221 resultados para BOILING NUCLEATION


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The reversible chemical reaction of Ca(OH)2/CaO appears to be attractive for storage of solar thermal energy, in view of the nonpolluting and nontoxic nature of the reactants. This paper presents some data on thermal decomposition of calcium hydroxide pellets along with its additives of aluminum, aluminum hydroxide, zinc, and copper. The addition of aluminum and zinc powder enhanced the rate of decomposition considerably at 450°C, but copper had no effect. Considerations on the effect of additives are also discussed in some detail, though their effects are not established with certainty. There is some evidence that heat transfer into the pellet, and the number of potential nucleation sites due to thermal stresses, influence the kinetics and mechanism of decomposition.


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Precipitation involving mixing of two sets of reverse micellar solutions-containing a reactant and precipitant respectively-has been analyzed. Particle formation in such systems has been simulated by a Monte Carlo (MC) scheme (Li, Y.; Park, C. W. Langmuir 1999, 15, 952), which however is very restrictive in its approach. We have simulated particle formation by developing a general Monte Carlo scheme, using the interval of quiescence technique (IQ). It uses Poisson distribution with realistic, low micellar occupancies of reactants, Brownian collision of micelles with coalescence efficiency, fission of dimers with binomial redispersion of solutes, finite nucleation rate of particles with critical number of molecules, and instantaneous particle growth. With the incorporation of these features, the previous work becomes a special case of our simulation. The present scheme was then used to predict experimental data on two systems. The first is the experimental results of Lianos and Thomas (Chem. Phys. Lett. 1986, 125, 299, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1987, 117, 505) on formation of CdS nanoparticles. They reported the number of molecules in a particle as a function of micellar size and reactant concentrations, which have been predicted very well. The second is on the formation of Fe(OH)(3) nanoparticles, reported by Li and Park. Our simulation in this case provides a better prediction of the experimental particle size range than the prediction of the authors. The present simulation scheme is general and can be applied to explain nanoparticle formation in other systems.


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Rapidly solidified Al–Cr alloys up to 20 at. % Cr were studied to delineate the extent of crystalline and quasicrystalline phase formation in these alloys in comparison with as-cast alloys by using transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction technique. The icosahedral quasicrystals are observed from 7 to 15 at. % Cr alloys, while equilibrium ?–Al11Cr2 phase is completely absent. Both rapid solidification and subsequent thermal decomposition studies indicate that the main competing phase is ?–Al2Cr up to 15 at. % Cr. Beyond this composition ?–Al4Cr is the dominant phase together with a small amount of ?4–Al7Cr3. We have shown that the electron diffraction patterns of Al–Cr quasicrystals are often associated with a diffuse intensity distribution, indicative of short-range order. The change in quasilattice constant with composition suggests the existence of structural vacancies. Further, a sudden change from coarse to ultrafine quasicrystalline grain structure in Al-7 at. % Cr alloy points to a change in nucleation mechanism from heterogeneous to homogeneous mode during the rapid solidification.


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Processes in complex chemical systems, such as macromolecules, electrolytes, interfaces, micelles and enzymes, can span several orders of magnitude in length and time scales. The length and time scales of processes occurring over this broad time and space window are frequently coupled to give rise to the control necessary to ensure specificity and the uniqueness of the chemical phenomena. A combination of experimental, theoretical and computational techniques that can address a multiplicity of length and time scales is required in order to understand and predict structure and dynamics in such complex systems. This review highlights recent experimental developments that allow one to probe structure and dynamics at increasingly smaller length and time scales. The key theoretical approaches and computational strategies for integrating information across time-scales are discussed. The application of these ideas to understand phenomena in various areas, ranging from materials science to biology, is illustrated in the context of current developments in the areas of liquids and solvation, protein folding and aggregation and phase transitions, nucleation and self-assembly.


