93 resultados para Leaves.


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Background: The micropropagation protocol for Phyllanthus amarus, an important medicinal herb used widely for the treatment of hepatitis in ethnomedicinal systems, was standardized with shoot tip and single node explants. Materials and Methods: The micropropagation was carried out for the hyperproducing ecotype (phyllanthin content 463.828 ppm; hypophyllanthin content: 75.469 ppm) collected from Aanaikatti, Coimbatore, and grown in mist chamber, CPMB, TNAU. For micropropagation studies, the leaves were trimmed off and the shoot tips (6 mm long) and nodal segments (single node) were used for initiation. Results: Shoot tips and single node explants gave a maximum of 6.00 and 7.00 multiple shoots per explant with Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) (1.0mg/L mg/L). Upon subculturing, a shoot length of around 7 cm with an average of eight internodes per shoot was observed after 20 days in the elongation medium supplemented with BAP (0.2 mg/Lmg/L) and Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) (2.0 mg/L). Seven to ten adventitious roots developed when the elongated microshoots were cultured in half strength MS medium with Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) (2.0 mg/Lmg/L) and NAA (1.0 mg/L mg/L) in 15-20 days after transfer. The rooted shoots acclimatized successfully to field conditions. Conclusion: A method for successful micropropagation of the valuable medicinal plant was established which will provide a better source for continuous supply of plants for manufacturing drugs.


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Ant-plant interactions often are mediated by extrafloral nectar (EFN) composition that may influence plant visitation by ants. Over a 300 km range in the Indian Western Ghats, we investigated the correlation between the EFN composition of the myrmecophytic ant-plant Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae) and the number and species of ants visiting EFN. EFN composition varied among H. brunonis populations and between plant organs (floral bud vs. young leaf EFN). In general, EFN was rich in sugars with small quantities of amino acids, especially essential amino acids, and had moderate invertase activity. In experiments at the study sites with sugar and amino acid solutions and with leaf or floral bud EFN mimics, dominant EFN-feeding ants differentiated between solutions as well as between mimics. The castration parasite Crematogaster dohrni (northern study site) was the least selective and did not exhibit any clear feeding preferences, while the largely trophobiont-tending non-protective Myrmicaria brunnea (middle study site) preferred higher sucrose concentrations and certain essential/non-essential amino acid mixtures. The mutualistic Technomyrmex albipes (southern study site) preferred sucrose over glucose or fructose solutions and consumed the leaf EFN mimic to a greater extent than the floral bud EFN mimic. This young leaf EFN mimic had low sugar concentrations, the lowest viscosity and sugar: amino acid ratio, was rich in essential amino acids, and appeared ideally suited to the digestive physiology of T. albipes. This preference for young leaf EFN may explain the greater protection afforded to young leaves than to floral buds by T. albipes, and may also help to resolve ant-pollinator conflicts. The differential response of dominant ants to sugar, amino acids, or solution viscosity suggests that plants can fine-tune their interactions with local ants via EFN composition. Thus, EFN can mediate local partner-choice mechanisms in ant-plant interactions.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a positive stranded RNA virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. Construction of an infectious clone is an essential step for deciphering the virus gene functions in vivo. Using Agrobacterium based transient expression system we show that SeMV icDNA is infectious on Sesbania grandiflora and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba plants. The efficiency of icDNA infection was found to be significantly high on Cyamopsis plants when compared to that on Sesbania grandiflora. The coat protein could be detected within 6 days post infiltration in the infiltrated leaves. Different species of viral RNA (double stranded and single stranded genomic and subgenomic RNA) could be detected upon northern analysis, suggesting that complete replication had taken place. Based on the analysis of the sequences at the genomic termini of progeny RNA from SeMV icDNA infiltrated leaves and those of its 3' and 5' terminal deletion mutants, we propose a possible mechanism for 3' and 5' end repair in vivo. Mutation of the cleavage sites in the polyproteins encoded by ORF 2 resulted in complete loss of infection by the icDNA, suggesting the importance of correct polyprotein processing at all the four cleavage sites for viral replication. Complementation analysis suggested that ORF 2 gene products can act in trans. However, the trans acting ability of ORF 2 gene products was abolished upon deletion of the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of polyprotein 2a and 2ab, suggesting that these products necessarily function at the replication site, where they are anchored to membranes.


