803 resultados para applied physics


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The diamond films were deposited onto a wurtzite gallium nitride (GaN) thin film substrate using hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD). During the film deposition a lateral temperature gradient was imposed across the substrate by inclining the substrate. As grown films predominantly showed the hexagonal phase, when no inclination was applied to the substrate. Tilting the substrate with respect to the heating filament by 6 degrees imposed a lateral temperature gradient across the substrate, which induced the formation of a cubic diamond phase. Diamond grains were predominantly oriented in the (100) direction. However, a further increase in the substrate tilt angle to 12 degrees, resulted in grains oriented in the (111) direction. The growth rate and hence the morphology of diamond grains varied along the inclined substrate. The present study focuses on the measurements of dominant phase formation and crystal orientation with varying substrate inclination using orientation-imaging microscopy (OIM). This technique enables direct examination of individual diamond grains and their crystallographic orientation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Te-rich Si15Te85-xGex (1 <= x <= 11) glasses are found to exhibit an anomalous phase separations with germanium composition. The structural transformation of o-GeTe crystalline phase from o-GeTe with a = 11.76 angstrom, b = 16.59 angstrom, c = 17.44 angstrom, to high pressure o-GeTe with a new reduced lattice parameters a = 10.95 angstrom, b = 4.03 angstrom, c = 4.45 angstrom, is observed at T-c3 in the composition range 6 <= x <= 11. Raman studies support the possible existence of high pressure o-GeTe phase which is observed in X-ray diffraction experiments. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3696862]


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Electron beam irradiation induced, bending of Iron filled, multiwalled carbon nanotubes is reported. Bending of both the carbon nanotube and the Iron contained within the core was achieved using two approaches with the aid of a high resolution electron microscope (HRTEM). In the first approach, bending of the nanotube structure results in response to the irradiation of a pristine kink defect site, while in the second approach, disordered sites induce bending by focusing the electron beam on the graphite walls. The HRTEM based in situ observations demonstrate the potential for using electron beam irradiation to investigate and manipulate the physical properties of confined nanoscale structures. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. doi:10.1063/1.3688083]


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Amorphous thin film Ge15Te85-xSnx (1 <= x <= 5) and Ge17Te83-xSnx (1 <= x <= 4) switching devices have been deposited in sandwich geometry using a flash evaporation technique, with aluminum as the top and bottom electrodes. Electrical switching studies indicate that these films exhibit memory type electrical switching behavior. The switching fields for both the series of samples have been found to decrease with increase in Sn concentration, which confirms that the metallicity effect on switching fields/voltages, commonly seen in bulk glassy chalcogenides, is valid in amorphous chalcogenide thin films also. In addition, there is no manifestation of rigidity percolation in the composition dependence of switching fields of Ge15Te85-xSnx and Ge17Te83-xSnx amorphous thin film samples. The observed composition dependence of switching fields of amorphous Ge15Te85-xSnx and Ge17Te83-xSnx thin films has been understood on the basis of Chemically Ordered Network model. The optical band gap for these samples, calculated from the absorption spectra, has been found to exhibit a decreasing trend with increasing Sn concentration, which is consistent with the composition dependence of switching fields.


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Alumina (Al2O3) thin films were sputter deposited over well-cleaned glass and Si < 100 > substrates by DC reactive magnetron sputtering under various oxygen gas pressures and sputtering powers. The composition of the films was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and an optimal O/Al atomic ratio of 1.59 was obtained at a reactive gas pressure of 0.03 Pa and sputtering power of 70 W. X-ray diffraction results revealed that the films were amorphous until 550 degrees C. The surface morphology of the films was studied using scanning electron microscopy and the as-deposited films were found to be smooth. The topography of the as-deposited and annealed films was analyzed by atomic force microscopy and a progressive increase in the rms roughness of the films from 3.2 nm to 4.53 nm was also observed with increase in the annealing temperature. Al-Al2O3-Al thin film capacitors were then fabricated on glass substrates to study the effect of temperature and frequency on the dielectric property of the films. Temperature coefficient of capacitance. AC conductivity and activation energy were determined and the results are discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phenomenon of resistive switching (RS) has been demonstrated in several non-magnetic and some magnetic oxide systems, however the ``magnetic'' aspect of magnetic oxides has not been emphasized especially in terms of low field tunability. In our work, we examined the CoFe2O4/La0.66Sr0.34MnO3 all-magnetic oxide interface system for RS and discovered a very sharp (bipolar) transition at room temperature that can be gated with high sensitivity by low magnetic fields (similar to 0-100 mT). By using a number of characterizations, we show that this is an interface effect, which may open up interesting directions for manipulation of the RS phenomenon. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4707373]


