126 resultados para Regimes politicos


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Attempts in the past to model the irregularities of the solar cycle (such as the Maunder minimum) were based on studies of the nonlinear feedback of magnetic fields on the dynamo source terms. Since the alpha-coefficient is obtained by averaging over the turbulence, it is expected to have stochastic fluctuations, and we show that these fluctuations can explain the irregularities of the solar cycle in a more satisfactory way. We solve the dynamo equations in a slab with a single mode, taking the alpha-coefficient to be constant in space but fluctuating stochastically in time with some given amplitude and given correlation time. The same level of percentile fluctuations (about 10 %) produces no effect on an alpha-omega dynamo, but makes an alpha-2 dynamo completely chaotic. The level of irregularities in an alpha-2-omega dynamo qualitatively agrees with the solar behavior, reinforcing the conclusion of Choudhuri (1990a) that the solar dynamo is of the alpha-2-omega-type. The irregularities are found to increase on increasing either the amplitude or the correlation time of the stochastic fluctuations. The alpha-quenching mechanism tends to make the system stable against the irregularities and hence it is inferred that the alpha-quenching should not be too strong so that the irregularities are not completely suppressed. We also present a simple-minded analysis to understand why the stochastic fluctuations in the alpha-omega, alpha-2-omega and alpha-2 regimes have such different outcomes.


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Niobium pentoxide thin films have been deposited on silicon and platinum-coated silicon substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering. The as-deposited films were amorphous and showed good electrical properties in terms of a dielectric permittivity of about 30, and leakage current density of 10(-6) A cm(-2) al a field of 120 kV cm(-1). A rapid thermal annealing process at 800 degrees C further increased the dielectric constant to 90 and increased the leakage current density to 5 x 10(-6) A cm(-2). The current-voltage characteristics observed at low and high fields suggested a combination of phenomena at different regimes of applied electric field. The capacitance-voltage characteristics performed in the metal-insulator-semiconductor configuration indicated good electronic interfaces with a nominal trap density of 4.5 x 10(12) cm(-2) eV(-1), which is consistent with the behavior observed with conventional dielectrics such as SiO2 on silicon surfaces.


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We set up the generalized Langevin equations describing coupled single-particle and collective motion in a suspension of interacting colloidal particles in a shear how and use these to show that the measured self-diffusion coefficients in these systems should be strongly dependent on shear rate epsilon. Three regimes are found: (i) an initial const+epsilon(.2), followed by (ii) a large regime of epsilon(.1/2) behavior, crossing over to an asymptotic power-law approach (iii) D-o - const x epsilon(.-1/2) to the Stokes-Einstein value D-o. The shear dependence is isotropic up to very large shear rates and increases with the interparticle interaction strength. Our results provide a straightforward explanation of recent experiments and simulations on sheared colloids.


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We study in great detail a system of three first-order ordinary differential equations describing a homopolar disk dynamo (HDD). This system displays a large variety of behaviors, both regular and chaotic. Existence of periodic solutions is proved for certain ranges of parameters. Stability criteria for periodic solutions are given. The nonintegrability aspects of the HDD system are studied by investigating analytically the singularity structure of the system in the complex domain. Coexisting attractors (including period-doubling sequence) and coexisting strange attractors appear in some parametric regimes. The gluing of strange attractors and the ungluing of a strange attractor are also shown to occur. A period of bifurcation leading to chaos, not observed for other chaotic systems, is shown to characterize the chaotic behavior in some parametric ranges. The limiting case of the Lorenz system is also studied and is related to HDD.


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Charge ordering in rare earth manganates of the type Ln(0.5)A(0.5)MnO(3) (Ln = rare earth, A = alkaline earth) is highly sensitive to the average radius of the A-site cations, [r(A)]. Tn the small [r(A)] regime (e.g., Y0.5Ca0.5MnO3), charge ordering occurs in the paramagnetic state, the transformation to an antiferromagnetic state occurring at still lower temperatures. At moderate [r(A)] values (e.g., Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3), a ferromagnetic metallic state transforms to a charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state with cooling. These two distinct types of charge ordering and associated properties are explained in terms of the variation of the exchange couplings J(FM) and J(AFM) with [r(A)] and the invariance of the single-ion Jahn-Teller energy with [r(A)]. A qualitative temperature-[r(A)] phase diagram, consistent with the experimental observations, has been constructed to describe the properties of the manganates in the different [r(A)] regimes. (C) 1997 Academic Press.


