384 resultados para optical glass


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The present study discusses the photosensitivity of GeS2 chalcogenide glass in response to irradiation with femtosecond pulses at 1047 nm. Bulk GeS2 glasses are prepared by conventional melt quenching technique and the amorphous nature of the glass is confirmed using X-ray diffraction. Ultrafast laser inscription technique is used to fabricate the straight channel waveguides in the glass. Single scan and multi scan waveguides are inscribed in GeS2 glasses of length 0.65 cm using a master oscillator power amplifier Yb doped fiber laser (IMRA mu jewel D400) with different pulse energy and translation speed. Diameters of the inscribed waveguides are measured and its dependence on the inscription parameters such as translation speed and pulse energy is studied. Butt coupling method is used to characterize the loss measurement of the inscribed optical waveguides. The mode field image of the waveguides is captured using CCD camera and compared with the mode field image of a standard SMF-28 fibers.


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We report the implementation of a micro-patterned, glass-based photonic sensing element that is capable of label-free biosensing. The diffractive optical analyzer is based on the differential response of diffracted orders to bulk as well as surface refractive index changes. The differential read-out suppresses signal drifts and enables time-resolved determination of refractive index changes in the sample cell. A remarkable feature of this device is that under appropriate conditions, the measurement sensitivity of the sensor can be enhanced by more than two orders of magnitude due to interference between multiply reflected diffracted orders. A noise-equivalent limit of detection (LoD) of 6 x 10(-7) was achieved with this technique with scope for further improvement.


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The influence of substitution of Bi atom instead of S atoms on the structural and optical properties of thin films of As40S60 are reported. The density is found to be increased with the addition Bi heavy metal into As2S3. The amorphous to polycrystalline structure of the bulk sample is observed for Bi more than 7%. The glass transition temperature is found to be decreased with addition of Bi. The absorption edge shifts to shorter wavelength, thereby decreasing optical band gap of BixAs(40)S(60-x) (x= 0,2 and 4% here) film. The optical parameter change is discussed from the stand point of chemical bonds formed in the films and related to the defect states produced due to incorporation of Bi atoms in place of chalcogenide S atoms.


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supporting unsteady heat flow with its ambient-humidity; invokes phase transformation of water-vapour molecule and synthesize a `moving optical-mark' at sample-ambient-interface. Under tailored condition, optical-mark exhibits a characteristic macro-scale translatory motion governed by thermal diffusivity of solid. For various step-temperature inputs via cooling, position-dependent velocities of moving optical-mark are measured at a fixed distance. A new approach is proposed. `Product of velocity of optical-mark and distance' versus `non-dimensional velocity' is plotted. The slope reveals thermal diffusivity of solid at ambient-temperature; preliminary results obtained for Quartz-glass is closely matching with literature. (C) 2016 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


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A novel test of recent theories of the origin of optical activity has been designed based on the inclusion of certain alkyl 2-methylhexanoates into urea channels.


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Uniaxial compression experiments on 0.3, 1 and 3 mu m diameter micropillars of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass in as-cast, shot-peened and structurally relaxed conditions were conducted. Shear band formation and stable propagation is observed to be the plastic deformation mode in all cases, with no detectable difference in yield strength according to either size or condition. The limitations of uniaxial compression tests in assessing the influence of various material conditions on plasticity, when it is inhomogeneous in nature, are illustrated.


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An interesting, periodic appearance of a new peak has been observed in the reflected spectrum of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) inscribed in a germanosilicate fiber during thermal treatment. The new peak occurs on the longer wavelength side of the spectrum during heating and on the shorter wavelength side during cooling, following an identical reverse dynamics. Comparison with a commercial grating with 99.9% reflectivity shows a similar decay dynamics. It is proposed that the distortion due to simultaneous erasure and thermal expansion of the index modulation profile may be responsible for the observed anomaly. The reported results help us in understanding the thermal behavior of FBGs and provide additional insights into the mechanisms responsible for the photosensitivity in germanosilicate fibers.


