103 resultados para Heterogeneity


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Visual search in real life involves complex displays with a target among multiple types of distracters, but in the laboratory, it is often tested using simple displays with identical distracters. Can complex search be understood in terms of simple searches? This link may not be straightforward if complex search has emergent properties. One such property is linear separability, whereby search is hard when a target cannot be separated from its distracters using a single linear boundary. However, evidence in favor of linear separability is based on testing stimulus configurations in an external parametric space that need not be related to their true perceptual representation. We therefore set out to assess whether linear separability influences complex search at all. Our null hypothesis was that complex search performance depends only on classical factors such as target-distracter similarity and distracter homogeneity, which we measured using simple searches. Across three experiments involving a variety of artificial and natural objects, differences between linearly separable and nonseparable searches were explained using target-distracter similarity and distracter heterogeneity. Further, simple searches accurately predicted complex search regardless of linear separability (r = 0.91). Our results show that complex search is explained by simple search, refuting the widely held belief that linear separability influences visual search.


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A ubiquitous network plays a critical role to provide rendered services to ubiquitous application running nodes. To provide appropriate resources the nodes are needed to be monitored continuously. Monitoring a node in ubiquitous network is challenging because of dynamicity and heterogeneity of the ubiquitous network. The network monitor has to monitor resource parameters, like data rate, delay and throughput, as well as events such as node failure, network failure and fault in the system to curb the system failure. In this paper, we propose a method to develop a ubiquitous system monitoring protocol using agents. Earlier works on network monitoring using agents consider that the agents are designed for particular network. While in our work the heterogeneity property of the network has been considered. We have shown that the nodes' behaviour can be easily monitored by using agents (both static and mobile agent). The past behavior of the application and network, and past history of the Unode and the predecessor are taken into consideration to help SA to take appropriate decision during the time of emergency situation like unavailability of resources at the local administration, and to predict the migration of the Unode based on the previous node history. The results obtained in the simulation reflects the effectiveness of the technique.


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In the present study an analytical model has been presented to describe the transient temperature distribution and advancement of the thermal front generated due to the reinjection of heat depleted water in a heterogeneous geothermal reservoir. One dimensional heat transport equation in porous media with advection and longitudinal heat conduction has been solved analytically using Laplace transform technique in a semi infinite medium. The heterogeneity of the porous medium is expressed by the spatial variation of the flow velocity and the longitudinal effective thermal conductivity of the medium. A simpler solution is also derived afterwards neglecting the longitudinal conduction depending on the situation where the contribution to the transient heat transport phenomenon in the porous media is negligible. Solution for a homogeneous aquifer with constant values of the rock and fluid parameters is also derived with an aim to compare the results with that of the heterogeneous one. The effect of some of the parameters involved, on the transient heat transport phenomenon is assessed by observing the variation of the results with different magnitudes of those parameters. Results prove the heterogeneity of the medium, the flow velocity and the longitudinal conductivity to have great influence and porosity to have negligible effect on the transient temperature distribution. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effect of silver nanoparticles (nAg) in PS/PVME polystyrene/poly(vinyl methyl ether)] blends was studied with respect to the evolution of morphology, demixing temperature, and segmental dynamics. In the early stage of demixing, PVME developed an interconnected network that coarsened in the late stage. The nAg induced miscibility in the blends as supported by shear rheological measurements. The physicochemical processes that drive phase separation in blends also led to migration of nAg to the PVME phase as supported by AFM. The segmental dynamics was greatly influenced by the presence of nAg due to the specific interaction of nAg with PVME. Slower dynamics and an increase in intermolecular cooperativity in the presence of nAg further supported the role of nAg in delaying the phase separation processes and augmenting the demixing temperature in the blends. Different theoretical models were assessed to gain insight into the dynamic heterogeneity in PS/PVME blends at different length scales.


