86 resultados para Least-squares support vector machine


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While plants of a single species emit a diversity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to attract or repel interacting organisms, these specific messages may be lost in the midst of the hundreds of VOCs produced by sympatric plants of different species, many of which may have no signal content. Receivers must be able to reduce the babel or noise in these VOCs in order to correctly identify the message. For chemical ecologists faced with vast amounts of data on volatile signatures of plants in different ecological contexts, it is imperative to employ accurate methods of classifying messages, so that suitable bioassays may then be designed to understand message content. We demonstrate the utility of `Random Forests' (RF), a machine-learning algorithm, for the task of classifying volatile signatures and choosing the minimum set of volatiles for accurate discrimination, using datam from sympatric Ficus species as a case study. We demonstrate the advantages of RF over conventional classification methods such as principal component analysis (PCA), as well as data-mining algorithms such as support vector machines (SVM), diagonal linear discriminant analysis (DLDA) and k-nearest neighbour (KNN) analysis. We show why a tree-building method such as RF, which is increasingly being used by the bioinformatics, food technology and medical community, is particularly advantageous for the study of plant communication using volatiles, dealing, as it must, with abundant noise.


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The crystal and molecular structures of the Tris salt of adenosine 5'-diphosphate were determined from X-ray diffraction data. The crystals are monoclinic, space P21, and Z = 2 with a=9.198 (2) A, b=6.894 (1) A, c=18.440 (4) A, and beta = 92.55 (2) degrees. Intensity data were collected on an automated diffractometer. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom technique and refined by least squares to R = 0.047. The ADP molecule adopts a folded conformation. The conformation about the glycosidic bond is anti. The conformation of the ribose ring is close to a perfect C(2')-endo-C-(3')-exo puckering. The conformation about C(4')-C(5') is gauche-gauche, similar to other nucleotide structures. The pyrophosphate chain displays a nearly eclipsed geometry when viewed down the P-P vector, unlike the staggered conformation observed in crystal structures of other pyrophosphates. The less favorable eclipsed conformation probably results from the observed association of Tris molecules with the polar diphosphate chain through electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds. Such interactions may play an important role in Tris-buffered aqueous solutions of nucleotides and metal ions.


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Presented here, in a vector formulation, is an O(mn2) direct concise algorithm that prunes/identifies the linearly dependent (ld) rows of an arbitrary m X n matrix A and computes its reflexive type minimum norm inverse A(mr)-, which will be the true inverse A-1 if A is nonsingular and the Moore-Penrose inverse A+ if A is full row-rank. The algorithm, without any additional computation, produces the projection operator P = (I - A(mr)- A) that provides a means to compute any of the solutions of the consistent linear equation Ax = b since the general solution may be expressed as x = A(mr)+b + Pz, where z is an arbitrary vector. The rank r of A will also be produced in the process. Some of the salient features of this algorithm are that (i) the algorithm is concise, (ii) the minimum norm least squares solution for consistent/inconsistent equations is readily computable when A is full row-rank (else, a minimum norm solution for consistent equations is obtainable), (iii) the algorithm identifies ld rows, if any, and reduces concerned computation and improves accuracy of the result, (iv) error-bounds for the inverse as well as the solution x for Ax = b are readily computable, (v) error-free computation of the inverse, solution vector, rank, and projection operator and its inherent parallel implementation are straightforward, (vi) it is suitable for vector (pipeline) machines, and (vii) the inverse produced by the algorithm can be used to solve under-/overdetermined linear systems.


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Electron Diffraction Structure Analysis (EDSA) with data from standard selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) is still the method of choice for structure determination of nano-sized single crystals. The recently determined heavy atom structure α-Ti2Se (Albe & Weirich, 2003) is used as an example to illustrate the developed procedure for structure determination from two-dimensionally SAED data via direct methods and kinematical least-squares refinement. Despite the investigated crystallite had a relatively large effective thickness of about 230 Å as determined from dynamical calculations, the obtained structural model from SAED data was found in good agreement with the result from an earlier single crystal X-ray study (Weirich, Pöttgen & Simon, 1996). Arguments, which support the validity of the used quasi-kinematical approach, are given in the text. The influences of dynamical and secondary scattering on the quality of the data and the structure solution are discussed. Moreover, the usefulness of first-principles calculations for verifying the results from EDSA is demonstrated by two examples, whereas one of the structures was unattainable by conventional X-ray diffraction.


