134 resultados para neuro-immune-modulation


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For high performance aircrafts, the flight control system needs to be quite effective in both assuring accurate tracking of pilot commands, while simultaneously assuring overall stability of the aircraft. In addition, the control system must also be sufficiently robust to cater to possible parameter variations. The primary aim of this paper is to enhance the robustness of the controller for a HPA using neuro-adaptive control design. Here the architecture employs a network of Gaussian Radial basis functions to adaptively compensate for the ignored system dynamics. A stable weight mechanism is determined using Lyapunov theory. The network construction and performance of the resulting controller are illustrated through simulations with a low-fidelity six –DOF model of F16 that is available in open literature.


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Based on dynamic inversion, a relatively straightforward approach is presented in this paper for nonlinear flight control design of high performance aircrafts, which does not require the normal and lateral acceleration commands to be first transferred to body rates before computing the required control inputs. This leads to substantial improvement of the tracking response. Promising results are obtained from six degree-offreedom simulation studies of F-16 aircraft, which are found to be superior as compared to an existing approach (which is also based on dynamic inversion). The new approach has two potential benefits, namely reduced oscillatory response (including elimination of non-minimum phase behavior) and reduced control magnitude. Next, a model-following neuron-adaptive design is augmented the nominal design in order to assure robust performance in the presence of parameter inaccuracies in the model. Note that in the approach the model update takes place adaptively online and hence it is philosophically similar to indirect adaptive control. However, unlike a typical indirect adaptive control approach, there is no need to update the individual parameters explicitly. Instead the inaccuracy in the system output dynamics is captured directly and then used in modifying the control. This leads to faster adaptation, which helps in stabilizing the unstable plant quicker. The robustness study from a large number of simulations shows that the adaptive design has good amount of robustness with respect to the expected parameter inaccuracies in the model.


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Signaling mechanisms involving protein tyrosine phosphatases govern several cellular and developmental processes. These enzymes are regulated by several mechanisms which include variation in the catalytic turnover rate based on redox stimuli, subcellular localization or protein-protein interactions. In the case of Receptor Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases (RPTPs) containing two PTP domains, phosphatase activity is localized in their membrane-proximal (D1) domains, while the membrane-distal (D2) domain is believed to play a modulatory role. Here we report our analysis of the influence of the D2 domain on the catalytic activity and substrate specificity of the D1 domain using two Drosophila melanogaster RPTPs as a model system. Biochemical studies reveal contrasting roles for the D2 domain of Drosophila Leukocyte antigen Related (DLAR) and Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase on Drosophila chromosome band 99A (PTP99A). While D2 lowers the catalytic activity of the D1 domain in DLAR, the D2 domain of PTP99A leads to an increase in the catalytic activity of its D1 domain. Substrate specificity, on the other hand, is cumulative, whereby the individual specificities of the D1 and D2 domains contribute to the substrate specificity of these two-domain enzymes. Molecular dynamics simulations on structural models of DLAR and PTP99A reveal a conformational rationale for the experimental observations. These studies reveal that concerted structural changes mediate inter-domain communication resulting in either inhibitory or activating effects of the membrane distal PTP domain on the catalytic activity of the membrane proximal PTP domain.


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A simplified energy‐level scheme is proposed for the photochemical cycle of the bacteriorhodopsin molecule. Rate equations are solved for the detailed light‐induced processes based on this model and the intensity‐induced population densities in various states of the molecule at steady state are computed which are used to obtain an analytic expression for the absorption coefficient of the modulation beam. Modulation of the probe laser‐beam transmission by the modulation‐laser‐beam intensity‐induced population changes is analyzed. It is predicted that for a probe beam at 412 nm up to 82% modulation can be achieved using a laser beam intensity of 3.2 W/cm2 at 570 nm. For temperatures ∼77 K, the transmission at 610 nm can be switched from zero to 81% for modulating laser intensity of 11 W/cm2. Construction of a spatial light modulator based on bacteriorhodopsin molecules is proposed and some of its features are discussed.