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Background: Bryophyllum pinnata (B. pinnata) is a common medicinal plant used in traditional medicine of India and of other countries for curing various infections, bowel diseases, healing wounds and other ailments. However, its anticancer properties are poorly defined. In view of broad spectrum therapeutic potential of B. pinnata we designed a study to examine anti-cancer and anti-Human Papillomavirus (HPV) activities in its leaf extracts and tried to isolate its active principle. Methods: A chloroform extract derived from a bulk of botanically well-characterized pulverized B. pinnata leaves was separated using column chromatography with step-gradient of petroleum ether and ethyl acetate. Fractions were characterized for phyto-chemical compounds by TLC, HPTLC and NMR and Biological activity of the fractions were examined by MTT-based cell viability assay, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay, Northern blotting and assay of apoptosis related proteins by immunoblotting in human cervical cancer cells. Results: Results showed presence of growth inhibitory activity in the crude leaf extracts with IC50 at 552 mu g/ml which resolved to fraction F4 (Petroleum Ether: Ethyl Acetate:: 50: 50) and showed IC50 at 91 mu g/ml. Investigations of anti-viral activity of the extract and its fraction revealed a specific anti-HPV activity on cervical cancer cells as evidenced by downregulation of constitutively active AP1 specific DNA binding activity and suppression of oncogenic c-Fos and c-Jun expression which was accompanied by inhibition of HPV18 transcription. In addition to inhibiting growth, fraction F4 strongly induced apoptosis as evidenced by an increased expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax, suppression of the anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2, and activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of PARP-1. Phytochemical analysis of fraction F4 by HPTLC and NMR indicated presence of activity that resembled Bryophyllin A. Conclusions: Our study therefore demonstrates presence of anticancer and anti-HPV an activity in B. pinnata leaves that can be further exploited as a potential anticancer, anti-HPV therapeutic for treatment of HPV infection and cervical cancer.


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Leaves and leaf sheath of banana and areca husk (Areca catechu) constitute an important component of urban solid waste (USW) in India which are difficult to degrade under normal windrow composting conditions. A successful method of anaerobic digestion built around the fermentation properties of these feedstock has been evolved which uses no moving parts, pretreatment or energy input while enabling recovery of four products: fiber, biogas, compost and pest repellent. An SRT of 27 d and 35 d was found to be optimum for fiber recovery for banana leaf and areca husk, respectively. Banana leaf showed a degradation pattern different from other leaves with slow pectin-1 degradation (80%) and 40% lignin removal in 27 d SRT. Areca husk however, showed a degradation pattern similar to other plant biomass. Mass recovery levels for banana leaf were fiber-20%, biogas-70% (400 ml/g TS) and compost-10%. For areca husk recovery was fiber-50%, biogas-45% (250 ml/g TS) and compost-5%. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The essential oil from the leaves of Didymocarpus tomentosa was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS. Twenty five constituents amounting to 81.6% of the oil were identified. The leaf oil contained 78.7% sesquiterpenes and 2.9% monoterpenes. The leaf essential oil of D. tomentosa is a unique caryophyllene-rich natural source containing beta-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, alpha-humulene and humulene oxide. The cytotoxic activity of the oil was determined by the BSLT using shrimp larva and the MTT assay using HeLa tumor cell line. The oil showed significant cytotoxic activity with LC50 and IC50 values of 12.26 and 11.4 mu g/mL, respectively. This is the first report on the chemical composition and cytotoxic activity of the essential oil of D. tomentosa.