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Photoresponse of n-type indium-doped ZnO and a p-type polymer (PEDOT:PSS) heterojunction devices are studied, juxtaposed with the photoluminescence of the In-ZnO samples. In addition to the expected photoresponse in the ultraviolet, the heterojunctions exhibit significant photoresponse to the visible (532 nm). However, neither the doped ZnO nor PEDOT: PSS individually show any photoresponse to visible light. The sub-bandgap photoresponse of the heterojunction originates from visible photon mediated e-h generation between the In-ZnO valence band and localized states lying within the band gap. Though increased doping of In-ZnO has limited effect on the photoluminescence, it significantly diminishes the photoresponse. The study indicates that optimally doped devices are promising for the detection of wavelengths in selected windows in the visible. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4704655]


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Ethylene gas is burnt to generate soot which is collected thermophoretically from different locations of the flame. Tribological performance of the collected soot in hexadecane suspension is compared with that of carbon black and diesel soot. The soots are analysed to yield a range of mechanical properties, physical structures and chemistry. The paper correlates these property variations with the corresponding variations in friction and wear when the soot suspended in hexadecane is used to lubricate a steel on steel sliding interaction. The particles are dispersed in hexadecane by a non-ionic surfactant, poly-isobutylene succinimide (PIBS), which is mono-functional with no free amine group. The grafting of the surfactant on the soot particles is found to have a profound effect on the dispersion of the soot, in general, while, between the different soot types, the tribology is differentiated by the physical structure and chemistry.


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Vertical arrays of carbon nanotubes (VACNTs) show unique mechanical behavior in compression, with a highly nonlinear response similar to that of open cell foams and the ability to recover large deformations. Here, we study the viscoelastic response of both freestanding VACNT arrays and sandwich structures composed of a VACNT array partially embedded between two layers of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and bucky paper. The VACNTs tested are similar to 2 mm thick foams grown via an injection chemical vapor deposition method. Both freestanding and sandwich structures exhibit a time-dependent behavior under compression. A power-law function of time is used to describe the main features observed in creep and stress-relaxation tests. The power-law exponents show nonlinear viscoelastic behavior in which the rate of creep is dependent upon the stress level and the rate of stress relaxation is dependent upon the strain level. The results show a marginal effect of the thin PDMS/bucky paper layers on the viscoelastic responses. At high strain levels (epsilon - 0.8), the peak stress for the anchored CNTs reaches similar to 45 MPa, whereas it is only similar to 15MPa for freestanding CNTs, suggesting a large effect of PDMS on the structural response of the sandwich structures. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3699184]


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A flexible composite suitable for MHz frequency application has been developed by combining Fe3O4 and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The loss factor and the permeability have been evaluated. At an optimum weight percentage of Fe3O4 in the PVA matrix, the frequency at which the loss factor gives a minimum shifts to the MHz region. The loss factor has been found to be lower by one order of magnitude at 70 MHz compared to the presently used nickel zinc ferrite. The Henkel plot and the Cole-Cole plot have been obtained for the understanding of the high magnetic permeability and the low loss factor. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3672867]