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In this paper, we study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity to mobility ratio (DMR) in n-channel inversion layers of non-linear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion relation by considering their special properties within the frame work of k.p formalism. The results for the n-channel inversion layers of III-V, ternary and quaternary materials form a special case of our generalized analysis. The DMR for n-channel inversion layers of II-VI, IV-VI and stressed materials has been investigated by formulating the respective 2D electron dispersion laws. It has been found, taking n-channel inversion layers of CdGeAs2, Cd(3)AS(2), InAs, InSb, Hg1-xCdxTe, In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP, CdS, PbTe, PbSnTe, Pb1-xSnxSe and stressed InSb as examples, that the DMR increases with the increasing surface electric field with different numerical values and the nature of the variations are totally band structure dependent. The well-known expression of the DMR for wide gap materials has been obtained as a special case under certain limiting conditions and this compatibility is an indirect test for our generalized formalism. Besides, an experimental method of determining the 2D DMR for n-channel inversion layers having arbitrary dispersion laws has been suggested.


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Four Cu bearing alloys of nominal composition Zr25Ti25Cu50, Zr34Ti16Cu50, Zr25Hf25Cu50 and Ti25Hf25Cu50 have been rapidly solidified in order to produce ribbons. All the alloys become amorphous after meltspinning. In the Zr34Ti16Cu50 alloy localized precipitation of cF24 Cu5Zr phase can be observed in the amorphous matrix. The alloys show a tendency of phase separation at the initial stages of crystallization. The difference in crystallization behavior of these alloys with Ni bearing ternary alloys can be explained by atomic size, binary heat of mixing and Mendeleev number. It has been observed that both Laves and Anti-Laves phase forming compositions are suitable for glass formation. The structures of the phases, precipitated during rapid solidification and crystallization can be viewed in terms of Bernal deltahedra and Frank-Kasper polyhedra.


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One-quarter of the total primary production on earth is contributed by diatoms1. These are photosynthetic, unicellular algae with ornamented silica shells found in all aquatic and moist environments. They form the base of energy-efficient food webs that support all aquatic life forms. More than 250 genera of living diatoms, with as many as 100,000 species are known2. Fossil diatoms are known as early as the Cretaceous, 144–65 m.y. ago3. In India, deposits of diatoms occur in Rajasthan and are known as ‘multani mitti’. Multani mitti or Indian Fuller’s earth or diatomaceous earth as it is called in the West, is applied as a paste on the surface of the skin for 15–20 min and then washed-off. This leaves the skin feeling smooth, soft, moist and rejuvenated. Diatomaceous earth is now being used in the formulation of soaps, cleansing products, face powders and skincare preparations. Diatomaceous earth is a mineral material consisting mainly of siliceous fragments of various species of fossilized remains of diatoms.


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A defect-selective photothermal imaging system for the diagnostics of optical coatings is demonstrated. The instrument has been optimized for pump and probe parameters, detector performance, and signal processing algorithm. The imager is capable of mapping purely optical or thermal defects efficiently in coatings of low damage threshold and low absorbance. Detailed mapping of minor inhomogeneities at low pump power has been achieved through the simultaneous action of a low-noise fiber optic photothermal beam defection sensor and a common-mode-rejection demodulation (CMRD) technique. The linearity and sensitivity of the sensor have been examined theoretically and experimentally, and the signal to noise ratio improvement factor is found to be about 110 compared to a conventional bicell photodiode. The scanner is so designed that mapping of static or shock sensitive samples is possible. In the case of a sample with absolute absorptance of 3.8 x 10(-4), a change in absorptance of about 0.005 x 10(-4) has been detected without ambiguity, ensuring a contrast parameter of 760. This is about 1085% improvement over the conventional approach containing a bicell photodiode, at the same pump power. The merits of the system have been demonstrated by mapping two intentionally created damage sites in a MgF2 coating on fused silica at different excitation powers. Amplitude and phase maps were recorded for thermally thin and thick cases, and the results are compared to demonstrate a case which, in conventional imaging, would lead to a deceptive conclusion regarding the type and location of the damage. Also, a residual damage profile created by long term irradiation with high pump power density has been depicted.


