224 resultados para RA-228


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The recent development of several organic materials with large nonlinear susceptibilities, high damage threshold and low melting points encouraged researchers to employ these materials in fiber form to efficiently couple diode laser pumps and obtain enhanced second harmonic generation (SHG). In this paper we report the growth of single crystal cored fibers of 4-nitro-4'-methylbenzylidene aniline, ethoxy methoxy chalcone and (-)2-((alpha) -methylbenzylamino)-5- nitropyridine by inverted Bridgman-Stockbarger technique. The fibers were grown in glass capillaries with varying internal diameters and lengths and were characterized using x-ray and polarizing microscope techniques. The propagation loss at 632.8 nm and 1300 nm were measured and SHG was studied using 1064 nm pump.


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An analytical expression for the LL(T) decomposition for the Gaussian Toeplitz matrix with elements T(ij) = [1/(2-pi)1/2-sigma] exp[-(i - j)2/2-sigma-2] is derived. An exact expression for the determinant and bounds on the eigenvalues follows. An analytical expression for the inverse T-1 is also derived.


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Ordering of Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions occurs in the rare earth manganates of the general composition Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (Ln rare earth, A = Ca, Sr). Such charge-ordering is associated with antiferromagnetic and insulating properties. This phenomenon is to be contrasted with the ferromagnetic metallic behavior that occurs when double-exchange between the Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions predominates. Two distinct types of charge-ordering can be delineated. In one, a ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) state transforms to the charge-ordered (CO) state on cooling. In the other scenario, the CO state is found in the paramagnetic ground stale and there is no ferromagnetism down to the lowest temperatures. Magnetic fields transform the CO state to the FMM state, when the average radius of the A-site cations is sufficiently large ([r(A)] > 1.17 Angstrom). Chemical melting of the CO state by Cr3+ substitution in the Mn site is also found only when [r(A)] greater than or similar to 1.17 Angstrom. The effect of the size of the A-cations on the Mn-O-Mn angle is not enough to explain the observed variations of the charge-ordering temperature as well as the ferromagnetic Curie temperature T-c. An explanation based on a competition between the Mn and A-cation orbitals for sigma-bonding with the oxygen rho(sigma) orbitals is considered to account for the large changes in T-c and hence the true bandwidth, with [r(A]). Effects of radiation, electric field, and other factors on the CO state are discussed along with charge-ordering in other manganate systems. Complex phase transitions, accompanied by changes in electronic and magnetic properties, occur in manganates with critical values of(rA) Or bandwidth. Charge-ordering is found in layered manganates, BixCa1-xMnO3 and CaMnO3-delta.


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he specific heats of EUNi(5)P(3), an antiferromagnet, and EuNi2P2, a mixed-valence compound, have been measured between 0.4 and 30 K in magnetic fields of, respectively, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 5, and 7 T, and 0 and 7 T. In zero field the specific heat of EuNi5P3 shows a h-like anomaly with a maximum at 8.3 K. With increasing field in the range 0-2.5 T, the maximum shifts to lower temperatures, as expected for an antiferromagnet. In higher fields the antiferromagnetic ordering is destroyed and the magnetic part of the specific heat approaches a Schottky anomaly that is consistent with expectations for the crystal-field/Zeeman levels. In low fields and for temperatures between 1.5 acid 5 K the magnetic contribution to the specific heat is proportional to the temperature, indicating a high density of excited states with an energy dependence that is very unusual for an antiferromagnet. The entropy associated with the magnetic ordering is similar to R In8, confirming that only the Eu2+-with J=7/2, S=7/2, L=0-orders below 30 R. In zero field approximately 20% of the entropy occurs above the Neel temperature, consistent. with the usual amount of short-range order observed in antiferromagnets. The hyperfine magnetic field at the Eu nuclei in EUNi(5)P(3) is 33.3 T, in good agreement with a value calculated from electron-nuclear double resonance measurements. For EuNi2P2 the specific heat is nearly field independent and shows no evidence of magnetic ordering or hyperfine fields. The coefficient of the electron contribution to the specific heat is similar to 100 mJ/mol K-2.


