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In the distributed storage setting that we consider, data is stored across n nodes in the network such that the data can be recovered by connecting to any subset of k nodes. Additionally, one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading beta units of data from each. Dimakis et al. show that the repair bandwidth d beta can be considerably reduced if each node stores slightly more than the minimum required and characterize the tradeoff between the amount of storage per node and the repair bandwidth. In the exact regeneration variation, unlike the functional regeneration, the replacement for a failed node is required to store data identical to that in the failed node. This greatly reduces the complexity of system maintenance. The main result of this paper is an explicit construction of codes for all values of the system parameters at one of the two most important and extreme points of the tradeoff - the Minimum Bandwidth Regenerating point, which performs optimal exact regeneration of any failed node. A second result is a non-existence proof showing that with one possible exception, no other point on the tradeoff can be achieved for exact regeneration.


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In the distributed storage setting introduced by Dimakis et al., B units of data are stored across n nodes in the network in such a way that the data can be recovered by connecting to any k nodes. Additionally one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading at most beta units of data from each node. In this paper, we introduce a flexible framework in which the data can be recovered by connecting to any number of nodes as long as the total amount of data downloaded is at least B. Similarly, regeneration of a failed node is possible if the new node connects to the network using links whose individual capacity is bounded above by beta(max) and whose sum capacity equals or exceeds a predetermined parameter gamma. In this flexible setting, we obtain the cut-set lower bound on the repair bandwidth along with a constructive proof for the existence of codes meeting this bound for all values of the parameters. An explicit code construction is provided which is optimal in certain parameter regimes.


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We present an elementary combinatorial proof of the existence and uniqueness of the 9-vertex triangulation of C P2. The original proof of existence, due to Kuhnel, as well as the original proof of uniqueness, due to Kuhnel and Lassmann, were based on extensive computer search. Recently Arnoux and Marin have used cohomology theory to present a computer-free proof. Our proof has the advantage of displaying a canonical copy of the affine plane over the three-element field inside this complex in terms of which the entire complex has a very neat and short description. This explicates the full automorphism group of the Kuhnel complex as a subgroup of the automorphism group of this affine plane. Our method also brings out the rich combinatorial structure inside this complex.


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We consider the following question: Let S (1) and S (2) be two smooth, totally-real surfaces in C-2 that contain the origin. If the union of their tangent planes is locally polynomially convex at the origin, then is S-1 boolean OR S-2 locally polynomially convex at the origin? If T (0) S (1) a (c) T (0) S (2) = {0}, then it is a folk result that the answer is yes. We discuss an obstruction to the presumed proof, and provide a different approach. When dim(R)(T0S1 boolean AND T0S2) = 1, we present a geometric condition under which no consistent answer to the above question exists. We then discuss conditions under which we can expect local polynomial convexity.


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This paper(1) presents novel algorithms and applications for a particular class of mixed-norm regularization based Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) formulations. The formulations assume that the given kernels are grouped and employ l(1) norm regularization for promoting sparsity within RKHS norms of each group and l(s), s >= 2 norm regularization for promoting non-sparse combinations across groups. Various sparsity levels in combining the kernels can be achieved by varying the grouping of kernels-hence we name the formulations as Variable Sparsity Kernel Learning (VSKL) formulations. While previous attempts have a non-convex formulation, here we present a convex formulation which admits efficient Mirror-Descent (MD) based solving techniques. The proposed MD based algorithm optimizes over product of simplices and has a computational complexity of O (m(2)n(tot) log n(max)/epsilon(2)) where m is no. training data points, n(max), n(tot) are the maximum no. kernels in any group, total no. kernels respectively and epsilon is the error in approximating the objective. A detailed proof of convergence of the algorithm is also presented. Experimental results show that the VSKL formulations are well-suited for multi-modal learning tasks like object categorization. Results also show that the MD based algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art MKL solvers in terms of computational efficiency.


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We present a simplified and quantitative analysis of the Seebeck coefficient in degenerate bulk and quantum well materials whose conduction band electrons obey Kane's non-parabolic energy dispersion relation. We use k.p formalism to include the effect of the overlap function due to the band non-parabolicity in the Seebeck coefficient. We also address the key issues and the conditions in which the Seebeck coefficient in quantum wells should exhibit oscillatory dependency with the film thickness under the acoustic phonon and ionized impurity scattering. The effect of screening length in degenerate bulk and quantum wells has also been generalized for the determination of ionization scattering. The well-known expressions of the Seebeck coefficient in non-degenerate wide band gap materials for both bulk and quantum wells has been obtained as a special case and this provides an indirect proof of our generalized theoretical analysis.


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Interactive visualization applications benefit from simplification techniques that generate good-quality coarse meshes from high-resolution meshes that represent the domain. These meshes often contain interesting substructures, called embedded structures, and it is desirable to preserve the topology of the embedded structures during simplification, in addition to preserving the topology of the domain. This paper describes a proof that link conditions, proposed earlier, are sufficient to ensure that edge contractions preserve the topology of the embedded structures and the domain. Excluding two specific configurations, the link conditions are also shown to be necessary for topology preservation. Repeated application of edge contraction on an extended complex produces a coarser representation of the domain and the embedded structures. An extension of the quadric error metric is used to schedule edge contractions, resulting in a good-quality coarse mesh that closely approximates the input domain and the embedded structures.