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Intermolecular cooperativity and structural relaxations in PVDF/PMMA blends were studied in this work with respect to different surface modified (amine, similar to NH2; carboxyl acid, similar to COOH and pristine) multiwalled nanotubes (MWNTs) at 1 wt % near blend's T-g and in the vicinity of demixing using dielectric spectroscopy, SAXS, DSC, and WAXD. Intermolecular cooperativity at T-g and configurational entropy was addressed in the framework of cooperative rearranging region (CRR) at T-g. Because of specific interactions between PVDF and NH2-MWNTs, the local composition fluctuates at its average value resulting in a broad T-g. The scale of cooperativity (xi(CRR)) and the number of segments in the cooperative volume (N-CRR) is comparatively smaller in the blends with NH2-MWNTs. This clearly suggests that the number of segments cooperatively relaxing is reduced in the blends due to specific interactions leading to more heterogeneity. The configurational entropy at T-g, as derived from Vogel-Fulcher and Adam-Gibbs analysis, was reduced in the blends in presence of MWNTs manifesting in entropic penalty of the chains. The crystallite size and the amorphous miscibility was evaluated using SAXS and was observed to be strongly contingent on the surface functional groups on MWNTs. Three distinct relaxations-alpha(c) due to relaxations in the crystalline phase of PVDF, alpha(m) indicating the amorphous miscibility in PVDF/PMMA blends, and alpha beta concerning the segmental dynamics of PMMA-were observed in the blends in the temperature range T-g < T < T-c. The dynamics as well as the nature of relaxations were observed to be dependent the surface functionality on the MWNTs. The dielectric permittivity was also enhanced in presence of MWNTs, especially with NH2-MWNTs, with minimal losses. The influence of the MWNTs on the spherulite size and crystalline morphology of the blends was also confirmed by POM and SEM.


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Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide (r-GO) were synthesized by wet chemistry and the effect of r-GO in PS-PVME blends was investigated here with respect to phase miscibility, intermolecular cooperativity in the glass transition region and concentration fluctuation variance by shear rheology and dielectric spectroscopy. The spinodal decomposition temperature (T-s) and correlation length were evaluated from isochronal temperature scans in shear rheology. The r-GO is shown to induce miscibility in the blends, which may lead to increased local heterogeneity in the blends, though the length of cooperatively re-arranged regions (xi) at T-g is more or less unaltered. The evolution of the phase morphology as a function of temperature was assessed using polarized optical microscopy (POM). In the case of the 60/40 PS-PVME blends with 0.25 wt% r-GO, apart from significant refinement in the morphology, retention of the interconnected ligaments of PVME was observed, even in the late stages of phase separation suggesting that the coarsening of the phase morphology has been slowed down in the presence of r-GO. This phenomenon was also supported by AFM. Surface enrichment of PVME, owing to its lower surface tension, in the demixed samples was supported by XPS scans. The interconnected network of PVME has resulted in significantly higher permittivity in the bi-phasic blends, although the concentration of r-GO is below the percolation threshold.


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Knowledge of the plasticity associated with the incipient stage of chip formation is useful toward developing an understanding of the deformation field underlying severe plastic deformation processes. The transition from a transient state of straining to a steady state was investigated in plane strain machining of a model material system-copper. Characterization of the evolution to a steady-state deformation field was made by image correlation, hardness mapping, load analysis, and microstructure characterization. Empirical relationships relating the deformation heterogeneity and the process parameters were found and explained by the corresponding effects on shear plane geometry. The results are potentially useful to facilitate a framework for process design of large strain deformation configurations, wherein transient deformation fields prevail. These implications are considered in the present study to quantify the efficiency of processing methods for bulk ultrafine-grained metals by large strain extrusion machining and equal channel angular pressing.


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The question of whether the dramatic slowing down of the dynamics of glass-forming liquids near the structural glass transition is caused by the growth of one or more correlation lengths has received much attention in recent years. Several proposals have been made for both static and dynamic length scales that may be responsible for the growth of timescales as the glass transition is approached. These proposals are critically examined with emphasis on the dynamic length scale associated with spatial heterogeneity of local dynamics and the static point-to-set or mosaic length scale of the random first order transition theory of equilibrium glass transition. Available results for these length scales, obtained mostly from simulations, are summarized, and the relation of the growth of timescales near the glass transition with the growth of these length scales is examined. Some of the outstanding questions about length scales in glass-forming liquids are discussed, and studies in which these questions may be addressed are suggested.


