112 resultados para Ceramic Membranes


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PEFCs employing Nafion-silica (Nafion-SiO2) and Nafion-mesoporous zirconium phosphate (Nafion-MZP) composite membranes are subjected to accelerated-durability test at 100 degrees C and 15% relative humidity (RH) at open-circuit voltage (OCV) for 50 h and performance compared with the PEFC employing pristine Nafion-1135 membrane. PEFCs with composite membranes sustain the operating voltage better with fluoride-ion-emission rate at least an order of magnitude lower than PEFC with pristine Nafion-1135 membrane. Reduced gas-crossover, fast fuel-cell-reaction kinetics and superior performance of the PEFCs with Nafion-SiO2 and Nafion-MZP composite membranes in relation to the PEFC with pristine Nafion-1135 membrane support the long-term operational usage of the former in PEFCs. An 8-cell PEFC stack employing Nafion-SiO2 composite membrane is also assembled and successfully operated at 60 degrees C without external humidification.


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The smooth DMS-FEM, recently proposed by the authors, is extended and applied to the geometrically nonlinear and ill-posed problem of a deformed and wrinkled/slack membrane. A key feature of this work is that three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity equations corresponding to linear momentum balance, without any dimensional reduction and the associated approximations, directly serve as the membrane governing equations. Domain discretization is performed with triangular prism elements and the higher order (C1 or more) interelement continuity of the shape functions ensures that the errors arising from possible jumps in the first derivatives of the conventional C0 shape functions do not propagate because the ill-conditioned tangent stiffness matrices are iteratively inverted. The present scheme employs no regularization and exhibits little sensitivity to h-refinement. Although the numerically computed deformed membrane profiles do show some sensitivity to initial imperfections (nonplanarity) in the membrane profile needed to initiate transverse deformations, the overall patterns of the wrinkles and the deformed shapes appear to be less so. Finally, the deformed profiles, computed through the DMS FEM-based weak formulation, are compared with those obtained through an experiment on an ultrathin Kapton membrane, wherein wrinkles form because of the applied boundary displacement conditions. Comparisons with a reported experiment on a rectangular membrane are also provided. These exercises lend credence to the feasibility of the DMS FEM-based numerical route to computing post-wrinkled membrane shapes. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Presented is a new method for making composition graded metal-ceramic composites using reactive inter-diffusion between a metal and a complex ceramic. Composition variation in both metal and ceramic phases with distance along the direction of diffusion is achieved. The design criteria for developing such composites are discussed. The system should exhibit extensive solid solubility in both metallic and ceramic phases, a defined gradation in the stabilities of the oxides, and mobility of electrons or holes in the oxide solid solution. The complex ceramic used for making the composite should be polycrystalline with sufficient porosity to accommodate the volume expansion caused by alloy precipitation. An inert atmosphere to prevent oxidation and high processing temperature to facilitate diffusive transport are required. The process is illustrated using the reaction couples Fe-NiTiO3, Fe-(Mg,Co)TiO3 and Fe-(Ni,Co)TiO3.


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A series of novel organic-inorganic hybrid membranes have been prepared employing Nafion and acid-functionalized meso-structured molecular sieves (MMS) with varying structures and surface area. Acid-functionalized silica nanopowder of surface area 60 m(2)/g, silica meso-structured cellular foam (MSU-F) of surface area 470 m(2)/g and silica meso-structured hexagonal frame network (MCM-41) of surface area 900 m(2)/g have been employed as potential filler materials to form hybrid membranes with Nafion framework. The structural behavior, water uptake, proton conductivity and methanol permeability of these hybrid membranes have been investigated. DMFCs employing Nafion-silica MSU-F and Nafion-silica MCM-41 hybrid membranes deliver peak-power densities of 127 mW/cm(2) and 100 mW/cm(2), respectively; while a peak-power density of only 48 mW/cm(2) is obtained with the DMFC employing pristine recast Nafion membrane under identical operating conditions. The aforesaid characteristics of the hybrid membranes could be exclusively attributed to the presence of pendant sulfonic acid groups in the filler, which provide fairly continuous proton-conducting pathways between filler and matrix in the hybrid membranes facilitating proton transport without any trade-off between its proton conductivity and methanol crossover. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.036211jes] All rights reserved.


