102 resultados para PHOTONIC WIRES


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The Wheeler-Feynman (WF) absorber theory of radiation though no more of interest in explaining self interaction of an electron, can be very useful in today's research in small scale optical systems. The significance of the WF absorber is the use of time-symmetrical solution of Maxwell's equations as opposed to only the retarded solution. The radiative coupling of emitters to nano wires in the near field and change in their lifetimes due to small mode volume enclosures have been elucidated with the retarded solutions before. These solutions have also been shown to agree with quantum electrodynamics, thus allowing for classical electromagnetic approaches in such problems. It is here assumed that the radiative coupling of the emitter with a body is in proportion to its contribution to the classical force of radiative reaction as derived in the WF absorber theory. Representing such nano structures as a partial WF absorber acting on the emitter makes the computations considerably easier than conventional electromagnetic solutions for full boundary conditions.


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The authors studied the formation of a wafer-scale network of connected colloidal beads by reactive ion etching. The dimensions of the connections have been studied as a function of etching time for colloidal beads of different sizes, and could be well controlled. The authors have found that the nano-network forms and disappears for the same time of etching independent of the diameter of the polystyrene beads. With recent interest of connected colloidal networks in various optical sensing applications, such as photonic crystals, as surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrates, the studies have potential uses in the development of wafer-scale nanophotonic sensors.


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Using first principles based density functional calculation we study the mechanical, electronic and transport properties of single crystalline gold nanowires. While nanowires with the diameter less than 2 nm retain hexagonal cross-section, the larger diameter wires show a structural smoothening leading to circular cross-section. These structural changes significantly affect the mechanical properties of the wires, however, strength remains comparable to the bulk. The transport calculations reveal that the conductivity of these wires are in good agreement with experiments. The combination of good mechanical, electronic and transport properties make these wires promising as interconnects for nano devices. Copyright 2013 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4796188]


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In this paper we report a novel hydrogel functionalized optical Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor based on chemo-mechanical-optical sensing, and demonstrate its specific application in pH activated process monitoring. The sensing mechanism is based on the stress due to ion diffusion and polymer phase transition which produce strain in the FBG. This results in shift in the Bragg wavelength which is detected by an interrogator system. A simple dip coating method to coat a thin layer of hydrogel on the FBG has been established. The gel consists of sodium alginate and calcium chloride. Gel formation is observed in real-time by continuously monitoring the Bragg wavelength shift. We have demonstrated pH sensing in the range of pH of 2 to 10. Another interesting phenomenon is observed by swelling and deswelling of FBG functionalized with hydrogel by a sequence of alternate dipping between acidic and base solutions. It is observed that the Bragg wavelength undergoes reversible and repeatable pH dependent switching.


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We report ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) study on a grid formed with permalloy nanowires to understand the spin wave dynamics. The presence of two sets of magnetic nanowires perpendicular to each other in the same device enables better control over spin waves. The grid was fabricated using e-beam lithography followed by DC-Magnetron sputtering and liftoff technique. It has dimensions of 800 +/- 10 and 400 +/- 10 nm as periods along X and Y directions with permalloy wires of width 145 +/- 10 nm. FMR studies were done at X-band (9.4 GHz) with the field sweep up to 1 Tesla. The in-plane angular variation of resonant fields shows that there are two well separated modes present, indicating two uniaxial anisotropy axes which are perpendicular to each other. The variation in the intensities in the FMR signal w.r.t. the grid angle is used to describe the spin wave confinement in different regions of the grid. We also explained the asymmetry in the magnetic properties caused by the geometrical property of the rectangular grid and the origin for the peak splitting for the modes occurring at higher resonant fields. Micromagnetic simulations based on OOMMF with two dimensional periodic boundary conditions (2D-PBC) are used to support our experimental findings.


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We discuss experimental results on the ability to significantly tune the photoluminescence decay rates of CdSe quantum dots embedded in an ordered template, using lightly doped small gold nanoparticles (nano-antennae), of relatively low optical efficiency. We observe both enhancement and quenching of photoluminescence intensity of the quantum dots varying monotonically with increasing volume fraction of added gold nanoparticles, with respect to undoped quantum dot arrays. However, the corresponding variation in lifetime of photoluminescence spectra decay shows a hitherto unobserved, non-monotonic variation with gold nanoparticle doping. We also demonstrate that Purcell effect is quite effective for the larger (5 nm) gold nano-antenna leading to more than four times enhanced radiative rate at spectral resonance, for largest doping and about 1.75 times enhancement for off-resonance. Significantly for spectral off-resonance samples, we could simultaneously engineer reduction of non-radiative decay rate along with increase of radiative decay rate. Non-radiative decay dominates the system for the smaller (2 nm) gold nano-antenna setting the limit on how small these plasmonic nano-antennae could be to be effective in engineering significant enhancement in radiative decay rate and, hence, the overall quantum efficiency of quantum dot based hybrid photonic assemblies.


