256 resultados para native copper


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The hydrolysis of cupric ion has been studied at various ionic strengths (0·01, 0·05, 0·1 and 0·5 M). The results are analyzed employing 'core + links' theory, log-log plot, normalization plot, and extrapolation method for obtaining the pure mononuclear curve. The stability constants of Cu2(OH)2++, Cu3(OH)4++, Cu(OH)+ and Cu(OH)2 have been reported.


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ESR investigations on dilute single crystals of dibarium copper formate tetrahydrate, at room temperature and 90° K. have been described. A general method used for the evaluation of theg-tensor in this triclinic crystal, which contains only one ion in the unit cell, has been discussed. A detailed account of the evaluation of the quadrupole interaction is given. Expressions for the positions of the hyperfine levels of the lowest Kramer’s doublet of the Cu++ ion in the magnetic field have been worked out for the case when B and Q are of similar magnitude.


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Using an iterative technique to obtain the exact solutions of the cubic Christoffel equation, the 21 elastic constants of copper sulphate pentahydrate have been determined at 25°C by the ultrasonic pulse echo method. The elastic constants, referred to the IRE recommended system of axes, are c11=5·65, c12=2·65, c13=3·21, c14=−0·33, c15=−0·08, c16=−0·39, c22=4·33, c23=3·47, c24=−0·07, c25=−0·21, c26=0·02, c33=5·69, c34=−0·44, c35=−0·21, c36=−0·16, c44=1·73, c45=0·09, c46=0·03, c55=1·22, c56=−0·26 and c66=1·00 in units of 1010 N m−2.


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ESR investigations at X band and optical-absorption measurements have been reported in single crystals of copper (n) diethyldithiocarbamate Cu[S 2CN(C2H5)2]2 diluted to 0.2% with the corresponding zinc complex. The measurements have been made both at room and liquid-oxygen temperatures. ESR measurements gave the following values for the parameters in spin Hamiltonian g11=2.1085, g=2.023(6), A63= 142.4×10-4 cm-1, A65 = 152.0×10-4 cm-1, B = 22.4×10-4 cm-1, Q~3×10-4 cm-1. Polarized optical absorption study has made possible a proper assignment of the absorption bands to their corresponding transitions. This has led to information regarding the ordering of the MO levels of the complex. The coefficients used in the MO description of the complex have been calculated from the observed parameters. The results show that the metal ligand BIσ bond is purely covalent and that the out-of-plane w bonding is appreciably covalent whereas the in-plane Π bonding is ionic. Further, it is noted that the metal ligand binding is more covalent with sulfur as ligand than with oxygen or nitrogen.


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Potentiometric, spectrophotometric and polarographic evidence has been presented for the formation of mixed hydroxy complexes in coppermonoethanolamine system. A method has been developed for the analysis of Bjerrum formation curves taken in presence of 0·1, 0·2, 0·5 and 1·0 M monoethanolammonium ion with respect to hydroxy complexes. The formation of CuAOH+, CuA2OH+ and CuA3OH+ is shown and the corresponding stability constants are calculated at different concentrations of MEA ion. Curves showing the distribution of pure and hydroxy complexes at various pA values in solutions containing different concentrations of MEA ion have also been given.


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Nanostructured copper(II) oxide film was deposited using reactive DC magnetron sputtering. It has been characterized using XRD, EDAX, XPS, and FESEM. The grain size of copper oxide film was found to be 40-65 nm with size distribution. The entire study was divided into two parts. In the first part, the film has been studied for its response to alcohol at different temperatures to find the optimum sensing temperature, whereas in the second part, the film sensitivity to different alcohol concentrations were studied at fixed optimum operating temperature. The optimum temperature for the response of ethanol was observed to be 400 C,and the response for different concentrations was found to be almost linear.


