116 resultados para Photon asymmetry


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The Zeeman effect of NQR was studied in 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. A low value of the asymmetry parameter (0.10) was obtained. Four physically inequivalent field gradients were located and their orientations in the crystallographic abc system were determined using symmetry considerations. From these data the orientations of the molecules in the unit cell were determined. The results agree well with the two-dimensional x-ray structural data. The bond characters of the C[Single Bond]Cl bond were calculated, and the values compare well with those generally obtained for C[Single Bond]Cl bonds in chlorine derivatives of benzene. ©1973 The American Institute of Physics.


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A semiconductor with almost overlapping conduction bands b and c is considered. It is found that an attractive interaction leading to superconductivity can be induced between electrons in the conduction band b by a strong radiation field of monochromatic photons whose energy differs slightly from the band gap Ebc. The mechanism is the exchange of a photon and a phonon between the interacting electrons and the interaction is found to be proportional to the photon density.


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Microwave treated water soluble and amide functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes have been investigated using femtosecond degenerate pump-probe and nonlinear transmission experiments. The time resolved differential transmission using 75 femtosecond pulse with the central wavelength of 790 nm shows a bi-exponential ultrafast photo-bleaching with time constants of 160 fs (130 fs) and 920 fs (300 fs) for water soluble (amide functionalized) nanotubes. Open and closed aperture z-scans show saturation absorption and positive (negative) nonlinear refraction for water soluble (amide functionalized) nanotubes. Two photon absorption coefficient, beta(0) similar to 250 cm/GW (650 cm/GW) and nonlinear index, gamma similar to 15 cm(2)/pW (-30 cm(2)/pW) are obtained from the theoretical fit in the saturation limit to the data for two types of nanotubes.


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We have used the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method to study the linear and nonlinear optical responses of first generation nitrogen based dendrimers with donor acceptor groups. We have employed Pariser–Parr–Pople Hamiltonian to model the interacting pi electrons in these systems. Within the DMRG method we have used an innovative scheme to target excited states with large transition dipole to the ground state. This method reproduces exact optical gaps and polarization in systems where exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is possible. We have used a correction vector method which tacitly takes into account the contribution of all excited states, to obtain the ground state polarizibility, first hyperpolarizibility, and two photon absorption cross sections. We find that the lowest optical excitations as well as the lowest excited triplet states are localized. It is interesting to note that the first hyperpolarizibility saturates more rapidly with system size compared to linear polarizibility unlike that of linear polyenes.


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Pristine and molybdenum filled double walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) suspended in D2O show excellent ultrafast optical switching properties investigated through femtosecond Z-scan and degenerate pump-probe method using 50 fs pulses with central photon energy of 1.57 eV. For pristine-DWNT, the two photon absorption coefficient, beta and nonlinear refraction coefficient, n2 are 4.9×10−8 cm/W, and 9.5×10−11 cm2/W, respectively, which yield one photon figure of merit, W=133 and two photon figure of merit, T=0.4. The degenerate pump-probe measurements show strong photoinduced bleaching with biexponential decay with time constants ~150 and 600 fs. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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The electronic structure of sodium tungsten bronzes NaxWO3 is investigated by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The ARPES spectra measured in both insulating and metallic phases of NaxWO3 reveals the origin of metal-insulator transition (MIT) in sodium tungsten bronze system. It is found that in insulating NaxWO3 the states near the Fermi level (E-F) are localized due to the strong disorder caused by the random distribution of Na+ ions in WO3 lattice. Due to the presence of disorder and long-range Coulomb interaction of conduction electrons, a soft Coulomb gap arises, where the density of states vanishes exactly at E-F. In the metallic regime the states near E-F are populated and the Fermi level shifts upward rigidly with increasing electron doping (x). Volume of electron-like Fermi surface (FS) at the Gamma(X) point of the Brillouin zone gradually increases with increasing Na concentration due to W 5d t(2g) band filling. A rigid shift of the Fermi energy is found to give a qualitatively good description of the Fermi surface evolution. As we move from bulk-sensitive to more surface sensitive photon energy, we found the emergence of Fermi surfaces at X(M) and M(R) point similar to the one at the Gamma(X) point in the metallic regime, suggesting that the reconstruction of surface was due to rotation/deformation of WO6 octahedra.


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The effect of microwave radiation on the electron-phonon vertex in superconductors is taken into account. This leads to an enhancement of effective pairing interaction and hence to the transition temperature (Tc) which depends on the photon density and the frequency. This prediction is in agreement with recent experimental results.


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Zeeman (35Cl) NQR studies in polycrystalline samples of 4,6-dichloropyrimidine and 6 chloro 2,4 dimethoxypyrimidine show that the asymmetry at the four chemically inequivalent chlorine sites in the former is about 10%, while in the latter (one line) the asymmetry is almost zero. Using a valence-bond picture, C-Cl bonds in 4,6-dichloropyrimidine have been characterised, and the results are also compared with those in a corresponding benzene compound using a simple molecular orbital calculation. The axial symmetry of C-Cl bond in the second compound has been attributed to mesomeric effects.


