157 resultados para Mn12-acetate


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A detailed polarographic (a.c. and d.c.) and coulometric investigation of nitrobenzene has been made at various pH values in the presence of different concentrations of ethanol. Below pH 4.7, two waves are apparent but above this pH, the second wave does not appear. Coulometric evidence indicates that the first and second waves correspond to the four-and two-electron processes, respectively. The coulometric method was not applicable in sodium hydroxide and sodium acetate solutions. When the diffusion coefficients (from the diaphragm cell) are used in the Ilkovic equation, no reliable conclusions can be reached for the number of electrons involved in the reduction process in alkaline solutions. The a.c. polarographic method gives evidence for the formation of species such as: C6H5NO2H22+, C6H5NO2− and C6H5NO22−. Analysis of d.c. polarographic data by Delahay's treatment of irreversible waves, indicates that the number of electrons involved in the rate-determining step is 2. In sodium hydroxide solutions, however, the first main wave is split indicating more than one rate-determining step. The results presented in this paper indicate that the first wave in the reduction of nitrobenzene is a four-electron process at all pH values. The second wave, which appears below pH 4.7, corresponds to a two-electron process irrespective of wave heights. The difference in the a.c. polarographic behaviour in acid and alkaline solutions has given evidence for the formation of species like C6H5NO2H2, C6H5NO2−, and C6H5NO22.


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Diphenyl sulphoxide (DPSO) complexes of TiO2+, ZrO2+, VO2+ and UO22+ have been prepared and characterized by physicochemical methods. The complexes have the formulae: [TiO(DPSO)5]2 (ClO4)4, [ZrO(DPSO)6] (ClO4)2, [VO(DPSO)5](ClO4)2, [VO(DPSO)3Cl2], [UO2-(DPSO)4] (ClO4)2, [UO2(DPSO)2Cl2],[UO2(DPSO)2(NO3)2]and[UO2(DPSO)2(CH3COO)2]. The i.r. spectra show the coordination through the oxygen of the sulphoxide in all the complexes. The spectroscopic, conductivity and crysoscopic studies indicate the ionic nature of the perchlorate, while the chloride, nitrate and acetate are coordinated, the last two being bidentate. The probable stereochemistry of the complexes is discussed. The complexes decompose exothermally.


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The kinetics of oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid was studied in a sparger reactor using manganese acetate as the catalyst. Data obtained in a stirred tank reactor are used for analyzing the sparger reactor data. The rate of chemical reaction is extremely fast and can be neglected for the rate equation of the sparger reactor. A kinetic model applicable at any temperature and concentration within the range of the variables studied is developed which predicts the performance of the sparger reactor satisfactorily.


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The rare-earth trichloroacetates having the formula Ln(Cl3CCOO)3. 3H2O, where Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd or Y, were investigated by conductimetric, cryoscopic and infrared methods. The results suggest a structure in which the acetate anion coordinates to the metal through both the oxygen and the water molecules remain outside the coordination sphere.


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The effect of dietary cholesterol and ubiquinone on the synthesis of isoprene compounds in the liver, as tested by the incorporation of acetate-1-14C and mevalonate-2-14C, was studied in rats. In cholesterol feeding, there appears to be a second site of inhibition after squalene in addition to the previously known primary site of inhibition at the β-hydroxy-β-methyl glutaryl-CoA reductase. Feeding ubiquinone inhibited at some common step between acetate and mevalonate in the synthesis of both cholesterol and ubiquinone, without affecting the acetate activation or fatty acid synthesis, and also at a step in the synthesis of ubiquinone not common with the synthesis of cholesterol. These results are suggestive of a role for ubiquinone in the regulation of isoprene synthesis.


