183 resultados para Antenna radiation patterns


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We introduce a one-dimensional version of the Kitaev model consisting of spins on a two-legged ladder and characterized by Z(2) invariants on the plaquettes of the ladder. We map the model to a fermionic system and identify the topological sectors associated with different Z2 patterns in terms of fermion occupation numbers. Within these different sectors, we investigate the effect of a linear quench across a quantum critical point. We study the dominant behavior of the system by employing a Landau-Zener-type analysis of the effective Hamiltonian in the low-energy subspace for which the effective quenching can sometimes be non-linear. We show that the quenching leads to a residual energy which scales as a power of the quenching rate, and that the power depends on the topological sectors and their symmetry properties in a non-trivial way. This behavior is consistent with the general theory of quantum quenching, but with the correlation length exponent nu being different in different sectors. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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The modulational instability of a large-amplitude, linearly polarized electromagnetic wave propagating in an electron-positron plasma is considered, including the combined effect of relativistic mass variation of the plasma particles, harmonic generation, and the non-resonant, finite-frequency electrostatic density perturbations, all caused by the large-amplitude radiation field. The radiation from many strong sources, such as AGN and pulsars, has been observed to vary over a host of time-scales. It is possible that the extremely rapid variations in the non-thermal continuum of AGN, as well as in the non-thermal radio radiation from pulsars, can be accounted for by the modulational instabilities to which radiation may be subjected during its propagation out of the emission region.


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The Western Ghats of India are very rich in amphibian species with 117 species of frogs, toads and caecilians. Eighty-nine species are endemic to this biogeographical region. Analysis of ranges and patterns of geographical distribution of amphibians on the Western Ghats suggest that the southern half of the Western Ghats and the low-medium elevation hills are more diverse in species than the northern half and higher hills. This is attributed to the more widespread rainfall and the less variable climatic conditions in the south. About half the species are apparently localized. Of those species with wider ranges, a majority show patchy distribution. Species preferring the moist evergreen forests as habitats tend to have patchy distributions. This appears to be a result of habitat destruction and fragmentation. The overall patterns of species richness and local endemism are rather different from those of the angiosperms and birds. In birds and angiosperms, a significant proportion of endemics are found on the higher hills. On the contrary, endemic amphibian species are found in the lower altitudinal range of 0-1000 m, with a majority between 800 and 1000 m.


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Semiconductor based nanoscale heterostructures are promising candidates for photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications with the sensitization of a wide bandgap semiconductor with a narrow bandgap material being the most viable strategy to maximize the utilization of the solar spectrum. Here, we present a simple wet chemical route to obtain nanoscale heterostructures of ZnO/CdS without using any molecular linker. Our method involves the nucleation of a Cd-precursor on ZnO nanorods with a subsequent sulfidation step leading to the formation of the ZnO/CdS nanoscale heterostructures. Excellent control over the loading of CdS and the microstructure is realized by merely changing the initial concentration of the sulfiding agent. We show that the heterostructures with the lowest CdS loading exhibit an exceptionally high activity for the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under solar irradiation conditions; microstructural and surface analysis reveals that the higher activity in this case is related to the dispersion of the CdS nanoparticles on the ZnO nanorod surface and to the higher concentration of surface hydroxyl species. Detailed analysis of the mechanism of formation of the nanoscale heterostructures reveals that it is possible to obtain deterministic control over the nature of the interfaces. Our synthesis method is general and applicable for other heterostructures where the interfaces need to be engineered for optimal properties. In particular, the absence of any molecular linker at the interface makes our method appealing for photovoltaic applications where faster rates of electron transfer at the heterojunctions are highly desirable.


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For an n(t) transmit, n(r) receive antenna system (n(t) x nr system), a full-rate space time block code (STBC) transmits min(n(t), n(r)) complex symbols per channel use. In this paper, a scheme to obtain a full-rate STBC for 4 transmit antennas and any n(r), with reduced ML-decoding complexity is presented. The weight matrices of the proposed STBC are obtained from the unitary matrix representations of a Clifford Algebra. By puncturing the symbols of the STBC, full rate designs can be obtained for n(r) < 4. For any value of n(r), the proposed design offers the least ML-decoding complexity among known codes. The proposed design is comparable in error performance to the well known Perfect code for 4 transmit antennas while offering lower ML-decoding complexity. Further, when n(r) < 4, the proposed design has higher ergodic capacity than the punctured Perfect code. Simulation results which corroborate these claims are presented.


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Running fractal dimensions were measured on four channels of an electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded from a normal volunteer. The changes in the background activity due to eye closure were clearly differentiated by the fractal method. The compressed spectral array (CSA) and the running fractal dimensions of the EEG showed corresponding changes with respect to change in the background activity. The fractal method was also successful in detecting low amplitude spikes and the changes in the patterns in the EEG. The effects of different window lengths and shifts on the running fractal dimension have also been studied. The utility of fractal method for EEG data compression is highlighted.


