100 resultados para SUPERHEAVY NUCLEI


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Multiwavelength data indicate that the X-ray-emitting plasma in the cores of galaxy clusters is not cooling catastrophically. To a large extent, cooling is offset by heating due to active galactic nuclei (AGNs) via jets. The cool-core clusters, with cooler/denser plasmas, show multiphase gas and signs of some cooling in their cores. These observations suggest that the cool core is locally thermally unstable while maintaining global thermal equilibrium. Using high-resolution, three-dimensional simulations we study the formation of multiphase gas in cluster cores heated by collimated bipolar AGN jets. Our key conclusion is that spatially extended multiphase filaments form only when the instantaneous ratio of the thermal instability and free-fall timescales (t(TI)/t(ff)) falls below a critical threshold of approximate to 10. When this happens, dense cold gas decouples from the hot intracluster medium (ICM) phase and generates inhomogeneous and spatially extended Ha filaments. These cold gas clumps and filaments ``rain'' down onto the central regions of the core, forming a cold rotating torus and in part feeding the supermassive black hole. Consequently, the self-regulated feedback enhances AGN heating and the core returns to a higher entropy level with t(TI)/t(ff) > 10. Eventually, the core reaches quasi-stable global thermal equilibrium, and cold filaments condense out of the hot ICM whenever t(TI)/t(ff) less than or similar to 10. This occurs despite the fact that the energy from AGN jets is supplied to the core in a highly anisotropic fashion. The effective spatial redistribution of heat is enabled in part by the turbulent motions in the wake of freely falling cold filaments. Increased AGN activity can locally reverse the cold gas flow, launching cold filamentary gas away from the cluster center. Our criterion for the condensation of spatially extended cold gas is in agreement with observations and previous idealized simulations.


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In this Letter, we examine magnetization in double- and zero-quantum reservoirs of an ensemble of spin-1/2 nuclei and describe their role in determining the sensitivity of a class of separated local field NMR experiments based on Hartmann-Hahn cross-polarization. We observe that for the liquid crystal system studied, a large dilute spin-polarization, obtained initially by the use of adiabatic cross-polarization, can enhance the sensitivity of the above experiment. The signal enhancement factors, however, are found to vary and depend on the local dynamics. The experimental results have been utilized to obtain the local order-parameters of the system. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We have postulated a novel pathway that could assist in the nucleation of soot particles through covalent dimerization and oligomerizations of a variety of PAHs. DFT calculations were performed with the objective of obtaining the relative thermal stabilities and formation probabilities of oligomeric species that exploit the facile dimerization that is known to occur in linear oligoacenes. We propose that the presence of small stretches of linear oligoacence (tetracene or longer) in extended PAH, either embedded or tethered, would be adequate for enabling the formation of such dimeric and oligomeric adducts; these could then serve as nuclei for the growth of soot particles. Our studies also reveal the importance of p-stacking interactions between extended aromatic frameworks in governing the relative stabilities of the oligomeric species that are formed. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We study the linear m= 1 counter-rotating instability in a two-component, nearly Keplerian disc. Our goal is to understand these slow modes in discs orbiting massive black holes in galactic nuclei. They are of interest not only because they are of large spatial scale and can hence dominate observations but also because they can be growing modes that are readily excited by accretion events. Self-gravity being non-local, the eigenvalue problem results in a pair of coupled integral equations, which we derive for a two-component softened gravity disc. We solve this integral eigenvalue problem numerically for various values of mass fraction in the counter-rotating component. The eigenvalues are in general complex, being real only in the absence of the counter-rotating component, or imaginary when both components have identical surface density profiles. Our main results are as follows: (i) the pattern speed appears to be non-negative, with the growth (or damping) rate being larger for larger values of the pattern speed; (ii) for a given value of the pattern speed, the growth (or damping) rate increases as the mass in the counter-rotating component increases; (iii) the number of nodes of the eigenfunctions decreases with increasing pattern speed and growth rate. Observations of lopsided brightness distributions would then be dominated by modes with the least number of nodes, which also possess the largest pattern speeds and growth rates.


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Sequence specific resonance assignments have been obtained for H-1, C-13 and N-15 nuclei of the 21 kDa (188 residues long) glutamine amido transferase subunit of guanosine monophosphate synthetase from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii. From an analysis of H-1 and C-13(alpha), C-13(beta) secondary chemical shifts, (3) JH(N)H(alpha) scalar coupling constants and sequential, short and medium range H-1-H-1 NOEs, it was deduced that the glutamine amido transferase subunit has eleven strands and five helices as the major secondary structural elements in its tertiary structure.


