86 resultados para Hydraulic motors
Variable speed operation of microhydro power plants is gaining popularity due to the benefits that accrue from their use and the development of suitable generator control systems. This paper highlights the benefits of variable speed systems over conventional systems and also proposes a simple emulator for hydraulic turbines that operate in variable speed fixed flow rate mode. The emulator consists of an uncontrolled separately excited DC motor with additional resistors and has performance characteristics similar to that of the hydraulic turbine.
The ultimate bearing capacity of strip foundations subjected to horizontal groundwater flow has been computed by making use of the stress characteristics method which is well known for its capability in solving quite accurately different stability problems in geotechnical engineering. The numerical solution has been generated both for smooth and rough footings placed on frictional soils. A correction factor (fγ) associated with Nγ term, to account for the existence of ground water flow, has been introduced. The variation of fγ has been obtained as a function of hydraulic gradient (i) for different values of soil frictional angle. The magnitude of fγ reduces continuously with an increase in the value of i.
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) fed induction motors are widely used in variable speed applications. For inverters using fixed switching frequency PWM, the output harmonic spectra are located at a few discrete frequencies. The ac motordrives powered by these inverters cause acoustic noise. This paper proposes a new variable switching frequency pwm technique and compares its performance with constant switching frequency pwm technique. It is shown that the proposed technique leads to spread spectra of voltages and currents. Also this technique ensures that no lower order harmonics are present and the current THD is comparable to that of fixed switching frequency PWM and is even better for higher modulation indices.
Workplace noise has become one of the major issues in industry not only because of workers’ health but also due to safety. Electric motors, particularly, inverter fed induction motors emit objectionably high levels of noise. This has led to the emergence of a research area, concerned with measurement and mitigation of the acoustic noise. This paper presents a lowcost option for measurement and spectral analysis of acoustic noise emitted by electric motors. The system consists of an electret microphone, amplifier and filter. It makes use of the windows sound card and associated software for data acquisition and analysis. The measurement system is calibrated using a professional sound level meter. Acoustic noise measurements are made on an induction motor drive using the proposed system as per relevant international standards. These measurements are seen to match closely with those of a professional meter.
The uplift resistance of pipelines buried in sands, in the presence of inclined groundwater flow, considering both upward and downward flow directions, has been determined by using the lower bound finite elements limit analysis in conjunction with nonlinear optimization. A correction factor (f (gamma) ), which needs to be multiplied with the uplift factor (F (gamma) ), has been computed to account for groundwater seepage. The variation of f (gamma) has been obtained as a function of i(gamma (w) /gamma (sub) ) for different horizontal inclinations (theta) of groundwater flow; where i = absolute magnitude of hydraulic gradient along the direction of flow, gamma (w) is the unit weight of water and gamma (sub) is the submerged unit weight of soil mass. For a given magnitude of i, there exists a certain critical value of theta for which the magnitude of f (gamma) becomes the minimum. An example has also been presented to illustrate the application of the results obtained for designing pipelines in presence of groundwater seepage.
A new generator topology for microhydel power plants, capable of unsupervised operation, is proposed. While conventional microhydel plants operate at constant speed with switched ballast loads, the proposed generator, based on the wound rotor induction machine, operates at variable speed and does away with the need for ballast loads. This increases reliability and substantially decreases system costs and setup times. The proposed generator has a simplified decoupled control structure with stator-referenced voltage control similar to a conventional synchronous generator, and rotor-side frequency control that is facilitated by rotating electronics mounted on the rotor. While this paper describes an isolated plant, the topology can also be tailored for distributed generation enabling conversion of the available hydraulic power into useful electrical power when the grid is present, and supplying local loads in the event of grid outage.
Increasing nitrate concentrations in ground water is deleterious to human health as ingestion of such water can cause methemoglobinemia in infants and even cancer in adults (desirable limit for nitrate as NO3 - 45 mg/L, IS code 10500-1991). Excess nitrate concentrations in ground water is contributed by reason being disposal of sewage and excessive use of fertilizers. Though numerous technologies such as reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electro-dialysis, permeable reactive barriers using zerovalent iron etc exists, nitrate removal continues to be one of challenging issue as nitrate ion is highly mobile within the soil strata. The tapping the denitrification potential of soil denitrifiers which are inherently available in the soil matrix is the most sustainable approach to mitigate accumulation of nitrate in ground water. The insitu denitrification of sand and bentonite enhanced sand (bentonite content = 5%) in presence of easily assimilable organic carbon such as ethanol was studied. Batch studies showed that nitrate reduction by sand follows first order kinetics with a rate constant 5.3x10(-2) hr(-1) and rate constant 4.3 x 10(-2) hr(-1) was obtained for bentonite-enhanced sand (BS) at 25 degrees C. Filter columns (height = 5 cm and diameter = 8.2 cm) were constructed using sand and bentonite-enhanced sand as filter media. The filtration rate through both the filter columns was maintained at average value of 2.60 cm/h. The nitrate removal rates through both the filter media was assessed for solution containing 22.6 mg NO3-N/L concentrations while keeping C/N mass ratio as 3. For sand filter column, the nitrate removal efficiency reached the average value of 97.6% after passing 50 pore volumes of the nitrate solution. For bentonite-enhanced sand filter column, the average nitrate removal efficiency was 83.5%. The time required for effective operation for sand filter bed was 100 hours, while bentonite-enhanced sand filter bed did not require any maturation period as that of sand filter bed for effective performance because the presence of micropores in bentonite increases the hydraulic retention time of the solution inside the filter bed.