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The responses of the field mouse Mus booduga to shifts in schedules of LD cycles were monitored and the results were interpreted with the help of a PRC constructed for the same species. The results reveal that, M. booduga reentrained faster with a lesser number of transients after delay shifts than advance shifts, thus exhibiting “asymmetry effect.” A positive correlation was observed between the number of transients and the number of hours of shift. In most of the shifts, the sign of the transients (negative for delaying transients and positive for advancing transients) coincided with the direction of the shift. Interestingly, 11 and 12 h of advance shifting resulted in delaying transients. An 11-h advance shift can also be interpreted as a 13-h delay. Reentrainment through delaying transients is faster as compared to reentrainment through advancing transients. Thus, this animal might have taken a “shorter route,” as proved by the fact that an 11-h advance shift has evoked delaying transients. But a 13-h advance shift evoked only advancing transients. This prompts us to speculate that there may be a “phase jump” in M. booduga. Further, irrespective of whether L or D has been doubled in a 12-h shift, both evoked only delaying transients.


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In this paper, we study the Einstein's photoemission from III-V, II-VI, IV-VI and HgTe/CdTe quantum well superlattices (QWSLs) with graded interfaces and quantum well effective mass superlattices in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field on the basis of newly formulated dispersion relations in the respective cases. Besides, the same has been studied from the afore-mentioned quantum dot superlattices and it appears that the photoemission oscillates with increasing carrier degeneracy and quantizing magnetic field in different manners. In addition, the photoemission oscillates with film thickness and increasing photon energy in quantum steps together with the fact that the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation will introduce new physical ideas and new experimental findings under different external conditions. The influence of band structure is apparent from all the figures and we have suggested three applications of the analyses of this paper in the fields of superlattices and microstructures.


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Gravity critical speeds of rotors have hitherto been studied using linear analysis, and ascribed to rotor stiffness asymmetry. Here, we study an idealized asymmetric nonlinear overhung rotor model of Crandall and Brosens, spinning close to its gravity critical speed.Nonlinearities arise from finite displacements, and the rotor's staticlateral deflection under gravity is taken as small. Assuming small asymmetry and damping, slow modulations of whirl amplitudes are studied using the method of multiple scales. Inertia asymmetry appears only at second order. More interestingly, even without stiffness asymmetry, the gravity-induced resonance survives through geometric nonlinearities. The gravity resonant forcing does not influence the resonant mode at leading order, unlike the typical resonant oscillations. Nevertheless,the usual phenomena of resonances, namely saddle-node bifurcations, jump phenomena and hysteresis, are all observed. An unanticipated periodic solution branch is found. In the three-dimensional space oftwo modal coefficients and a detuning parameter, the full set of periodic solutions is found to be an imperfect version of three mutually intersecting curves: a straight line,a parabola and an ellipse.


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We report that the average rotation speed of optically trapped crenated erythrocytes is direct signature of their membrane deformability. When placed in hypertonic buffer, discocytic erythrocytes are subjected to crenation. The deformation of cells brings in chirality and asymmetry in shape that makes them rotate under the scattering force of a linearly polarized optical trap. A change in the deformability of the erythrocytes, due to any internal or environmental factor, affects the rotation speed of the trapped crenated cells. Here we show how the increment in erythrocyte membrane rigidity with adsorption of Ca++ ions can be exhibited through this approach.


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We study the possibility of using W pair production and leptonic decay of one of the W's at the ILC with polarized beams as a probe of the Littlest Higgs Model. We consider cross-sections, polarization fractions of the W's, leptonic decay energy and angular distributions, and left-right polarization asymmetry as probes of the model. With parameter values allowed by present experimental constraints detectable effects on these observables at typical ILC energies of 500 GeV and 800 GeV will be present. Beam polarization is further found to enhance the sensitivity.


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The density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method is used for a comparative study of low-lying excitations in trans-polyacetylene (t-PA) and transversely substituted t-PA (TS-t-PA). We have employed the Pariser-Parr-Pople model Hamiltonian which incorporates long-range electronic correlations to model these systems. We find some fundamental differences in the excited states of the t-PA and TS-t-PA. We find that the lowest two-photon allowed excited state in TS-t-PA is not made up of two triplet excitons and the gap to this state is nonzero even for undimerized chains in the thermodynamic limit. Contrary to earlier results for the Hubbard model, we find that the lowest two-photon state is always below the first optically allowed state in all the systems studied here making TS-t-PA systems only weakly fluorescent materials. Nonresonant tumbling averaged linear and third harmonic generation optic coefficients of TS-t-PA systems are also much smaller than that of t-PA.


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A series of new chiral palladium-bisphosphinite complexes have been prepared from readily available, naturally occurring chiral alcohols. The complexes were used to efficiently carry out catalytic allylic alkylation of 1,3-diphenylpropene-2-yl acetate with dimethyl malonate. The complexes based on derivatives of ascorbic acid carry out enantioselective alkylations, one of which showed an ee as high as 97%. Based on the structural characterization, it can be surmised that strategic placement of phenyl groups is key to higher enantioselectivities.