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Let where be a set of points in d-dimensional space with a given metric rho. For a point let r (p) be the distance of p with respect to rho from its nearest neighbor in Let B(p,r (p) ) be the open ball with respect to rho centered at p and having the radius r (p) . We define the sphere-of-influence graph (SIG) of as the intersection graph of the family of sets Given a graph G, a set of points in d-dimensional space with the metric rho is called a d-dimensional SIG-representation of G, if G is isomorphic to the SIG of It is known that the absence of isolated vertices is a necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to have a SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric in some space of finite dimension. The SIG-dimension under the L (a)-metric of a graph G without isolated vertices is defined to be the minimum positive integer d such that G has a d-dimensional SIG-representation under the L (a)-metric. It is denoted by SIG (a)(G). We study the SIG-dimension of trees under the L (a)-metric and almost completely answer an open problem posed by Michael and Quint (Discrete Appl Math 127:447-460, 2003). Let T be a tree with at least two vertices. For each let leaf-degree(v) denote the number of neighbors of v that are leaves. We define the maximum leaf-degree as leaf-degree(x). Let leaf-degree{(v) = alpha}. If |S| = 1, we define beta(T) = alpha(T) - 1. Otherwise define beta(T) = alpha(T). We show that for a tree where beta = beta (T), provided beta is not of the form 2 (k) - 1, for some positive integer k a parts per thousand yen 1. If beta = 2 (k) - 1, then We show that both values are possible.


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Objective: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antitumor and antioxidant status of ethanol extract of Terminalia catappa leaves against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) in Swiss albino mice. Materials and Methods: The leaves powder was extracted with Soxhlet apparatus and subjected to hot continuous percolation using ethanol (95% v/v). Tumor bearing animals was treated with 50 and 200 mg/kg of ethanol extract. EAC induced in mice by intraperitoneal injection of EAC cells 1 x 10(6) cells/mice. The study was assed using life span of EAC-bearing hosts, hematological parameters, volume of solid tumor mass and status of antioxidant enzymes such as lipid peroxidation (LPO), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities. Total phenolics and flavonoids contents from the leaves extract were also determined. Results: Total phenolics and flavonoids contents from the leaves extract were found 354.02 and 51.67 mg/g extract. Oral administration of ethanol extract of T. catappa (50 and 200 mg/kg) increased the life span (27.82% and 60.59%), increased peritoneal cell count (8.85 +/- 0.20 and 10.37 +/- 0.26) and significantly decreased solid tumor mass (1.16 +/- 0.14 cm(2)) at 200 mg/kg as compared with EAC-tumor bearing mice (P < 0.01). Hematological profile including red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hemoglobin (11.91 +/- 0.47 % g) and protein estimation were found to be nearly normal levels in extract-treated mice compared with tumor bearing control mice. Treatment with T. catappa significantly decreased levels of LPO and GSH, and increased levels of SOD and CAT activity (P < 0.01). Conclusion: T. catappa exhibited antitumor effect by modulating LPO and augmenting antioxidant defense systems in EAC bearing mice. The phenolic and flavonoid components in this extract may be responsible for antitumor activity.


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Growing consumer expectations continue to fuel further advancements in vehicle ride comfort analysis including development of a comprehensive tool capable of aiding the understanding of ride comfort. To date, most of the work on biodynamic responses of human body in the context of ride comfort mainly concentrates on driver or a designated occupant and therefore leaves the scope for further work on ride comfort analysis covering a larger number of occupants with detailed modeling of their body segments. In the present study, governing equations of a 13-DOF (degrees-of-freedom) lumped parameter model (LPM) of a full car with seats (7-DOF without seats) and a 7-DOF occupant model, a linear version of an earlier non-linear occupant model, are presented. One or more occupant models can be coupled with the vehicle model resulting into a maximum of 48-DOF LPM for a car with five occupants. These multi-occupant models can be formulated in a modular manner and solved efficiently using MATLAB/SIMULINK for a given transient road input. The vehicle model and the occupant model are independently verified by favorably comparing computed dynamic responses with published data. A number of cases with different dispositions of occupants in a small car are analyzed using the current modular approach thereby underscoring its potential for efficient ride quality assessment and design of suspension systems.


