155 resultados para Controlled Signals.


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A central scheduling problem in wireless communications is that of allocating resources to one of many mobile stations that have a common radio channel. Much attention has been given to the design of efficient and fair scheduling schemes that are centrally controlled by a base station (BS) whose decisions depend on the channel conditions reported by each mobile. The BS is the only entity taking decisions in this framework. The decisions are based on the reports of mobiles on their radio channel conditions. In this paper, we study the scheduling problem from a game-theoretic perspective in which some of the mobiles may be noncooperative or strategic, and may not necessarily report their true channel conditions. We model this situation as a signaling game and study its equilibria. We demonstrate that the only Perfect Bayesian Equilibria (PBE) of the signaling game are of the babbling type: the noncooperative mobiles send signals independent of their channel states, the BS simply ignores them, and allocates channels based only on the prior information on the channel statistics. We then propose various approaches to enforce truthful signaling of the radio channel conditions: a pricing approach, an approach based on some knowledge of the mobiles' policies, and an approach that replaces this knowledge by a stochastic approximations approach that combines estimation and control. We further identify other equilibria that involve non-truthful signaling.


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Controlled waveform magnets (CWMs) are a class of pulsed magnets whose pulse shape with time can be programmed by the user. With a CWM, the user gains control not only over the magnitude of the field but also over its rate of change. In this work we present a table-top CWM, driven by a capacitor bank, capable of producing virtually any user-shaped magnetic field waveform up to 10 tesla. Insulated gate bipolar transistor chips have been paralleled to form the high current switch and paralleled chips of SiC Schottky diodes form the crowbar diode module. Sample controlled waveforms including flat-tops up to 10 tesla and some triangular magnetic field pulses have been successfully generated for 10-20 ms with a ripple < 1%. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3699316]


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The flux tube model offers a pictorial description of what happens during the deconfinement phase transition in QCD. The three-point vertices of a flux tube network lead to formation of baryons upon hadronization. Therefore, correlations in the baryon number distribution at the last scattering surface are related to the preceding pattern of the flux tube vertices in the quark-gluon plasma, and provide a signature of the nearby deconfinement phase transition. I discuss the nature of the expected signal, and how to extract it from the experimental data for heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC.


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We consider several WLAN stations associated at rates r(1), r(2), ... r(k) with an Access Point. Each station (STA) is downloading a long file from a local server, located on the LAN to which the Access Point (AP) is attached, using TCP. We assume that a TCP ACK will be produced after the reception of d packets at an STA. We model these simultaneous TCP-controlled transfers using a semi-Markov process. Our analytical approach leads to a procedure to compute aggregate download, as well as per-STA throughputs, numerically, and the results match simulations very well. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The morphology of nanocrystalline Co3O4 synthesized through microwave irradiation of a solution of a cobalt complex is found to depend reproducibly on the conditions of synthesis and, in particular, on the composition of the solvent used. Despite the rapidity of the process, oriented aggregation occurs under certain conditions, depending on solvent composition. Annealing the oriented samples leads to microstructures with significant porosity, rendering the material suitable as electrodes for electrochemical capacitors. Electrochemical analysis of the oxide samples was carried out in 0.1M Na2SO4 electrolyte vs. Ag/AgCl electrode. A stable specific capacitance of 221 F/g was measured for a meso-porous sample displaying oriented aggregation. Stability of these oxide materials were checked for longer charge-discharge cycling. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.002210jes] All rights reserved.


