274 resultados para Fresnel coefficient


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The mesoscale simulation of a lamellar mesophase based on a free energy functional is examined with the objective of determining the relationship between the parameters in the model and molecular parameters. Attention is restricted to a symmetric lamellar phase with equal volumes of hydrophilic and hydrophobic components. Apart from the lamellar spacing, there are two parameters in the free energy functional. One of the parameters, r, determines the sharpness of the interface, and it is shown how this parameter can be obtained from the interface profile in a molecular simulation. The other parameter, A, provides an energy scale. Analytical expressions are derived to relate these parameters to r and A to the bending and compression moduli and the permeation constant in the macroscopic equation to the Onsager coefficient in the concentration diffusion equation. The linear hydrodynamic response predicted by the theory is verified by carrying out a mesoscale simulation using the lattice-Boltzmann technique and verifying that the analytical predictions are in agreement with simulation results. A macroscale model based on the layer thickness field and the layer normal field is proposed, and the relationship between the parameters in the macroscale model from the parameters in the mesoscale free energy functional is obtained.


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TiO2 films are extensively used in various applications including optical multi-layers, sensors, photo catalysis, environmental purification, and solar cells etc. These are prepared by both vacuum and non-vacuum methods. In this paper, we present the results on TiO2 thin films prepared by a sol-gel spin coating process in non-aqueous solvent. Titanium isopropoxide is used as TiO2 precursor. The films were annealed at different temperatures up to 3000 C for 5 hours in air. The influence of the various deposition parameters like spinning speed, spinning time and annealing temperature on the thickness of the TiO2 films has been studied. The variation of film thickness with time in ambient atmosphere was also studied. The optical, structural and morphological characteristics were investigated by optical transmittance-reflectance measurements, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) respectively. The refractive index and extinction coefficient of the films were determined by envelope technique and spectroscopic ellipsometry. TiO2 films exhibited high transparency (92%) in the visible region with a refractive index of 2.04 at 650 nm. The extinction coefficient was found to be negligibly small. The X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the TiO2 film deposited on glass substrate changes from amorphous to crystalline (anatase) phase with annealing temperature above 2500 C. SEM results show that the deposited films are uniform and crack free.


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We believe the Babcock-Leighton process of poloidal field generation to be the main source of irregularity in the solar cycle. The random nature of this process may make the poloidal field in one hemisphere stronger than that in the other hemisphere at the end of a cycle. We expect this to induce an asymmetry in the next sunspot cycle. We look for evidence of this in the observational data and then model it theoretically with our dynamo code. Since actual polar field measurements exist only from the 1970s, we use the polar faculae number data recorded by Sheeley (1991, 2008) as a proxy of the polar field and estimate the hemispheric asymmetry of the polar field in different solar minima during the major part of the twentieth century. This asymmetry is found to have a reasonable correlation with the asymmetry of the next cycle. We then run our dynamo code by feeding information about this asymmetry at the successive minima and compare the results with observational data. We find that the theoretically computed asymmetries of different cycles compare favorably with the observational data, with the correlation coefficient being 0.73. Due to the coupling between the two hemispheres, any hemispheric asymmetry tends to get attenuated with time. The hemispheric asymmetry of a cycle either from observational data or from theoretical calculations statistically tends to be less than the asymmetry in the polar field (as inferred from the faculae data) in the preceding minimum. This reduction factor turns out to be 0.43 and 0.51 respectively in observational data and theoretical simulations.


