918 resultados para AIP


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Recently it has been discovered---contrary to expectations of physicists as well as biologists---that the energy transport during photosynthesis, from the chlorophyll pigment that captures the photon to the reaction centre where glucose is synthesised from carbon dioxide and water, is highly coherent even at ambient temperature and in the cellular environment. This process and the key molecular ingredients that it depends on are described. By looking at the process from the computer science view-point, we can study what has been optimised and how. A spatial search algorithmic model based on robust features of wave dynamics is presented.


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Quaternary chalcogenide compounds Cu2+ xZnSn1-xSe4 (0 <= x <= 0.15) were prepared by solid state synthesis. Rietveld powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) refinements combined with Electron Probe Micro Analyses (EPMA, WDS-Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy) and Raman spectra of all samples confirmed the stannite structure (Cu2FeSnS4-type) as the main phase. In addition to the main phase, small amounts of secondary phases like ZnSe, CuSe and SnSe were observed. Transport properties of all samples were measured as a function of temperature in the range from 300 K to 720 K. The electrical resistivity of all samples decreases with an increase in Cu content except for Cu2.1ZnSn0.9Se4, most likely due to a higher content of the ZnSe. All samples showed positive Seebeck coefficients indicating that holes are the majority charge carriers. The thermal conductivity of doped samples was high compared to Cu2ZnSnSe4 and this may be due to the larger electronic contribution and the presence of the ZnSe phase in the doped samples. The maximum zT = 0.3 at 720 K occurs for Cu2.05ZnSn0.95Se4 for which a high-pressure torsion treatment resulted in an enhancement of zT by 30% at 625 K. Copyright 2013 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4794733]


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Using first principles based density functional calculation we study the mechanical, electronic and transport properties of single crystalline gold nanowires. While nanowires with the diameter less than 2 nm retain hexagonal cross-section, the larger diameter wires show a structural smoothening leading to circular cross-section. These structural changes significantly affect the mechanical properties of the wires, however, strength remains comparable to the bulk. The transport calculations reveal that the conductivity of these wires are in good agreement with experiments. The combination of good mechanical, electronic and transport properties make these wires promising as interconnects for nano devices. Copyright 2013 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4796188]


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Carbon nanotubes (CNT) in their cellular like micro-structure have presented an excellent mechanical energy absorption capacity. Although, several efforts have been progressed to modify the CNT structure for further enhancing their energy absorption capacity but yet no report has revealed the effect of magnetic field on the mechanical behavior of as-grown CNT mat that contains magnetic iron nanoparticles in the form of decorated nanoparticles on the surface or filled inside core of the CNT. We report a significant impact of the presence of magnetic content that modifies the mechanical behavior of the entangled CNT mat in the presence of an external magnetic field. The energy absorption capacity doubles when magnetic field was applied in the radial direction of the CNT mat under uniaxial compression. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The sensing of carbon dioxide (CO2) at room temperature, which has potential applications in environmental monitoring, healthcare, mining, biotechnology, food industry, etc., is a challenge for the scientific community due to the relative inertness of CO2. Here, we propose a novel gas sensor based on clad-etched Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated on the surface of the core for detecting the concentrations of CO2 gas at room temperature, in ppm levels over a wide range (1000 ppm-4000 ppm). The limit of detection observed in polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated core-FBG has been found to be about 75 ppm. In this approach, when CO2 gas molecules interact with the polyallylamine-amino-carbon nanotube coated FBG, the effective refractive index of the fiber core changes, resulting in a shift in Bragg wavelength. The experimental data show a linear response of Bragg wavelength shift for increase in concentration of CO2 gas. Besides being reproducible and repeatable, the technique is fast, compact, and highly sensitive. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We present an explicit computable integral solution of the electric field generated at the focal region of a cylindrical lens. This representation is based on vectorial diffraction theory and further enables the computation of the system point spread function of a cylindrical lens. It is assumed that there is no back-scattering and the contribution from the evanescent field is negligible. Stationary phase approximation along with the Fresnel transmission coefficients are employed for evaluating the polarization dependent electric field components. Studies were carried out to determine the polarization effects and to calculate the system resolution. The effect of s -, p - and randomly polarized light is studied on the fixed sample (electric dipole is fixed in space). Proposed approach allows better understanding of electric field effects at the focus of a cylindrical aplanatic system. This opens up future developments in the field of fluorescence microscopy and optical imaging. (C) 2013 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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ZnO films have been grown via a vapour phase transport (VPT) on soda lime glass (SLG) and indium-tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. ZnO film on ITO had traces of Zn and C which gives them a dark appearance while that appears yellowish-white on SLG. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies confirm the traces of C in the form of C-O. The photoluminescence studies reveal a prominent green luminescence band for ZnO film on ITO. (C) 2013 Author(s).