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1.(1) Incorporation of Na235SO4 into acid mucopolysaccharides of intestine and colon tissue has been studied in normal, vitamin A-deficient and excess vitamin A-fed rats. 2. (2) Vitamin A deficiency resulted in a significant decrease in [35S]sulfate incorporation into mucopolysaccharides isolated from intestines of male rats. There was no significant change in the total mucopolysaccharides per gram of fresh tissue. 3. (3) When rats are fed excessive amounts of retinyl acetate, increased [35S]sulfate incorporation into mucopolysaccharides of rat intestine and colon is observed. 4. (4) Supplementation of vitamin K1 to rats fed excessive amounts of vitamin A restores the incorporation of [35S]sulfate into the acid mucopolysaccharides to the normal level. 5. (5) The implications of these findings with special reference to the role of vitamins A and K in the synthesis of sulfated mucopolysaccharides are discussed.


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Incorporation of mevalonate-2-C14, acetate-1-C14, and formate-C14 into the lipids of microorganisms was studied. In the case of four bacteria tested—Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Azotobacter vinelandii, Escherichia coli, and a Pseudomonas species—the various homologues of coenzyme Q present were not labeled with any of the tracers used, although significant amounts of radioactivity were present in the lipids. Both acetate and mevalonate were incorporated into coenzyme Q and sterol of the moulds, Aspergillus niger, Neurospora crassa, Penicillium chrysogenum, and Gibberella fujickuroi, and a yeast, Torulopsis utilis. Mevalonate was incorporated into the side chain but not the ring, whereas acetate was incorporated into both. It appears that the mevalonate pathway for the synthesis of coenzyme Q is operative only in those organisms which also contain other isoprene compounds such as sterol and carotene.


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The total synthesis of 8-isotestosterone (II) and the corresponding anthracene analogue (III) following the benzohydrindane route is reported. Catalytic hydrogenation of trans-1β-acetoxy-8-methyl-4,5-(3′-methyl-4′-hydroxybenzo)-hydrindane (V) followed by oxidation has furnished two isomeric tricyclic keto acetates, viz. 1β,2α-(3′-acetoxycyclopentano)-2,5-dimethyl-6-keto-1α,2,3,4,4aα,-5α,6,7,8,8aα-decahydronaphthalene (VII) and 1β,2α-(3′-acetoxycyclopentano)-2,5-dimethyl-6-keto-1α,2,3,4,4aβ,5,6,7,8,8aβ-decahydronaphthalene (IX) which are cis-non-steroid and cis-steroid configurations of the same cyclopentano-cis-decalins. A difference in the direction of enolization of the keto acetate (VII) in alkylation reaction and enol acetylation towards the methine and the methylene carbon atoms respectively has been observed.


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The Raman spectrum of ethyl chloroacetate has been studied at 13° C., 28° C. and 78° C. The carbonyl frequency was found to be split up into two due to the presence of rotational isomers. The higher frequency line due to thecis isomer was found to decrease in intensity with temperature. It appears that the gauche isomer will predominate in the vapour state. Altogether thirty-eight Raman lines have been recorded. Reasonable assignments for the observed Raman lines were made in comparison with ethyl acetate spectrum.


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3-Methyl-4-carboxy-2-(2′-methoxy-6′-naphthyl)cyclopenten-3-acetic acid, prepared from trans methyl 2-methyl-3-carbomethoxycyclopentanon-2-acetate and 2-methoxy-6-lithionaphthalene, on ring closure and catalytic hydrogenation gave dl-3-methoxy-17β-carboxy-1,3,5(10),6,8-estrapentaene.