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In this paper we study the effective electron mass (EEM) in Nano wires (NWs) of nonlinear optical materials on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion relation by considering all types of anisotropies of the energy band constants within the framework of k . p formalism. The results for NWs of III-V, ternary and quaternary semiconductors form special cases of our generalized analysis. We have also investigated the EEM in NWs of Bi, IV-VI, stressed Kane type materials, Ge, GaSb and Bi2Te3 by formulating the appropriate 1D dispersion law in each case by considering the influence of energy band constants in the respective cases. It has been found that the 1D EEM in nonlinear optical materials depend on the size quantum numbers and Fermi energy due to the anisotropic spin orbit splitting constant and the crystal field splitting respectively. The 1D EEM is Bi, IV-VI, stressed Kane type semiconductors and Ge also depends on both the Fermi energy and the size quantum numbers which are the characteristic features of such NWs. The EEM increases with increase in concentration and decreasing film thickness and for ternary and quaternary compounds the EEM increases with increase in alloy composition. Under certain special conditions all the results for all the materials get simplified into the well known parabolic energy bands and thus confirming the compatibility test.


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Cementite dissolution in cold-drawn pearlitic steel (0.8 wt.% carbon) wires has been studied by quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Mossbauer spectroscopy up to drawing strain 1.4. Quantification of cementite-phase fraction by Rietveld analysis has confirmed more than 50% dissolution of cementite phase at drawing strain 1.4. It is found that the lattice parameter of the ferrite phase determined by Rietveld refinement procedure remains nearly unchanged even after cementite dissolution. This confirms that the carbon atoms released after cementite dissolution do not dissolve in the ferrite lattice as Fe-C interstitial solid solution. Detailed analysis of broadening of XRD line profiles for the ferrite phase shows high density of dislocations (approximate to 10(15)/m(2)) in the ferrite matrix at drawing strain 1.4. The results suggest a dominant role of 111 screw dislocations in the cementite dissolution process. Post-deformation heat treatment leads to partial annihilation of dislocations and restoration of cementite phase. Based on these experimental observations, further supplemented by TEM studies, we have suggested an alternative thermodynamic mechanism of the dissolution process.


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Theoretical studies exist to compute the atomic arrangement in gold nanowires and the influence on their electronic behavior with decreasing diameter. Experimental studies, e.g., by transmission electron microscopy, on chemically synthesized ultrafine wires are however lacking owing to the unavailability of suitable protocols for sample preparation and the stability of the wires under electron beam irradiation. In this work, we present an atomic scale structural investigation on quantum single crystalline gold nanowires of 2 nm diameter, chemically prepared on a carbon film grid. Using low dose aberration-corrected high resolution (S)TEM, we observe an inhomogeneous strain distribution in the crystal, largely concentrated at the twin boundaries and the surface along with the presence of facets and surface steps leading to a noncircular cross section of the wires. These structural aspects are critical inputs needed to determine their unique electronic character and their potential as a suitable catalyst material. Furthermore, electron-beam-induced structural changes at the atomic scale, having implications on their mechanical behavior and their suitability as interconnects, are discussed.


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Recent advances in nanotechnology have paved ways to various techniques for designing and fabricating novel nanostructures incorporating noble metal nanoparticles, for a wide range of applications. The interaction of light with metal nanoparticles (NPs) can generate strongly localized electromagnetic fields (Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, LSPR) at certain wavelengths of the incident beam. In assemblies or structures where the nanoparticles are placed in close proximity, the plasmons of individual metallic NPs can be strongly coupled to each other via Coulomb interactions. By arranging the metallic NPs in a chiral (e.g. helical) geometry, it is possible to induce collective excitations, which lead to differential optical response of the structures to right-and left circularly polarized light (e.g. Circular Dichroism - CD). Earlier reports in this field include novel techniques of synthesizing metallic nanoparticles on biological helical templates made from DNA, proteins etc. In the present work, we have developed new ways of fabricating chiral complexes made of metallic NPs, which demonstrate a very strong chiro-optical response in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Using DDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation) simulations, we theoretically studied the conditions responsible for large and broadband chiro-optical response. This system may be used for various applications, for example those related to polarization control of visible light, sensing of proteins and other chiral bio-molecules, and many more.


