92 resultados para Bobbsey Twins (Fictitious characters)


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A new species of lygosomatine scincid lizard is described from the sacred forests of Mawphlang, in Meghalaya, northeastern India. Sphenomorphus apalpebratus sp. nov. possesses a spectacle or brille, an unusual feature within the Scincidae, and a first for the paraphyletic genus Sphenomorphus. The new species is compared with other members of the genus to which it is here assigned, as well as to members of the lygosomatine genera Lipinia and Scincella from mainland India, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and south-east Asia, to which it also bears resemblance. The new taxon is diagnosable in exhibiting the following combination of characters: small body size (SVL to 42.0 mm); moveable eyelids absent; auricular opening scaleless, situated in a shallow depression; dorsal scales show a line of demarcation along posterior edge of ventral pes; midbody scale rows 27-28; longitudinal scale rows between parietals and base of tail 62-64; lamellae under toe IV 8-9; supraoculars five; supralabials 5-6; infralabials 4-5; subcaudals 92; and dorsum golden brown, except at dorsal margin of lateral line, which is lighter, with four faintly spotted lines, two along each side of vertebral row of scales, that extend to tail base. The new species differs from its congeners in the lack of moveable eyelids, a character shared with several distantly related scincid genera.


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The microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline Pd films prepared by magnetron sputtering have been investigated as a function of strain. The films were deposited onto polyimide substrates and tested in tensile mode. In order to follow the deformation processes in the material, several samples were strained to defined straining states, up to a maximum engineering strain of 10%, and prepared for post-mortem analysis. The nanocrystalline structure was investigated by quantitative automated crystal orientation mapping (ACOM) in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), identifying grain growth and twinning/detwinning resulting from dislocation activity as two of the mechanisms contributing to the macroscopic deformation. Depending on the initial twin density, the samples behaved differently. For low initial twin densities, an increasing twin density was found during straining. On the other hand, starting from a higher twin density, the twins were depleted with increasing strain. The findings from ACOM-TEM were confirmed by results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and from conventional and in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction (CXRD, SXRD) experiments.


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The study of the fracture behaviour of concrete structures using the fictitious crack model requires two fracture properties of the concrete mix, namely, the size-independent specific fracture energy G(F). and the corresponding tension softening relation sigma(w) between the residual stress carrying capacity sigma and the crack opening w in the fracture process zone ahead of a real crack. In this paper, bi-linear tension softening diagrams of three different concrete mixes, ranging in compressive strength from 57 to 122 MPa whose size-independent specific fracture energy has been previously determined, have been constructed in an inverse manner based on the concept of a non-linear hinge from the load-crack mouth opening plots of notched three-point bend beams. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the fracture behavior of magnesium single crystals is studied by conducting experiments with notched three point bend specimens of three crystallographic orientations. In the first and second orientations, the c-axis is along the normal to the flat surface of the notch, while in the third it is aligned with the notch front. For all the orientations, in situ electron back scattered diffraction observations made around the notch root show profuse tensile twinning of {10 (1) over bar2} type. Further, in the first two orientations basal and prismatic slip traces are identified from optical metallography. The width of the most prominent twin saturates at around 120-150 mu m, while twins continue to nucleate farther away to accommodate plastic deformation. In all the orientations, crack initiation occurs before the attainment of peak load and the crack grows stably along twin-matrix interface before deflecting at twin-twin intersections. Results show that profuse tensile twinning is an important energy dissipating mechanism that enhances the fracture toughness. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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ZnS nanostructures were grown on Si substrates in high vacuum by modified thermal evaporation technique. Morphology, chemical composition and structural properties of grown ZnS nanostructures were studied using scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffractometer and transmission electron microscope (TEM). SEM studies showed that morphology of the grown structures varies with incident flux and source temperature. TEM studies showed that grown nanostructures are single crystalline in nature without structural defects such as stacking faults and twins. No catalytic particle was included in this growth process, and hence these micro and nanostructures were assumed to grow by VS mechanism.


