523 resultados para Magnetic circuit


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On interrupting polarisation, the magnesium anode exhibits a negative overshoot in potential followed by a slow recovery to a steady state value. A model has been proposed to explain the opencircuit potential-time transient in terms of a spontaneous passivation of the metal and the consequent changes in the corrosion potential. Theoretical expressions have been derived for the timedependence of the open-circuit electrode potential. Calculated, potential-time curves thus obtained are in qualitative agreement with experimental data. A possible application of this phenomenon to develop non-destructive quality control tests of Mg, Li and Al-based dry cells has been pointed out.


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The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout design is one of the most important and time consuming phases during equipment design process in all electronic industries. This paper is concerned with the development and implementation of a computer aided PCB design package. A set of programs which operate on a description of the circuit supplied by the user in the form of a data file and subsequently design the layout of a double-sided PCB has been developed. The algorithms used for the design of the PCB optimise the board area and the length of copper tracks used for the interconnections. The output of the package is the layout drawing of the PCB, drawn on a CALCOMP hard copy plotter and a Tektronix 4012 storage graphics display terminal. The routing density (the board area required for one component) achieved by this package is typically 0.8 sq. inch per IC. The package is implemented on a DEC 1090 system in Pascal and FORTRAN and SIGN(1) graphics package is used for display generation.


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A possible mechanism for the resistance minimum in dilute alloys in which the localized impurity states are non-magnetic is suggested. The fact is considered that what is essential to the Kondo-like behaviour is the interaction of the conduction electron spin s with the internal dynamical degrees of freedom of the impurity centre. The necessary internal dynamical degrees of freedom are provided by the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect associated with the degenerate 3d-orbitals of the transition-metal impurities interacting with the surrounding (octahedral) complex of the nearest-neighbour atoms. The fictitious spin I characterizing certain low-lying vibronic states of the system is shown to couple with the conduction electron spin s via s-d mixing and spin-orbit coupling, giving rise to a singular temperature-dependent exchange-like interaction. The resistivity so calculated is in fair agreement with the experimental results of Cape and Hake for Ti containing 0.2 at% of Fe.


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Li n.m.r, in single crystals of lithium acetate dihydrate is used to determine the quadrupole coupling parameters: (e2qQ/h) and r/. The orientations of the principal z, y and x components of the electric field gradient tensor are determined to be along the crystallographic b, a and c axes respectively. The parameters experimentally determined are (e2qQ/h)= 154"6 kHz; and i/= 0.9. This study indicates a tetrahedral configuration around the Li ion, confirming the recent X-ray and p.m.r, results.


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Metallo tetraphenylporphyrins form I : I molecular complexes with 4,6-dinitrobenzofuroxan. The molecular association is described in terms of T-n. interaction with porphyrins functioning as donors. The association constants and thermodynamic parameters have been evaluated using optical absorption and 'H nmr spectral methods. Based on the binding constants, the donor ability of various metalloporphyrins can be arranged in the following order: Pd(I1) > Co(I1) > Cu(I1) > Ni(I1) - VO(1V) - 2H > Zn(l1). Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of the complexes reveal that the IT-complexation results in changes in the electronic structure of the central metal ions which are reflected in the changes in the M-N 5 bonding. The dipolar contribution to the acceptor proton chemical shifts in the CoTPP complex has been partitioned from ring current contributions using the shifts observed in the ZnTPP complex. The shifts, along with the line broadening ratios observed for the CoTPP complex, are used to arrive at the possible solution structures of the complexes.


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Townsend's first ionization coefficients have been measured in corssed electric and magnetic fields for values of B/p ranging from 0.013 TESLA. TORR-1 to 0.064 TESLA.TORR-1 and for 103 x 102¿ E/p 331 x 102 V.M-1. TORR-1 in oxygen and for 122 x 102¿ E/pÂ488 x 102 V.M-1.TORR-1 for dry air. The values of effective collision frequencies determined from the equivalent pressure (pe) concept generally increase with E/p at constant B/p and decrease with increasing B/p at constant E/p. Effective collision frequencies determined from measured sparking potentials at high values of E/p increase with decreasing E/pe. The drift velocity and mean energy of electrons in oxygen in crossed electric and magnetic fields have been derived.


