127 resultados para Heparan Sulfate


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Mycobacterial spheroplasts were prepared by treatment of the glycinesensitized cells with a combination of lipase and lysozyme. They were stable for several hours at room temperature but were lysed on treatment with 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The spheroplasts could be regenerated on a suitable medium. Fusion and regeneration of the spheroplasts were attempted using drug resistant mutant strains ofM. smegmalis. Recombinants were obtained from spheroplast fusion mediated by polyethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide. Simultaneous expression of rccombinant properties was observed only after an initial lag in the isolated clones. This has been explained as due to “chromosome inactivation” in the fused product.


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Shrimp are among the more common causes of immediate hypersensitivity reactions to food. To characterize better the allergenic substances within shrimp, extracts from heated shrimp were systematically examined with solid-phase radioimmunoassay and sera from patients clinically sensitive to shrimp. Two heat-stable protein allergens, designated as Sa-I and Sa-II, were identified from boiled shrimp (Penaeus indicus) extracts. Sa-I was isolated by ultrafiltration, Sephadex G-25, and diethylaminoethyl-Sephacel chromatography, whereas Sa-II, the major allergen, was purified by successive chromatography on diethylaminoethyl-Sephacel, Bio-Gel P-200, and Sepharose 4B columns. Sa-I, which was homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), elicited a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE corresponding to a molecular weight of 8.2 kd. Sa-II was also found to be homogeneous by PAGE, crossed immunoelectrophoresis, and immunoblotting. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE, it elicited a single band with a molecular weight of 34 kd. Sa-II was found to contain 301 amino acid residues and was particularly rich in glutamate/glutamine and aspartate/asparagine. Solid-phase radioimmunoassay-inhibition studies revealed that Sa-I and Sa-II share 54% of the allergenic epitopes, suggesting that Sa-I may be a fragment of Sa-II.SDS-PAGE, Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; MW, Molecular weight; BSA, Bovine serum albumin; DEAE, Diethylaminoethyl; SPRIA, Solid-phase radioimmunoassay; CIE, Crossed immunoelectrophoresis .


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The presence of DNA-specific IgG4 antibodies was demonstrated in the sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by a microtiter solid-phase radioimmunoassay. A patient with distal inter-phalangeal swelling and extensive ulcers in the oral cavity, seronegative for anti-DNA antibodies of the IgG isotype, was found to have anti-DNA autoantibodies exclusively of the IgG4 subclass. These autoantibodies directed against the dsDNA conformation cross-reacted with chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate and heparin.


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A simple and rapid affinity chromatographic method for the isolation of aspartate transcarbamylase from germinated seedlings of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) was developed. A partially purified preparation of the enzyme was chromatographed on an affinity column containing aspartate linked to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. Aspartate transcarbamylase was specifically eluted from the column with 10 mImage aspartate or 0.5 Image KCl. The enzyme migrated as a single sharp band during disc electrophoresis at pH 8.6 on polyacrylamide gels. Electrophoresis of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated enzyme showed two distinct protein bands, suggesting that the mung bean aspartate transcarbamylase was made up of nonidentical subunits. Like the enzyme purified by conventional procedures, this enzyme preparation also exhibited positive homotropic interactions with carbamyl phosphate and negative heterotropic interactions with UMP. This method was extended to the purification of aspartate transcarbamylase from Lathyrus sativus, Eleucine coracona, and Trigonella foenum graecum.


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The oxidation of NADH and accompanying reduction of oxygen to H2O2 stimulated by polyvanadate was markedly inhibited by SOD and cytochrome c. The presence of decavanadate, the polymeric form, is necessary for obtaining the microsomal enzyme-catalyzed activity. The accompanying activity of reduction of cytochrome c was found to be SOD-insensitive and therefore does not represent superoxide formation. The reduction of cytochrome c by vanadyl sulfate was also SOD-insensitive. In the presence of H2O2 all the forms of vanadate were able to oxidize reduced cytochrome c, which was sensitive to mannitol, tris and also catalase, indicating H202-dependent generation of hydroxyl radicals. Using ESR and spin trapping technique only hydroxyl radicals, but not superoxide anion radicals, were detected during polyvanadate-dependent NADH oxidation.