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In this letter, we analyze the Diversity Multiplexinggain Tradeoff (DMT) performance of a training-based reciprocal Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) system. Assuming Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the Receiver (CSIR), we propose a channel-dependent power-controlled Reverse Channel Training (RCT) scheme that enables the transmitter to directly estimate the power control parameter to be used for the forwardlink data transmission. We show that, with an RCT power of (P) over bar (gamma), gamma > 0 and a forward data transmission power of (P) over bar, our proposed scheme achieves an infinite diversity order for 0 <= g(m) < L-c-L-B,L-tau/L-c min(gamma, 1) and r > 2, where g(m) is the multiplexing gain, L-c is the channel coherence time, L-B,L-tau is the RCT duration and r is the number of receive antennas. We also derive an upper bound on the outage probability and show that it goes to zero asymptotically as exp(-(P) over bar (E)), where E (sic) (gamma - g(m)L(c)/L-c-L-B,L-tau), at high (P) over bar. Thus, the proposed scheme achieves a significantly better DMT performance compared to the finite diversity order achieved by channel-agnostic, fixed-power RCT schemes.


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A novel and simple route for near-infrared (NIR)-light controlled release of drugs has been demonstrated using graphene oxide (GO) composite microcapsules based on the unique optical properties of GO. Upon NIR-laser irradiation, the microcapsules were ruptured in a point-wise fashion due to local heating which in turn triggers the light-controlled release of the encapsulated anticancer drug doxorubicin (Dox) from these capsules.


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Objectives: Modified starches based polymeric substances find utmost applicability in pharmaceutical formulation development. Cross-linked starches showed very promising results in drug delivery application. The present investigation concerns with the development of controlled release tablets of lamivudine using cross-linked sago starch. Methods: The cross-linked derivative was synthesized with phosphorous oxychloride and native sago starch in basic pH medium. The cross-linked sago starch was tested for acute toxicity and drug-excipient compatibility study. The formulated tablets were evaluated for various physical characteristics, in vitro dissolution release study and in vivo pharmacokinetic study in rabbit model. Results: In vitro release study showed that the optimized formulation exhibited highest correlation (R) in case of zero order kinetic model and the release mechanism followed a combination of diffusion and erosion process. There was a significant difference in the pharmacokinetic parameters (T-max, C-max, AUC, V-d, T-1/2, and MDT) of the optimized formulation as compared to the marketed conventional tablet Lamivir (R). Conclusion: The cross-linked starch showed promising results in terms of controlling the release behavior of the active drug from the matrix. The hydrophilic matrix synthesized by cross-linking could be used with a variety of active pharmaceutical ingredients for making their controlled/sustained release formulations.


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We report the synthesis of trigonal and tetragonal phase GeO2 films/microrods from a Ge wafer/powder by thermal oxidation. Both trigonal and tetragonal GeO2 exhibit excitation-dependent luminescence. Trigonal GeO2 exhibits strong green luminescence while tetragonal GeO2 exhibits strong blue luminescence when excited with ultra-violet light. Yellow-red luminescence is observed when both the phases are excited with green light. The emission wavelength varies almost linearly with the excitation wavelength both for trigonal and tetragonal GeO2. The variation is significant in the case of tetragonal GeO2, indicating a potential wavelength converter material.


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ADVANCED MULTIFUNCTIONAL INORGANIC NANOSTRUCTURED OXIDES FOR CONTROLLED RELEASE AND SENSING. We demonstrate here certain examples of multifunctional nanostructured oxidematerials for biotechnological and environmental applications.Various in-house synthesized homogeneous nanostructured viz.mesoporous and nanotubes silica and titania have been employed for controlled drug delivery and electrochemical biosensing applications. Confinement of macromolecules such as proteins studied via electrochemical, thermal and spectroscopic methods showed no detrimental effect on native protein structure and function, thus suggesting effective utility of oxide nanostructures as bio-encapsulators. Multi-functionalitywas demonstrated via employing similar nanostructures for sensing organic water pollutants e.g. textile dyes.