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Modulation-doped two-dimensional hole gas structures consisting of a strained germanium channel on relaxed Ge0.7Si0.3 buffer layers were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy. Sample processing was optimized to substantially reduce the contribution from the parasitic conducting layers. Very high hall mobilities of 1700 cm2/V s for holes were observed at 295 K which are the highest reported to date for any kind of p-type silicon-based heterostructures. Hall measurements were carried out from 13 to 300 K to determine the temperature dependence of the mobility and carrier concentration. The carrier concentration at room temperature was 7.9×1011 cm−2 and decreased by only 26% at 13 K, indicating very little parallel conduction. The high-temperature mobility obeys a T−α behavior with α∼2, which can be attributed to intraband optical phonon scattering.


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Introduction: Extensive studies have gone into understanding the differential role of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system in the context of various diseases. Receptor-ligand interactions are responsible for mediating cross-talk between the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, so as to effectively counter the pathogenic challenge. While TLRs remain the best studied innate immune receptor, many other receptor families are now coming to the fore for their role in various pathologies. Research has focused on the discovery of novel agonists and antagonists for these receptors as potential therapeutics. Areas covered: In this review, we present an overview of the recent advances in the discovery of drugs targeting important receptors such as G-protein coupled receptors, TRAIL-R, IL-1 beta receptor, PPARs, etc. All these receptors play a critical role in the modulation of the immune response. We focus on the recent paradigms applied for the generation of specific and effective therapeutics for these receptors and their status in clinical trials. Expert opinion: Non-specific activation by antagonist/agonist is a difficult problem to dodge. This demands innovation in ligand designing with the use of strategies such as allosterism and dual-specific ligands. Rigorous preclinical and clinical studies are required in transforming a compound to a therapeutic.


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In this paper, we give a brief review of pattern classification algorithms based on discriminant analysis. We then apply these algorithms to classify movement direction based on multivariate local field potentials recorded from a microelectrode array in the primary motor cortex of a monkey performing a reaching task. We obtain prediction accuracies between 55% and 90% using different methods which are significantly above the chance level of 12.5%.


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In this paper, we address the design of codes which achieve modulation diversity in block fading single-input single-output (SISO) channels with signal quantization at the receiver. With an unquantized receiver, coding based on algebraic rotations is known to achieve maximum modulation coding diversity. On the other hand, with a quantized receiver, algebraic rotations may not guarantee gains in diversity. Through analysis, we propose specific rotations which result in the codewords having equidistant component-wise projections. We show that the proposed coding scheme achieves maximum modulation diversity with a low-complexity minimum distance decoder and perfect channel knowledge. Relaxing the perfect channel knowledge assumption we propose a novel channel training/estimation technique to estimate the channel. We show that our coding/training/estimation scheme and minimum distance decoding achieves an error probability performance similar to that achieved with perfect channel knowledge.


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Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is an enduring health problem worldwide and the emerging threat of multidrug resistant (MDR) TB and extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB is of particular concern. A better understanding of biomarkers associated with TB will aid to guide the development of better targets for TB diagnosis and for the development of improved TB vaccines. Methods: Recombinant proteins (n = 7) and peptide pools (n = 14) from M. tuberculosis (M.tb) antigens associated with M.tb pathogenicity, modification of cell lipids or cellular metabolism, were used to compare T cell immune responses defined by IFN-gamma production using a whole blood assay (WBA) from i) patients with TB, ii) individuals recovered from TB and iii) individuals exposed to TB without evidence of clinical TB infection from Minsk, Belarus. Results: We identified differences in M.tb target peptide recognition between the test groups, i.e. a frequent recognition of antigens associated with lipid metabolism, e.g. cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase. The pattern of peptide recognition was broader in blood from healthy individuals and those recovered from TB as compared to individuals suffering from pulmonary TB. Detection of biologically relevant M.tb targets was confirmed by staining for intracellular cytokines (IL-2, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma) in T cells from non-human primates (NHPs) after BCG vaccination. Conclusions: PBMCs from healthy individuals and those recovered from TB recognized a broader spectrum of M.tb antigens as compared to patients with TB. The nature of the pattern recognition of a broad panel of M.tb antigens will devise better strategies to identify improved diagnostics gauging previous exposure to M.tb; it may also guide the development of improved TB-vaccines.