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The effect of thiocarbamates (S-ethyldipropylthiocarbamate and diallate), substituted ureas (monuron and diuron), and uracils (bromacil and terbacil) on lipid metabolism in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) leaves was investigated under nonphotosynthetic conditions. The uptake of [1-14C]acetate by leaf disks was inhibited by the thiocarbamates and marginally by the substituted ureas, but not by the uracil herbicides. The uptake of [methyl-14C]choline was inhibited to a lesser extent by thiocarbamates, while the other herbicides showed a slight stimulation. The thiocarbamates almost completely inhibited uptake of [32P]orthophosphate at 1.0 mM concentration, while diuron and terbacil showed significant inhibition. [1-14C]Acetate incorporation into lipids was inhibited only by diallate. [methyl-14C]Choline incorporation into the choline phosphoglycerides was inhibited by diallate, diuron, and bromacil. The incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate into phospholipids was substantially inhibited (over 90% at 1.0 mM) by the thiocarbamates, but not by the other herbicides. [35S]Sulfate incorporation into sulfoquinovosyl diglycerides was markedly inhibited only by the thiocarbamates. Fatty acid synthesis by isolated chloroplasts was inhibited 40–85% by thiocarbamates, substituted ureas, and bromacil, but not by terbacil. The inhibitory effect of the urea derivatives was reversible, but that of thiocarbamates was irreversible. sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase(s) of the chloroplast and microsomal fractions were profoundly inhibited by thiocarbamates, but not by the other two groups of herbicides. Phosphatidic acid phosphatase was insensitive to all the herbicides tested.


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Addition of ferrous sulfate, but not ferric chloride, in micromolar concentrations to rat liver mitochondria induced high rates of consumption of oxygen. The oxygen consumed was several times in excess of the reducing capacity of ferrous-iron (O: Fe ratios 5�8). This occurred in the absence of NADPH or any exogenous oxidizable substrate. The reaction terminated on oxidation of ferrous ions. Malondialdehyde (MDA), measured as thiobarbituric acid-reacting material, was produced indicating peroxidation of lipids. The ratio of O2: MDA was about 4: 1. Pretreatment of mitochondria with ferrous sulfate decreased the rate of oxidation (state 3) with glutamate (+malate) as the substrate by about 40% but caused little damage to energy tranduction process as represented by ratios of ADP: O and respiratory control, as well as calcium-stimulated oxygen uptake and energy-dependent uptake of [45Ca]-calcium. Addition of succinate or ubiquinone decreased ferrous iron-induced lipid peroxidation in intact mitochondria. In frozen-thawed mitochondria, addition of succinate enhanced lipid peroxidation whereas ubiquinone had little effect. These results suggest that ferrous-iron can cause peroxidation of mitochondrial lipids without affecting the energy transduction systems, and that succinate and ubiquinone can offer protection from damage due to such ferrous-iron released from the stores within the cells.


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The EMF of a solid-state cell, incorporating a composite solid-electrolyte with gradual variation in composition, and dissimilar gas electrodes, has been studied as a function of temperature and partial pressures at the electrodes. The cell with the configuration: Pt, CO2' + O2' parallel-to Na2CO3\Na(SO4)x(CO3)1-x\Na2SO4 parallel-to SO3'' + SO2'' + O2'', Pt x=0 x=1 was investigated in the temperature range 973 to 1079 K. The solid-electrolyte surface exposed to SO3 + SO2 + O2 gas mixture was doped-Na2SO4, whereas the CO2 + O2 gas mixture was in contact with pure Na2CO3. The composition of the solid solution between the carbonate and sulfate, with hexagonal structure, was varied gradually between the boundary values. It has been found that the EMF of the cell is close to that calculated from thermodynamic data, assuming unit transport number for Na+ ions. The gradient in the concentration of sulfate and carbonate ions in the electrolyte does not give rise to a significant diffusion potential.


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Ceric ammonium sulfate, CAS, oxidizes naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone in essentially quantitative yield in CH3CN-dil. H2SO4. Stoichiometric studies indicate that 6 mol of CAS are required for the oxidation of 1 mol of naphthalene to 1,4-naphthoquinone. Kinetic investigations reveal that the reaction takes place through initial formation of a 1:1 complex of naphthalene and cerium(IV) in an equilibrium step followed by slow decomposition of the complex to naphthalene radical cation. Kinetic results on the effects of acid strength, polarity of the medium, temperature and substituents are in accordance with this mechanism. Further conversion of the radical cation into 1,4-naphthoquinone takes place in fast steps involving a further 5 mol of cerium(IV) and 2 mol of H2O.


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An enzyme which cleaves the benzene ring of 3,5-dichiorocatechol has been purified to homogeneity from Pseudomonas cepacia CSV90, grown with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as the sole carbon source. The enzyme was a nonheme ferric dioxygenase and catalyzed the intradiol cleavage of all the examined catechol derivatives, 3,5-dichlorocatechol having the highest specificity constant of 7.3 μM−1 s−1 in an air-saturated buffer. No extradiol-cleaving activity was observed. Thus, the enzyme was designated as 3,5-dichlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was ascertained to be 56,000 by light scattering method, while the Mr value of the enzyme denatured with 6 M guanidine-HCl or sodium dodecyl sulfate was 29,000 or 31,600, respectively, suggesting that the enzyme was a homodimer. The iron content was estimated to be 0.89 mol per mole of enzyme. The enzyme was deep red and exhibited a broad absorption spectrum with a maximum at around 425 nm, which was bleached by sodium dithionite, and shifted to 515 nm upon anaerobic 3,5-dichlorocatechol binding. The catalytic constant and the Km values for 3,5-dichlorocatechol and oxygen were 34.7 s−1 and 4.4 and 652 μM, respectively, at pH 8 and 25°C. Some heavy metal ions, chelating agents and sulfhydryl reagents inhibited the activity. The NH2-terminal sequence was determined up to 44 amino acid residues and compared with those of the other catechol dioxygenases previously reported.


