135 resultados para Amino-acid residues


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The structural annotation of proteins with no detectable homologs of known 3D structure identified using sequence-search methods is a major challenge today. We propose an original method that computes the conditional probabilities for the amino-acid sequence of a protein to fit to known protein 3D structures using a structural alphabet, known as Protein Blocks (PBs). PBs constitute a library of 16 local structural prototypes that approximate every part of protein backbone structures. It is used to encode 3D protein structures into 1D PB sequences and to capture sequence to structure relationships. Our method relies on amino acid occurrence matrices, one for each PB, to score global and local threading of query amino acid sequences to protein folds encoded into PB sequences. It does not use any information from residue contacts or sequence-search methods or explicit incorporation of hydrophobic effect. The performance of the method was assessed with independent test datasets derived from SCOP 1.75A. With a Z-score cutoff that achieved 95% specificity (i.e., less than 5% false positives), global and local threading showed sensitivity of 64.1% and 34.2%, respectively. We further tested its performance on 57 difficult CASP10 targets that had no known homologs in PDB: 38 compatible templates were identified by our approach and 66% of these hits yielded correctly predicted structures. This method scales-up well and offers promising perspectives for structural annotations at genomic level. It has been implemented in the form of a web-server that is freely available at http://www.bo-protscience.fr/forsa.


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Huntington's disease is a polyglutamine expansion disorder, characterized by mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity. Many reports suggests roles of N-terminal 17 amino acid domain of HTT (HTT-N17) towards subcellular localization, aggregate formation and subsequent pathogenicity induced by N-terminal HTT harboring polyQ stretch in pathogenic range. HYPK is a HTT-interacting chaperone which can reduce N-terminal mutant HTT-mediated aggregate formation and cytotoxicity in neuronal cell lines. However, how HYPK interacts with N-terminal fragment of HTT remained unknown. Here we report that specific interaction of HYPK with HTT-N17 is crucial for the chaperone activity of HYPK. Deletion of HTT-N17 leads to formation of tinier, SDS-soluble nuclear aggregates formed by N-terminal mutant HTT. The increased cytotoxicity imparted by these tiny aggregates might be contributed due to loss of interaction with HYPK. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Gramicidin S (GS) is a cyclic cationic antimicrobial peptide (CAP) with a wide spectrum of antibiotic activities whose usage has been limited to topical applications owing to its cytotoxic side effects. We have synthesized tetrahydrofuran amino acid (Taa)-containing GS analogues, and we have carried out conformational analysis and explored their structure activity relationships by evaluating their antitubercular, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties. Two of these analogues showed impressive as well as selective activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) without toxicity towards mammalian Vero cells or human RBCs, and are promising as potential leads.


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Changes in the protonation and deprotonation of amino acid residues in proteins play a key role in many biological processes and pathways. Here, we report calculations of the free-energy profile for the protonation deprotonation reaction of the 20 canonical alpha amino acids in aqueous solutions using ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations coupled with metad-ynamics sampling. We show here that the calculated change in free energy of the dissociation reaction provides estimates of the multiple pK(a) values of the amino acids that are in good agreement with experiment. We use the bond-length-dependent number of the protons coordinated to the hydroxyl oxygen of the carboxylic and the amine groups as the collective variables to explore the free-energy profiles of the Bronsted acid-base chemistry of amino acids in aqueous solutions. We ensure that the amino acid undergoing dissociation is solvated by at least three hydrations shells with all water molecules included in the simulations. The method works equally well for amino acids with neutral, acidic and basic side chains and provides estimates of the multiple pK(a) values with a mean relative error, with respect to experimental results, of 0.2 pK(a) units.


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Highly conserved residues in enzymes are often found to be clustered close to active sites, suggesting that functional constraints dictate the nature of amino acid residues accommodated at these sites. Using the Plasmodiumfalciparum triosephosphate isomerase (PfTIM) enzyme () as a template, we have examined the effects of mutations at positions 64 and 75, which are not directly involved in the proton transfer cycle. Thr (T) occurring at position 75 is completely conserved, whereas only Gln (Q) and Glu (E) are accommodated at position 64. Biophysical and kinetic data are reported for four T75 (T75S/V/C/N) and two Q64 (Q64N/E) mutants. The dimeric structure is weakened in the Q64E and Q64N mutants, whereas dimer integrity is unimpaired in all four T75 mutants. Measurement of the concentration dependence of enzyme activity permits an estimate of K-d values for dimer dissociation (Q64N=73.79.2nm and Q64E=44.6 +/- 8.4nm). The T75S/V/C mutants have activities comparable to the wild-type enzyme, whereas a fourfold drop is observed for T75N. All four T75 mutants show a dramatic fall in activity between 35 degrees C and 45 degrees C. Crystal structure determination of the T75S/V/N mutants provides insights into the variations in local interactions, with the T75N mutant showing the largest changes. Hydrogen-bond interactions determine dimer stability restricting the choice of residues at position 64 to Gln (Q) and Glu (E). At position 75, the overwhelming preference for Thr (T) may be dictated by the imperative of maintaining temperature stability of enzyme activity.