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Acyl carrier proteins (ACP) were purified to homogeneity in the active form from developing seeds of pisa (Actinodaphne hookeri) which synthesizes exclusively trilaurin and from ground nut (Arachis hypogaea) which synthesizes triacylglycerols containing long chain fatty acids. Two major isoforms of ACPs were purified from developing pisa seeds using DEAE-cellulose, Superose-6 FPLC and C-4 reversed phase HPLC chromatographic methods. In contrast, only a single form of ACP was present in ground nut seeds which was purified by anion-exchange and activated thiol-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. The two isoforms of ACPs from pisa showed nearly the same specific activity of 6,706 and 7,175 pmol per min per mg protein while ground nut ACP showed a specific activity of 3,893 pmol per min per mg protein when assayed using E. coli acyl-ACP synthetase and [1-C-14]palmitic acid. When compared with E. coli ACP, the purified ACPs from both the seeds showed considerable difference in their mobility in native PAGE, but showed similar mobility in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. In the absence of reducing agents formation of dimers was quite prominent. The ACPs from both the seed sources were acid- and heat-stable. The major isoform of pisa seed ACP and the ground nut ACP contain 91 amino acids with M(r) 11,616 and 1,228 respectively. However, there is significant variation in their amino acid composition. A comparision of the amino acid sequence in the N-terminal region of pisa and ground nut seed ACPs showed considerable homology between themselves and with other plant ACPs but not with E. coli ACP.


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Transient thermal sensitivity is studied for systems that are subjected to conductive heat transfer within themselves and radiative heat transfer with the surrounding environment, including solar heat radiation, The battery in the Indian national communication satellite is one such system for which the studies are conducted with respect to panel conduction, conductance of insulating blanket, power dissipation within the battery, and absorptance and emittance of various elements, Comparison of sensitivities revealed that battery temperature is sensitive to its power dissipation during the beginning of life of the spacecraft, whereas toward the end of life of the spacecraft mission, the effect of absorptance of optical solar reflector is dominating, The influence of optical property values of the multilayer insulation blanket is almost negligible. Among the parameters studied in this analysis, the battery temperature is found to be mast sensitive to emittance of the optical solar reflector.


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The coordinating behavior of a new dihydrazone ligand, 2,6-bis(3-methoxysalicylidene) hydrazinocarbonyl]pyridine towards manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) has been described. The metal complexes were characterized by magnetic moments, conductivity measurements, spectral (IR, NMR, UV-Vis, FAB-Mass and EPR) and thermal studies. The ligand crystallizes in triclinic system, space group P-1, with alpha=98.491(10)degrees, beta=110.820(10)degrees and gamma=92.228(10)degrees. The cell dimensions are a=10.196(7)angstrom, b=10.814(7)angstrom, c=10.017(7)angstrom, Z=2 and V=1117.4(12). IR spectral studies reveal the nonadentate behavior of the ligand. All the complexes are neutral in nature and possess six-coordinate geometry around each metal center. The X-band EPR spectra of copper(II) complex at both room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature showed unresolved broad signals with g(iso) = 2.106. Cyclic voltametric studies of copper(II) complex at different scan rates reveal that all the reaction occurring are irreversible. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Flows with velocity profiles very different from the parabolic velocity profile can occur in the entrance region of a tube as well as in tubes with converging/diverging cross-sections. In this paper, asymptotic and numerical studies are undertaken to analyse the temporal stability of such 'non-parabolic' flows in a flexible tube in the limit of high Reynolds numbers. Two specific cases are considered: (i) developing flow in a flexible tube; (ii) flow in a slightly converging flexible tube. Though the mean velocity profile contains both axial and radial components, the flow is assumed to be locally parallel in the stability analysis. The fluid is Newtonian and incompressible, while the flexible wall is modelled as a viscoelastic solid. A high Reynolds number asymptotic analysis shows that the non-parabolic velocity profiles can become unstable in the inviscid limit. This inviscid instability is qualitatively different from that observed in previous studies on the stability of parabolic flow in a flexible tube, and from the instability of developing flow in a rigid tube. The results of the asymptotic analysis are extended numerically to the moderate Reynolds number regime. The numerical results reveal that the developing flow could be unstable at much lower Reynolds numbers than the parabolic flow, and hence this instability can be important in destabilizing the fluid flow through flexible tubes at moderate and high Reynolds number. For flow in a slightly converging tube, even small deviations from the parabolic profile are found to be sufficient for the present instability mechanism to be operative. The dominant non-parallel effects are incorporated using an asymptotic analysis, and this indicates that non-parallel effects do not significantly affect the neutral stability curves. The viscosity of the wall medium is found to have a stabilizing effect on this instability.