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Donor-doped n-(Ba,Pb)TiO3 polycrystalline ceramics exhibit distinctly two-step positive temperature coefficient of resistance (PTCR) characteristics when formulated with suitable combinations of B2O3 and Al2O3 as grain boundary modifiers by heterogeneous addition. B2O3 or Al2O3 when added singularly resulted in either steep or broad PTCR jumps respectively across the phase transition. The two-step PTCR is attributed to the activation of the acceptor states, created through B2O3 and Al2O3, for various temperature regimes above the Curie point (T-c). The changing pattern of trap states is evident from the presence of Ti4+-O--Al3+ type hole centres in the grain boundary layer regions, identified in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra. That charge redistribution occurs among the inter-band gap defect states on crossing the Curie temperature is substantiated by the temperature coefficient in the EPR results. Capacitance-voltage results clearly show that there is an increase in the density of trap states with the addition of B2O3 and Al2O3. The spread in energy values of these trap states is evident from the large change in barrier height (phi similar or equal to 0.25-0.6 eV) between 500 and 650 K.


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A mathematical model describing the dynamics of mammalian cell growth in hollow fibre bioreactor operated in closed shell mode is developed. Mammalian cells are assumed to grow as an expanding biofilm in the extra-capillary space surrounding the fibre. Diffusion is assumed to be the dominant process in the radial direction while axial convection dominates in the lumen of the bioreactor. The transient simulation results show that steep gradients in the cell number are possible under the condition of substrate limitation. The precise conditions which result in nonuniform growth of cells along the length of the bioreactor are delineated. The effect of various operating conditions, such as substrate feed rate, length of the bioreactor and diffusivity of substrate in different regions of the bioreactor, on the bioreactor performance are evaluated in terms of time required to attain the steady-state. The rime of growth is introduced as a measure of effectiveness factor for the bioreactor and is found to be dependent on two parameters, a modified Peclet number and a Thiele modulus. Diffusion, reaction and/or convection control regimes are identified based on these two parameters. The model is further extended to include dual substrate growth limitations, and the relative growth limiting characteristics of two substrates are evaluated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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We report results of statistical and dynamic analysis of the serrated stress-time curves obtained from compressive constant strain-rate tests on two metallic glass samples with different ductility levels in an effort to extract hidden information in the seemingly irregular serrations. Two distinct types of dynamics are detected in these two alloy samples. The stress-strain curve corresponding to the less ductile Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 alloy is shown to exhibit a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, suggesting that the underlying dynamics is chaotic. In contrast, for the more ductile Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 alloy, the distributions of stress drop magnitudes and their time durations obey a power-law scaling reminiscent of a self-organized critical state. The exponents also satisfy the scaling relation compatible with self-organized criticality. Possible physical mechanisms contributing to the two distinct dynamic regimes are discussed by drawing on the analogy with the serrated yielding of crystalline samples. The analysis, together with some physical reasoning, suggests that plasticity in the less ductile sample can be attributed to stick-slip of a single shear band, while that of the more ductile sample could be attributed to the simultaneous nucleation of a large number of shear bands and their mutual interactions. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complex singularity associated with a crack at the interface between two dissimilar, isotropic and homogeneous materials leads to mathematical artefacts, such as stress oscillations and crack face interpenetrations in the vicinity of the crack tip. To avoid these unrealistic features, Sinclair (Sinclair GB. On the stress singularity at an interface crack. International Journal of Fracture 1980;16(2):111-9) assumed a finite crack opening angle (COA) such that the singularity lambda became real equal to 1/2. This paper extends the COA model by considering real singularities not necessarily equal to 1/2. When COA is 0 degrees: the interface crack singularity is complex with a real part equal to 1/2. On increasing COA, the imaginary part of the singularity decreases and becomes zero at a threshold value of COA; at this point, the singularity is a real, repeated value. A further increase in COA results in a pair of real singularities. Different crack opening configurations and material combinations are studied, and results presented for threshold COAs and associated values of singularity. Stress analyses for these three regimes: (a) complex, (b) real pair and (c) real repeated singularities, are reported. It is seen that additional complexities are present in the last case. Typical results for stress fields are also included for comparing with standard fields. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A nonlinear model is developed to numerically simulate dynamic combustion inside a solid rocket motor chamber. Using this model, the phenomena of re-ignition and chuffing are investigated under low-L* conditions. The model consists of two separate submodels (coupled to each other), one for unsteady burning of propellant and the other for unsteady conservation of mass and energy within the chamber. The latter yields instantaneous pressure and temperature within the chamber. The instantaneous burning rate is calculated using a one-dimensional, nonlinear, transient gas-phase model previously developed by the authors. The results presented in this paper show that the model predicts not only the critical L*, but also the various regimes of L*-instabihty. Specifically, the results exhibit (1) amplifying pressure oscillations leading to extinction, and (2) re-ignition after a dormant period following extinction. The re-ignition could be observed only when a radiation heat flux (from the combustion chamber to the propellant surface) was included. Certain high-frequency oscillations, possibly due to intrinsic instability, are observed when the pressure overshoots during re-ignition. At very low values of initial L*, successive cycles of extinction/reignition displaying typical characteristics of chuffing are predicted. Variations of the chuffing frequency and the thickness of propellant burned off during a chuff with L* are found to be qualitatively the same as that reported from experimental observations.


