284 resultados para Oceanic mythology.


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The Bay of Bengal (BoB), a small oceanic region surrounded by landmasses with distinct natural and anthropogenic activities and under the influence of seasonally changing airmass types, is characterized by a rather complex and highly heterogeneous aerosol environment. Concurrent measurements of the physical, optical, and chemical (offline analysis) properties of BoB aerosols, made onboard extensive ship-cruises and aircraft sorties during Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget of March-April 2006, and satellite-retrieved aerosol optical depths and derived parameters, were synthesized following a synergistic approach to delineate the anthropogenic fraction to the composite aerosol parameters and its spatial variation. Quite interestingly and contrary to the general belief, our studies revealed that, despite of the very high aerosol loading (in the marine atmospheric boundary layer as well as in the vertical column) over the northern BoB and a steep decreasing gradient toward the southern latitudes, the anthropogenic fraction showed a steady increase from North to South (where no obvious anthropogenic source regions exist). Consequently, the direct radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere due to anthropogenic aerosols remained nearly constant over the entire BoB with values in the range from -3.3 to -3.6 Wm(-2). This interesting finding, beyond doubts calls for a better understanding of the complex aerosol system over the BoB through more focused field campaigns.


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The paper describes the sensitivity of the simulated precipitation to changes in convective relaxation time scale (TAU) of Zhang and McFarlane (ZM) cumulus parameterization, in NCAR-Community Atmosphere Model version 3 (CAM3). In the default configuration of the model, the prescribed value of TAU, a characteristic time scale with which convective available potential energy (CAPE) is removed at an exponential rate by convection, is assumed to be 1 h. However, some recent observational findings suggest that, it is larger by around one order of magnitude. In order to explore the sensitivity of the model simulation to TAU, two model frameworks have been used, namely, aqua-planet and actual-planet configurations. Numerical integrations have been carried out by using different values of TAU, and its effect on simulated precipitation has been analyzed. The aqua-planet simulations reveal that when TAU increases, rate of deep convective precipitation (DCP) decreases and this leads to an accumulation of convective instability in the atmosphere. Consequently, the moisture content in the lower-and mid-troposphere increases. On the other hand, the shallow convective precipitation (SCP) and large-scale precipitation (LSP) intensify, predominantly the SCP, and thus capping the accumulation of convective instability in the atmosphere. The total precipitation (TP) remains approximately constant, but the proportion of the three components changes significantly, which in turn alters the vertical distribution of total precipitation production. The vertical structure of moist heating changes from a vertically extended profile to a bottom heavy profile, with the increase of TAU. Altitude of the maximum vertical velocity shifts from upper troposphere to lower troposphere. Similar response was seen in the actual-planet simulations. With an increase in TAU from 1 h to 8 h, there was a significant improvement in the simulation of the seasonal mean precipitation. The fraction of deep convective precipitation was in much better agreement with satellite observations.


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The performance of the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) in simulating an extreme rainfall event is evaluated, and subsequently the physical mechanisms leading to its initiation and sustenance are explored. As a case study, the heavy precipitation event that led to 65 cm of rainfall accumulation in a span of around 6 h (1430 LT-2030 LT) over Santacruz (Mumbai, India), on 26 July, 2005, is selected. Three sets of numerical experiments have been conducted. The first set of experiments (EXP1) consisted of a four-member ensemble, and was carried out in an idealized mode with a model grid spacing of 1 km. In spite of the idealized framework, signatures of heavy rainfall were seen in two of the ensemble members. The second set (EXP2) consisted of a five-member ensemble, with a four-level one-way nested integration and grid spacing of 54, 18, 6 and 1 km. The model was able to simulate a realistic spatial structure with the 54, 18, and 6 km grids; however, with the 1 km grid, the simulations were dominated by the prescribed boundary conditions. The third and final set of experiments (EXP3) consisted of a five-member ensemble, with a four-level one-way nesting and grid spacing of 54, 18, 6, and 2 km. The Scaled Lagged Average Forecasting (SLAF) methodology was employed to construct the ensemble members. The model simulations in this case were closer to observations, as compared to EXP2. Specifically, among all experiments, the timing of maximum rainfall, the abrupt increase in rainfall intensities, which was a major feature of this event, and the rainfall intensities simulated in EXP3 (at 6 km resolution) were closest to observations. Analysis of the physical mechanisms causing the initiation and sustenance of the event reveals some interesting aspects. Deep convection was found to be initiated by mid-tropospheric convergence that extended to lower levels during the later stage. In addition, there was a high negative vertical gradient of equivalent potential temperature suggesting strong atmospheric instability prior to and during the occurrence of the event. Finally, the presence of a conducive vertical wind shear in the lower and mid-troposphere is thought to be one of the major factors influencing the longevity of the event.