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The tendency of granular materials in rapid shear flow to form non-uniform structures is well documented in the literature. Through a linear stability analysis of the solution of continuum equations for rapid shear flow of a uniform granular material, performed by Savage (1992) and others subsequently, it has been shown that an infinite plane shearing motion may be unstable in the Lyapunov sense, provided the mean volume fraction of particles is above a critical value. This instability leads to the formation of alternating layers of high and low particle concentrations oriented parallel to the plane of shear. Computer simulations, on the other hand, reveal that non-uniform structures are possible even when the mean volume fraction of particles is small. In the present study, we have examined the structure of fully developed layered solutions, by making use of numerical continuation techniques and bifurcation theory. It is shown that the continuum equations do predict the existence of layered solutions of high amplitude even when the uniform state is linearly stable. An analysis of the effect of bounding walls on the bifurcation structure reveals that the nature of the wall boundary conditions plays a pivotal role in selecting that branch of non-uniform solutions which emerges as the primary branch. This demonstrates unequivocally that the results on the stability of bounded shear how of granular materials presented previously by Wang et al. (1996) are, in general, based on erroneous base states.


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The stability of fluid flow past a membrane of infinitesimal thickness is analysed in the limit of zero Reynolds number using linear and weakly nonlinear analyses. The system consists of two Newtonian fluids of thickness R* and H R*, separated by an infinitesimally thick membrane, which is flat in the unperturbed state. The dynamics of the membrane is described by its normal displacement from the flat state, as well as a surface displacement field which provides the displacement of material points from their steady-state positions due to the tangential stress exerted by the fluid flow. The surface stress in the membrane (force per unit length) contains an elastic component proportional to the strain along the surface of the membrane, and a viscous component proportional to the strain rate. The linear analysis reveals that the fluctuations become unstable in the long-wave (alpha --> 0) limit when the non-dimensional strain rate in the fluid exceeds a critical value Lambda(t), and this critical value increases proportional to alpha(2) in this limit. Here, alpha is the dimensionless wavenumber of the perturbations scaled by the inverse of the fluid thickness R*(-1), and the dimensionless strain rate is given by Lambda(t) = ((gamma) over dot* R*eta*/Gamma*), where eta* is the fluid viscosity, Gamma* is the tension of the membrane and (gamma) over dot* is the strain rate in the fluid. The weakly nonlinear stability analysis shows that perturbations are supercritically stable in the alpha --> 0 limit.


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An experimental investigation on reverse transition from turbulent to laminar flow in a two-dimensional channel was carried out. The reverse transition occurred when Reynolds number of an initially turbulent flow was reduced below a certain value by widening the duct in the lateral direction. The experiments were conducted at Reynolds numbers of 625, 865, 980 and 1250 based on half the height of the channel and the average of the mean velocity. At all these Reynolds numbers the initially turbulent mean velocity profiles tend to become parabolic. The longitudinal and vertical velocity fluctuations ($\overline{u^{\prime 2}}$ and $\overline{v^{\prime 2}}$) averaged over the height of the channel decrease exponentially with distance downstream, but $\overline{u^{\prime}v^{\prime}} $ tends to become zero at a reasonably well-defined point. During reverse transition $\overline{u^{\prime}}\overline{v^{\prime}}/\sqrt{\overline{u^{\prime 2}}}\sqrt{\overline{v^{\prime 2}}}$ also decreases as the flow moves downstream and Lissajous figures taken with u’ and v’ signals confirm this trend. There is approximate similarly between $\overline{u^{\prime 2}} $ profiles if the value of $\overline{u^{\prime 2}_{\max}} $ and the distance from the wall at which it occurs are taken as the reference scales. The spectrum of $\overline{u^{\prime 2}} $ is almost similar at all stations and the non-dimensional spectrum is exponential in wave-number. All the turbulent quantities, when plotted in appropriate co-ordinates, indicate that there is a definite critical Reynolds number of 1400±50 for reverse transition.