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The current understanding of wildfire effects on water chemistry is limited by the quantification of the elemental dissolution rates from ash and element release rate from the plant litter, as well as quantification of the specific ash contribution to stream water chemistry. The main objective of the study was to provide such knowledge through combination of experimental modelling, field data and end-member mixing analysis (EMMA) of wildfire impact on a watershed scale. The study concerns watershed effects of fire in the Indian subcontinent, a region that is typically not well represented in the fire science literature. In plant litter ash, major elements are either hosted in readily-soluble phases (K, Mg) such as salts, carbonates and oxides or in less-soluble carrier-phases (Si, Ca) such as amorphous silica, quartz and calcite. Accordingly, elemental release rates, inferred from ash leaching experiments in batch reactor, indicated that the element release into solution followed the order K > Mg > Na > Si > Ca. Experiments on plant litter leaching in mixed-flow reactor indicated two dissolution regimes: rapid, over the week and slower over the month. The mean dissolution rates at steady-state (R-ss) indicated that the release of major elements from plant litter followed the order Ca > Si > Cl > Mg > K > Na. R-ss for Si and Ca for tree leaves and herbaceous species are similar to those reported for boreal and European tree species and are higher than that from the dissolution of soil clay minerals. This identifies tropical plant litters as important source of Si and Ca for tropical surface waters. In the wildfire-impacted year 2004, the EMMA indicated that the streamflow composition (Ca, K, Mg, Na, Si, Cl) was controlled by four main sources: rainwater, throughfall, ash leaching and soil solution. The influence of the ash end-member was maximal early in the rainy season (the two first storm events) and decreased later in the rainy season, when the stream was dominated by the throughfall end-member. The contribution of plant litter decay to the streamwater composition for a year not impacted by wildfire is significant with estimated solute fluxes originating from this decay greatly exceed, for most major elements, the annual elemental dissolved fluxes at the Mule Hole watershed outlet. This highlighted the importance of solute retention and vegetation back uptake processes within the soil profile. Overall, the fire increased the mobility and export of major elements from the soils to the stream. It also shifted the vegetation-related contribution to the elemental fluxes at the watershed outlet from long-term (seasonal) to short-term (daily to monthly). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The correlation clustering problem is a fundamental problem in both theory and practice, and it involves identifying clusters of objects in a data set based on their similarity. A traditional modeling of this question as a graph theoretic problem involves associating vertices with data points and indicating similarity by adjacency. Clusters then correspond to cliques in the graph. The resulting optimization problem, Cluster Editing (and several variants) are very well-studied algorithmically. In many situations, however, translating clusters to cliques can be somewhat restrictive. A more flexible notion would be that of a structure where the vertices are mutually ``not too far apart'', without necessarily being adjacent. One such generalization is realized by structures called s-clubs, which are graphs of diameter at most s. In this work, we study the question of finding a set of at most k edges whose removal leaves us with a graph whose components are s-clubs. Recently, it has been shown that unless Exponential Time Hypothesis fail (ETH) fails Cluster Editing (whose components are 1-clubs) does not admit sub-exponential time algorithm STACS, 2013]. That is, there is no algorithm solving the problem in time 2 degrees((k))n(O(1)). However, surprisingly they show that when the number of cliques in the output graph is restricted to d, then the problem can be solved in time O(2(O(root dk)) + m + n). We show that this sub-exponential time algorithm for the fixed number of cliques is rather an exception than a rule. Our first result shows that assuming the ETH, there is no algorithm solving the s-Club Cluster Edge Deletion problem in time 2 degrees((k))n(O(1)). We show, further, that even the problem of deleting edges to obtain a graph with d s-clubs cannot be solved in time 2 degrees((k))n(O)(1) for any fixed s, d >= 2. This is a radical contrast from the situation established for cliques, where sub-exponential algorithms are known.


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Mutations in the CINCINNATA (CIN) gene in Antirrhinum majus and its orthologs in Arabidopsis result in crinkly leaves as a result of excess growth towards the leaf margin. CIN homologs code for TCP (TEOSINTE-BRANCHED 1, CYCLOIDEA, PROLIFERATING CELL FACTOR 1 AND 2) transcription factors and are expressed in a broad zone in a growing leaf distal to the proliferation zone where they accelerate cell maturation. Although a few TCP targets are known, the functional basis of CIN-mediated leaf morphogenesis remains unclear. We compared the global transcription profiles of wild-type and the cin mutant of A. majus to identify the targets of CIN. We cloned and studied the direct targets using RNA in situ hybridization, DNA-protein interaction, chromatin immunoprecipitation and reporter gene analysis. Many of the genes involved in the auxin and cytokinin signaling pathways showed altered expression in the cin mutant. Further, we showed that CIN binds to genomic regions and directly promotes the transcription of a cytokinin receptor homolog HISTIDINE KINASE 4 (AmHK4) and an IAA3/SHY2 (INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID INDUCIBLE 3/SHORT HYPOCOTYL 2) homolog in A. majus. Our results suggest that CIN limits excess cell proliferation and maintains the flatness of the leaf surface by directly modulating the hormone pathways involved in patterning cell proliferation and differentiation during leaf growth. 10.1111/(ISSN)1469-8137