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The radiative impact of aerosols is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in estimating anthropogenic climate perturbations. Here we have used independent ground-based radiometer measurements made simultaneously with comprehensive measurements of aerosol microphysical and optical properties at a highly populated urban site, Bangalore (13.02 degrees N, 77.6 degrees E) in southern India during a dedicated campaign during winter of 2004 and summer and pre-monsoon season of 2005. We have also used longer term measurements carried out at this site to present general features of aerosols over this region. The aerosol radiative impact assessments were made from direct measurements of ground reaching irradiance as well as by incorporating measured aerosol properties into a radiative transfer model. Large discrepancies were observed between measured and modeled (using radiative transfer models, which employed measured aerosol properties) radiative impacts. It appears that the presence of elevated aerosol layers and (or) inappropriate description of aerosol state of mixing are (is) responsible for the discrepancies. On a monthly scale reduction of surface irradiance due to the presence of aerosols (estimated using radiative flux measurements) varies from 30 to 65 W m(-2). The lowest values in surface radiative impact were observed during June when there is large reduction in aerosol as a consequence of monsoon rainfall. Large increase in aerosol-induced surface radiative impact was observed from winter to summer. Our investigations re-iterate the inadequacy of aerosol measurements at the surface alone and importance of representing column properties (using vertical profiles) accurately in order to assess aerosol-induced climate changes accurately. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To accurately assess the impact of anthropogenic aerosols on climate, spatial and temporal distribution of its radiative properties is essential. The first step towards separating the radiative impact of natural aerosol from its anthropogenic counterparts is to gather information on natural aerosols. In this paper, we have used data from multiple satellites to derive the anthropogenic aerosol fraction (AAF) over the Afro-Asian region. The AAF was largest during the pre-monsoon season (May-June) and lowest during winter. We have shown that over desert locations the AAF was unexpectedly large (>0.4) and the regionally (and annually) averaged anthropogenic fraction over the Afro-Asian region was 0.54 +/- 0.12. Copyright (C) 2010 Royal Meteorological Society


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A Southern Ocean Pilot cruise covering the latitudes from 10 degrees N to 56 degrees S in the open Indian Ocean was carried out during January February 2004. Surface and upper air data collected during this cruise are reported here. It is shown that the broad features of the atmosphere, in particular that of temperature, follow the tropical and mid-latitude weather expected during January February in this region. However, the atmospheric boundary-layer shows large variations, both in its height and structure between tropics and high latitudes. Strong influence of the surface heat flux on boundary layer structure is clearly seen. Humidity field reveals several local maxima and minima, suggesting a laminated atmosphere with air from different sources moving almost unmixed in adjacent layers.


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Extensive measurements of columnar aerosol optical depth (AOD), composite (M-T) and black carbon aerosol mass (M-B) concentrations were made over the tropical Indian and Southern Oceans as a part of the Pilot Expedition to the Southern Ocean during the boreal winter. The AOD, M-T and M-B show large latitudinal gradient towards south up to ITCZ. Beyond ITCZ, up to 56 degrees S, AOD and M-B show very low and steady values. However M-T shows large variations in the Southern Ocean due to the enhanced production of sea salt aerosols associated with high sea surface winds. The short wave aerosol radiative forcing at the surface over north of equator is in the range - 10 to -23 W m(-2), whereas that over the Southern Ocean was in the range -4 to -5 W m(-2). The corresponding atmospheric forcing was in the range of 6-13 W m(-2) and 0.8-1.4 W m(-2). This large north south change in the aerosol radiative forcing has important implications to the meridional circulation and hence to climate.


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Characteristics of pre-monsoon and monsoon boundary layer structure and turbulence were studied in New Delhi and Bangalore, India during the summer of 1987. Micrometeorological towers were installed and instrumented at these locations to provide mean and turbulent surface layer measurements, while information on the vertical structure of the atmosphere was obtained using miniradiosondes. Thermal structures of the pre-monsoon and monsoon boundary layers were quite distinct. The daytime, pre-monsoon boundary layer observed over New Delhi was much deeper than that of the monsoon boundary layer observed over Bangalore and at times was characterized by multiple inversions. Surface, turbulent sensible heat fluxes at both sites were approximately the same (235 and 200 Wm−2 for New Delhi and Bangalore, respectively). Diurnal variations in the monsoon boundary layer at Bangalore were more regular compared to those under pre-monsoon conditions at New Delhi. One-dimensional numerical simulations of the pre-monsoon boundary layer using a turbulent energy closure scheme show good agreement with observations.