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We determine the nature of coupled phonons in mixed crystal of Cs-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 using inelastic light scattering studies in the temperature range of 5 K to 300 K covering a spectral range of 60-1100 cm(-1). The phase transition in this system are marked by the splitting of phonon modes, appearance of new modes and anomalies in the frequency as well as linewidth of the phonon modes near transition temperature. In particular, we observed the splitting of symmetric (v(1)) and antisymmetric (v(3)) stretching vibrations associated with AsO4 tetrahedra below transition temperature (T-c(*) similar to 110 K) attributed to the lowering of site symmetry of AsO4 in orthorhombic phase below transition temperature. In addition, the step-up (hardening) and step-down (softening) of the AsO4 bending vibrations (v(4) (S9, S11) and v(2) (S6)) below transition temperature signals the rapid development of long range ferroelectric order and proton ordering. The lowest frequency phonon (S1) mode observed at similar to 92 cm(-1) shows anomalous blue shift (similar to 12 %) from 300 K to 5 K with no sharp transition near T-c(*) unlike other observed phonon modes signaling its potential coupling with the proton tunneling mode. (C) 2013 Author(s).


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The synergistic effect of compressive growth stresses and reactor chemistry, silane presence, on dislocation bending at the very early stages of GaN growth has been studied using in-situ stress measurements and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. A single 100 nm Si-doped GaN layer is found to be more effective than a 1 mu m linearly graded AlGaN buffer layer in reducing dislocation density and preventing the subsequent layer from transitioning to a tensile stress. 1 mu m crack-free GaN layers with a dislocation density of 7 x 10(8)/cm(2), with 0.13 nm surface roughness and no enhancement in n-type background are demonstrated over 2 inch substrates using this simple transition scheme. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We theoretically propose and computationally demonstrate the generation of extended light-sheet for fluorescence microscopy. This is made possible by the introduction of a specially designed double-window spatial filter that allows the light to pass through the periphery and center of a cylindrical lens. When illuminated with a plane wave, the proposed filter results in an extended depth-of-focus along with side-lobes which are due to other interferences in the transverse focal plane. Computational studies show a maximum extension of light-sheet by 3.38 times for single photon excitation and 3.68 times for multiphoton excitation as compared to state-of-art single plane illumination microscopy system. This technique may facilitate the study of large biological specimens (such as Zebrafish embryo and tissue) with high spatial resolution and reduced photobleaching. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Neutron powder diffraction study of Ba(Ti1-xZrx)O-3 at close composition intervals has revealed coexistence of ferroelectric phases: orthorhombic (Amm2) + tetragonal (P4mm) for 0.02 <= x <= 0.05 and rhombohedral (R3m) + orthorhombic (Amm2) for 0.07 <= x < 0.09. These compositions exhibit relatively enhanced piezoelectric properties as compared to their single phase counterparts outside this composition region, confirming the polymorphic phase boundary nature of the phase coexistence regions. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this paper, we analyze the combined effects of size quantization and device temperature variations (T = 50K to 400 K) on the intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n) and thereby on the threshold voltage (V-th) for thin silicon film (t(si) = 1 nm to 10 nm) based fully-depleted Double-Gate Silicon-on-Insulator MOSFETs. The threshold voltage (V-th) is defined as the gate voltage (V-g) at which the potential at the center of the channel (Phi(c)) begins to saturate (Phi(c) = Phi(c(sat))). It is shown that in the strong quantum confinement regime (t(si) <= 3nm), the effects of size quantization far over-ride the effects of temperature variations on the total change in band-gap (Delta E-g(eff)), intrinsic carrier concentration (n(i)), electron concentration (n), Phi(c(sat)) and the threshold voltage (V-th). On the other hand, for t(si) >= 4 nm, it is shown that size