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Generally, the length of the oxide nanowires grown by vapor phase transport is limited by the degradation of the source materials. Furthermore, the source material is used once for the nanowires growth. By exploiting the Si-Zn phase diagram, we have developed a simple methodology for the non-catalytic growth of ultralong ZnO nanowires in large area with controllable aspect ratio and branched structures. The insolubility of Zn in Si and the use of a Si cap on the Zn source to prevent local source oxidation of Zn (i.e. prevents the degradation of the source) are the keys to grow longer nanowires without limitations. It has been shown that the aspect ratio can be controlled by thermodynamically (temperature) and more importantly by kinetically (vapor flux). One of the interesting findings is that the same source material can be used for several depositions of oxide nanostructured materials.


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There have been several studies on the performance of TCP controlled transfers over an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN, assuming perfect channel conditions. In this paper, we develop an analytical model for the throughput of TCP controlled file transfers over the IEEE 802.11 DCF with different packet error probabilities for the stations, accounting for the effect of packet drops on the TCP window. Our analysis proceeds by combining two models: one is an extension of the usual TCP-over-DCF model for an infrastructure WLAN, where the throughput of a station depends on the probability that the head-of-the-line packet at the Access Point belongs to that station; the second is a model for the TCP window process for connections with different drop probabilities. Iterative calculations between these models yields the head-of-the-line probabilities, and then, performance measures such as the throughputs and packet failure probabilities can be derived. We find that, due to MAC layer retransmissions, packet losses are rare even with high channel error probabilities and the stations obtain fair throughputs even when some of them have packet error probabilities as high as 0.1 or 0.2. For some restricted settings we are also able to model tail-drop loss at the AP. Although involving many approximations, the model captures the system behavior quite accurately, as compared with simulations.


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Compressive Sensing (CS) is a new sensing paradigm which permits sampling of a signal at its intrinsic information rate which could be much lower than Nyquist rate, while guaranteeing good quality reconstruction for signals sparse in a linear transform domain. We explore the application of CS formulation to music signals. Since music signals comprise of both tonal and transient nature, we examine several transforms such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), Fourier basis and also non-orthogonal warped transforms to explore the effectiveness of CS theory and the reconstruction algorithms. We show that for a given sparsity level, DCT, overcomplete, and warped Fourier dictionaries result in better reconstruction, and warped Fourier dictionary gives perceptually better reconstruction. “MUSHRA” test results show that a moderate quality reconstruction is possible with about half the Nyquist sampling.


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We consider the design of a linear equalizer with a finite number of coefficients in the context of a classical linear intersymbol-interference channel with additive Gaussian noise for channel estimation. Previous literature has shown that Minimum Bit Error Rate(MBER) based detection has outperformed Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE) based detection. We pose the channel estimation problem as a detection problem and propose a novel algorithm to estimate the channel based on the MBER framework for BPSK signals. It is shown that the proposed algorithm reduces BER compared to an MMSE based channel estimation when used in MMSE or MBER detection.


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Low-complexity near-optimal detection of large-MIMO signals has attracted recent research. Recently, we proposed a local neighborhood search algorithm, namely reactive tabu search (RTS) algorithm, as well as a factor-graph based belief propagation (BP) algorithm for low-complexity large-MIMO detection. The motivation for the present work arises from the following two observations on the above two algorithms: i) Although RTS achieved close to optimal performance for 4-QAM in large dimensions, significant performance improvement was still possible for higher-order QAM (e.g., 16-, 64-QAM). ii) BP also achieved near-optimal performance for large dimensions, but only for {±1} alphabet. In this paper, we improve the large-MIMO detection performance of higher-order QAM signals by using a hybrid algorithm that employs RTS and BP. In particular, motivated by the observation that when a detection error occurs at the RTS output, the least significant bits (LSB) of the symbols are mostly in error, we propose to first reconstruct and cancel the interference due to bits other than LSBs at the RTS output and feed the interference cancelled received signal to the BP algorithm to improve the reliability of the LSBs. The output of the BP is then fed back to RTS for the next iteration. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the RTS algorithm, and semi-definite relaxation (SDR) and Gaussian tree approximation (GTA) algorithms.