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Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) plays an important role, in presenting foreign pathogens to our immune system, there by eliciting early immune responses. HLA genes are highly polymorphic, giving rise to diverse antigen presentation capability. An important factor contributing to enormous variations in individual responses to diseases is differences in their HLA profiles. The heterogeneity in allele specific disease responses decides the overall disease epidemiological outcome. Here we propose an agent based computational framework, capable of incorporating allele specific information, to analyze disease epidemiology. This framework assumes a SIR model to estimate average disease transmission and recovery rate. Using epitope prediction tool, it performs sequence based epitope detection for a given the pathogenic genome and derives an allele specific disease susceptibility index depending on the epitope detection efficiency. The allele specific disease transmission rate, that follows, is then fed to the agent based epidemiology model, to analyze the disease outcome. The methodology presented here has a potential use in understanding how a disease spreads and effective measures to control the disease.


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The effects of radiative coupling between scattering and absorbing aerosols, in an external mixture, on the aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) due to black carbon (BC), its sensitivity to the composite aerosol loading and composition, and surface reflectance are investigated using radiative transfer model simulations. The ARF due to BC is found to depend significantly on the optical properties of the `neighboring' (non-BC) aerosol species. The scattering due to these species significantly increases the top of the atmospheric warming due to black carbon aerosols, and significant changes in the radiative forcing efficiency of BC. This is especially significant over dark surfaces (such as oceans), despite the ARF due to BC being higher over snow and land-surfaces. The spatial heterogeneity of this effect (coupling or multiple scattering by neighboring aerosol species) imposes large uncertainty in the estimation ARF due to BC aerosols, especially over the oceans. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cancer is a complex disease which arises due to a series of genetic changes related to cell division and growth control. Cancer remains the second leading cause of death in humans next to heart diseases. As a testimony to our progress in understanding the biology of cancer and developments in cancer diagnosis and treatment methods, the overall median survival time of all cancers has increased six fold one year to six years during the last four decades. However, while the median survival time has increased dramatically for some cancers like breast and colon, there has been only little change for other cancers like pancreas and brain. Further, not all patients having a single type of tumour respond to the standard treatment. The differential response is due to genetic heterogeneity which exists not only between tumours, which is called intertumour heterogeneity, but also within individual tumours, which is called intratumoural heterogeneity. Thus it becomes essential to personalize the cancer treatment based on a specific genetic change in a given tumour. It is also possible to stratify cancer patients into low- and high-risk groups based on expression changes or alterations in a group of genes gene signatures and choose a more suitable mode of therapy. It is now possible that each tumour can be analysed using various high-throughput methods like gene expression profiling and next-generation sequencing to identify its unique fingerprint based on which a personalized or tailor-made therapy can be developed. Here, we review the important progress made in the recent years towards personalizing cancer treatment with the use of gene signatures.


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Bush frogs of the genus Raorchestes are distributed mainly in the Western Ghats Escarpment of Peninsular India. The inventory of species in this genus is incomplete and there is ambiguity in the systematic status of species recognized by morphological criteria. To address the dual problem of taxon sampling and systematic uncertainty in bush frogs, we used a large-scale spatial sampling design, explicitly incorporating the geographic and ecological heterogeneity of the Western Ghats. We then used a hierarchical multi-criteria approach by combining mitochondrial phylogeny, genetic distance, geographic range, morphology and advertisement call to delimit bush frog lineages. Our analyses revealed the existence of a large number of new lineages with varying levels of genetic divergence. Here, we provide diagnoses and descriptions for nine lineages that exhibit divergence across multiple axes. The discovery of new lineages that exhibit high divergence across wide ranges of elevation and across the major massifs highlights the large gaps in historical sampling. These discoveries underscore the significance of addressing inadequate knowledge of species distribution, namely the ``Wallacean shortfall'', in addressing the problem of taxon sampling and unknown diversity in tropical hotspots. A biogeographically informed sampling and analytical approach was critical in detecting and delineating lineages in a consistent manner across the genus. Through increased taxon sampling, we were also able to discern a number of well-supported sub-clades that were either unresolved or absent in earlier phylogenetic reconstructions and identify a number of shallow divergent lineages which require further examination for assessment of their taxonomic status.


