224 resultados para Characteristics of texture


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The characteristics of an in vitro polyuridylic acid dependent amino acid incorporating system prepared from germinating macroconidia of Microsporum canis are described. The incorporation of 14C-phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine is dependent on S-30 extract, adenosine triphosphate, magnesium ions and polyuridylic acid. Incorporation is slightly enhanced by yeast transfer ribonucleic acid and pyruvate kinase. The system is highly sensitive to ribonuclease, puromycin and miconazole (an antifungal agent), moderately sensitive to sodium fluoride and much less sensitive to phenethylalcohol, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and deoxyribonuclease. Cell-free extract from ungerminated conidia has less capacity to synthesize the protein and during germination a marked increase in the protein synthetic activity is observed. The results from experiments wherein ribosomes and S-100 fraction from germinated and ungerminated spores are interchanged, revealed that the defect in the extract from the ungerminated spore is in the ribosomes.


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The complex permittivity characteristics of epoxy nanocomposite systems were examined and an attempt has been made to understand the underlying physics governing some of the unique macroscopic dielectric behaviors. The experimental investigations were performed using two different nanocomposite systems with low filler concentrations over the frequency range of 10(-2)-400 Hz, but for some cases, the data has been reported upto 10(6) Hz for a better understanding of the behaviors. Results demonstrate that nanocomposites do possess unique permittivity behaviors as compared to those already known for unfilled polymer and microcomposite systems. The nanocomposite real permittivity and tan delta values are found to be lower than that of unfilled epoxy. In addition, results show that interfacial polarization and charge carrier mobilities are suppressed in epoxy nanocomposite systems. The complex permittivity spectra coupled with the ac conductivity characteristics with respect to frequency was found to be sufficient to identify several of the nanocomposite characteristics like the reduction in permittivity values, reduction in the interfacial polarization mechanisms and the electrical conduction behaviors. Analysis of the results are also performed using electric modulus formalisms and it has been seen that the nanocomposite dielectric behaviors at low frequencies can also be explained clearly using this formalism.


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This paper presents test results for 22 high strength deformed bars and nine mild steel bars subjected to monotonic repeated and reversed axial loading to determine the stress-strain behavior. Equations have been proposed for the stress-strain curves and have been compared with test results. Satisfactory agreement was obtained.


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This paper presents test results for 22 high strength deformed bars and nine mild steel bars subjected to monotonic repeated and reversed axial loading to determine the stress-strain behavior. Equations have been proposed for the stress-strain curves and have been compared with test results. Satisfactory agreement was obtained.


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An endocellulase (1→4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase was isolated from the culture filtrates of Chaetomium thermophile. The enzyme was homogeneous by PAGE and SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight was 36 000 by SDS-PAGE and 38 000 by gel filtration. It was a glycoprotein. From the amino acid composition, it was found to be rich in glycine, threonine, and aspartic and glutamic acids, but contained only low proportions of histidine and sulfur-containing amino acids. It was optimally active at pH 6 and at 60°. The enzyme did not hydrolyze cellobiose and cellotriose, but hydrolyzed cello-tetraose, -pentaose, and -hexaose at comparable rates. It was specific for molecules containing β-(1→4) linkages. It showed high activity towards amorphous cellulose, and the reaction products contained cellobiose to cellopentaose, showing that it effects random cleavage of cellulose.


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Resonant sound absorbers are used widely as anechoic coatings in underwater applications. In this paper a finite element scheme based on the Galerkin technique is used to analyze the reflection characteristics of the resonant absorber when insonified by a normal incidence plane wave. A waveguide theory coupled with an impedance matching condition in the fluid is used to model the problem. It is shown in this paper that the fluid medium encompassing the absorber can be modeled as an elastic medium with equivalent Lamé constants. Quarter symmetry conditions within the periodic unit cell are exploited. The finite element results are compared with analytical results, and with results published elsewhere in the literature. It is shown in the process that meshing of the fluid domain can be obviated if the transmission coefficients or reflection coefficients only are desired as is often the case. Finally, some design curves for thin resonant absorbers with water closure are presented in this paper.


