114 resultados para Feeding techniques


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The paper presents a graphical-numerical method for determining the transient stability limits of a two-machine system under the usual assumptions of constant input, no damping and constant voltage behind transient reactance. The method presented is based on the phase-plane criterion,1, 2 in contrast to the usual step-by-step and equal-area methods. For the transient stability limit of a two-machine system, under the assumptions stated, the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy, at the instant of fault clearing, should just be equal to the maximum value of the potential energy which the machines can accommodate with the fault cleared. The assumption of constant voltage behind transient reactance is then discarded in favour of the more accurate assumption of constant field flux linkages. Finally, the method is extended to include the effect of field decrement and damping. A number of examples corresponding to each case are worked out, and the results obtained by the proposed method are compared with those obtained by the usual methods.


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This paper suggests the use of simple transformations like ÿ=kx, kx2 for second-order nonlinear differential equations to effect rapid plotting of the phase-plane trajectories. The method is particularly helpful in determining quickly the trajectory slopes along simple curves in any desired region of the phase plane. New planes such as the tÿ-x, tÿ2-x are considered for the study of some groups of nonlinear time-varying systems. Suggestions for solving certain higher-order nonlinear systems are also made.


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In the Himalayas, large area is covered by glaciers, seasonal snow and changes in its extent can influence availability of water in the Himalayan Rivers. In this paper, changes in glacial extent, glacial mass balance and seasonal snow cover have been discussed. Field and satellite based investigations suggest, most of the Himalayan glaciers are retreating though the rate of retreat is varying from glacier to glacier, ranging from few meters to almost 50 meters per year, depending upon the numerous glacial, terrain and meteorological parameters. Retreat was estimated for 1868 glaciers in eleven basins distributed across the Indian Himalaya since 1962 to 2001/02. Estimates show an overall reduction in glacier area from 6332 to 5329 sq km, an overall deglaciation of 16 percent.Snow line at the end of ablation season on the Chhota Shigri glacier suggests a change in altitude from 4900 to 5200 m from late 1970’s to the present. Seasonal snow cover monitoring of the Himalaya has shown large amounts of snow cover depletion in early part of winter, i.e. from October to December. For many basins located in lower altitude and in south of Pir Panjal range, snow ablation was observed through out the winter season. In addition, average stream runoff of the Baspa basin during the month of December shows an increase by 75 per cent. This combination of glacial retreat, negative mass balance, early melting of seasonal snow cover and winter time increase in stream runoff suggest an influence of climate change on the Himalayan cryosphere.


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A detailed study on the removal of pollutants (NOx, aldehydes and CO) from the exhaust of a stationary diesel engine is carried out using barrier discharge hybrid plasma techniques. The objective of the study is to make a comparative analysis. For this purpose, the exhaust treatment was carried out in two stages. In the first stage, the exhaust was treated with plasma process and plasma-adsorbent hybrid process. The effectiveness of the two processes with regard to NOx removal and by-product reduction was discussed. In the second stage, the exhaust was treated by plasma and plasma-catalyst hybrid process. The effectiveness of the two processes with regard to pollutants (NOx, CO) removal and by-product reduction was analyzed. Finally, a comprehensive comparison of different techniques has been made and feasible plasma based hybrid techniques for stationary and non-stationary engine exhaust treatments were proposed.


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This article presents a review of recent developments in parametric based acoustic emission (AE) techniques applied to concrete structures. It recapitulates the significant milestones achieved by previous researchers including various methods and models developed in AE testing of concrete structures. The aim is to provide an overview of the specific features of parametric based AE techniques of concrete structures carried out over the years. Emphasis is given to traditional parameter-based AE techniques applied to concrete structures. A significant amount of research on AE techniques applied to concrete structures has already been published and considerable attention has been given to those publications. Some recent studies such as AE energy analysis and b-value analysis used to assess damage of concrete bridge beams have also been discussed. The formation of fracture process zone and the AE energy released during the fracture process in concrete beam specimens have been summarised. A large body of experimental data on AE characteristics of concrete has accumulated over the last three decades. This review of parametric based AE techniques applied to concrete structures may be helpful to the concerned researchers and engineers to better understand the failure mechanism of concrete and evolve more useful methods and approaches for diagnostic inspection of structural elements and failure prediction/prevention of concrete structures.


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Stable hollow microcapsules composed of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and poly (allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) were produced by layer-by-layer adsorption of polyelectrolytes onto CaCO 3 microparticles. Subsequently the core was removed by addition of chelating agents for calcium ions. Zeta potential studies showed charge reversal with deposition of successive polyelectrolyte layers, indicating that the alternate electrostatic adsorption of polyelectrolytes of opposite charge was successfully achieved. The size and surface morphology of the capsules was characterized by various microscopy techniques. The pH responsive loading behavior was elucidated by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) studies using fluorescence labeled dextran (FITC-dextran) and labeled BSA (FITC-BSA). CLSM images confirmed the open (pH ≤ 6) and closed state (pH ≥ 7) of the capsules. A model drug bovine serum albumin (BSA) was spontaneously loaded below its isoelectric point into hollow microcapsules, where BSA is positively charged. The loading of the BSA into the microcapsules was found to be dependent on the feeding concentration and pH of the medium. 65 of the loaded BSA was released over 7h of which about 34 was released in the first hour. These findings demonstrate that (CMC/PAH) 2 hollow capsules can be further exploited as a potential drug delivery system.


