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High resolution electron microscopic (HREM) investigation of potassiumbeta-alumina and the related gallate and ferrite has revealed that whereas the aluminate and gallate are highly disordered, consisting of random sequence ofbeta andbetaPrime units, the ferrite is more ordered. The aluminate and gallate are sensitive to electron beam irradiation exhibiting beam-induced damage similar to sodiumbetaPrime-alumina. Significantly, the ferrite is beamstable, the difference in behaviour amongst these related oxides arising from the different mechanisms by which alkali metal nonstoichiometry is accommodated. Barium hexaaluminate and hexaferrite are both highly ordered; specimens prepared by the barium borate flux method exhibit a new radic3a×radic3a superstructure of the hexagonal magnetoplumbite cell.


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Complexes of I2 with diethyl ether and triethylamine and of Br, with diethyl ether have been investigated in the vapor phase for the first time by employing electron energy loss spectroscopy. Besides the CT bands, blue-shifted vacuum-UV bands of the halogens have been assigned; the amine-I, system appears to exhibit two CT bands,associated with two different excited states of the complex.


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An indigenous electron energy loss spectrometer has been designed and fabricated for the study of free molecules. The spectrometer enables the recording of low-resolution electronic spectra of molecules inthe vapour phase with ready access to the vacuum ultraviolet region. Electron energy loss spectra of aliphatic alcohols and carbonyl compounds as wellas of benzene derivatives have been recorded with the indigenous spectrometer and the electronic transitions in these molecules discussed.


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Using electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR), we measure the rotational mobility of probe molecules highly diluted in deeply supercooled bulk water and negligibly constrained by the possible ice fraction. The mobility increases above the putative glass transition temperature of water, T-g = 136 K, and smoothly connects to the thermodynamically stable region by traversing the so called "no man's land" (the range 150-235 K), where it is believed that the homogeneous nucleation of ice suppresses the liquid water. Two coexisting fractions of the probe molecules are evidenced. The 2 fractions exhibit different mobility and fragility; the slower one is thermally activated (low fragility) and is larger at low temperatures below a fragile-to-strong dynamic cross-over at approximate to 225 K. The reorientation of the probe molecules decouples from the viscosity below approximate to 225 K. The translational diffusion of water exhibits a corresponding decoupling at the same temperature [Chen S-H, et al. (2006) The violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled water. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:12974-12978]. The present findings are consistent with key issues concerning both the statics and the dynamics of supercooled water, namely the large structural fluctuations [Poole PH, Sciortino F, Essmann U, Stanley HE (1992) Phase behavior of metastable water. Nature 360: 324-328] and the fragile-to-strong dynamic cross-over at approximate to 228 K [Ito K, Moynihan CT, Angell CA (1999) Thermodynamic determination of fragility in liquids and a fragile-tostrong liquid transition in water. Nature 398: 492-494].


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We report here that the structural origin of an easily reversible Ge15Te83Si2 glass can be a promising candidate for phase change random access memories. In situ Raman scattering studies on Ge15Te83Si2 sample, undertaken during the amorphous set and reset processes, indicate that the degree of disorder in the glass is reduced from off to set state. It is also found that the local structure of the sample under reset condition is similar to that in the amorphous off state. Electron microscopic studies on switched samples indicate the formation of nanometric sized particles of c-SiTe2 structure. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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The present trend in the industry is towards the use of power transistors in the development of efficient Pulsewidth Modulated (PWM) inverters, because of their operation at high frequency, simplicity of turn-off, and low commutation losses compared to the technology using thyristors. But the protection of power transistors, minimization of switching power loss, and design of base drive circuit are very important for a reliable operation of the system. The requirements, analysis, and a simplified procedure for calculation of the switching-aid network components are presented. The transistor is protected against short circuit using a modified autoregulated and autoprotection drive circuit. The experimental results show that the switching power loss and voltage stress in the device can be reduced by suitable choice of the switching-aid network component values.


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The discovery of a solid exhibiting m 3 5 point group symmetry by Shechtman et. al. (l) in a rapidly solidified Al-14at%Mn alloy has activated intensive studies of a new class of solids, termed as quasicrystals (2). While the original discovery reported the existence of quasicrystals in AI-Mn. AI-Fe and AI-Cr alloys, subsequent work has revealed their existence in Mg-Zn-Al(3,4), Mg-A]-Cu(5), AI-Mn-Si(6) and Ti-Ni-V(7) alloys (Table l).