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Wear experiments performed on steel disc with increasing load for monolithic MoSi2 of different densities and its composite with TiB2 showed three distinct wear regimes. The specimens exhibited severe wear rate below the lower and above the upper critical loads and mild wear in between the two critical loads. The increase in density of the monolith and the reinforcement of TiB2 were effective in reducing the coefficient of friction and the specific wear rate. The wear experiments have been performed in these three regimes (15, 50 and 75 N). The tribofilm formed on the pin surface was found to contain both pin and disc materials. The temperature of the pins during the sliding against EN-24 disc was calculated using one dimensional heat transfer equation at different loads for each composition. The composite experiences lower temperatures compared to the monoliths. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic approach is developed for scaling analysis of momentum, heat and species conservation equations pertaining to the case of solidification of a binary mixture. The problem formulation and description of boundary conditions are kept fairly general, so that a large class of problems can be addressed. Analysis of the momentum equations coupled with phase change considerations leads to the establishment of an advection velocity scale. Analysis of the energy equation leads to an estimation of the solid layer thickness. Different regimes corresponding to different dominant modes of transport are simultaneously identified. A comparative study involving several cases of possible thermal boundary conditions is also performed. Finally, a scaling analysis of the species conservation equation is carried out, revealing the effect of a non-equilibrium solidification model on solute segregation and species distribution. It is shown that non-equilibrium effects result in an enhanced macrosegregation compared with the case of an equilibrium model. For the sake of assessment of the scaling analysis, the predictions are validated against corresponding computational results.


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In this paper we develop an analytical heat transfer model, which is capable of analyzing cyclic melting and solidification processes of a phase change material used in the context of electronics cooling systems. The model is essentially based on conduction heat transfer, with treatments for convection and radiation embedded inside. The whole solution domain is first divided into two main sub-domains, namely, the melting sub-domain and the solidification sub-domain. Each sub-domain is then analyzed for a number of temporal regimes. Accordingly, analytical solutions for temperature distribution within each subdomain are formulated either using a semi-infinity consideration, or employing a method of quasi-steady state, depending on the applicability. The solution modules are subsequently united, leading to a closed-form solution for the entire problem. The analytical solutions are then compared with experimental and numerical solutions for a benchmark problem quoted in the literature, and excellent agreements can be observed.


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Elasto-plastic response of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) follows closely the response of granular materials through pressure dependent (or normal stress) yield locus and shear stress induced material dilatation. On a micro-structural level, material dilatation is responsible for stress softening and formation of localized shear band, however its influence on the macro-scale flow and deformation is largely unknown. In this work, we systematically analyze the effect of material dilatation on the gross indentation response of Zr-based BMG via finite element simulation. The strengthening/softening effect on the load-depth response and corresponding stress-strain profiles are presented in light of differences in elastic-plastic regimes under common indenters. Through comparison with existing experimental results, we draw conclusions regarding selection of suitable dilatation parameters for accurately predicting the gross response of BMGs


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Conjugated polymers are intensively pursued as candidate materials for emission and detection devices with the optical range of interest determined by the chemical structure. On the other hand the optical range for emission and detection can also be tuned by size selection in semiconductor nanoclusters. The mechanisms for charge generation and separation upon optical excitation, and light emission are different for these systems. Hybrid systems based on these different class of materials reveal interesting electronic and optical properties and add further insight into the individual characteristics of the different components. Multilayer structures and blends of these materials on different substrates were prepared for absorption, photocurrent (Iph), photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminscence (EL) studies. Polymers chosen were derivatives of polythiophene (PT) and polyparaphenylenevinylene (PPV) along with nanoclusters of cadmium sulphide of average size 4.4 nm (CdS-44). The photocurrent spectral response in these systems followed the absorption response around the band edges for each of the components and revealed additional features, which depended on bias voltage, thickness of the layers and interfacial effects. The current-voltage curves showed multi-component features with emission varying for different regimes of voltage. The emission spectral response revealed additive features and is discussed in terms of excitonic mechanisms.