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We report two antibodies, scFv 13B1 and MAb PD1.37, against the hinge regions of LHR and TSHR, respectively, which have similar epitopes but different effects on receptor function. While neither of them affected hormone binding, with marginal effects on hormone response, scFv 13B1 stimulated LHR in a dose-dependent manner, whereas MAb PD1.37 acted as an inverse agonist of TSHR. Moreover, PD1.37 could decrease the basal activity of hinge region CAMs, but had varied effects on those present in ECLs, whereas 13B1 was refractory to any CAMs in LHR. Using truncation mutants and peptide phage display, we compared the differential roles of the hinge region cysteine box-2/3 as well as the exoloops in the activation of these two homologus receptors. (C) 2012 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photoluminescence study of Fermi-edge singularity (FES) in modulation-doped pseudomorphic AlxGa1-xAs/InyGa1-yAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) heterostructures is presented. In the above QW structures the optical transitions between n = 1 and n = 2 electronic subband to the n = 1 heavy hole subband (E-11 and E-21 transitions, respectively) are observed with FES appearing as a lower energy shoulder to the E-21 transition. The observed FES is attributed to the Fermi wave vector in the first electronic subband under the conditions of population of the second electronic subband. The FES appears at about 10 meV below E-21 transition around 4.2 K. Initially it gets stronger with increasing temperature and becomes a distinct peak at about 20 K. Further increase in temperature quenches FES and reaches the base line at around 40 K.


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We fabricated a reflectance based sensor which relies on the diffraction pattern generated from a bio-microarray where an underlying thin film structure enhances the diffracted intensity from molecular layers. The zero order diffraction represents the background signal and the higher orders represent the phase difference between the array elements and the background. By taking the differential ratio of the first and zero order diffraction signals we get a quantitative measure of molecular binding while simultaneously rejecting common mode fluctuations. We improved the signal-to-noise ratio by an order of magnitude with this ratiometric approach compared to conventional single channel detection. In addition, we use a lithography based approach for fabricating microarrays which results in spot sizes as small as 5 micron diameter unlike the 100 micron spots from inkjet printing and is therefore capable of a high degree of multiplexing. We will describe the real-time measurement of adsorption of charged polymers and bulk refractometry using this technique. The lack of moving parts for point scanning of the microarray and the differential ratiometric measurements using diffracted orders from the same probe beam allows us to make real-time measurements in spite of noise arising from thermal or mechanical fluctuations in the fluid sample above the sensor surface. Further, the lack of moving parts leads to considerable simplification in the readout hardware permitting the use of this technique in compact point of care sensors.


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We present a critical investigation on the structural, magnetic, and magnetotransport properties of two sets of polycrystalline SrRuO3 samples with uniquely defined ferromagnetic transition temperatures. The ac magnetic susceptibility study exhibits the remarkable memory effect, a distinct characteristic of glassy behavior, at low temperatures. The transport study suggests a crossover from Fermi-liquid to non-Fermi-liquid behavior. Most strikingly, the temperature-dependent magnetoresistance exhibits two distinct dips (one around ferromagnetic ordering temperature and the other around 50 K), resembling a double-well potential in appearance. In addition, the temperature-dependent coercive field shows a plateau around 50 K. An attempt has been made to employ neutron diffraction to understand the genesis of such unusual low-temperature magnetic features. From the neutron-diffraction study, we find the evidence for changes in the unit-cell lattice parameters around 60 K and, thus, believe that the low-temperature anomalous magnetic response is closely intertwined to lattice-parameter change.