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The nuclear, aerospace, naval and missile industries place emphasis on materials with high structural integrity and reliable performance so as to meet certain stringent requirements in service. Strength is not the only criterion for selection. Properties such as fatigue resistance. impact toughness and fracture toughness are equally important. Electroslag refining (ESR) has been used widely and successfully over the years for improving the fatigue resistance, creep resistance, impact strength and fracture toughness of steels and alloy steels. But application of ESR to aluminium alloys is only a recent endeavour. A high-strength aircraft aluminium alloy IS: 7670 was therefore chosen for studies on the fatigue strength and the impact and fracture toughness. The results indicate that the fatigue resistance is considerably improved after refining and that the impact strength and fracture toughness of the refined alloy are comparable with that of the unrefined alloy.


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The constitutive flow behaviour of OFHC copper under working conditions is studied using hot compression in the temperature range 650 to 900-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.001 to 100 s-1. The variation of the efficiency of power dissipation given by [2m/(m + 1)] (where m is the strain rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate is represented in the form of a power dissipation map and interpreted on the basis of the Dynamic Materials Model. The map prominently exhibited a domain centered at 850-degrees-C and 100 s-1 with a peak efficiency of 35 %. On the basis of the correlation of variations of grain size, efficiency of power dissipation and hot workability with temperature, the domain is identified to represent dynamic recrystallization (DRX).


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This paper presents the strong nonlocal scale effect on the flexural wave propagation in a monolayer graphene sheet. The graphene is modeled as an isotropic plate of one atom thick. Nonlocal governing equation of motion is derived and wave propagation analysis is performed using spectral analysis. The present analysis shows that the flexural wave dispersion in graphene obtained by local and nonlocal elasticity theories is quite different. The nonlocal elasticity calculation shows that the wavenumber escapes to infinite at certain frequency and the corresponding wave velocity tends to zero at that frequency indicating localization and stationary behavior. This behavior is captured in the spectrum and dispersion curves. The cut-off frequency of flexural wave not only depend on the axial wavenumber but also on the nonlocal scaling parameter. The effect of axial wavenumber on the wave behavior in graphene is also discussed in the present manuscript. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of growth texture on the magnetostriction of ternary Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 was studied by conducting unidirectional solidification experiments using a zoning set-up. Detailed texture evolutions were studied using X-ray diffraction on samples obtained by varying growth rates from 18 to 72 cm/h, under a temperature gradient of 100 degrees C/cm. The estimated texture co-efficient and pole figures of the samples indicate that during the onset of the solidification, < 110 > and < 331 >/'rotated < 110 >' texture components nucleate and grow in all the samples. However, as the solidification progresses, < 112 > texture component becomes dominant at higher growth rate. This results in an improvement of magnetostriction from 1000 to 1300 microstrains for samples grown at growth rates of 18 and 72 cm/h respectively. The transition of preferred growth direction occurs through intermediate orientations < 123 >. An attempt has been made in this paper to explain the occurrence of different growth texture by considering the stability of growing interface, its planar packing fraction and atomic stacking sequence of several low index planes. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Epoxy nanocomposite samples with a good dispersion of alumina nanoparticles in epoxy matrix were prepared and experiments were performed to measure their partial discharge resistant characteristics. Epoxy alumina nanocomposites with 0.1, 1, 5, 10 and 15 wt% nanofillers were prepared in the laboratory and partial discharge (PD) experiments were conducted at a voltage of 10 kV for different durations using IEC (b) type electrodes. The degradation of the sample surfaces were analyzed using SEM techniques, surface profile studies, FTIR spectroscopy as well as PD studies. An attempt was made to understand the interaction dynamics between the nanoparticle and the epoxy chain by measuring the glass transition temperature of the nanocomposites. The partial discharge resistance obtained for the nanocomposites are compared with those of unfilled epoxy and epoxy microcomposites. It was observed that even with 0.1 wt% of nanofiller added to the epoxy matrix, the partial discharge resistance to degradation gets improved considerably. It was also observed that the inter particle distance has a significant effect on the discharge resistance to degradation. The improvement in the degradation resistance is attributed to the interactions between the nanoparticle and the epoxy chain. A possible mechanism for the surface degradation of nanocomposites has been proposed.