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Equatorial Indian Ocean is warmer in the east, has a deeper thermocline and mixed layer, and supports a more convective atmosphere than in the west. During certain years, the eastern Indian Ocean becomes unusually cold, anomalous winds blow from east to west along the equator and southeastward off the coast of Sumatra, thermocline and mixed layer lift up and the atmospheric convection gets suppressed. At the same time, western Indian Ocean becomes warmer and enhances atmospheric convection. This coupled ocean-atmospheric phenomenon in which convection, winds, sea surface temperature (SST) and thermocline take part actively is known as the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Propagation of baroclinic Kelvin and Rossby waves excited by anomalous winds, play an important role in the development of SST anomalies associated with the IOD. Since mean thermocline in the Indian Ocean is deep compared to the Pacific, it was believed for a long time that the Indian Ocean is passive and merely responds to the atmospheric forcing. Discovery of the IOD and studies that followed demonstrate that the Indian Ocean can sustain its own intrinsic coupled ocean-atmosphere processes. About 50% percent of the IOD events in the past 100 years have co-occurred with El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the other half independently. Coupled models have been able to reproduce IOD events and process experiments by such models – switching ENSO on and off – support the hypothesis based on observations that IOD events develop either in the presence or absence of ENSO. There is a general consensus among different coupled models as well as analysis of data that IOD events co-occurring during the ENSO are forced by a zonal shift in the descending branch of Walker cell over to the eastern Indian Ocean. Processes that initiate the IOD in the absence of ENSO are not clear, although several studies suggest that anomalies of Hadley circulation are the most probable forcing function. Impact of the IOD is felt in the vicinity of Indian Ocean as well as in remote regions. During IOD events, biological productivity of the eastern Indian Ocean increases and this in turn leads to death of corals over a large area.Moreover, the IOD affects rainfall over the maritime continent, Indian subcontinent, Australia and eastern Africa. The maritime continent and Australia suffer from deficit rainfall whereas India and east Africa receive excess. Despite the successful hindcast of the 2006 IOD by a coupled model, forecasting IOD events and their implications to rainfall variability remains a major challenge as understanding reasons behind an increase in frequency of IOD events in recent decades.


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The finite predictability of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system is determined by its aperiodic variability. To gain insight regarding the predictability of such a system, a series of diagnostic studies has been carried out to investigate the role of convergence feedback in producing the aperiodic behavior of the standard version of the Cane-Zebiak model. In this model, an increase in sea surface temperature (SST) increases atmospheric heating by enhancing local evaporation (SST anomaly feedback) and low-level convergence (convergence feedback). The convergence feedback is a nonlinear function of the background mean convergence field. For the set of standard parameters used in the model, it is shown that the convergence feedback contributes importantly to the aperiodic behaviour of the model. As the strength of the convergence feedback is increased from zero to its standard value, the model variability goes from a periodic regime to an aperiodic regime through a broadening of the frequency spectrum around the basic periodicity of about 4 years. Examination of the forcing associated with the convergence feedback reveals that it is intermittent, with relatively large amplitude only during 2 or 3 months in the early part of the calendar year. This seasonality in the efficiency of the convergence feedback is related to the strong seasonality of the mean convergence over the eastern Pacific. It is shown that if the mean convergence field is fixed at its March value, aperiodic behavior is produced even in the absence of annual cycles in the other mean fields. On the, other hand, if the mean convergence field is fixed at its September value, the coupled model evolution remains close to periodic, even in the presence of the annual cycle in the other fields. The role of convergence feedback on the aperiodic variability of the model for other parameter regimes is also examined. It is shown that a range exists in the strength of the SST anomaly feedback for which the model variability is aperiodic even without the convergence feedback. It appears that in the absence of convergence feedback, enhancement of the strength of the air-sea coupling in the model through other physical processes also results in aperiodicity in the model.