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The experimental determination of the magnetic ground state of triangular lattice anti-ferromagnet LiNiO2 is an intriguing problem as the system is prone to be Li deficient. We have been successful in preparing nearly stoichiometric LiNiO2 showing an anti-ferromagnetic ground state with an ordering temperature similar to 12 K. As the Li deficiency increases the sample exhibits spin glass behavior evidenced by a shift in the spin glass freezing temperature as a function of frequency in the ac susceptibility studies. As the Li deficiency crosses a critical limit, the sample becomes ferromagnetic in nature. We are able to tune the ferromagnetic transition temperature up to 240 K by varying the Li content. Finally, we have constructed a magnetic phase diagram. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3675997]


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SrRuO3 is a well-known itinerant ferromagnet with many intriguing characteristics. The Ru deficiency in this system is believed to play a pivotal role in influencing many of its magnetic and transport properties. The present study involves the magnetic and transport properties of the Ru-deficient SrRu0.93O3 sample to gain more insight into the unusual low-temperature behavior. The ac susceptibility study reveals a sharp ferromagnetic transition at 150 K followed by a hump at T-h similar to 50 K, which has anomalous frequency dependence. Besides, the T-h shifts to lower temperatures with an increase in the superposed dc-biasing field and adheres to H-2 dependence, in accordance with the Gabay and Toulouse line for the Heisenberg spin glass systems. We also observe a pronounced memory effect toward the low-temperature side, signifying the characteristic of glassy behavior. The temperature-dependent magnetoresistance indicates the signature of an additional ordering toward the low-temperature side. All of the interesting findings combined unveil the existence of low-temperature cryptic magnetic phase in SrRu0.93O3. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3673427]


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Thin films of Ni-49 at.% Ti were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering on silicon substrates at 300 degrees C. The as-deposited amorphous films were annealed at a vacuum of 10(-6) mbar at various temperatures between 300 and 650 degrees C to study the effect of annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties. The as-deposited films showed partial crystallization on annealing at 500 degrees C. At 500 degrees C, a distinct oxidation layer, rich in titanium but depleted in Ni, was seen on the film surface. A gradual increase in thickness and number of layers of various oxide stoichiometries as well as growth of triangular shaped reaction zones were seen with increase in annealing temperature up to 650 degrees C. Nanoindentation studies showed that the film hardness values increase with increase in annealing temperature up to 600 degrees C and subsequently decrease at 650 degrees C. The results were explained on the basis of the change in microstructure as a result of oxidation on annealing.


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The smooth DMS-FEM, recently proposed by the authors, is extended and applied to the geometrically nonlinear and ill-posed problem of a deformed and wrinkled/slack membrane. A key feature of this work is that three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity equations corresponding to linear momentum balance, without any dimensional reduction and the associated approximations, directly serve as the membrane governing equations. Domain discretization is performed with triangular prism elements and the higher order (C1 or more) interelement continuity of the shape functions ensures that the errors arising from possible jumps in the first derivatives of the conventional C0 shape functions do not propagate because the ill-conditioned tangent stiffness matrices are iteratively inverted. The present scheme employs no regularization and exhibits little sensitivity to h-refinement. Although the numerically computed deformed membrane profiles do show some sensitivity to initial imperfections (nonplanarity) in the membrane profile needed to initiate transverse deformations, the overall patterns of the wrinkles and the deformed shapes appear to be less so. Finally, the deformed profiles, computed through the DMS FEM-based weak formulation, are compared with those obtained through an experiment on an ultrathin Kapton membrane, wherein wrinkles form because of the applied boundary displacement conditions. Comparisons with a reported experiment on a rectangular membrane are also provided. These exercises lend credence to the feasibility of the DMS FEM-based numerical route to computing post-wrinkled membrane shapes. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper presents studies on the use of carbon nanotubes dispersed in an insulating fluid to serve as an automaton for healing open-circuit interconnect faults in integrated circuits. The physics behind the repair mechanism is the electric-field-induced diffusion limited aggregation. On the occurrence of an open fault, the repair is automatically triggered due to the presence of an electric field across the gap. We perform studies on the repair time as a function of the electric field and dispersion concentrations with the above application in mind.