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Biogenesis of the iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster is an indispensable process in living cells. In mammalian mitochondria, the initial step of the Fe-S cluster assembly process is assisted by the NFS1-ISD11 complex, which delivers sulfur to scaffold protein ISCU during Fe-S cluster synthesis. Although ISD11 is an essential protein, its cellular role in Fe-S cluster biogenesis is still not defined. Our study maps the important ISD11 amino acid residues belonging to putative helix 1 (Phe-40), helix 3 (Leu-63, Arg-68, Gln-69, Ile-72, Tyr-76), and C-terminal segment (Leu-81, Glu-84) are critical for in vivo Fe-S cluster biogenesis. Importantly, mutation of these conserved ISD11 residues into alanine leads to its compromised interaction with NFS1, resulting in reduced stability and enhanced aggregation of NFS1 in the mitochondria. Due to altered interaction with ISD11 mutants, the levels of NFS1 and Isu1 were significantly depleted, which affects Fe-S cluster biosynthesis, leading to reduced electron transport chain complex (ETC) activity and mitochondrial respiration. In humans, a clinically relevant ISD11 mutation (R68L) has been associated in the development of a mitochondrial genetic disorder, COXPD19. Our findings highlight that the ISD11 R68A/R68L mutation display reduced affinity to form a stable subcomplex with NFS1, and thereby fails to prevent NFS1 aggregation resulting in impairment of the Fe-S cluster biogenesis. The prime affected machinery is the ETC complex, which showed compromised redox properties, causing diminished mitochondrial respiration. Furthermore, the R68L ISD11 mutant displayed accumulation of mitochondrial iron and reactive oxygen species, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, which correlates with the phenotype observed in COXPD19 patients.


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A single-step solid-phase RIA (SS-SPRIA) developed in our laboratory using hybridoma culture supernatants has been utilised for the quantitation of epitope-paratope interactions. Using SS-SPRIA as a quantitative tool for the assessment of epitope stability, it was found that several assembled epitopes of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) are differentially stable to proteolysis and chemical modification. Based on these observations an approach has been developed for identifying the amino acid residues constituting an epitopic region. This approach has now been used to map an assembled epitope at/near the receptor binding region of the hormone. The mapped site forms a part of the seat belt region and the cystine knot region (C34-C38-C88-C90-H106). The carboxy terminal region of the alpha-subunit forms a part of the epitope indicating its proximity to the receptor binding region. These results are in agreement with the reported receptor binding region identified through other approaches and the X-ray crystal structure of hCG.


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Seafood allergy is often encountered on ingestion of crustaceans such as shrimp, lobster, crab, and crayfish (1). On eating cooked shrimp, sensitive individuals experience a wide spectrum of reactions ranging from abdominal discomfort to anaphylaxis. The presence of cross-reacting heat-stable allergens in crustacean food was first recognized by Hoffman et al. (2) and Lehrer et al. (3). Subsequently, the major allergen was isolated and characterized from the shrimp species Paneaus indicus (Pen i 1) (4) and I? aztecm (Pen a 1) (5). Pen i 1 (originally designated Sa-TI) and Pen a 1, with mol. mass of 34 and 36 kDa, respectively, contain 301 and 312 amino-acid residues with a predominance of gluta- mate/glutamine and asparatate/asparagine.


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Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROD) is a key enzyme in the heme-biosynthetic pathway and in Plasmodium falciparum it occupies a strategic position in the proposed hybrid pathway for heme biosynthesis involving shuttling of intermediates between different subcellular compartments in the parasite. In the present study, we demonstrate that an N-terminally truncated recombinant P. falciparum UROD (r(Δ)PfUROD) over-expressed and purified from Escherichia coli cells, as well as the native enzyme from the parasite were catalytically less efficient compared with the host enzyme, although they were similar in other enzyme parameters. Molecular modeling of PfUROD based on the known crystal structure of the human enzyme indicated that the protein manifests a distorted triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel fold which is conserved in all the known structures of UROD. The parasite enzyme shares all the conserved or invariant amino acid residues at the active and substrate binding sites, but is rich in lysine residues compared with the host enzyme. Mutation of specific lysine residues corresponding to residues at the dimer interface in human UROD enhanced the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme and dimer stability indicating that the lysine rich nature and weak dimer interface of the wild-type PfUROD could be responsible for its low catalytic efficiency. PfUROD was localised to the apicoplast, indicating the requirement of additional mechanisms for transport of the product coproporphyrinogen to other subcellular sites for its further conversion and ultimate heme formation.