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The pressure dependence (0-7 kbar) of the magnetic susceptibility is reported for the intermediate valence system EuPd2Si2 in the temperature interval 77-300K. It is found that the thermally induced valence transition becomes more gradual on application of pressure The characteristic fluctuation temperature Tf, also seems to be pressure dependent.


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The recent trend towards minimizing the interconnections in large scale integration (LSI) circuits has led to intensive investigation in the development of ternary circuits and the improvement of their design. The ternary multiplexer is a convenient and useful logic module which can be used as a basic building block in the design of a ternary system. This paper discusses a systematic procedure for the simplification and realization of ternary functions using ternary multiplexers as building blocks. Both single level and multilevel multiplexing techniques are considered. The importance of the design procedure is highlighted by considering two specific applications, namely, the development of ternary adder/subtractor and TCD to ternary converter.


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A versatile and flexible digital pulse programmer for two-pulse, three-pulse, saturation burst and Carr-Purcell sequences is described. Independently variable controls for pulse widths (0.2 mu s to 100 mu s), delay between pulses (0.2 mu s to 100 s) and for number of pulses (1 to 99) for the saturation burst and for the Carr-Purcell sequence, are brought to the front panel. The programmer can be used for one-shot experiments as well as for repetitive experiments.


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THE COMPLEXES of pyridine-l-oxide and 2- and 4-substituted pyridine-l-oxides have been investigated previously[l]. The complexes of 3-substituted pyfidine-l-oxides, however, have received little attention. The rare-earth complexes of pyridine-Ioxide[l, 2], 4-methylpyridine- l-oxide [1] and 2,6- dimethylpyfidine-l-oxide[3,4] have been reported earlier. The present paper deals with the isolation and characterisation of 3-methylpyridine-l-oxide (3-Picoline-N-oxide, 3-PicNO) complexes with rare-earth perchlorates.


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The solution of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar magneto-hydrodynamic boundary layer flow and heat transfer problem with viscous dissipation for electrically conducting fluids over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies with pressure gradient and magnetic field has been presented. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for flow over a cylinder and a sphere. The results indicate that the magnetic field tends to delay or prevent separation. The heat transfer strongly depends on the viscous dissipation parameter. When the dissipation parameter is positive (i.e. when the temperature of the wall is greater than the freestream temperature) and exceeds a certain value, the hot wall ceases to be cooled by the stream of cooler air because the ‘heat cushion’ provided by the frictional heat prevents cooling whereas the effect of the magnetic field is to remove the ‘heat cushion’ so that the wall continues to be cooled. The results are found to be in good agreement with those of the local similarity and local nonsimilarity methods except near the point of separation, but they are in excellent agreement with those of the difference-differential technique even near the point of separation.


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The nature of the neutral curves for the stability of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stratified, Boussinesq fluid in the presence of a uniform magnetic field for the cases (1) an infinite fluid (2) a semi-infinite fluid with a rigid boundary is discussed.


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The effect of suction on the steady laminar incompressible boundarylayer flow for a stationary infinite disc with or without magnetic field, when the fluid at a large distance from the surface of the disc undergoes a solid body rotation, has been studied. The governing coupled nonlinear equations have been solved numerically using the shooting method with least square convergence criterion. It has been found that suction tends to reduce the velocity overshoot and damp the oscillation.


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Scan circuit generally causes excessive switching activity compared to normal circuit operation. The higher switching activity in turn causes higher peak power supply current which results into supply, voltage droop and eventually yield loss. This paper proposes an efficient methodology for test vector re-ordering to achieve minimum peak power supported by the given test vector set. The proposed methodology also minimizes average power under the minimum peak power constraint. A methodology to further reduce the peak power below the minimum supported peak power, by inclusion of minimum additional vectors is also discussed. The paper defines the lower bound on peak power for a given test set. The results on several benchmarks shows that it can reduce peak power by up to 27%.