83 resultados para PARITY-VIOLATION


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We investigate polarity reversals in the geodynamo using a rotating, convection-driven dynamo model. As the flow in rapidly rotating convection is dominated by columns aligned with the axis of rotation, the focus is on the dynamics of columnar vortices. By studying the growth of a seed magnetic field to a stable axial dipole field, we show that the magnetic field acts in ways that significantly enhance the relative helicity between cyclonic and anticyclonic vortices. This flow asymmetry is the hallmark of a dipolar dynamo. Strong buoyancy, on the other hand, offsets the effect of the magnetic field, establishing parity between positive and negative vortices. As the dipole field is deprived of the helicity required to support itself, the dynamo is pushed into a reversing state. This is a likely regime for polarity reversals in the Earth's core. The integral lengthscale at which buoyancy injects energy is not significantly different from the convective flow lengthscale, which implies that buoyancy does not feed vortices at the small scales where non-linear inertia is present. The lengthscale at which the Lorentz force acts in the reversing dynamo is small, which may allow the passive presence of non-linear inertia in the small scales.


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In this paper, we study codes with locality that can recover from two erasures via a sequence of two local, parity-check computations. By a local parity-check computation, we mean recovery via a single parity-check equation associated with small Hamming weight. Earlier approaches considered recovery in parallel; the sequential approach allows us to potentially construct codes with improved minimum distance. These codes, which we refer to as locally 2-reconstructible codes, are a natural generalization along one direction, of codes with all-symbol locality introduced by Gopalan et al, in which recovery from a single erasure is considered. By studying the generalized Hamming weights of the dual code, we derive upper bounds on the minimum distance of locally 2-reconstructible codes and provide constructions for a family of codes based on Turan graphs, that are optimal with respect to this bound. The minimum distance bound derived here is universal in the sense that no code which permits all-symbol local recovery from 2 erasures can have larger minimum distance regardless of approach adopted. Our approach also leads to a new bound on the minimum distance of codes with all-symbol locality for the single-erasure case.


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In this paper, using the Gauge/gravity duality techniques, we explore the hydrodynamic regime of a very special class of strongly coupled QFTs that come up with an emerging UV length scale in the presence of a negative hyperscaling violating exponent. The dual gravitational counterpart for these QFTs consists of scalar dressed black brane solutions of exactly integrable Einstein-scalar gravity model with Domain Wall (DW) asymptotics. In the first part of our analysis we compute the R-charge diffusion for the boundary theory and find that (unlike the case for the pure AdS (4) black branes) it scales quite non trivially with the temperature. In the second part of our analysis, we compute the eta/s ratio both in the non extremal as well as in the extremal limit of these special class of gauge theories and it turns out to be equal to 1/4 pi in both the cases. These results therefore suggest that the quantum critical systems in the presence of (negative) hyperscaling violation at UV, might fall under a separate universality class as compared to those conventional quantum critical systems with the usual AdS (4) duals.


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In this paper, based on the principles of gauge/gravity duality and considering the so called hydrodynamic limit we compute various charge transport properties for a class of strongly coupled non-relativistic CFTs corresponding to z=2 fixed point whose dual gravitational counter part could be realized as the consistent truncation of certain non-relativistic Dp branes in the non-extremal limit. From our analysis we note that unlike the case for the AdS black branes, the charge diffusion constant in the non-relativistic background scales differently with the temperature. This shows a possible violation of the universal bound on the charge conductivity to susceptibility ratio in the context of non-relativistic holography. (C) 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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When a binary liquid is confined by a strongly repulsive wall, the local density is depleted near the wall and an interface similar to that between the liquid and its vapor is formed. This analogy suggests that the composition of the binary liquid near this interface should exhibit spatial modulation similar to that near a liquid-vapor interface even if the interactions of the wall with the two components of the liquid are the same. The Guggenheim adsorption relation quantifies the concentrations of two components of a binary mixture near a liquid-vapor interface and qualitatively states that the majority (minority) component enriches the interface for negative (positive) mixing energy if the surface tensions of the two components are not very different. From molecular dynamics simulations of binary mixtures with different compositions and interactions we find that the Guggenheim relation is qualitatively satisfied at wall-induced interfaces for systems with negative mixing energy at all state points considered. For systems with positive mixing energy, this relation is found to be qualitatively valid at low densities, while it is violated at state points with high density where correlations in the liquid are strong. This observation is validated by a calculation of the density profiles of the two components of the mixture using density functional theory with the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free-energy functional. Possible reasons for the violation of the Guggenheim relation are discussed.


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We investigate methods to explore the CP nature of the t (t) over barh coupling at the LHC, focusing on associated production of the Higgs boson with a t (t) over bar pair. We first discuss the constraints implied by low-energy observables and by the Higgs-rate information from available LHC data, emphasizing that they cannot provide conclusive evidence on the nature of this coupling. We then investigate kinematic observables that could probe the t (t) over barh coupling directly, in particular, quantities that can be constructed out of just laboratory-frame kinematics. We define one such observable by exploiting the fact that t (t) over bar spin correlations do also carry information about the CP nature of the t (t) over barh coupling. Finally, we introduce a CP-odd quantity and a related asymmetry, able to probe CP violation in the t (t) over barh coupling and likewise, constructed out of laboratory-frame momenta only.


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One of the central dogmas of fluid physics is the no-slip boundary condition, whose validity has come under scrutiny, especially in the fields of micro and nanofluidics. Although various studies show the violation of the no-slip condition its effect on flow of colloidal particles in viscous media has been rarely explored. Here we report unusually large reduction of effective viscosity experienced by polymeric nano colloids moving through a highly viscous and confined polymer, well above its glass transition temperature. The extent of reduction in effective interface viscosity increases with decreasing temperature and polymer film thickness. Concomitant with the reduction in effective viscosity we also observe apparent divergence of the wave vector dependent hydrodynamic interaction function of these colloids with an anomalous power law exponent of similar to 2 at the lowest temperatures and film thickness studied. Such strong hydrodynamic interactions are not expected for polymeric colloidal motion in polymer melts. We suggest hydrodynamics, especially slip present at the colloid-polymer interface which determines the observed reduction in interface viscosity and presence of strong hydrodynamic interactions.


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We evaluate the contribution of chiral fermions in d = 2, 4, 6, chiral bosons, a chiral gravitino like theory in d = 2 and chiral gravitinos in d = 6 to all the leading parity odd transport coefficients at one loop. This is done by using finite temperature field theory to evaluate the relevant Kubo formulae. For chiral fermions and chiral bosons the relation between the parity odd transport coefficient and the microscopic anomalies including gravitational anomalies agree with that found by using the general methods of hydrodynamics and the argument involving the consistency of the Euclidean vacuum. For the gravitino like theory in d = 2 and chiral gravitinos in d = 6, we show that relation between the pure gravitational anomaly and parity odd transport breaks down. From the perturbative calculation we clearly identify the terms that contribute to the anomaly polynomial, but not to the transport coefficient for gravitinos. We also develop a simple method for evaluating the angular integrals in the one loop diagrams involved in the Kubo formulae. Finally we show that charge diffusion mode of an ideal 2 dimensional Weyl gas in the presence of a finite chemical potential acquires a speed, which is equal to half the speed of light.