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1. 1. Sheep plasma α1-mucoprotein was isolated in an electrophoretically homogeneous state by a combination of ammonium sulphate saturation, isoelectric precipitation and preparative agar electrophoresis in a yield of approx. 150 mg/l of plasma. 2. 2. The mucoprotein was water-soluble, non-coagulable on heating at 100°, not precipitable by 1.8 M perchloric acid, 10% trichloroacetic acid but precipitable by saturated ammonium sulphate solution, 0.6 M sulfosalicylic acid and 5% phosphotungstic acid in 2 N HCl. It had E1 cm1 % value of 9.57 at 278 mμ in water, refractive-index index increment 1.9·10-4 (g/l) in water, isoelectric point at pH 4.45 (sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer) and was homogeneous in pH range 4.0-11.5 but at pH values 2.6 and 3.5 showed some dissociation. 3. 3. The mucoprotein had the following chemical composition: Nitrogen, 12.4%; polypeptide, 77.4%; total hexose (only mannose and galactose), 7.1%; fucose, 1.0%; glucosamine, 4.9% and sialic acid, 4.8%. It had no N-terminal amino acid.


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Using the pulse method in the range of 2 to 26Mc's the ultrasonic absorption, velocity and the adiabatic compressibility have been studied in eleven aqueous acetate solutions up to a concentration of 1 mole/litre. The substances studied are the acetates of lithium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, zinc, cadmium and lead. Absorption in mercuric acetate has been studied only at 2 and 6 Mc/s. Two regions of relaxation are noticed, one below 10 Mc/s and the other between 10 and 26 Mc/s. The first relaxation is ascribed to the dissociation reaction of the salt and the second one to the monomerdimer reaction of the acetic acid formed by the hydrolysis of the salt in water.


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The crystal and molecular structure has been determined by the heavy-atom method and refined by the least-squares procedure to R= 8"3 % for 2033 photographically observed reflexions. The compound crystallizes in the space group P]" with two molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a = 11"68 + 0-02, b = 12"91 +0"02, c= 10"43+0"02/~, e= 114"7+ 1, fl=90-2+ 1 and 7,= 118.3+ 1 °. The unit cell also contains one molecule of the solvent, benzene. The 'cage' part of the molecule exhibits a large number of elongated bonds and strained internal valency angles. The bridgehead angle in the bicyclic heptane ring system is 89 °. The acetate group at C(16) and the methyl group at C(15) are cis to each other.


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The study of proteins involved in de novo biosynthesis of purine nucleotides is central in the development of antibiotics and anticancer drugs. In view of this, a protein from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 was isolated, purified and crystallized using the microbatch method. Its primary structure was found to be similar to that of SAICAR synthetase, which catalyses the seventh step of de novo purine biosynthesis. A diffraction-quality crystal was obtained using Hampton Research Crystal Screen II condition No. 34, consisting of 0.05 M cadmium sulfate hydrate, 0.1 M HEPES buffer pH 7.5 and 1.0 M sodium acetate trihydrate, with 40%(v/v) 1,4-butanediol as an additive. The crystal belonged to space group P3(1), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 95.62, c = 149.13 angstrom. Assuming the presence of a hexamer in the asymmetric unit resulted in a Matthews coefficient (V-M) of 2.3 angstrom(3) Da(-1), corresponding to a solvent content of about 46%. A detailed study of this protein will yield insights into structural stability at high temperatures and should be highly relevant to the development of antibiotics and anticancer drugs targeting the biosynthesis of purine nucleotides.


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In this study, biodegradable blend of Poly (Ethylene-co-Vinyl Acetate) (EVA) and Ethyl Cellulose (EC) were prepared. Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer was used as an interfacial compatibilizer to enhance adhesion between EVA and EC. The melt blended compatibilized biocomposites were examined for mechanical and thermal properties as per the ASTM standards. It has been found that the EC has a reinforcing effect on EVA leading to enhanced tensile strength and also impart biodegradability. Thus, a high loading of 50% EC could be added without compromising Much on the mechanical properties. Analysis of the tensile data using predictive theories showed an enhanced interaction of the dispersed phase (EC) and the matrix (EVA). The compatibilizing effects of EVOH on these blends were confirmed by the significant improvement in the mechanical properties comparable with neat EVA as also observed by SEM microscopy. The TGA thermograms exhibits two-stage degradation and as EC content increases, the onset temperature for thermal degradation reduces. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 116: 1044-1056, 2010