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Assembly intermediates of icosahedral viruses are usually transient and are difficult to identify. In the present investigation, site-specific and deletion mutants of the coat protein gene of physalis mottle tymovirus (PhMV) were used to delineate the role of specific amino acid residues in the assembly of the virus and to identify intermediates in this process. N-terminal 30, 34, 35 and 39 amino acid deletion and single C-terminal (N188) deletion mutant proteins of PhMV were expressed in Escherichia coli. Site-specific mutants H69A, C75A, W96A, D144N, D144N-T151A, K143E and N188A were also constructed and expressed. The mutant protein lacking 30 amino acid residues from the N terminus self-assembled to T = 3 particles in vivo while deletions of 34, 35 and 39 amino acid residues resulted in the mutant proteins that were insoluble. Interestingly, the coat protein (pR PhCP) expressed using pRSET B vector with an additional 41 amino acid residues at the N terminus also assembled into T = 3 particles that were more compact and had a smaller diameter. These results demonstrate that the amino-terminal segment is flexible and either the deletion or addition of amino acid residues at the N terminus does not affect T = 3 capsid assembly, in contrast, the deletion of even a single residue from the C terminus (PhN188 Delta 1) resulted in capsids that were unstable. These capsids disassembled to a discrete intermediate with a sedimentation coefficent of 19.4 S. However, the replacement of C-terminal asparagine 188 by alanine led to the formation of stable capsids. The C75A and D144N mutant proteins also assembled into capsids that were as stable as the pR PhCP, suggesting that C75A and D144 are not crucial for the T = 3 capsid assembly. pR PhW96A and pR PhD144N-T151A mutant proteins failed to form capsids and were present as heterogeneous aggregates. Interestingly, the pR PhK143E mutant protein behaved in a manner similar to the C-terminal deletion protein in forming unstable capsids. The intermediate with an s value of 19.4 S was the major assembly product of pR PhH69A mutant protein and could correspond to a 30mer. It is possible that the assembly or disassembly is arrested at a similar stage in pR PhN188 Delta 1, pR PhH69A and pR PhK143E mutant proteins.


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A simple algorithm has been developed to detect β-bends and 'loops'-chain reversals containing five amino acid residues, using only coordinates of Cα-atoms from crystal structure data of globular proteins using the above algorithm. Analysis of bends have showed that the total number of bends in each protein (TB) is linearly related to total number of non-hydrophobic residues in that protein which in turn is related linearly to total number of amino acid residues. Secondly, we found that a large number of consecutive bends occur in each protein which give rise to on an average only three independent residues per turn. Positional preference of amino acid residues in chain reversals is stressed. Consideration of pairs of amino acid residues in positions (i + 1) and (i + 2) of bends seems to provide a more reliable basis for predicting chain reversals in proteins.


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The influence of chemical mutation featuring the selective conversion of asparagine or glutamine to aspartic or glutamic acid, respectively, on the kinetics of refolding of reduced RNase has been studied. The monodeamidated derivatives of RNase A, viz. RNase Aa1a, Aa1b, and Aa1c having their deamidations in the region 67-74, were found to regain nearly their original enzymatic activity. However, a marked difference in the kinetics of refolding is seen, the order of regain of enzymic activity being RNase A greater than Aa1c congruent to Aa1a greater than Aa1b. The similarities in the distinct elution positions on Amberlite XE-64, gel electrophoretic mobilities, and u.v. spectra of reoxidized and native derivatives indicated that the native structures are formed. The slower rate of reappearance of enzymic activity in the case of the monodeamidated derivatives appears to result from altered interactions in the early stages of refolding. The roles of some amino acid residues of the 67-74 region in the pathway of refolding of RNase A are discussed.


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Tetrapeptide sequences of the type Z-Pro-Y-X were obtained from the crystal structure data on 34 globular proteins, and used in an analysis of the positional preferences of the individual amino acid residues in the β-turn conformation. The effect of fixing proline as the second position residue in the tetrapeptide sequence was studied by comparing the data obtained on the positional preferences with the corresponding data obtained by Chou and Fasman using the Z-R-Y-X sequence, where no particular residue was fixed in any of the four positions. While, in general, several amino acid residues having relatively very high or very low preferences for specific positions were found to be common to both the Z-Pro-Y-X and Z-R-Y-X sequences, many significant differences were found between the two sets of data, which are to be attributed to specific interactions arising from the presence of the proline residue.


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The far-ultraviolet region circular dichroic spectrumof serine hydroxymethyltransferase from monkey liver showed that the protein is in an α-helical conformation. The near ultraviolet circular dichoric spectrum revealed two negative bands originating from the tertiary conformational environment of the aromatic amino acid residues. Addition of urea or guanidinium chloride perturbed the characteristic fluorescence and far ultraviolet circular dichroic spectrum of the enzyme. The decrease in (θ)222 and enzyme activity followed identical patterns with increasing concentrations of urea, whereas with guanidinium chloride, the loss of enzyme activity preceded the loss of secondary structure. 2-Chloroethanol, trifluoroethanol and sodium dodecyl sulphate enhanced the mean residue ellipticity values. In addition, sodium dodecyl sulphate also caused a perturbation of the fluorescence emission spectrum of the enzyme. Extremes of pH decreased the – (θ)222 value. Plots of –(θ)222and enzyme activity as a function of pH showed maximal values at pH 7.4-7.5. These results suggested the prevalence of "conformational flexibility" in the structure of serine hydroxymethyltransferase.