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Reproductive modes are diverse and unique in anurans. Selective pressures of evolution, ecology and environment are attributed to such diverse reproductive modes. Globally forty different reproductive modes in anurans have been described to date. The genus Nyctibatrachus has been recently revised and belongs to an ancient lineage of frog families in the Western Ghats of India. Species of this genus are known to exhibit mountain associated clade endemism and novel breeding behaviours. The purpose of this study is to present unique reproductive behaviour, oviposition and parental care in a new species Nyctibatrachus kumbara sp. nov. which is described in the paper. Nyctibatrachus kumbara sp. nov. is a medium sized stream dwelling frog. It is distinct from the congeners based on a suite of morphological characters and substantially divergent in DNA sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene. Males exhibit parental care by mud packing the egg clutch. Such parental care has so far not been described from any other frog species worldwide. Besides this, we emphasize that three co-occurring congeneric species of Nyctibatrachus, namely N. jog, N. kempholeyensis and Nyctibatrachus kumbara sp. nov. from the study site differ in breeding behaviour, which could represent a case of reproductive character displacement. These three species are distinct in their size, call pattern, reproductive behaviour, maximum number of eggs in a clutch, oviposition and parental care, which was evident from the statistical analysis. The study throws light on the reproductive behaviour of Nyctibatrachus kumbara sp. nov. and associated species to understand the evolution and adaptation of reproductive modes of anurans in general, and Nyctibatrachus in particular from the Western Ghats.


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In this article, we aim at reducing the error rate of the online Tamil symbol recognition system by employing multiple experts to reevaluate certain decisions of the primary support vector machine classifier. Motivated by the relatively high percentage of occurrence of base consonants in the script, a reevaluation technique has been proposed to correct any ambiguities arising in the base consonants. Secondly, a dynamic time-warping method is proposed to automatically extract the discriminative regions for each set of confused characters. Class-specific features derived from these regions aid in reducing the degree of confusion. Thirdly, statistics of specific features are proposed for resolving any confusions in vowel modifiers. The reevaluation approaches are tested on two databases (a) the isolated Tamil symbols in the IWFHR test set, and (b) the symbols segmented from a set of 10,000 Tamil words. The recognition rate of the isolated test symbols of the IWFHR database improves by 1.9 %. For the word database, the incorporation of the reevaluation step improves the symbol recognition rate by 3.5 % (from 88.4 to 91.9 %). This, in turn, boosts the word recognition rate by 11.9 % (from 65.0 to 76.9 %). The reduction in the word error rate has been achieved using a generic approach, without the incorporation of language models.


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The growing threats due to increased use of small-caliber armor piercing projectiles demand the development of new light-weight body armor materials. In this context, TiB2 appears to be a promising ceramic material. However, poor sinterability and low fracture toughness remain two major issues for TiB2. In order to address these issues together, Ti as a sinter-aid is used to develop TiB2-(x wt pct Ti), (x = 10, 20) homogeneous composites and a bi-layered composite (BLC) with each layer having Ti content of 10 and 20 wt pct. The present study uniquely demonstrates the efficacy of two-stage spark plasma sintering route to develop dense TiB2-Ti composites with an excellent combination of nanoscale hardness (similar to 36 GPa) and indentation fracture toughness (similar to 12 MPa m(1/2)). In case of BLC, these properties are not compromised w.r.t. homogeneous composites, suggesting the retention of baseline material properties even in the bi-layer design due to optimal relief of residual stresses. The better indentation toughness of TiB2-(10 wt pct Ti) and TiB2-(20 wt pct Ti) composites can be attributed to the observed crack deflection/arrest, indicating better damage tolerance. Transmission electron microscope investigation reveals the presence of dense dislocation networks and deformation twins in alpha-Ti at the grain boundaries and triple pockets, surrounded by TiB2 grains. The dynamic strength of around 4 GPa has been measured using Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar tests in a reproducible manner at strain rates of the order of 600 s(-1). The damage progression under high strain rate has been investigated by acquiring real time images for the entire test duration using ultra-high speed imaging. An attempt has been made to establish microstructure-property correlation and a simple analysis based on Mohr-Coulomb theory is used to rationalize the measured strength properties.