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Trehalase (?,?-Trehalosee gludohydrolase, EC was partially solubilized from the thermophilic fungus Humicola lanuginosa RM-B, and purified 184-fold. The purified enzyme was optimally active at 50°C in acetate buffer at pH 5.5. It was highly specific for ?,?-trehalose and had an apparent Km = 0.4 mM at 50°C. None of the other disaccharides tested either inhibited or activated the enzyme. The molecular weight of the enzyme was around 170000. Trehalase from mycelium grown at 40 and 50°C had similar properties. The purified enzyme, in contrast to that in the crude-cell free extract, was less stable. At low concentration, purified trehalase was afforded protection against heat-inactivation by �protective factor(s)� present in mycelial extracts. The �protective factor(s)� was sensitive to proteolytic digestion. It was not diffusable and was stable to boiling for at least 30 min. Bovine serum albumin and casein also protected the enzyme from heat-inactivation.


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It has been observed that a suspension of sodium fluoride in boiling acetonitrile could be used for the preparation of fluorine compounds such as silicon tetrafluoride [1], thiophosphoryl fluoride [2], sulphur tetrafluoride [3,4], and fluorocyclophosphazenes [5]. This method, when adopted for the fluorination of sulphuryl chloride [6], it is observed that a mixture of sulphuryl fluoride and sulphuryl chloro fluoride is obtained. On the other hand, when lead fluoride is substituted for sodium fluoride, pure sulphuryl chloro fluoride is evolved. Based on this observation, a new method has been standardised for the preparation of a pure sample of sulphuryl chlorofluoride by fluorinating sulphuryl chloride by lead fluoride in acetonitrile medium.


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Colloids of palladium nanoparticles have been prepared by the solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method. The as-prepared Pd colloid consists of particles with an average diameter of 2.8 +/- 0.1 nm. Digestive ripening of the as-prepared Pd colloid, a process involving refluxing the as-prepared colloid at or near the boiling point of the solvent in the presence of a passivating agent, dodecanethiol resulted in a previously reported Pd-thiolate cluster, Pd(SC12H25)(2)](6) but did not render the expected narrowing down of the particle size distribution. Solventless thermolysis of the Pd-thiolate complex resulted in various Pd systems such as Pd(0), PdS, and Pd@PdO core-shell nanoparticles thus demonstrating its versatility. These I'd nanostructures have been characterized using high-resolution electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction methods. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Well uniform microspheres of phase pure Covellite were synthesized through a simple hydrothermal approach using poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) as surfactant. The micro-spheres were constituted of numerous self-organized knitted nano-ribbons of similar to 30 nm thickness. The effect of conc. PVP in the hydrothermal precursor solution on the product morphology was investigated. Based on the out-coming product micro-architecture a growth mechanism was proposed which emphasized bubbled nucleation inside the hydrothermal reactor. In a comparative study on linear optical properties, enhancement of luminescent intensity was observed for nano-ribbon clung microspheres rather than that of agglomerates of distorted particles, which may be attributed to better crystallinity as well as reduced surface defects and ionic vacancies for ribbon-like nano-structures.


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The influence of stacking fault energy (SFE) on the mechanism of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) during hot deformation of FCC metals is examined in the light of results from the power dissipation maps. The DRX domain for high SFE metals like Al and Ni occurred at homologous temperature below 0·7 and strain rates of 0·001 s−1 while for low SFE metals like Cu and Pb the corresponding values are higher than 0·8 and 100 s−1. The peak efficiencies of power dissipation are 50% and below 40% respectively. A simple model which considers the rate of interface formation (nucleation) involving dislocation generation and simultaneous recovery and the rate of interface migration (growth) occurring with the reduction in interface energy as the driving force, has been proposed to account for the effect of SFE on DRX. The calculations reveal that in high SFE metals, interface migration controls DRX while the interface formation is the controlling factor in low SFE metals. In the latter case, the occurrence of flow softening and oscillations could be accounted for by this model.


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Equations for solid-state decompositions which are controlled by the phase-boundary movement and nucleation have been examined using ammonium perchlorate/polystyrene propellant decomposition at 503 K and 533 K. It was found that 3 different equations governed by the nucleation process show a good fit of data at these temperatures. However, the best fit was obtained for the following Avrami-Erofeev equation, [-In (1 - α]1/4=kt.


