures. Integration of the fitting function gives the empirical polarizability-polarizability (orientational) correlation function. A preliminary theoretical treatment of collective motions yields a correlation function that indicates that the data can decay as a power law at short times. The power law component of the decay reflects intradomain dynamics. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.