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Nonclassicality in the sense of quantum optics is a prerequisite for entanglement in multimode radiation states. In this work we bring out the possibilities of passing from the former to the latter, via action of classicality preserving systems like beam splitters, in a transparent manner. For single-mode states, a complete description of nonclassicality is available via the classical theory of moments, as a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the photon number distribution. We show that when the mode is coupled to an ancilla in any coherent state, and the system is then acted upon by a beam splitter, these conditions turn exactly into signatures of negativity under partial transpose (NPT) entanglement of the output state. Since the classical moment problem does not generalize to two or more modes, we turn in these cases to other familiar sufficient but not necessary conditions for nonclassicality, namely the Mandel parameter criterion and its extensions. We generalize the Mandel matrix from one-mode states to the two-mode situation, leading to a natural classification of states with varying levels of nonclassicality. For two-mode states we present a single test that can, if successful, simultaneously show nonclassicality as well as NPT entanglement. We also develop a test for NPT entanglement after beam-splitter action on a nonclassical state, tracing carefully the way in which it goes beyond the Mandel nonclassicality test. The result of three-mode beam-splitter action after coupling to an ancilla in the ground state is treated in the same spirit. The concept of genuine tripartite entanglement, and scalar measures of nonclassicality at the Mandel level for two-mode systems, are discussed. Numerous examples illustrating all these concepts are presented.


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In this letter, we propose a method for blind separation of d co-channel BPSK signals arriving at an antenna array. Our method involves two steps. In the first step, the received data vectors at the output of the array is grouped into 2d clusters. In the second step, we assign the 2d d-tuples with ±1 elements to these clusters in a consistent fashion. From the knowledge of the cluster to which a data vector belongs, we estimate the bits transmitted at that instant. Computer simulations are used to study the performance of our method


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An optical microscopy study of stress relief patterns in diamond-like carbon films is presented. Interesting stress relief patterns are observed which include the well-known sinusoidal type, branching pattern and string-of-beads pattern. The last one is shown to relieve stresses under marginal conditions. Two new stress relief patterns are noted in the present study. One of them is of sinusoidal shape with two extra branches at every peak position. The distribution of different stress relief forms from the outer edge of the films towards the interior is markedly dependent on the film thickness. Our new patterns support the approach in which the stress relief forms have been analysed earlier using the theory of plate buckling.


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The crystal structure of the peptide Boc-Phe-Val-OMe determined by X-ray diffraction methods is reported in this paper. The crystals grown from aqueous methanol are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 11.843(2), b = 21.493(4), c = 26.676(4)Angstrom and V = 6790 Angstrom(3). Data were collected on a CAD4 diffractometer using MoK2 radiation (lambda = 0.7107 Angstrom) up to Bragg angle theta = 26 degrees. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by a least-squares procedure to an R value of 6.8% for 3288 observed reflections. There are three crystallographically independent peptide molecules in the asymmetric unit. All the three molecules exhibit extended conformation. The sidechain of the Val(2) residue shows two different conformations. The conformation of the peptide Boc-Phe-Val-OMe is compared with the conformation of Ac-Delta Phe-Val-OH. It is observed that while Boc-Phe-Val-OMe exhibits an extended conformation, Ac-Delta Phe-Val-OH shows a folded conformation. The results of this comparison highlight the conformation constraining property of the Delta Phe residue. Interestingly, even though Boc-Phe-Val-OMe and Ac-Delta Phe-Val-OH are conformationally different, they exhibit similar packing patterns in the solid state. (C) Munksgaard 1995.


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A total of 76 species of macrolichens were recorded from 16 transects of 50 m x 10 m between altitudes of 2100 m and 4500 m in western parts of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve of Garhwal Himalayas. Forty-one of these are lignicolous species occurring on woody, 14 are terricolous growing on soil and 10 are saxicolous inhabiting rocks only, The other 11 species occur on more than one major types of substrate, Lichen species diversity is at its highest in middle altitudes between 2700 m and 3700 m where all three major substrates are simultaneously available, Lichen species diversity of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve appears to be under threat from deforestation and fires, as well as from loss of soil microhabitats due to overgrowth of weeds seemingly caused by cessation of summer grazing in alpine pastures.


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Amorphous conducting carbon films are prepared by plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition and their d.c. conductivity (similar to 100 Scm(-1)) is studied from 300K down to 4.2K. The films were irradiated by high energy ion beam(I+13, 170 MeV) with a dose of 10(13) ions/cm(2). As a result a marked decrease in conductivity by two to three orders in magnitude was observed. The structural changes and the defects in the films caused by ion irradiation are studied using photoluminescence, persistent photoconductivity, and ESR spectroscopy.


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In an earlier work, we had proposed a two-band, non-grey radiative transfer model for heat transfer in forehearths with simultaneous optically thick and thin approximations for molten glass interiors and at boundaries. Here using the same model, the radiative interaction of the top-crown and bottom-refractory walls with interior layers of shallow molten glass is studied by varying the wall emissivities. The forehearth exit temperature profiles for higher wall emissivities (0.9) show better conditioning of the glass for white flint glasses (optically thin).


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The problem of spurious patterns in neural associative memory models is discussed, Some suggestions to solve this problem from the literature are reviewed and their inadequacies are pointed out, A solution based on the notion of neural self-interaction with a suitably chosen magnitude is presented for the Hebb learning rule. For an optimal learning rule based on linear programming, asymmetric dilution of synaptic connections is presented as another solution to the problem of spurious patterns, With varying percentages of asymmetric dilution it is demonstrated numerically that this optimal learning rule leads to near total suppression of spurious patterns. For practical usage of neural associative memory networks a combination of the two solutions with the optimal learning rule is recommended to be the best proposition.


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The design and development of nonresonant edge slot antenna for phased array applications has been presented. The radiating element is a slot cut on the narrow wall of rectangular waveguide (edge slot). The admittance characteristics of the edge slot have been rigorously studied using a novel hybrid method. Nonresonant arrays have been fabricated using the present slot characterization data and the earlier published data. The experimentally measured electrical characteristics of the antenna are presented which clearly brings out the accuracy of the present method.