A first-principles study was carried out to investigate the stability of the crystal structure of beta-form belite (beta-C2S) substituted by Sr atoms as trace impurities for Ca atoms in CaOx polyhedra. The effect of the connection types of CaOx polyhedral, in the form of common-edge bond and common-face bond, upon the crystal stability is described. The Ca-Ca interatomic distance closely relates to the hydraulic activity of beta-C2S. The beta-C2S substituted by an Sr atom for Ca(1) atoms having seven Ca-O bonds is energetically more stable than that substituted by an Sr atom for Ca(2) atoms having eight Ca-O bonds. The Sr-doped beta-C2S having a common face bond with SrOx polyhedra is energetically more favorable and results in structural stability compared with that having a common edge bond with SrOx polyhedra.
Saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers is a global issue, exacerbated by increasing demands for freshwater in coastal regions. This study investigates into the parametric analysis on saltwater intrusion in a conceptual, coastal, unconfined aquifer considering wide range of freshwater draft and anticipated sea level rise. The saltwater intrusion under various circumstances is simulated through parametric studies using MODFLOW, MT3DMS and SEAWAT. The MODFLOW is used to simulate the groundwater flow system under changing hydro-dynamics in coastal aquifer. To simulate solute transport MT3DMS and SEAWAT is used. The saltwater intrusion process has direct bearing on hydraulic conductivity and inversely related to porosity. It may also be noted that increase in recharge rate considered in the study does not have much influence on saltwater intrusion. Effect of freshwater draft at locations beyond half of the width of the aquifer considered has marginal effect and hence can be considered as safe zone for freshwater withdrawals. Due to the climate change effect, the anticipated rise in sea level of 0.88 m over a century is considered in the investigation. This causes increase in salinity intrusion by about 25%. The combined effect of sea level rise and freshwater draft (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This work deals with an experimental study of the breakup characteristics of liquids with different surface tension and viscosity from a hollow cone hydraulic injector nozzle induced by pressure-swirl. The experiments were conducted at Reynolds numbers Re-p=9500-23,000. The surface tension and viscosity of the surrogate fuels were altered from 72 to 30 mN/m and 1.1 to 1.6 mN s/m(2), respectively. High speed photography and Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry were utilized to study the atomization process. Velocity and drop size measurements of the spray using PDPA in both axial and radial directions indicate a dependency on surface tension. However, these effects are dominant only at low Reynolds numbers and are negligible at high Reynolds number. Downstream of the nozzle, coalescence of droplets due to collision was also found to be significant and the diameters were compared for different liquids. For viscous fluids up to 1.6 cP, the independent effects of viscosity and injection pressure are studied. In general, the spray cone angle increases with increase in pressure. At high pressures, an increase in viscosity leads to higher drop sizes following primary and secondary breakup compared to water. This study will extend our understanding of surrogate fuel film breakup and highlight the importance of long and short wavelength instabilities. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Granular filters are provided for the safety of water retaining structure for protection against piping failure. The phenomenon of piping triggers when the base soil to be protected starts migrating in the direction of seepage flow under the influence of seepage force. To protect base soil from migration, the voids in the filter media should be small enough but it should not also be too small to block smooth passage of seeping water. Fulfilling these two contradictory design requirements at the same time is a major concern for the successful performance of granular filter media. Since Terzaghi era, conventionally, particle size distribution (PSD) of granular filters is designed based on particle size distribution characteristics of the base soil to be protected. The design approach provides a range of D15f value in which the PSD of granular filter media should fall and there exist infinite possibilities. Further, safety against the two critical design requirements cannot be ensured. Although used successfully for many decades, the existing filter design guidelines are purely empirical in nature accompanied with experience and good engineering judgment. In the present study, analytical solutions for obtaining the factor of safety with respect to base soil particle migration and soil permeability consideration as proposed by the authors are first discussed. The solution takes into consideration the basic geotechnical properties of base soil and filter media as well as existing hydraulic conditions and provides a comprehensive solution to the granular filter design with ability to assess the stability in terms of factor of safety. Considering the fact that geotechnical properties are variable in nature, probabilistic analysis is further suggested to evaluate the system reliability of the filter media that may help in risk assessment and risk management for decision making.