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An inexpensive and effective simple method for the preparation of nano-crystalline titanium oxide (anatase) thin films at room temperature on different transparent substrates is presented. This method is based on the use of peroxo-titanium complex, i.e. titanium isopropoxide as a single initiating organic precursor. Post-annealing treatment is necessary to convert the deposited amorphous film into titanium oxide (TiO2) crystalline (anatase) phase. These films have been characterized for X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies, atomic force microscopic (AFM) studies and optical measurements. The optical constants such as refractive index and extinction coefficient have been estimated by using envelope technique. Also, the energy gap values have been estimated using Tauc's formula for on glass and quartz substrates are found to be 3.35 eV and 3.39 eV, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work provides an insight into the dry sliding wear behavior of titanium based on synergy between tribo-oxidation and strain rate response. Pin-on-disc tribometer was used to characterize the friction and wear behavior of titanium pin in sliding contact with polycrystalline alumina disk under ambient and vacuum condition. The sliding speed was varied from 0.01 to 1.4 ms(-1), normal load was varied from 15.3 to 76 N and with a sliding distance of 1500 m. It was seen that dry sliding wear behavior of titanium was governed by combination of tribo-oxidation and strain rate response in near surface region of titanium. Strain rate response of titanium was recorded by conducting uni-axial compression tests at constant true strain rate of 100 s(-1) in the temperature range from 298 to 873 K. Coefficient of friction and wear rate were reduced with increased sliding speed from 0.01 to 1.0 ms(-1). This is attributed to the formation of in situ self lubricating oxide film (TiO) and reduction in the intensity of adiabatic shear band cracking in the near surface region. This trend was confirmed by performing series of dry sliding tests under vacuum condition of 2 x 10(-4) Torr. Characterization tools such as optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffractometer provided evidence of such processes. These experimental findings can be applied to enhance the dry sliding wear behavior of titanium with proper choice of operating conditions such as sliding speed, normal load, and environment.


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The theoretical optimization of the design parametersN A ,N D andW P has been done for efficient operation of Au-p-n Si solar cell including thermionic field emission, dependence of lifetime and mobility on impurity concentrations, dependence of absorption coefficient on wavelength, variation of barrier height and hence the optimum thickness ofp region with illumination. The optimized design parametersN D =5×1020 m−3,N A =3×1024 m−3 andW P =11.8 nm yield efficiencyη=17.1% (AM0) andη=19.6% (AM1). These are reduced to 14.9% and 17.1% respectively if the metal layer series resistance and transmittance with ZnS antireflection coating are included. A practical value ofW P =97.0 nm gives an efficiency of 12.2% (AM1).


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Cast aluminium alloy-mica particle composites were made by dispersing mica particles in a vortex produced by stirring the liquid Al-4 wt% Cu-1.5 wt% Mg alloy and then casting the melt containing the suspended particles into permanent moulds. Spiral fluidity and casting fluidity of the alloy containing mica particles in suspension were determined. Both the spiral fluidity and the casting fluidity of the base alloy were found to decrease with an increase in volume or weight percent of mica particles (of a given size), and with a decrease in particle size (for a given amount of particles). The fluidities of Al-4 wt% Cu-1.5 wt% Mg alloys containing suspended mica particles were found to correlate very well with the surface area of suspended mica particles. The regression equation for spiral fluidity Y (cm) as a function of surface area of mica particles per gram of spiral X (cm2 g–1) at 700° C was found to be Y=42.62–0.42X with a correlation coefficient of 0.9634. The regression equations for casting fluidity Yprime (cm) as a functiono of surface area of mica particles per gram of fluidity test piece Xprime (cm2 g–1) at 710 and 670° C were found to be Yprime=19.71–0.17Xprime and Yprime=13.52–0.105Xprime with correlation coefficients of 0.9194 and 0.9612 respectively. The percentage decrease in casting fluidity of composite melts containing up to 2.5 wt% mica with a drop in temperature is quite similar to the corresponding decrease in the casting fluidity of base alloy melts (without mica). The change in fluidity due to mica dispersions has been discussed in terms of changes in viscosity of the composite melts. However, the fluidities of these composite alloys containing up to 2.5 wt% mica are adequate for making a variety of simple castings including bearings for which these alloys have been developed.


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The effects of tangential friction at pin—hole interfaces are appropriately modelled for the analysis of fasteners in large composite (orthotropic) plate loaded along its edges. The pin—hole contact could be of interference, clearance or neat fit. When the plate load is monotonically increased, interference fits give rise to receding contact, whereas clearance fits result in advancing contact. In either case, the changing contact situations lead to non-linear moving boundary value problems. The neat fit comes out as a special case in which the contact and separation regions are invariant with the applied load level and so the problem remains linear. The description of boundary conditions in the presence of tangential friction, will depend on whether the problem is one of advancing or receding contact, advancing contact presenting a special problem. A model is developed for the limiting case of a rigid pin and an ideally rough interface (infinitely large friction coefficient). The non-linearity resulting from the continuously varying proportions of contact and separation at the interface, is handled by an “Inverse Formulation” which was successfully applied earlier by the authors for smooth (zero friction) interfacial conditions. The additional difficulty introduced by advancing contact is handled by adopting a “Marching Solution”. The modelling and the procedure are illustrated in respect of symmetric plate load cases. Numerical results are presented bringing out the effects of interfacial friction and plate orthotropy on load-contact relations and plate stresses.