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Quartz fibre anemometers have been used (as described in subsequent papers) to survey the velocity field of turbulent free convective air flows. This paper discusses the reasons for the choice of this instrument and provides the background information for its use in this way. Some practical points concerning fibre anemometers are mentioned. The rest of the paper is a theoretical study of the response of a fibre to a turbulent flow. An approximate representation of the force on the fibre due to the velocity field and the equation for a bending beam, representing the response to this force, form the basis of a consideration of the mean and fluctuating displacement of the fibre. Emphasis is placed on the behaviour when the spectrum of the turbulence is largely in frequencies low enough for the fibre to respond effectively instantaneously (as this corresponds to the practical situation). Incomplete correlation of the turbulence along the length of the fibre is taken into account. Brief mention is made to the theory of the higher-frequency (resonant) response in the context of an experimental check on the applicability of the low-frequency theory.


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In order to study the memory of the larger eddies in turbulent shear flow, experiments have been conducted on plane turbulent wakes undergoing transition from an initial (carefully prepared) equilibrium state to a different final one, as a result of a nearly impulsive pressure gradient. It is shown that under the conditions of the experiments the equations of motion possess self-preserving solutions in the sense of Townsend (1956), but the observed behaviour of the wake is appreciably different when the pressure gradient is not very small, as the flow goes through a slow relaxation process before reaching final equilibrium. Measurements of the Reynolds stresse show that the approach to a new equilibrium state is exponential, with a relaxation length of the order of 103 momentum thicknesses. It is suggested that a flow satisfying the conditions required by a self-preservation analysis will exhibit equilibrium only if the relaxation length is small compared with a characteristic streamwise length scale of the flow.


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We consider here the detailed application of a model Reynolds stress equation (Narasimha 1969) to plane turbulent wakes subjected to pressure gradients. The model, which is a transport equation for the stress exhibiting relaxation and diffusion, is found to be consistent with the observed response of a wake to a nearly impulsive pressure gradient (Narasimha & Prabhu 1971). It implies in particular that a wake can be in equilibrium only if the longitudinal strain rate is appreciably less than the wake shear. We then describe a further series of experiments, undertaken to investigate the range of validity of the model. It is found that, with an appropriate convergence correction when necessary, the model provides excellent predictions of wake development under favourable, adverse and mixed pressure gradients. Furthermore, the behaviour of constant-pressure distorted wakes, as reported by Keffer (1965, 1967), is also explained very well by the model when account is taken of the effective flow convergence produced by the distortion. In all these calculations, only a simple version of the model is used, involving two non-dimensional constants both of which have been estimated from a single relaxation experiment.


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‘Best’ solutions for the shock-structure problem are obtained by solving the Boltzmann equation for a rigid sphere gas by applying minimum error criteria on the Mott-Smith ansatz. The use of two such criteria minimizing respectively the local and total errors, as well as independent computations of the remaining error, establish the high accuracy of the solutions, although it is shown that the Mott-Smith distribution is not an exact solution of the Boltzmann equation even at infinite Mach number. The minimum local error method is found to be particularly simple and efficient. Adopting the present solutions as the standard of comparison, it is found that the widely used v2x-moment solutions can be as much as a third in error, but that results based on Rosen's method provide good approximations. Finally, it is shown that if the Maxwell mean free path on the hot side of the shock is chosen as the scaling length, the value of the density-slope shock thickness is relatively insensitive to the intermolecular potential. A comparison is made on this basis of present results with experiment, and very satisfactory quantitative agreement is obtained.