quantization effects recede with increasing t(si), while the effects of temperature variations become increasingly significant. Through detailed analysis, a physical model for the threshold voltage is presented both for the undoped and doped cases valid over a wide-range of device temperatures, silicon film thicknesses and substrate doping densities. Both in the undoped and doped cases, it is shown that the threshold voltage strongly depends on the channel charge density and that it is independent of incomplete ionization effects, at lower device temperatures. The results are compared with the published work available in literature, and it is shown that the present approach incorporates quantization and temperature effects over the entire temperature range. We also present an analytical model for V-th as a function of device temperature (T). (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The cylindrical Couette device is commonly employed to study the rheology of fluids, but seldom used for dense granular materials. Plasticity theories used for granular flows predict a stress field that is independent of the shear rate, but otherwise similar to that in fluids. In this paper we report detailed measurements of the stress as a function of depth, and show that the stress profile differs fundamentally from that of fluids, from the predictions of plasticity theories, and from intuitive expectation. In the static state, a part of the weight of the material is transferred to the walls by a downward vertical shear stress, bringing about the well-known Janssen saturation of the stress in vertical columns. When the material is sheared, the vertical shear stress changes sign, and the magnitudes of all components of the stress rise rapidly with depth. These qualitative features are preserved over a range of the Couette gap and shear rate, for smooth and rough walls and two model granular materials. To explain the anomalous rheological response, we consider some hypotheses that seem plausibleapriori, but showthat none survive after careful analysis of the experimental observations. We argue that the anomalous stress is due to an anisotropic fabric caused by the combined actions of gravity, shear, and frictional walls, for which we present indirect evidence from our experiments. A general theoretical framework for anisotropic plasticity is then presented. The detailed mechanics of how an anisotropic fabric is brought about by the above-mentioned factors is not clear, and promises to be a challenging problem for future investigations. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The development of the flow of a granular material down an inclined plane starting from rest is studied as a function of the base roughness. In the simulations, the particles are rough frictional spheres interacting via the Hertz contact law. The rough base is made of a random configuration of fixed spheres with diameter different from the flowing particles, and the base roughness is decreased by decreasing the diameter of the base particles. The transition from an ordered to a disordered flowing state at a critical value of the base particle diameter, first reported by Kumaran and Maheshwari Phys. Fluids 24, 053302 (2012)] for particles with the linear contact model, is observed for the Hertzian contact model as well. The flow development for the ordered and disordered flows is very different. During the development of the disordered flow for the rougher base, there is shearing throughout the height. During the development of the ordered flow for the smoother base, there is a shear layer at the bottom and a plug region with no internal shearing above. In the shear layer, the particles are layered and hexagonally ordered in the plane parallel to the base, and the velocity profile is well approximated by Bagnold law. The flow develops in two phases. In the first phase, the thickness of the shear layer and the maximum velocity increase linearly in time till the shear front reaches the top. In the second phase, after the shear layer encompasses the entire flow, there is a much slower increase in the maximum velocity until the steady state is reached. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This report summarizes the presentations and discussions conducted during the symposium, which was held under the aegis of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics during 23-27 January 2012 in Bangalore, India. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.