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The nucleus of the eukaryotic cell functions amidst active cytoskeletal �laments, but its response to the stresses carried by these �laments is largely unexplored. We report here the results of studies of the translational and rotational dynamics of the nuclei of single �broblast cells, with the e�ects of cell migration suppressed by plating onto �bronectin-coated micro-fabricated patterns. Patterns of the same area but di�erent shapes and/or aspect ratio were used to study the e�ect of cell geometry on the dynamics. On circles, squares and equilateral triangles, the nucleus undergoes persistent rotational motion, while on high-aspect-ratio rectangles of the same area it moves only back and forth. The circle and the triangle showed respectively the largest and the smallest angular speed. We show that our observations can be understood through a hydrodynamic approach in which the nucleus is treated as a highly viscous inclusion residing in a less viscous uid of orientable �laments endowed with active stresses. Lowering actin contractility selectively by introducing blebbistatin at low concentrations drastically reduced the speed and persistence time of the angular motion of the nucleus. Time-lapse imaging of actin revealed a correlated hydrodynamic ow around the nucleus, with pro�le and magnitude consistent with the results of our theoretical approach. Coherent intracellular ows and consequent nuclear rotation thus appear to be a generic property that cells must balance by speci�c mechanisms in order to maintain nuclear homeostasis


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We investigate nucleosynthesis inside the gamma-ray burst (GRB) accretion disks formed by the Type II collapsars. In these collapsars, the core collapse of massive stars first leads to the formation of a proto-neutron star. After that, an outward moving shock triggers a successful supernova. However, the supernova ejecta lacks momentum and within a few seconds the newly formed neutron star gets transformed to a stellar mass black hole via massive fallback. The hydrodynamics of such an accretion disk formed from the fallback material of the supernova ejecta has been studied extensively in the past. We use these well-established hydrodynamic models for our accretion disk in order to understand nucleosynthesis, which is mainly advection dominated in the outer regions. Neutrino cooling becomes important in the inner disk where the temperature and density are higher. The higher the accretion rate (M) over dot is, the higher the density and temperature are in the disks. We deal with accretion disks with relatively low accretion rates: 0.001 M-circle dot s(-1) less than or similar to (M) over dot less than or similar to 0.01 M-circle dot s(-1) and hence these disks are predominantly advection dominated. We use He-rich and Si-rich abundances as the initial condition of nucleosynthesis at the outer disk, and being equipped with the disk hydrodynamics and the nuclear network code, we study the abundance evolution as matter inflows and falls into the central object. We investigate the variation in the nucleosynthesis products in the disk with the change in the initial abundance at the outer disk and also with the change in the mass accretion rate. We report the synthesis of several unusual nuclei like P-31, K-39, Sc-43, Cl-35 and various isotopes of titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese and copper. We also confirm that isotopes of iron, cobalt, nickel, argon, calcium, sulphur and silicon get synthesized in the disk, as shown by previous authors. Much of these heavy elements thus synthesized are ejected from the disk via outflows and hence they should leave their signature in observed data.


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Temperature-time study of the magnetoelectric multiferroic (1-x)BiFeO3-(x)PbTiO3 by x-ray and electron diffraction on the reported morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions revealed that this MPB does not correspond to the equilibrium state. The MPB like state is rather of metastable nature and arise due to kinetic arrest of metastable rhombohedral (R3c) phase, along with the equilibrium tetragonal (P4mm) phase. The life time of the metastable R3c nuclei is very sensitive to composition and temperature, and nearly diverges at x -> 0.27. The MPB like state appears only if the system is cooled before the metastable R3c nuclei could vanish. These findings resolve the long standing controversy with regard to seemingly erratic phase formation behaviour reported by different groups and provides a rational basis for developing genuine equilibrium MPB compositions in this system for better piezoelectric properties. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Mechanisms involved in establishing the organization and numbers of fibres in a muscle are not completely understood. During Drosophila indirect flight muscle (IFM) formation, muscle growth is achieved by both incorporating hundreds of nuclei, and hypertrophy. As a result, IFMs provide a good model with which to understand the mechanisms that govern overall muscle organization and growth. We present a detailed analysis of the organization of dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMs), a subset of the IFMs. We show that each DLM is similar to a vertebrate fascicle and consists of multiple muscle fibres. However, increased fascicle size does not necessarily change the number of constituent fibres, but does increase the number of myofibrils packed within the fibres. We also find that altering the number of myoblasts available for fusion changes DLM fascicle size and fibres are loosely packed with myofibrils. Additionally, we show that knock down of genes required for mitochondrial fusion causes a severe reduction in the size of DLM fascicles and fibres. Our results establish the organization levels of DLMs and highlight the importance of the appropriate number of nuclei and mitochondrial fusion in determining the overall organization, growth and size of DLMs. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We here report what we believe to be an important method for studying hydrogen bonding in systems containing a paramagnetic centre. The technique of electron-nuclear double resonance ( ENDOR) has been applied to study the hydrogen-bond network around the AsO44-. centre in X-ray irradiated KH2AsO4. ENDOR transitions from several sets of hydrogen nuclei surrounding the centre were observed at 4.2 degrees K and the spectra for two sets of neighbouring nuclei are identified. The angular dependences for these spectra are fitted with a spin-Hamiltonian to obtain the isotropic and anisotropic magnetic hyperfine constants. The results are discussed in terms of the available spectroscopic and crystallographic data on KH2AsO4 and the order-disorder model of ferroelectrictricity in this class of crystals.