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Controversy exists in the published literature as to the effect of silicon content and pressure on the dry sliding wear of Al---Si alloys. The present paper attempts to clarify the question by reporting a statistical analysis of data obtained from factorially designed experiments conducted on a pinon-disc machine in the pressure range 0.105–1.733 MPa and speed range 0.19–0.94 m s−1. Under these conditions it was found that, in the range 4–24 wt.% Si, wear of binary unmodified alloys does not significantly differ between the alloys. However, it is significantly less than that corresponding to an alloy containing no silicon. The effect of pressure on wear rate was found to be linear and monotonie and, over the narrow range of speeds used, the wear rate was found to be unaffected by speed. The coefficient of friction was found to be insensitive to variations in silicon content, pressure and speed.


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Measurements of the ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/ mu ) of electrons in SF6-N2 and CCl2F2-N2 mixtures over the range 80coefficients) did not show any significant variation with F for F<50.


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A two-dimensional axisymmetric problem of solidification of a superheated liquid in a long cylindrical mold has been studied in this paper by employing a new embedding technique. The mold and the melt has an imperfect contact and the heat transfer coefficient has been taken as a function of space and time. Short-time exact analytical solutions for the moving boundary and temperature distributions in the liquid, solid and mold have been obtained. The numerical results indicate that with the present solution, for some parameter values, substantial solidified thickness can be obtained. The method of solution is simple and straightforward, and consists of assuming fictitious initial temperatures for some suitable fictitious extensions of the actual regions. Sufficient conditions for the commencement of the solidification have been discussed.


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A method is presented for identification of parameters in unconfined aquifers from pumping tests, based on the optimisation of the objective function using the least squares approach. Four parameters are to be evaluated, namely: The hydraulic conductivity in the radial and the vertical directions, the storage coefficient and the specific yield. The sensitivity analysis technique is used for solving the optimisation problem. Besides eliminating the subjectivity involved in the graphical procedure, the method takes into account the field data at all time intervals without classifying them into small and large time intervals and does not use the approximation that the ratio of the storage coefficient to the specific yield tends to zero. Two illustrative examples are presented and it is found that the parameter estimates from the computational and graphical procedures differ fairly significantly.


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Experimental results are presented of ionisation (a)a nd electron attachment ( v ) coefficients evaluated from the steady-state Townsend curregnrto wth curves for SFsN2 and CC12FrN2 mixtures over the range 60 S E/P 6 240 (where E is the electric field in V cm" and P is the pressure in Torr reduced to 20'C). In both the mixtures the attachment coefficients (vmu) evaluated were found to follow the relationship; where 7 is the attachment coefficient of pure electronegative gas, F is the fraction of the electronegative gas in the mixture and /3 is a constant. The ionisation coefficients (amlx) generally obeyed the relationship where w2a nd aAa re thei onisation coefficients of nitrogen and the attachinggraess pectively. However, in case of CC12FrN2 mixtures, there were maxima in the a,,,v,a,l ues for CCI2F2 concentrations varying between 10% and 30% at all values of E/P investigated. Effective ionisation coefficients (a - p)/P obtained in these binary mixtures show that the critical E/P (corresponding to (a - q)/P = 0) increases with increase in the concentration of the electronegative gas up to 40%. Further increase in the electronegative gas content does not seem to alter the critical E/P.


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The degree of consanguinity of the progeny, the number of live-borns and number of living children were determined in 3350 marriages in Bangalore, Karnataka. The coefficient of inbreeding (F) was 0•02308, higher than in comparable, urban populations in other South Indian states. No significant differences were found between the consanguineous and non-consanguineous groups in numbers of live-born or living children nor was there any consanguinity-related trend with respect to these parameters.


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The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of diamond has been measured over the temperature range 50-2OO"c. The value of E-ldc dT over this range is + 1 x 10-j. Details of the method of measuring the temperature coefficient of dielectric constant are also given. The magnitude and sign of c-ldc, dT for diamond has been theoretically calculated using Maxwell's relationship and Kramers-Heisenberg theory. The agreement between theoretical and experimental values is extremely good.