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Numerous reports from several parts of the world have confirmed that on calm clear nights a minimum in air temperature can occur just above ground, at heights of the order of $\frac{1}{2}$ m or less. This phenomenon, first observed by Ramdas & Atmanathan (1932), carries the associated paradox of an apparently unstable layer that sustains itself for several hours, and has not so far been satisfactorily explained. We formulate here a theory that considers energy balance between radiation, conduction and free or forced convection in humid air, with surface temperature, humidity and wind incorporated into an appropriate mathematical model as parameters. A complete numerical solution of the coupled air-soil problem is used to validate an approach that specifies the surface temperature boundary condition through a cooling rate parameter. Utilizing a flux-emissivity scheme for computing radiative transfer, the model is numerically solved for various values of turbulent friction velocity. It is shown that a lifted minimum is predicted by the model for values of ground emissivity not too close to unity, and for sufficiently low surface cooling rates and eddy transport. Agreement with observation for reasonable values of the parameters is demonstrated. A heuristic argument is offered to show that radiation substantially increases the critical Rayleigh number for convection, thus circumventing or weakening Rayleigh-Benard instability. The model highlights the key role played by two parameters generally ignored in explanations of the phenomenon, namely surface emissivity and soil thermal conductivity, and shows that it is unnecessary to invoke the presence of such particulate constituents as haze to produce a lifted minimum.


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Satellite-derived chlorophyll a concentration (chl a) maps show three regions with high chl a in the Bay of Bengal. First among these is close to the coast, particularly off river mouths, with high values coinciding with the season of peak discharge; second is in the southwestern bay during the northeast monsoon, which is forced by local Ekman pumping; and the third is to the east of Sri Lanka in response to the summer monsoon winds. Chlorophyll-rich water from the mouths of rivers flows either along the coast or in an offshore direction, up to several hundred kilometers, depending on the prevailing ocean current pattern. The Irrawady River plume flows toward offshore and then turns northwestward during October–December, but it flows along the coast into the Andaman Sea for the rest of the year. From the Ganga-Brahmaputra river mouth, chl a–rich water flows directly southward into the open bay during spring but along the Indian coast during summer and winter. Along the Indian coast, the flow of chl a–rich water is determined by the East India Coastal Current (EICC). Whenever the EICC meanders off the Indian coast, it leads to an offshore outbreak of chl a–rich water from the coastal region into open ocean. The EICC as well as open ocean circulation in the bay is made up of several eddies, and these eddies show relatively higher chl a. Eddies near the coast, however, can often have higher chl a because of advection from the coastal region rather than generation within the eddy itself. The bay experiences several cyclones in a year, most of them occurring during October–November. These cyclones cause a drop in the sea surface temperature, a dip in the sea level, and a local increase in chl a. The impact of a cyclone is weaker in the northern part of the bay because of stronger stratification compared to the southern parts.


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The impact of moisture anomalies on the circulation of the south-west Indian monsoon has been studied with a general circulation model. Newtonian relaxation is adopted to subject the model atmosphere under sustained moisture anomalies. The impact of negative anomalies of moisture was seen as a divergent circulation anomaly, while the positive anomaly was a stronger convergent anomaly. Although the humidity fields display a resilient behaviour, and relax back to normal patterns 1–2 days after the forcing terms in humidity are withdrawn, the circulation anomalies created by the moisture variation keeps growing. A feedback between positive moisture anomalies and low level convergence exists, which is terminated in the absence of external forcings.


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A conceptual model is proposed to explain the observed aperiodicity in the short term climate fluctuations of the tropical coupled ocean-atmosphere system. This is based on the evidence presented here that the tropical coupled ocean-atmosphere system sustains a low frequency inter-annual mode and a host of higher frequency intra-seasonal unstable modes. At long wavelengths, the low frequency mode is dominant while at short wavelengths, the high frequency modes are dominant resulting in the co-existence of a long wave low frequency mode with some short wave intra-seasonal modes in the tropical coupled system. It is argued that due to its long wavelength, the low frequency mode would behave like a linear oscillator while the higher frequency short wave modes would be nonlinear. The conceptual model envisages that an interaction between the low frequency linear oscillator and the high frequency nonlinear oscillations results in the observed aperiodicity of the tropical coupled system. This is illustrated by representing the higher frequency intra-seasonal oscillations by a nonlinear low order model which is then coupled to a linear oscillator with a periodicity of four years. The physical mechanism resulting in the aperiodicity in the low frequency oscillations and implications of these results on the predictability of the coupled system are discussed.