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Wing morphing is one of the emerging methodology towards improving aerodynamic efficiency of flight vehicle structures. In this paper a morphing structural element is designed and studied which has its origin in the well known chiral structures. The new aspect of design and functionality explored in this paper is that the chiral cell is actuated using thermal Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) actuator wires to provide directional motion. Such structure utilizes the potential of different actuations concepts based on actuator embedded in the chiral structure skin. This paper describes a new class of chiral cell structure with integrated SMA wire for actuation. Chiral topological constructs are obtained by considering passive and active load path decoupling and sub-optimal shape changes. Single cell of chiral honeycomb with actuators are analyzed using finite element simulation results and experiments. To this end, a multi-cell plan-form is characterized showing interesting possibilities in structural morphing applications. The applicability of the developed chiral cell to flexible wing skin, variable stiffness based design and controlling longitudinal-to-transverse stiffness ratio are discussed.


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Debonding of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wires in SMA reinforced polymer matrix composites is a complex phenomenon compared to other fabric fiber debonding in similar matrix composites. This paper focuses on experimental study and analytical correlation of stress required for debonding of thermal SMA actuator wire reinforced composites. Fiber pull-out tests are carried out on thermal SMA actuator at parent state to understand the effect of stress induced detwinned martensites. An ASTM standard is followed as benchmark method for fiber pull-out test. Debonding stress is derived with the help of non-local shear-lag theory applied to elasto-plastic interface. Furthermore, experimental investigations are carried out to study the effect of Laser shot peening on SMA surface to improve the interfacial strength. Variation in debonding stress due to length of SMA wire reinforced in epoxy are investigated for non-peened and peened SMA wires. Experimental results of interfacial strength variation due to various L/d ratio for non-peened and peened SMA actuator wires in epoxy matrix are discussed.


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A detailed understanding of structure and stability of nanowires is critical for applications. Atomic resolution imaging of ultrathin single crystalline Au nanowires using aberration-corrected microscopy reveals an intriguing relaxation whereby the atoms in the close-packed atomic planes normal to the growth direction are displaced in the axial direction leading to wrinkling of the (111) atomic plane normal to the wire axis. First-principles calculations of the structure of such nanowires confirm this wrinkling phenomenon, whereby the close-packed planes relax to form saddle-like surfaces. Molecular dynamics studies of wires with varying diameters and different bounding surfaces point to the key role of surface stress on the relaxation process. Using continuum mechanics arguments, we show that the wrinkling arises due to anisotropy in the surface stresses and in the elastic response, along with the divergence of surface-induced bulk stress near the edges of a faceted structure. The observations provide new understanding on the equilibrium structure of nanoscale systems and could have important implications for applications in sensing and actuation.


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Although ultrathin Au nanowires (similar to 2 nm diameter) are expected to demonstrate several interesting properties, their extreme fragility has hampered their use in potential applications. One way to improve the stability is to grow them on substrates; however, there is no general method to grow these wires over large areas. The existing methods suffer from poor coverage and associated formation of larger nanoparticles on the substrate. Herein, we demonstrate a room temperature method for growth of these nanowires with high coverage over large areas by in situ functionalization of the substrate. Using control experiments, we demonstrate that an in situ functionalization of the substrate is the key step in controlling the areal density of the wires on the substrate. We show that this strategy works for a variety of substrates ranging like graphene, borosil glass, Kapton, and oxide supports. We present initial results on catalysis using the wires grown on alumina and silica beads and also extend the method to lithography-free device fabrication. This method is general and may be extended to grow ultrathin Au nanowires on a variety of substrates for other applications.


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We propose a laser interference technique for the fabrication of 3D nano-structures. This is possible with the introduction of specialized spatial filter in a 2 pi cylindrical lens system (consists of two opposing cylindrical lens sharing a common geometrical focus). The spatial filter at the back-aperture of a cylindrical lens gives rise to multiple light-sheet patterns. Two such interfering counter-propagating light-sheet pattern result in periodic 3D nano-pillar structure. This technique overcomes the existing slow point-by-point scanning, and has the ability to pattern selectively over a large volume. The proposed technique allows large-scale fabrication of periodic structures. Computational study shows a field-of-view (patterning volume) of approximately 12: 2mm(3) with the pillar-size of 80 nm and inter-pillar separation of 180 nm. Applications are in nano-waveguides, 3D nano-electronics, photonic crystals, and optical microscopy. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.