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Support Vector Clustering has gained reasonable attention from the researchers in exploratory data analysis due to firm theoretical foundation in statistical learning theory. Hard Partitioning of the data set achieved by support vector clustering may not be acceptable in real world scenarios. Rough Support Vector Clustering is an extension of Support Vector Clustering to attain a soft partitioning of the data set. But the Quadratic Programming Problem involved in Rough Support Vector Clustering makes it computationally expensive to handle large datasets. In this paper, we propose Rough Core Vector Clustering algorithm which is a computationally efficient realization of Rough Support Vector Clustering. Here Rough Support Vector Clustering problem is formulated using an approximate Minimum Enclosing Ball problem and is solved using an approximate Minimum Enclosing Ball finding algorithm. Experiments done with several Large Multi class datasets such as Forest cover type, and other Multi class datasets taken from LIBSVM page shows that the proposed strategy is efficient, finds meaningful soft cluster abstractions which provide a superior generalization performance than the SVM classifier.


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In this paper, we use optical flow based complex-valued features extracted from video sequences to recognize human actions. The optical flow features between two image planes can be appropriately represented in the Complex plane. Therefore, we argue that motion information that is used to model the human actions should be represented as complex-valued features and propose a fast learning fully complex-valued neural classifier to solve the action recognition task. The classifier, termed as, ``fast learning fully complex-valued neural (FLFCN) classifier'' is a single hidden layer fully complex-valued neural network. The neurons in the hidden layer employ the fully complex-valued activation function of the type of a hyperbolic secant function. The parameters of the hidden layer are chosen randomly and the output weights are estimated as the minimum norm least square solution to a set of linear equations. The results indicate the superior performance of FLFCN classifier in recognizing the actions compared to real-valued support vector machines and other existing results in the literature. Complex valued representation of 2D motion and orthogonal decision boundaries boost the classification performance of FLFCN classifier. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Structural Support Vector Machines (SSVMs) have become a popular tool in machine learning for predicting structured objects like parse trees, Part-of-Speech (POS) label sequences and image segments. Various efficient algorithmic techniques have been proposed for training SSVMs for large datasets. The typical SSVM formulation contains a regularizer term and a composite loss term. The loss term is usually composed of the Linear Maximum Error (LME) associated with the training examples. Other alternatives for the loss term are yet to be explored for SSVMs. We formulate a new SSVM with Linear Summed Error (LSE) loss term and propose efficient algorithms to train the new SSVM formulation using primal cutting-plane method and sequential dual coordinate descent method. Numerical experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the sequential dual coordinate descent method is faster than the cutting-plane method and reaches the steady-state generalization performance faster. It is thus a useful alternative for training SSVMs when linear summed error is used.


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We address the classical problem of delta feature computation, and interpret the operation involved in terms of Savitzky- Golay (SG) filtering. Features such as themel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), obtained based on short-time spectra of the speech signal, are commonly used in speech recognition tasks. In order to incorporate the dynamics of speech, auxiliary delta and delta-delta features, which are computed as temporal derivatives of the original features, are used. Typically, the delta features are computed in a smooth fashion using local least-squares (LS) polynomial fitting on each feature vector component trajectory. In the light of the original work of Savitzky and Golay, and a recent article by Schafer in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, we interpret the dynamic feature vector computation for arbitrary derivative orders as SG filtering with a fixed impulse response. This filtering equivalence brings in significantly lower latency with no loss in accuracy, as validated by results on a TIMIT phoneme recognition task. The SG filters involved in dynamic parameter computation can be viewed as modulation filters, proposed by Hermansky.


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This paper deals with an optimization based method for synthesis of adjustable planar four-bar, crank-rocker mechanisms. For multiple different and desired paths to be traced by a point on the coupler, a two stage method first determines the parameters of the possible driving dyads. Then the remaining mechanism parameters are determined in the second stage where a least-squares based circle-fitting procedure is used. Compared to existing formulations, the optimization method uses less number of design variables. Two numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed synthesis method. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For compressive sensing, we endeavor to improve the atom selection strategy of the existing orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm. To achieve a better estimate of the underlying support set progressively through iterations, we use a least squares solution based atom selection method. From a set of promising atoms, the choice of an atom is performed through a new method that uses orthogonal projection along-with a standard matched filter. Through experimental evaluations, the effect of projection based atom selection strategy is shown to provide a significant improvement for the support set recovery performance, in turn, the compressive sensing recovery.


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Support vector machines (SVM) are a popular class of supervised models in machine learning. The associated compute intensive learning algorithm limits their use in real-time applications. This paper presents a fully scalable architecture of a coprocessor, which can compute multiple rows of the kernel matrix in parallel. Further, we propose an extended variant of the popular decomposition technique, sequential minimal optimization, which we call hybrid working set (HWS) algorithm, to effectively utilize the benefits of cached kernel columns and the parallel computational power of the coprocessor. The coprocessor is implemented on Xilinx Virtex 7 field-programmable gate array-based VC707 board and achieves a speedup of upto 25x for kernel computation over single threaded computation on Intel Core i5. An application speedup of upto 15x over software implementation of LIBSVM and speedup of upto 23x over SVMLight is achieved using the HWS algorithm in unison with the coprocessor. The reduction in the number of iterations and sensitivity of the optimization time to variation in cache size using the HWS algorithm are also shown.