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The authors examine the critical divergence of the low-frequency conductivity of the noninteracting Fermi glass and interacting electron glass models of the insulating phase of a disordered system as the metallic phase is approached. Results for the two are found to be rather different, which can be tested experimentally. In particular, for the electron glass, there exists a nonvanishing contribution to the dielectric constants from the low-frequency (hopping) conductivity even at low temperatures, which scales with the high-frequency (optical) contribution, and diverges with the same exponent at the insulator-metal transition.


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The current-biased single electron transistor (SET) (CBS) is an integral part of almost all hybrid CMOS SET circuits. In this paper, for the first time, the effects of energy quantization on the performance of CBS-based circuits are studied through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is demonstrated that energy quantization has no impact on the gain of the CBS characteristics, although it changes the output voltage levels and oscillation periodicity. The effects of energy quantization are further studied for two circuits: negative differential resistance (NDR) and neuron cell, which use the CBS. A new model for the conductance of NDR characteristics is also formulated that includes the energy quantization term.


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Detailed ESR investigations of Mn2+ substituting for Ca2+ in Ca2Sr(C2H5COO)6, (DSP) and Ca2Pb(C2H5COO)6, (DLP) and Ca2Ba(C2H5COO)6, (DBP), in single crystals and powders, over the temperature range from 300°C to -180°C have been carried out to study the successive phase transitions in these compounds. Spectra have been analyzed in terms of axial spin Hamiltonians and the temperature dependences of the parameters studied. Across the I-II transition, new physically and chemically inequivalent sites appear indicating the disappearance of the diad axes on which the propionate groups are located, bringing out the connection between the motional states of the propionate groups and the occurrence of ferroelectricity. The II-III transition also causes chemically inequivalent sites to develop, indicating that the transitions may not be isomorphous as believed previously. Similarities and dissimilarities of the ESR spectra of DLP, DSP and DBP are discussed in relation to the phase transitions.


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We show simultaneous p- and n-type carrier injection in a bilayer graphene channel by varying the longitudinal bias across the channel and the top-gate voltage. The top gate is applied electrochemically using solid polymer electrolyte and the gate capacitance is measured to be 1.5 microF cm(-2), a value about 125 times higher than the conventional SiO(2) back-gate capacitance. Unlike the single-layer graphene, the drain-source current does not saturate on varying the drain-source bias voltage. The energy gap opened between the valence and conduction bands using top- and back-gate geometry is estimated.


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Electron spin resonance (ESR) of d5 ions (Fe3+ and Mn2+) has been investigated in PbO---PbF2 and PbO---PbCl2 glasses in wide ranges of composition. ESR spectra of d5 ions in these glasses exhibit significant differences which we have attributed to at least three important causes: (i) The ionic potentials of Fe3+ and Mn2+ are different. Hence Fe3+ ions tend to acquire their own environment while Mn2+ ions take up substitutional (Pb2+ ion) positions. (ii) The sizes and nephelauxetic behaviours of O2- and F- ions are similar. Thus even when there is a mixed anionic coordination, the environment of Mn2+ ions is highly symmetrical in oxyfluoride glasses. The Mn2+ spectra in oxychloride glasses are considerably different. (iii) Increase in halide ion concentration increases the ionicity of lead-ligand bonding and favours a more symmetrical environment around dopant ions in halide-rich glasses. The features in ESR spectra have been interpreted in the light of known behaviour of d5 ions in glasses and also in the context of known structural features of PbO---PbX2 glasses. Dopant ions appear to cluster at high concentrations although isolated low-symmetry sites are still observed. Effects of crystallization and annealing upon ESR spectra have also been investigated.


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Following a Migdal-Kadanoff-type bond moving procedure, we derive the renormalisation-group equations for the characteristic function of the full probability distribution of resistance (conductance) of a three-dimensional disordered system. The resulting recursion relations for the first two cumulants, K, the mean resistance and K ~ t,he meansquare deviation of resistance exhibit a mobility edge dominated by large dispersion, i.e., K $ ’/ K=, 1, suggesting inadequacy of the one-parameter scaling ansatz.