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Plants emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from most parts of their anatomy. Conventionally, the volatiles of leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds have been investigated separately. This review presents an integrated perspective of volatiles produced by fruits and seeds in the context of selection on the whole plant. It suggests that fruit and seed volatiles may only be understood in the light of the chemistry of the whole plant. Fleshy fruit may be viewed as an ecological arena within which several evolutionary games are being played involving fruit VOCs. Fruit odour and colour may be correlated and interact via multimodal signalling in influencing visits by frugivores. The hypothesis of volatile crypsis in the evolution of hard seeds as protection against volatile diffusion and perception by seed predators is reviewed. Current views on the role of volatiles in ant dispersal of seeds or myrmecochory are summarised, especially the suggestion that ants are being manipulated by plants in the form of a sensory trap while providing this service. Plant VOC production is presented as an emergent phenotype that could result from multiple selection pressures acting on various plant parts; the ``plant'' phenotype and VOC profile may receive significant contributions from symbionts within the plant. Viewing the plant as a holobiont would benefit an understanding of the emergent plant phenotype.


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The climatic effects of Solar Radiation Management (SRM) geoengineering have been often modeled by simply reducing the solar constant. This is most likely valid only for space sunshades and not for atmosphere and surface based SRM methods. In this study, a global climate model is used to evaluate the differences in the climate response to SRM by uniform solar constant reduction and stratospheric aerosols. Our analysis shows that when global mean warming from a doubling of CO2 is nearly cancelled by both these methods, they are similar when important surface and tropospheric climate variables are considered. However, a difference of 1 K in the global mean stratospheric (61-9.8 hPa) temperature is simulated between the two SRM methods. Further, while the global mean surface diffuse radiation increases by similar to 23 % and direct radiation decreases by about 9 % in the case of sulphate aerosol SRM method, both direct and diffuse radiation decrease by similar fractional amounts (similar to 1.0 %) when solar constant is reduced. When CO2 fertilization effects from elevated CO2 concentration levels are removed, the contribution from shaded leaves to gross primary productivity (GPP) increases by 1.8 % in aerosol SRM because of increased diffuse light. However, this increase is almost offset by a 15.2 % decline in sunlit contribution due to reduced direct light. Overall both the SRM simulations show similar decrease in GPP (similar to 8 %) and net primary productivity (similar to 3 %). Based on our results we conclude that the climate states produced by a reduction in solar constant and addition of aerosols into the stratosphere can be considered almost similar except for two important aspects: stratospheric temperature change and the consequent implications for the dynamics and the chemistry of the stratosphere and the partitioning of direct versus diffuse radiation reaching the surface. Further, the likely dependence of global hydrological cycle response on aerosol particle size and the latitudinal and height distribution of aerosols is discussed.


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Fungus-growing termites are involved in many ecological processes and play a central role in influencing soil dynamics in the tropics. The physical and chemical properties of their nest structures have been largely described; however less information is available concerning the relatively temporary structures made above-ground to access food items and protect the foraging space (the soil `sheetings'). This study investigated whether the soil physical and chemical properties of these constructions are constant or if they vary depending on the type of food they cover. Soil samples and soil sheetings were collected in a forest in India, from leaves on the ground (LEAF), fallen branches (WOOD), and vertical soil sheetings covering the bark of trees (TREE). In this environment, termite diversity was dominated by Odontotermes species, and especially Odontotermes feae and Odontotermes obesus. However, there was no clear niche differentiation and, for example, O. feae termites were found on all the materials. Compared with the putative parent soil (control), TREE sheetings showed the greatest (and most significant) differences (higher clay content and smaller clay particle sizes, lower C and N content and smaller delta C-13 and delta N-15), while LEAF sheetings were the least modified, though still significantly different than the control soil. We suggest that the termite diversity is a less important driver of potential soil modification than sheeting diversity. Further, there is evidence that construction properties are adapted to their prospective life-span, with relatively long-lasting structures being most different from the parent soil. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.