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The α→γ→α→β transitions of para-dichlorobenzene have been studied by employing infrared and n.q.r. spectroscopy as well as differential scanning calorimetry. The γ phase is associated with considerably higher values of some of the intramolecular vibration frequencies. The α→γ transition shows athermal nucleation behaviour as in martensitic transitions. Intermolecular vibration bands around 46 and 85 cm–1 present in γ and α phases disappear in the β phase. The α→β transition seems to be associated with some orientational disorder.


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In some recent dropweight impact experiments [5] with pre-notched bend specimens of 4340 steel, it was observed that considerable crack tunneling occurred in the interior of the specimen prior to gross fracture initiation on the free surfaces. The final failure of the side ligaments happened because of shear lip formation. The tunneled region is characterized by a flat, fibrous fracture surface. In this paper, the experiments of [5] (corresponding to 5 m/s impact speed) are analyzed using a plane strain, dynamic finite element procedure. The Gurson constitutive model that accounts for the ductile failure mechanisms of micro-void nucleation, growth and coalescence is employed. The time at which incipient failure was observed near the notch tip in this computation, and the value of the dynamic J-integral, J d, at this time, compare reasonably well with experiments. This investigation shows that J-controlled stress and deformation fields are established near the notch tip whenever J d , increases with time. Also, it is found that the evolution of micro-mechanical quantities near the notch root can be correlated with the time variation of J d .The strain rate and the adiabatic temperature rise experienced at the notch root are examined. Finally, spatial variations of stresses and deformations are analyzed in detail.


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The hot deformation behaviour of polycrystalline nickel has been characterised in the temperature range 750-1200-degrees-C and strain rate range 0.0003-100 s-1 using processing maps developed in the basis of the dynamic materials model. The efficiency of power dissipation, given by [2m/(m + 1)]. where m is the strain rate sensitivity, is plotted as a function of temperature and strain rate to obtain a processing map. A domain of dynamic recrystallisation has been identified, with a peak efficiency of 31% occurring at 925-degrees-C and 1 s-1. The published results are in agreement with the prediction of the processing map. The variations of efficiency of power dissipation with temperature and strain rate in the dynamic recrystallisation domain are identical to the corresponding variation of hot ductility. The stress-strain curves exhibited a single peak in a single peak in the dynamic recrystallisation domain, whereas multiple peaks and 'drooping' stress-strain curves were observed at lower and higher strain rates, respectively. The results are explained on the basis of a simple model which considers dynamic recrystallisation in terms of rates of interface formation (nucleation) and migration (growth). It is shown that dynamic recrystallisation in nickel is controlled by the rate of nucleation, which is slower than the rate of migration. The rate of nucleation itself depends on the process of thermal recovery by climb, which in turn depends on self-diffusion.


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Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) is a relatively new nonlinear optical material with excellent combination of physical properties. This paper presents the combined etching and X-ray topographic studies carried out on KTP crystals with a view to characterizing their defects. KTP crystals employed in this investigation were grown from flux. Optical microscopic study of habit faces revealed growth layers and growth hillocks on (100) and (011) faces respectively. Etching of (011) habit faces proved that growth hillocks corresponded to the emergence point of dislocation out crops on these faces. The suitability of the new etchant to reveal dislocation was confirmed by etching the matched pairs obtained by cleaving. The defects present in the crystal were also studied by X-ray topography. The defect configuration in these crystals is characteristic of crystals grown from solution. The dislocations arc predominantly linear with their origin either at the nucleation centre or inclusions. In general, grown crystals were found to have low dislocation density and often large volumes of crystals free from dislocation could be obtained.


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The hot deformation behavior of α brass with varying zinc contents in the range 3%–30% was characterized using hot compression testing in the temperature range 600–900 °C and strain rate range 0.001–100 s−1. On the basis of the flow stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by Image where m is the strain rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained. α brass exhibits a domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) at temperatures greater than 0.85Tm and at strain rates lower than 1 s−1. The maximum efficiency of power dissipation increases with increasing zinc content and is in the range 33%–53%. The DRX domain shifts to lower strain rates for higher zinc contents and the strain rate for peak efficiency is in the range 0.0001–0.05 s−1. The results indicate that the DRX in α brass is controlled by the rate of interface formation (nucleation) which depends on the diffusion-controlled process of thermal recovery by climb.