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Myopathies are among the major causes of mortality in the world. There is no complete cure for this heterogeneous group of diseases, but a sensitive, specific, and fast diagnostic tool may improve therapy effectiveness. In this study, Raman spectroscopy is applied to discriminate between muscle mutants in Drosophila on the basis of associated changes at the molecular level. Raman spectra were collected from indirect flight muscles of mutants, upheld1 (up1), heldup(2) (hdp(2)), myosin heavy chain7 (Mhc7), actin88F(KM88) (Act88F(KM88)), upheld101 (up101), and Canton-S (CS) control group, for both 2 and 12 days old flies. Difference spectra (mutant minus control) of all the mutants showed an increase in nucleic acid and beta-sheet and/or random coil protein content along with a decrease in a-helix protein. Interestingly, the 12th day samples of up1 and Act88F(KM88) showed significantly higher levels of glycogen and carotenoids than CS. A principal components based linear discriminant analysis classification model was developed based on multidimensional Raman spectra, which classified the mutants according to their pathophysiology and yielded an overall accuracy of 97% and 93% for 2 and 12 days old flies, respectively. The up1 and Act88F(KM88) (nemaline-myopathy) mutants form a group that is clearly separated in a linear discriminant plane from up101 and hdp2 (cardiomyopathy) mutants. Notably, Raman spectra from a human sample with nemaline-myopathy formed a cluster with the corresponding Drosophila mutant (up1). In conclusion, this is the first demonstration in which myopathies, despite their heterogeneity, were screened on the basis of biochemical differences using Raman spectroscopy.


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The long range attractive force between two hydrophobic surfaces immersed in water is observed to decrease exponentially with their separation-this distance-dependence of effective force is known as the hydrophobic force law (HFL). We explore the microscopic origin of HFL by studying distance-dependent attraction between two parallel rods immersed in 2D Mercedes Benz model of water. This model is found to exhibit a well-defined HFL. Although the phenomenon is conventionally explained by density-dependent theories, we identify orientation, rather than density, as the relevant order parameter. The range of density variation is noticeably shorter than that of orientational heterogeneity. The latter is comparable to the observed distances of hydrophobic force. At large separation, attraction between the rods arises primarily from a destructive interference among the inwardly propagating oppositely oriented heterogeneity generated in water by the two rods. As the rods are brought closer, the interference increases leading to a decrease in heterogeneity and concomitant decrease in free energy of the system, giving rise to the effective attraction. We notice formation of hexagonal ice-like structures at the onset of attractive region which suggests that metastable free energy minimum may play a role in the origin of HFL. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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What are the implications for the existence of subthreshold ion channels, their localization profiles, and plasticity on local field potentials (LFPs)? Here, we assessed the role of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels in altering hippocampal theta-frequency LFPs and the associated spike phase. We presented spatiotemporally randomized, balanced theta-modulated excitatory and inhibitory inputs to somatically aligned, morphologically realistic pyramidal neuron models spread across a cylindrical neuropil. We computed LFPs from seven electrode sites and found that the insertion of an experimentally constrained HCN-conductance gradient into these neurons introduced a location- dependent lead in the LFP phase without significantly altering its amplitude. Further, neurons fired action potentials at a specific theta phase of the LFP, and the insertion of HCN channels introduced large lags in this spike phase and a striking enhancement in neuronal spike-phase coherence. Importantly, graded changes in either HCN conductance or its half-maximal activation voltage resulted in graded changes in LFP and spike phases. Our conclusions on the impact of HCN channels on LFPs and spike phase were invariant to changes in neuropil size, to morphological heterogeneity, to excitatory or inhibitory synaptic scaling, and to shifts in the onset phase of inhibitory inputs. Finally, we selectively abolished the inductive lead in the impedance phase introduced by HCN channels without altering neuronal excitability and found that this inductive phase lead contributed significantly to changes in LFP and spike phase. Our results uncover specific roles for HCN channels and their plasticity in phase-coding schemas and in the formation and dynamic reconfiguration of neuronal cell assemblies.