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Recent experiments using three point bend specimens of Mg single crystals have revealed that tensile twins of {10 (1) over bar2}-type form profusely near a notch tip and enhance the fracture toughness through large plastic dissipation. In this work, 3D finite element simulations of these experiments are carried out using a crystal plasticity framework which includes slip and twinning to gain insights on the mechanics of fracture. The predicted load-displacement curves, slip and tensile twinning activities from finite element analysis corroborate well with the experimental observations. The numerical results are used to explore the 3D nature of the crack tip stress, plastic slip and twin volume fraction distributions near the notch root. The occurrence of tensile twinning is rationalized from the variation of normal stress ahead of the notch tip. Further, deflection of the crack path at twin-twin intersections observed in the experiments is examined from an energy standpoint by modeling discrete twins close to the notch root.


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Detailed pedofacies characterization along-with lithofacies investigations of the Mio-Pleistocene Siwalik sediments exposed in the Ramnagar sub-basin have been studied so as to elucidate variability in time and space of fluvial processes and the role of intra- and extra-basinal controls on fluvial sedimentation during the evolution of the Himalayan foreland basin (HFB). Dominance of multiple, moderately to strongly developed palaeosol assemblages during deposition of Lower Siwalik (similar to 12-10.8 Ma) sediments suggest that the HFB was marked by Upland set-up of Thomas et al. (2002). Activity of intra-basinal faults on the uplands and deposition of terminal fans at different times caused the development of multiple soils. Further, detailed pedofacies along-with lithofacies studies indicate prevalence of stable tectonic conditions and development of meandering streams with broad floodplains. However, the Middle Siwalik (similar to 10.8-4.92 Ma) sub-group is marked by multistoried sandstones and minor mudstone and mainly weakly developed palaeosols, indicating deposition by large braided rivers in the form of megafans in a Lowland set-up of Thomas et al. (2002). Significant change in nature and size of rivers from the Lower to Middle Siwalik at similar to 10 Ma is found almost throughout of the basin from Kohat Plateau (Pakistan) to Nepal because the Himalayan orogeny witnessed its greatest tectonic upheaval at this time leading to attainment of great heights by the Himalaya, intensification of the monsoon, development of large rivers systems and a high rate of sedimentation, hereby a major change from the Upland set-up to the Lowland set-up over major parts of the HFB. An interesting geomorphic environmental set-up prevailed in the Ramnagar sub-basin during deposition of the studied Upper Siwalik (similar to 4.92 to <1.68 Ma) sediments as observed from the degree of pedogenesis and the type of palaeosols. In general, the Upper Siwalik sub-group in the Ramnagar sub-basin is subdivided from bottom to top into the Purmandal sandstone (4.92-4.49 Ma), Nagrota (4.49-1.68 Ma) and Boulder Conglomerate (<1.68 Ma) formations on the basis of sedimentological characters and change in dominant lithology. Presence of mudstone, a few thin gravel beds and dominant sandstone lithology with weakly to moderately developed palaeosols in the Purmandal sandstone Fm. indicates deposition by shallow braided fluvial streams. The deposition of mudstone dominant Nagrota Fm. with moderately to some well developed palaeosols and a zone of gleyed palaeosols with laminated mudstones and thin sandstones took place in an environment marked by numerous small lakes, water-logged regions and small streams in an environment just south of the Piedmont zone, perhaps similar to what is happening presently in the Upland region/the Upper Gangetic plain. This area is locally called the `Trai region' (Pascoe, 1964). Deposition of Boulder Conglomerate Fm. took place by gravelly braided river system close to the Himalayan Ranges. Activity along the Main Boundary Fault led to progradation of these environments distal-ward and led to development of on the whole a coarsening upward sequence. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Story understanding involves many perceptual and cognitive subprocesses, from perceiving individual words, to parsing sentences, to understanding the relationships among the story characters. We present an integrated computational model of reading that incorporates these and additional subprocesses, simultaneously discovering their fMRI signatures. Our model predicts the fMRI activity associated with reading arbitrary text passages, well enough to distinguish which of two story segments is being read with 74% accuracy. This approach is the first to simultaneously track diverse reading subprocesses during complex story processing and predict the detailed neural representation of diverse story features, ranging from visual word properties to the mention of different story characters and different actions they perform. We construct brain representation maps that replicate many results from a wide range of classical studies that focus each on one aspect of language processing and offer new insights on which type of information is processed by different areas involved in language processing. Additionally, this approach is promising for studying individual differences: it can be used to create single subject maps that may potentially be used to measure reading comprehension and diagnose reading disorders.