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Lamins are intermediate filament proteins of type V constituting a nuclear lamina or filamentous meshwork which lines the nucleoplasmic side of the inner nuclear membrane. This protein mesh provides a supporting scaffold for the nuclear envelope and tethers interphase chromosome to the nuclear periphery. Mutations of mainly A-type lamins are found to be causative for at least 11 human diseases collectively termed as laminopathies majority of which are characterised by aberrant nuclei with altered structural rigidity, deformability and poor mechanotransduction behaviour. But the investigation of viscoelastic behavior of lamin A continues to elude the field. In order to address this problem, we hereby present the very first report on viscoelastic properties of wild type human lamin A and some of its mutants linked with Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) using quantitative rheological measurements. We observed a dramatic strain-softening effect on lamin A network as an outcome of the strain amplitude sweep measurements which could arise from the large compliance of the quasi-cross-links in the network or that of the lamin A rods. In addition, the drastic stiffening of the differential elastic moduli on superposition of rotational and oscillatory shear stress reflect the increase in the stiffness of the laterally associated lamin A rods. These findings present a preliminary insight into distinct biomechanical properties of wild type lamin A protein and its mutants which in turn revealed interesting differences.


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The cell nucleus functions amidst active cytoskeletal filaments, but its response to their contractile stresses is largely unexplored. We study the dynamics of the nuclei of single fibroblasts, with cell migration suppressed by plating onto micro-fabricated patterns. We find the nucleus undergoes noisy but coherent rotational motion. We account for this observation through a hydrodynamic approach, treating the nucleus as a highly viscous inclusion residing in a less viscous fluid of orientable filaments endowed with active stresses. Lowering actin contractility selectively by introducing blebbistatin at low concentrations drastically reduced the speed and coherence of the angular motion of the nucleus. Time-lapse imaging of actin revealed a correlated hydrodynamic flow around the nucleus, with profile and magnitude consistent with the results of our theoretical approach. Coherent intracellular flows and consequent nuclear rotation thus appear to be an intrinsic property of cells.


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Structural dynamics, dielectric permittivity and ferroelectric properties in poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) (PVDF/PMMA) blends with respect to crystalline morphology was systematically investigated in presence of amine functionalized MWNTs (NH2-MWNTs) using dielectric spectroscopy. The crystalline morphology and the crystallization driven demixing in the blends was assessed by light microscopy (LM), wide angle X-ray diffraction (WXRD) and, in situ, by shear rheology. The crystal nucleation activity of PVDF was greatly induced by NH2-MWNTs, which also showed two distinct structural relaxations in dielectric loss owing to mobility confinement of PVDF chains and smaller cooperative lengths. The presence of crystal-amorphous interphase was supported by the presence of interfacial polarization at lower frequencies in the dielectric loss spectra. On contrary, the control blends showed a single broad relaxation at higher frequency due to defective crystal nuclei. This was further supported by monitoring the dielectric relaxations during isothermal crystallization of PVDF in the blends. These observations were addressed with respect to the spherulite sizes which were observed to be larger in case of blends with NH2-MWNTs. Higher dielectric permittivity with minimal losses was also observed in blends with NH2-MWNTs as compared to neat PVDF. Polarization obtained using P-E (polarization-electric field) hysteresis loops was higher in case of blends with NH2-MWNTs in contrast to control blends and PVDF. These observations were corroborated with the charge trapped at the crystal-amorphous interphase and larger crystal sizes in the blends with NH2-MWNTs. The microstructure and localization of MWNTs were assessed using SEM.


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The study set out to investigate the compositional inconsistency in lanthanum zirconate system revealed the presence of nonstoichiometry in lanthanum zirconate powders when synthesized by coprecipitation route. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) investigations confirmed the depletion of La3+ ions in the system. Analysis using Vegard's law showed the La/Zr mole ratio in the sample to be around 0.45. An extra step of ultrasonication, introduced during the washing stage followed by the coprecipitation reaction, ensured the formation of stoichiometric La2Zr2O7. Noteworthy is also the difference between crystal sizes in the samples prepared by with and without ultrasonication step. This difference has been explained in light of the formation of individual nuclei and their scope of growth within the precipitate core. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses revealed that optimum pH for the synthesis of La2Zr2O7 is about 11. The ultrasonication step was pivotal in assuring consistency in mixing and composition for the lanthanum zirconate powders.


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A model has been developed to simulate the foam characteristics obtained, when chemical (water) and physical (Freon) blowing agents are used together for the formation of polyurethane foams. The model considers the rate of reaction, the consequent rise in temperature of the reaction mixture, nucleation of bubbles, and mass transfer of CO2 and Freon to them till the time of gelation. The model is able to explain the experimental results available in literature. It further predicts that the nucleation period gets reduced with increase in water (at constant Freon content), whereas with increase in Freon (at constant water) concentration nucleation period decreases marginally leading to narrower bubble-size distribution. By the use of uniform sized nuclei added initially, the model predicts that the bubble-size distribution can be made independent of the rate of homogeneous nucleation and can, thus, offer an extra parameter for its control. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.