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Ceramic/Porcelain suspension disc insulators are widely used in power systems to provide electrical insulation and mechanically support for high-voltage transmission lines. These insulators are subjected to a variety of stresses, including mechanical, electrical and environmental. These stresses act in unison. The exact nature and magnitude of these stresses vary significantly and depends on insulator design, application and its location. Due to various reasons the insulator disc can lose its electrical insulation properties without any noticeable mechanical failure. Such a condition while difficult to recognize, can enhance the stress on remaining healthy insulator discs in the string further may lead to a flashover. To understand the stress enhancement due to faulty discs in a string, attempt has been made to simulate the potential and electric field profiles for various disc insulators presently used in the country. The results of potential and electric filed stress obtained for normal and strings with faulty insulator discs are presented.


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This contribution reports and analyses the high thermal transport property of hot-pressed TiB2-10 wt.% TiSi2 ceramics. Depending on the test temperature, the thermal conductivity values of the TiB2 composite (which range from 89 to 122W m(-1) K-1) are determined to be 18-25% higher than that of monolithic TiB2. The thermal transport properties are analyzed in terms of electronic and phonon contributions. The electronic contribution is the major component of the thermal conductivity of TiB2 and comparable contributions from both electronic and phonon components are observed for the TiB2-TiSi2 composite. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Organic-inorganic hybrid membranes are prepared from Nafion and acid functionalized aluminosilicate with varying structures and surface areas. Acid-functionalized mesostructured aluminosilicate with cellular foam framework (Al-MSU-F type) of surface area 463 m(2) g(-1), acid-functionalized aluminosilicate molecular sieves (Al-HMS type) of surface area 651 m(2) g(-1) and acid-functionalized mesostructured aluminosilicate with hexagonal network (Al-MCM-41 type) of surface area 799 m(2) g(-1) have been employed as potential filler materials to form hybrid membranes with Nafion. The structural behavior, water uptake, ion-exchange capacity, proton conductivity and methanol permeability of the hybrid membranes are extensively investigated. Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) with Al-HMS-Nafion and Al-MCM-41-Nafion hybrid membranes deliver respective peak power-densities of 170 mW cm(-2) and 246 mW cm(-2), while a peak power-density of only 48 mW cm(-2) is obtained for the DMFC employing pristine recast-Nafion membrane under identical operating conditions. The unique properties associated with hybrid membranes could be exclusively attributed to the presence of pendant sulfonic-acid groups in the filler materials, which provide proton-conducting pathways between the filler and matrix in the hybrid membranes, and facilitate proton transport with adequate balance between proton conductivity and methanol permeability. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ceramic/Porcelain insulators are widely used in power transmission lines to provide mechanical support for High voltage conductors in addition to withstand electrical stresses. As a result of lightning, switching or temporary over voltages that could initiate flashover under worst weather conditions, and to operate within interference limits. Given that the useful life in service of the individual insulator elements making up the insulator strings is hard to predict, they must be verified periodically to ensure that adequate line reliability is maintained at all times. Over the years utilities have adopted few methods to detect defective discs in a string, subsequently replacement of the faulty discs are being carried out for smooth operation. But, if the insulator is found to be defective in a string at some location that may not create any changes in the field configuration, there is no need to replace to avoid manpower and cost of replacement. Due to deficiency of electric field data for the existing string configuration, utilities are forced to replace the discs which may not be essentially required. Hence, effort is made in the present work to simulate the potential and electric field along the normal and with faults induced discs in a string up to 765 kV system voltages using Surface Charge Simulation Method (SCSM). A comparison is made between simulated results, experimental and field data and it was found that the computed results are quite acceptable and useful.


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The key problem tackled in this paper is the development of a stand-alone self-powered sensor to directly sense the spectrum of mechanical vibrations. Such a sensor could be deployed in wide area sensor networks to monitor structural vibrations of large machines (e. g. aircrafts) and initiate corrective action if the structure approaches resonance. In this paper, we study the feasibility of using stretched membranes of polymer piezoelectric polyvinlidene fluoride for low-frequency vibration spectrum sensing. We design and evaluate a low-frequency vibration spectrum sensor that accepts an incoming vibration and directly provides the spectrum of the vibration as the output.