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Amorphous carbon-sulfur (a-C:S) composite films were prepared by vapor phase pyrolysis technique. The structural changes in the a-C:S films were investigated by electron microscopy. A powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) study depicts the two-phase nature of a sulfur-incorporated a-C system. The optical bandgap energy shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the sulfur content and preparation temperature. This infers a sulfur incorporation and pyrolysis temperature induced reduction in structural disorder or increase in sp (2) or pi-sites. The presence of sulfur (S 2p) in the a-C:S sample is analyzed by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The sp (3)/sp (2) hybridization ratio is determined by using the XPS C 1s peak fitting, and the results confirm an increase in sp (2) hybrids with sulfur addition to a-C. The electrical resistivity variation in the films depends on both the sulfur concentration and the pyrolysis temperature.


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The glass transition, whereby liquids transform into amorphous solids at low temperatures, is a subject of intense research despite decades of investigation. Explaining the enormous increase in relaxation times of a liquid upon supercooling is essential for understanding the glass transition. Although many theories, such as the Adam-Gibbs theory, have sought to relate growing relaxation times to length scales associated with spatial correlations in liquid structure or motion of molecules, the role of length scales in glassy dynamics is not well established. Recent studies of spatially correlated rearrangements of molecules leading to structural relaxation, termed ``spatially heterogeneous dynamics,'' provide fresh impetus in this direction. A powerful approach to extract length scales in critical phenomena is finite-size scaling, wherein a system is studied for sizes traversing the length scales of interest. We perform finite-size scaling for a realistic glass-former, using computer simulations, to evaluate the length scale associated with spatially heterogeneous dynamics, which grows as temperature decreases. However, relaxation times that also grow with decreasing temperature do not exhibit standard finite-size scaling with this length. We show that relaxation times are instead determined, for all studied system sizes and temperatures, by configurational entropy, in accordance with the Adam-Gibbs relation, but in disagreement with theoretical expectations based on spin-glass models that configurational entropy is not relevant at temperatures substantially above the critical temperature of mode-coupling theory. Our results provide new insights into the dynamics of glass-forming liquids and pose serious challenges to existing theoretical descriptions.


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The rectangular dielectric waveguide is the most commonly used structure in integrated optics, especially in semi-conductor diode lasers. Demands for new applications such as high-speed data backplanes in integrated electronics, waveguide filters, optical multiplexers and optical switches are driving technology toward better materials and processing techniques for planar waveguide structures. The infinite slab and circular waveguides that we know are not practical for use on a substrate because the slab waveguide has no lateral confinement and the circular fiber is not compatible with the planar processing technology being used to make planar structures. The rectangular waveguide is the natural structure. In this review, we have discussed several analytical methods for analyzing the mode structure of rectangular structures, beginning with a wave analysis based on the pioneering work of Marcatili. We study three basic techniques with examples to compare their performance levels. These are the analytical approach developed by Marcatili, the perturbation techniques, which improve on the analytical solutions and the effective index method with examples.


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Bread staling is a very complex phenomenon that is not yet completely understood. The present work explains how the electrical impedance spectroscopy technique can be utilized to investigate the effect of staling on the physicochemical properties of wheat bread during storage. An instrument based on electrical impedance spectroscopy technique is developed to study the electrical properties of wheat bread both at its crumb and crust with the help of designed multi-channel ring electrodes. Electrical impedance behavior, mainly capacitance and resistance, of wheat bread at crust and crumb during storage (up to 120 h) is investigated. The variation in capacitance showed the glass transition phenomenon at room temperature in bread crust after 96 h of storage with 18% of moisture in it. The resistance changes at bread crumb showed the starch recrystallization during staling.