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There has been growing interest in understanding energy metabolism in human embryos generated using assisted reproductive techniques (ART) for improving the overall success rate of the method. Using NMR spectroscopy as a noninvasive tool, we studied human embryo metabolism to identify specific biomarkers to assess the quality of embryos for their implantation potential. The study was based on estimation of pyruvate, lactate and alanine levels in the growth medium, ISM1, used in the culture of embryos. An NMR study involving 127 embryos from 48 couples revealed that embryos transferred on Day 3 (after 72 h in vitro culture) with successful implantation (pregnancy) exhibited significantly (p < 10(-5)) lower pyruvate/alanine ratios compared to those that failed to implant. Lactate levels in media were similar for all embryos. This implies that in addition to lactate production, successfully implanted embryos use pyruvate to produce alanine and other cellular functions. While pyruvate and alanine individually have been used as biomarkers, the present study highlights the potential of combining them to provide a single parameter that correlates strongly with implantation potential. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper considers the problem of identifying the footprints of communication of multiple transmitters in a given geographical area. To do this, a number of sensors are deployed at arbitrary but known locations in the area, and their individual decisions regarding the presence or absence of the transmitters' signal are combined at a fusion center to reconstruct the spatial spectral usage map. One straightforward scheme to construct this map is to query each of the sensors and cluster the sensors that detect the primary's signal. However, using the fact that a typical transmitter footprint map is a sparse image, two novel compressive sensing based schemes are proposed, which require significantly fewer number of transmissions compared to the querying scheme. A key feature of the proposed schemes is that the measurement matrix is constructed from a pseudo-random binary phase shift applied to the decision of each sensor prior to transmission. The measurement matrix is thus a binary ensemble which satisfies the restricted isometry property. The number of measurements needed for accurate footprint reconstruction is determined using compressive sampling theory. The three schemes are compared through simulations in terms of a performance measure that quantifies the accuracy of the reconstructed spatial spectral usage map. It is found that the proposed sparse reconstruction technique-based schemes significantly outperform the round-robin scheme.


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Western Blot analysis is an analytical technique used in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics and other Molecular Biology studies to separate proteins by electrophoresis. The procedure results in images containing nearly rectangular-shaped blots. In this paper, we address the problem of quantitation of the blots using automated image processing techniques. We formulate a special active contour (or snake) called Oblong, which locks on to rectangular shaped objects. Oblongs depend on five free parameters, which is also the minimum number of parameters required for a unique characterization. Unlike many snake formulations, Oblongs do not require explicit gradient computations and therefore the optimization is carried out fast. The performance of Oblongs is assessed on synthesized data and Western Blot Analysis images.


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We address the problem of speech enhancement in real-world noisy scenarios. We propose to solve the problem in two stages, the first comprising a generalized spectral subtraction technique, followed by a sequence of perceptually-motivated post-processing algorithms. The role of the post-processing algorithms is to compensate for the effects of noise as well as to suppress any artifacts created by the first-stage processing. The key post-processing mechanisms are aimed at suppressing musical noise and to enhance the formant structure of voiced speech as well as to denoise the linear-prediction residual. The parameter values in the techniques are fixed optimally by experimentally evaluating the enhancement performance as a function of the parameters. We used the Carnegie-Mellon university Arctic database for our experiments. We considered three real-world noise types: fan noise, car noise, and motorbike noise. The enhancement performance was evaluated by conducting listening experiments on 12 subjects. The listeners reported a clear improvement (MOS improvement of 0.5 on an average) over the noisy signal in the perceived quality (increase in the mean-opinion score (MOS)) for positive signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs). For negative SNRs, however, the improvement was found to be marginal.


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Reliable estimates of species density are fundamental to planning conservation strategies for any species; further, it is equally crucial to identify the most appropriate technique to estimate animal density. Nocturnal, small-sized animal species are notoriously difficult to census accurately and this issue critically affects their conservation status, We carried out a field study in southern India to estimate the density of slender loris, a small-sized nocturnal primate using line and strip transects. Actual counts of study individuals yielded a density estimate of 1.61 ha(-1); density estimate from line transects was 1.08 ha(-1); and density estimates varied from 1.06 ha(-1) to 0.59 ha(-1) in different fixed-width strip transects. We conclude that line and strip transects may typically underestimate densities of cryptic, nocturnal primates.


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Experimental and theoretical studies on degradation of composite-epoxy adhesive joints were carried out on samples having different interfacial and cohesive properties. Oblique incidence ultrasonic inspection of bonded joints revealed that degradation in the adhesive can be measured by significant variation in reflection amplitude as also by a shift in the minima of reflection spectrum. It was observed that severe degradation of the adhesive leads to failure dominated by interfacial mode. Through this investigation it is demonstrated that a correlation exists between the bond strength and a frequency shift in reflection minimum. The experimental data was validated using analytical models. Though both bulk adhesive degradation and interfacial degradation influences the shift in spectrum minimum, the contribution of the latter was found to be significant. An inversion algorithm was used to determine the interfacial transverse stiffness using the experimental oblique reflection spectrum. The spectrum shift was found to depend on the value of interfacial transverse stiffness using which a qualitative assessment can be made on the integrity of the joint.


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The presence of a large number of spectral bands in the hyperspectral images increases the capability to distinguish between various physical structures. However, they suffer from the high dimensionality of the data. Hence, the processing of hyperspectral images is applied in two stages: dimensionality reduction and unsupervised classification techniques. The high dimensionality of the data has been reduced with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The selected dimensions are classified using Niche Hierarchical Artificial Immune System (NHAIS). The NHAIS combines the splitting method to search for the optimal cluster centers using niching procedure and the merging method is used to group the data points based on majority voting. Results are presented for two hyperspectral images namely EO-1 Hyperion image and Indian pines image. A performance comparison of this proposed hierarchical clustering algorithm with the earlier three unsupervised algorithms is presented. From the results obtained, we deduce that the NHAIS is efficient.