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The synthesis of (±)-3a,4,4,7a-tetramethylhydrindan-2-one 8, containing three contiguous quaternary carbons as present in thapsanes, and the total synthesis of thaps-7(15)-ene 6 and thaps-6-ene 7, probable biogenetic precursors of thapsanes, have been achieved. Thus, orthoester Claisen rearrangement of cyclogeraniol 14, followed by hydrolysis of the resultant ester 16 furnished the eneacid 13. Copper sulfate-catalysed intramolecular cyclopropanation of the diazo ketone 18, derived from the acid 13, generated the cyclopropyl ketone 12. Regiospecific reductive cleavage of cyclopropyl ketone 12 furnished the hydrindanone 8, whereas the diazo ketone 26 furnished the hydrindanone 28avia the cyclopropyl ketone 27. Wittig methylenation of the hydrindanone 28a furnished thaps-7(15)-ene 6, which on isomerisation gave thaps-6-ene 7. Allylic oxidation of thaps-6-ene furnished the thapsenone 31, a degradation product of the natural thapsane 1b.


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The thermodynamic properties of K2CO3 -KSO, solid solutions with hexagonal structure have been measured using a solid-state cell, incorporating a composite solid electrolyte with step-changes in composition. The cell with the configuration Pt, CO2' + O2' || K2CO3 | K2(CO3)x(SO4)1-x || CO2'' + O2'' + Pt X =1 X=X was investigated in the temperature range of 925 to 1165 K. The composite gradient solid electrolyte consisted of pure K2CO3 at one extremity and the solid solution under study at the other. The Nernstian response of the cell to changes in partial pressures of CO2 and O2 at the electrodes and temperature was demonstrated. The activity of K2CO3 in the solid solution was measured by three techniques. All three methods gave identical results, indicating unit transport number for K+ ions and negligible diffusion potential due to concentration gradients of carbonate and sulfate ions. The activity of K2CO3 exhibits positive deviation from Raoult's law. The excess Gibbs energy of mixing of the solid solution can be represented using a subregular solution model DELTAG(E) = X(1 - X)[5030X + 4715(1 - X)] J mol-1 By combining this information with the phase diagram, mixing properties of the liquid phase were obtained.


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In the presence of a catalytic amount of water, 1,5-dienes undergo novel and unusual oxidation with potassium permanganate�copper sulfate in dichloromethane to give substituted butanolides in good yields under very mild conditions.


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The structure and organization of dodecyl sulfate (DDS) surfactant chains intercalated in an Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH), Mg(1-x)Alx(OH)(2), with differing Al/Mg ratios has been investigated. The Mg-Al LDHs can be prepared over a range of compositions with x varying from 0.167 to 0.37 and therefore provides a simple system to study how the organization of the alkyl chains of the intercalated DDS anions change with packing density; the Al/Mg ratio or x providing a convenient handle to do so. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements showed that at high packing densities (x >= 0.3) the alkyl chains of the intercalated dodecyl sulfate ions are anchored on opposing LDH sheets and arranged as bilayers with an interlayer spacing of similar to 27 angstrom. At lower packing densities (x < 0.2) the surfactant chains form a monolayer with the alkyl chains oriented flat in the galleries with an interlayer spacing of similar to 8 angstrom. For the in between compositions, 0.2 <= x < 0.3, the material is biphasic. MD simulations were performed to understand how the anchoring density of the intercalated surfactant chains in the Mg-Al LDH-DDS affects the organization of the chains and the interlayer spacing. The simulations are able to reproduce the composition driven monolayer to bilayer transformation in the arrangement of the intercalated surfactant chains and in addition provide insights into the factors that decide the arrangement of the surfactant chains in the two situations. In the bilayer arrangement, it is the dispersive van der Waals interactions between chains in opposing layers of the anchored bilayer that is responsible for the cohesive energy of the solid whereas at lower packing densities, where a monolayer arrangement is favored, Coulomb interactions between the positively charged Mg-Al LDH sheets and the negatively charged headgroup of the DDS anion dominate.


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EcoP1 modification methylase was radioactively labeled when incubated with S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-3H]methionine in the presence of ultraviolet light. Crosslinking of the enzyme as detected by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel followed by fluorography and autoradiography, was shown to be specific by a number of criteria. More importantly, EcoP1 modification methylase was also radioactively labeled with S-adenosyl-L-[carboxyl-14C]methionine demonstrating that labeling involved binding of the entire AdoMet molecule rather than methylation of the protein. Further, c2 EcoP1 mutant DNA modification methylases which show negligible or very little methylation activity, correspondingly formed a weak or no adduct upon crosslinking. These results suggest that photolabeling of EcoP1 DNA modification methylase occurs at the AdoMet binding site.