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A claw is an induced subgraph isomorphic to K-1,K-3. The claw-point is the point of degree 3 in a claw. A graph is called p-claw-free when no p-cycle has a claw-point on it. It is proved that for p greater than or equal to 4, p-claw-free graphs containing at least one chordless p-cycle are edge reconstructible. It is also proved that chordal graphs are edge reconstructible. These two results together imply the edge reconstructibility of claw-free graphs. A simple proof of vertex reconstructibility of P-4-reducible graphs is also presented. (C) 1995 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


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For d >= 2, Walkup's class K (d) consists of the d-dimensional simplicial complexes all whose vertex-links are stacked (d - 1)-spheres. Kalai showed that for d >= 4, all connected members of K (d) are obtained from stacked d-spheres by finitely many elementary handle additions. According to a result of Walkup, the face vector of any triangulated 4-manifold X with Euler characteristic chi satisfies f(1) >= 5f(0) - 15/2 chi, with equality only for X is an element of K(4). Kuhnel observed that this implies f(0)(f(0) - 11) >= -15 chi, with equality only for 2-neighborly members of K(4). Kuhnel also asked if there is a triangulated 4-manifold with f(0) = 15, chi = -4 (attaining equality in his lower bound). In this paper, guided by Kalai's theorem, we show that indeed there is such a triangulation. It triangulates the connected sum of three copies of the twisted sphere product S-3 (sic) S-1. Because of Kuhnel's inequality, the given triangulation of this manifold is a vertex-minimal triangulation. By a recent result of Effenberger, the triangulation constructed here is tight. Apart from the neighborly 2-manifolds and the infinite family of (2d + 3)-vertex sphere products Sd-1 X S-1 (twisted for d odd), only fourteen tight triangulated manifolds were known so far. The present construction yields a new member of this sporadic family. We also present a self-contained proof of Kalai's result. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the classical problem of homogenization of elliptic operators in arbitrary domains with periodically oscillating coefficients is considered. Using Bloch wave decomposition, a new proof of convergence is furnished. It sheds new light and offers an alternate way to view the classical results. In a natural way, this method leads us to work in the Fourier space and thus in a framework dual to the one used by L. Tartar [Problemes d'Homogeneisation dans les Equations aux: Derivees Partielles, Cours Peccot au College de Prance, 1977] in his method of homogenization. Further, this technique offers a nontraditional way of calculating the homogenized coefficients which is easy to implement in the computer.


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Let K be any quadratic field with O-K its ring of integers. We study the solutions of cubic equations, which represent elliptic curves defined over Q, in quadratic fields and prove some interesting results regarding the solutions by using elementary tools. As an application we consider the Diophantine equation r + s + t = rst = 1 in O-K. This Diophantine equation gives an elliptic curve defined over Q with finite Mordell-Weil group. Using our study of the solutions of cubic equations in quadratic fields we present a simple proof of the fact that except for the ring of integers of Q(i) and Q(root 2), this Diophantine equation is not solvable in the ring of integers of any other quadratic fields, which is already proved in [4].


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We consider the problem of compression via homomorphic encoding of a source having a group alphabet. This is motivated by the problem of distributed function computation, where it is known that if one is only interested in computing a function of several sources, then one can at times improve upon the compression rate required by the Slepian-Wolf bound. The functions of interest are those which could be represented by the binary operation in the group. We first consider the case when the source alphabet is the cyclic Abelian group, Zpr. In this scenario, we show that the set of achievable rates provided by Krithivasan and Pradhan [1], is indeed the best possible. In addition to that, we provide a simpler proof of their achievability result. In the case of a general Abelian group, an improved achievable rate region is presented than what was obtained by Krithivasan and Pradhan. We then consider the case when the source alphabet is a non-Abelian group. We show that if all the source symbols have non-zero probability and the center of the group is trivial, then it is impossible to compress such a source if one employs a homomorphic encoder. Finally, we present certain non-homomorphic encoders, which also are suitable in the context of function computation over non-Abelian group sources and provide rate regions achieved by these encoders.


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We give a detailed construction of a finite-state transition system for a com-connected Message Sequence Graph. Though this result is well-known in the literature and forms the basis for the solution to several analysis and verification problems concerning MSG specifications, the constructions given in the literature are either not amenable to implementation, or imprecise, or simply incorrect. In contrast we give a detailed construction along with a proof of its correctness. Our transition system is amenable to implementation, and can also be used for a bounded analysis of general (not necessarily com-connected) MSG specifications.


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The least path criterion or least path length in the context of redundant basis vector systems is discussed and a mathematical proof is presented of the uniqueness of indices obtained by applying the least path criterion. Though the method has greater generality, this paper concentrates on the two-dimensional decagonal lattice. The order of redundancy is also discussed; this will help eventually to correlate with other redundant but desirable indexing sets.


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Consider a sequence of closed, orientable surfaces of fixed genus g in a Riemannian manifold M with uniform upper bounds on the norm of mean curvature and area. We show that on passing to a subsequence, we can choose parametrisations of the surfaces by inclusion maps from a fixed surface of the same genus so that the distance functions corresponding to the pullback metrics converge to a pseudo-metric and the inclusion maps converge to a Lipschitz map. We show further that the limiting pseudo-metric has fractal dimension two. As a corollary, we obtain a purely geometric result. Namely, we show that bounds on the mean curvature, area and genus of a surface F subset of M, together with bounds on the geometry of M, give an upper bound on the diameter of F. Our proof is modelled on Gromov's compactness theorem for J-holomorphic curves.