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The most important property of a bone cement or a bone substitute in load bearing orthopaedic implants is good integration with host bone with reduced bone resorption and increased bone regeneration at the implant interface. Long term implantation of metal-based joint replacements often results in corrosion and particle release, initiating chronic inflammation leading onto osteoporosis of host bone. An alternative solution is the coating of metal implants with hydroxyapatite (HA) or bioglass or the use of bulk bioglass or HA-based composites. In the above perspective, the present study reports the in vivo biocompatibility and bone healing of the strontium (Sr)-stabilized bulk glass ceramics with the nominal composition of 4.5SiO(2)-3Al(2)O(3)-1.5P(2)O(5)-3SrO-2SrF(2) during short term implantation of up to 12 weeks in rabbit animal model. The progression of healing and bone regeneration was qualitatively and quantitatively assessed using fluorescence microscopy, histological analysis and micro-computed tomography. The overall assessment of the present study establishes that the investigated glass ceramic is biocompatible in vivo with regards to local effects after short term implantation in rabbit animal model. Excellent healing was observed, which is comparable to that seen in response to a commercially available implant of HA-based bioglass alone. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microstereolithography (MSL) is a rapid prototyping technique to fabricate complex three-dimensional (3D) structure in the microdomain involving different materials such as polymers and ceramics. The present effort is to fabricate microdimensional ceramics by the MSL system from a non-aqueous colloidal slurry of alumina. This slurry predominantly consists of two phases i.e. sub-micrometer solid alumina particles and non-aqueous reactive difunctional and trifunctional acrylates with inert diluent. The first part of the work involves the study of the stability and viscosity of the slurry using different concentrations of trioctyl phosphine oxide (TOPO) as a dispersant. Based on the optimization, the highest achievable solid loadings of alumina has been determined for this particular colloidal suspension. The second part of the study highlights the fabrication of several micro-dimensional alumina structures by the MSL system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus (GBNV) is a tripartite ambisense RNA plant virus that belongs to serogroup IV of Tospovirus genus. Non-Structural protein-m (NSm), which functions as movement protein in tospoviruses, is encoded by the M RNA. In this communication, we demonstrate that despite the absence of any putative transmembrane domain, GBNV NSm associates with membranes when expressed in E. coli as well as in N. benthamiana. Incubation of refolded NSm with liposomes ranging in size from 200-250 nm resulted in changes in the secondary and tertiary structure of NSm. A similar behaviour was observed in the presence of anionic and zwitterionic detergents. Furthermore, the morphology of the liposomes was found to be modified in the presence of NSm. Deletion of coiled coil domain resulted in the inability of in planta expressed NSm to interact with membranes. Further, when the C-terminal coiled coil domain alone was expressed, it was found to be associated with membrane. These results demonstrate that NSm associates with membranes via the C-terminal coiled coil domain and such an association may be important for movement of viral RNA from cell to cell.


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In this study, various strategies like amine terminated GO (GO-NH2), in situ formed polyethylene grafted GO (PE-g-GO) and their combinations with maleated PE (maleic anhydride grafted PE) were adopted to reactively compatibilize blends of low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). These blends were further explored to design porous, antibacterial membranes for separation technology and the flux and the resistance across the membranes were studied systematically. It was observed that GO-NH2 led to uniform dispersion of PEO in a PE matrix and further resulted in a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the blends when combined with maleated PE. The efficiency of various compatibilizers was further studied by monitoring the evolution of morphology as a function of the annealing time. It was observed that besides rendering uniform dispersion of PEO in PE and improving the mechanical properties, GO-NH2 further suppresses the coalescence in the blends. As the melt viscosities of the phases differ significantly, there is a gradient in the morphology as also manifested from scanning acoustic microscopy. Hence, the membranes were designed by systematically reducing the thickness of the as-pressed samples to expose the core as the active area for flux calculations. Selected membranes were also tested for their antibacterial properties by inoculating E. coli culture with the membranes and imaging at different time scales. This study opens new avenues to develop PE based cost effective anti-microbial membranes for water purification.


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Manipulation of matter at the nanoscale is a way forward to move beyond our current choices in electrochemical energy storage and conversion technologies with promise of higher efficiency, environmental benignity, and cost-effectiveness. Electrochemical processes being basically surface phenomena, tailored multifunctional nanoarchitecturing can lead to improvements in terms of electronic and ionic conductivities, diffusion and mass transport, and electron transfer and electrocatalysis. The nanoscale is also a domain in which queer properties surface: those associated with conversion electrodes, ceramic particles enhancing the conductivity of polymer electrolytes, and transition metal oxide powders catalyzing fuel cell reactions, to cite a few. Although this review attempts to present a bird's eye view of the vast literature that has accumulated in this rather infant field, it also lists a few representative studies that establish the beneficial effects of going `nano'. Investigations on nanostructuring and use of nanoparticles and nanoarchitectures related to lithium-ion batteries (active materials and electrolytes), supercapacitors (electrical double-layer capacitors, supercapacitors based on pseudo-capacitance, and hybrid supercapacitors), and fuel cells (electrocatalysts, membranes and hydrogen storage materials) are highlighted. (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.