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QUITE OFTEN, metal ions profoundly affect the condensation of carbonyl compounds with primary amines to form Schiff bases as well as their subsequent reactions[I-4]. Condensation of benzaldehyde with o-phenylenediamine (opd) in glacial acetic acid[5] or in absolute alcohol[6] gives benzimidazole derivative, 1-benzyl-2-phenylbenzimidazole (bpbi). In this reaction, the Schiff base N,N'-dibenzylidene-o-phenylenedianfme (dbpd) has been postulated as an intermediate, which cyclises to give bpbi. It was found that the reaction of opd in presence of copperO1) perchlorate with benzaldehyde gave dbpd complex of copper(l) perchlorate instead of bpbi.


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Spectrophotometric and potentiometric investigations have been carried out on copper-monoethanolamine complexes. Job plots at 920, 760 and 620 mµ have indicated the formation of CuA++, CuA2/++ and CuA3 ++. The$$\bar n - pA$$ curves have been obtained by a slight modification of the method of corresponding solutions and by pH measurements. The$$\bar n$$ vs. pA curves obtained at different metal concentrations coincide indicating the formation of mononuclear complexes. Experiments conducted with 0·1. 0·2, 0·5 and 1·0 M monoethanolammonium ion indicate the formation of mononuclear hydroxy complexes above pH 6. The nature of E m vs pA curves is closely analogous to that of$$\bar n$$ vs. pA curves. Absorption spectra taken at pH 9·8 with different amounts of monoethanolamine has given evidence for the formation of (CuA3OH·A)+.$$\bar n - pA$$ curves have been analyzed and the values ofβ 1, 1,β 1, 2 andβ 1, 3 have been obtained. Curves showing the distribution of complexes and the absorption curves of the individual complexes (CuA++, CuA2/++, and CuA3/++) have been calculated.


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The crystal structure of copper ammonium oxalate dihydrate (space group P1̃) has been derived from a refinement of the two-dimensional (hk0) and (0kl) x-ray data using the atomic coordinateis of the isomorphous salt CuK 2(C2O4)2.2H2O as the starting point of the analysis. In contrast to the chromium complexes of oxalic acid the C-C bonds in both the two nonequivalent oxalate ions in the unit cell are single bonds (1.58 and 1.61 Å) consistent with the conclusion of Jeffrey and Parry that the carboxyl groups of the oxalate ion are separated by a pure a bond with little or no π conjugation across the molecule. Both the oxalate ions are slightly nonplanar. The copper ions occupy the special positions (0, 0, 0) and 0, 1/2, 0) and their coordination is of the distorted octahedral type with four nearest oxygen neighbors ( ≃ 2 Å) at the corners of a square and two more distant atoms along the octahedral bond direction. The environment of the NH4+ ions consists of eight nearest oxygen atoms at a mean distance of 3 Å.


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Low-temperature plastic flow in copper was investigated by studying its tensile and creep deformation characteristics. The dependence of the flow stress on temperature and strain rate was used to evaluate the thermal activation energy while the activation area was derived from the change-in-stress creep experiments. A value of 0.6 eV was obtained for the total obstacle energy both in electrolytic and commerical copper. The activation areas in copper of three selected purities fell in the range 1200 to 100 b2. A forest intersection mechanism seems to control the temperature dependent part of the flow stress. The increase in the athermal component of the flow stress with impurity content in copper is attributed to a change in the dislocation density. The investigation also revealed that thermal activation of some attractive junctions also takes place during low-temperature creep. The model of attractive junction formation on a stress decrement during creep, yields a value of 45±10 ergs cm-2 for the stacking fault energy in copper.


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Isonitroso derivatives of copper(II) and nickel(II) complexes of N,N′-ethylenebis(acetylacetoneimine) have been prepared by nitrosation of the respective complexes using nitric oxide as well as nitrite ion. The condensation of isonitrosoacetylacetone in the presence and in the absence of nickel(II) has been investigated. The i.r. and electronic spectra and magnetic moment of the nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes have been studied. The nature of bonding of the ligand to the metal ion is discussed. The complexes have planar structures.