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Natrix clerki Wall, 1925, previously known from its sole holotype and considered a synonym of Amphiesma parallelum (Boulenger, 1890), is resurrected in the genus Amphiesma on the basis of the analysis of morphological variation in 28 specimens of ``Amphiesma parallelum'' auctorum, plus six living, unvouchered specimens discovered in Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland, India, and one vouchered specimen from Talle Valley in Arunachal Pradesh. Specimens from northeast India (Nagaland), northern Myanmar, and China (Yunnan), previously identified as Amphiesma parallelum either in the literature or in museum's catalogues, are also here referred to A. clerki. The holotype of Amphiesma clerki is redescribed. As a consequence, the definition of Amphiesma parallelum is modified. A. parallelum inhabits the Khasi Hills and Naga Hills in Northeast India, whereas A. clerki has a wider range in the Eastern Himalayas, northern Myanmar and Yunnan (China). Amphiesma clerki differs from A. parallelum by its longer tail, dorsal scales more strongly keeled, scales of the first dorsal scale row strongly keeled vs. smooth, a postocular streak not interrupted at the level of the neck, and a much more vivid pattern on a darker background colour. Characters of species of the Amphiesma parallelum group, i.e. A. clerki, A. parallelum, A. bitaeniatum, A. platyceps and A. sieboldii are compared. A key to this group is provided.


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The present study addresses the evolution of texture and microstructure during annealing in a cryorolled copper. Transition from copper to brass texture during the cryo-rolling has been illustrated. Twinning and interaction between twins and shear bands have been found to play the important role in grain refinement and strengthening. The low temperature vacancy clustering and its effect on the recrystallization have been experimentally demonstrated. Fine scale twinning, and grain refinement have been attributed to the higher yield strength found in the case of samples subjected to cryo-rolling. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, a systematic study of the lattice dynamics and related (e.g., dielectric and anharmonic) properties of BiOCuSe (bismuth-copper oxyselenide), along with a comparison with its isostructural analog LaOCuSe, is performed to find the origin of the ultralow thermal conductivity. in BiOCuSe. From the marked differences in some of these properties of the two materials, the reasons why BiOCuSe is a better thermal insulator than LaOCuSe are elucidated. For this class of oxychalcogenide thermoelectrics, phonon frequencies with symmetries, characters, spectroscopic activities, displacement patterns, and pressure coefficients of different zone-center modes, dielectric constants, dynamical charges, and phonon and Gruneisen dispersions are also determined.


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Heterodimeric proteins with homologous subunits of same fold are involved in various biological processes. The objective of this study is to understand the evolution of structural and functional features of such heterodimers. Using a non-redundant dataset of 70 such heterodimers of known 3D structure and an independent dataset of 173 heterodimers from yeast, we note that the mean sequence identity between interacting homologous subunits is only 23-24% suggesting that, generally, highly diverged paralogues assemble to form such a heterodimer. We also note that the functional roles of interacting subunits/domains are generally quite different. This suggests that, though the interacting subunits/domains are homologous, the high evolutionary divergence characterize their high functional divergence which contributes to a gross function for the heterodimer considered as a whole. The inverse relationship between sequence identity and RMSD of interacting homologues in heterodimers is not followed. We also addressed the question of formation of homodimers of the subunits of heterodimers by generating models of fictitious homodimers on the basis of the 3D structures of the heterodimers. Interaction energies associated with these homodimers suggests that, in overwhelming majority of the cases, such homodimers are unlikely to be stable. Majority of the homologues of heterodimers of known structures form heterodimers (51.8%) and a small proportion (14.6%) form homodimers. Comparison of 3D structures of heterodimers with homologous homodimers suggests that interfacial nature of residues is not well conserved. In over 90% of the cases we note that the interacting subunits of heterodimers are co-localized in the cell. Proteins 2015; 83:1766-1786. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.