100 resultados para linear and nonlinear systems identification


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ErBa2Cu3O7 and Er0.5Y0.5Ba2Cu3O7 are both high-Tc superconductors attaining zero resistance above 80 K. Preliminary studies indicate that Yb1−xYxBa2Cu3O7 also exhibits zero resistance above 77 K.


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This paper recasts the multiple data path assignment problem solved by Torng and Wilhelm by the dynamic programming method [1] into a minimal covering problem following a switching theoretic approach. The concept of bus compatibility for the data transfers is used to obtain the various ways of interconnecting the circuit modules with the minimum number of buses that allow concurrent data transfers. These have been called the feasible solutions of the problem. The minimal cost solutions are obtained by assigning weights to the bus-compatible sets present in the feasible solutions. Minimization of the cost of the solution by increasing the number of buses is also discussed.


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This paper recasts the multiple data path assignment problem solved by Torng and Wilhelm by the dynamic programming method [1] into a minimal covering problem following a switching theoretic approach. The concept of bus compatibility for the data transfers is used to obtain the various ways of interconnecting the circuit modules with the minimum number of buses that allow concurrent data transfers. These have been called the feasible solutions of the problem. The minimal cost solutions are obtained by assigning weights to the bus-compatible sets present in the feasible solutions. Minimization of the cost of the solution by increasing the number of buses is also discussed.


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The influence of nonstationary turbulence on rotor and propeller systems is discussed. The review is made from a common analytical basis of nonstationary approach, with emphasis on concepts rather than on details. The necessity of such an approach and its feasibility for predicting a complete set of gust and response statistics together with correlations with somewhat limited test data are appraised.


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The fluorescence properties of a homologous series of fluorescent alkylamines are described. The binding of the probes to crythrocyte membranes increases with the length of the alkyl chain. The probes are shown to interact more strongly with membranes than with protein and lipid model systems. The binding of the probes to the membrane is sensitive to the cation concentration of the medium.


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Spectrophotometric and potentiometric investigations have been carried out on copper-diethanolamine system. Job plots at 900, 900 and 580 mμ have indicated the formation of CuD++, CuD2++ and CuD3++. The n- pA curves obtained indicate the formation of CuD++, CuD2++, CuD3++, CuDOH+, CuD2OH+ and CuD3OH+. The n- pA curves have been analyzed to obtain the stability constants of these complexes. Absorption curves of pure complexes have been computed by a graphical method. Gaussian analysis of the absorption curves of pure and hydroxy complexes show the presence of a second band, indicating that the structure is that of a distorted octahedron.


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The hardening cubic spring oscillator is studied under narrow-band gaussian excitation. Equivalent linearization leads to multiple steady states. The realizability of the solution is discussed through stochastic stability analysis. Theoretical results are supported by numerical simulation.


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This paper presents an analysis of solar radiation pressure induced coupled librations of gravity stabilized cylindrical spacecraft with a special reference to geostationary communication satellites. The Lagrangian approach is used to obtain the corresponding equations of motion. The solar induced torques are assumed to be free of librational angles and are represented by their Fourier expansion. The response and periodic solutions are obtained through linear and nonlinear analyses, using the method of harmonic balance in the latter case. The stability conditions are obtained using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. To establish the ranges of validity the analytic response is compared with the numerical solution. Finally, values of the system parameters are suggested to make the satellite behave as desired. Among these is a possible approach to subdue the solar induced roll resonance. It is felt that the approximate analysis presented here should significantly reduce the computational efforts involved in the design and stability analysis of the systems.


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1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition of an organic azide and an acetylenic unit,often referred to as the ``click reaction'', has become an important ligation tool both in the context of materials chemistry and biology. Thus, development of simple approaches to directly generate polymers that bear either an azide or an alkyne unit has gained considerable importance. We describe here a straightforward approach to directly prepare linear and hyperbranched polyesters that carry terminal propargyl groups. To achieve the former, we designed an AB-type monomer that carries a hydroxyl group and a propargyl ester, which upon self-condensation under standard transesterification conditions yielded a polyester that carries a single propargyl group at one of its chain-ends. Similarly, an AB(2) type monomer that carries one hydroxyl group and two propargyl ester groups, when polymerized under the same conditions yielded a hyperbranched polymer with numerous clickable'' propargyl groups at its molecular periphery. These propargyl groups can be readily clicked with different organic azides, such as benzyl azide, omega-azido heptaethyleneglycol monomethylether or 9-azidomethyl anthracene. When an anthracene chromophore is clicked, the molecular weight of the linear polyester could be readily estimated using both UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopic measurements. Furthermore, the reactive propargyl end group could also provide an opportunity to prepare block copolymers in the case of linear polyesters and to generate nanodimensional scaffolds to anchor variety of functional units, in the case of the hyperbranched polymer. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 48: 3200-3208, 2010.


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1,2-Enedioic systems, being sterically perturbed from planarity do not show the effect of the extended conjugation expected of a (formal) trienic entity. In the absence of a model which approximates to a uniplanar situation, the strategy of replacing an ester group in the enedioates by a cyano (for which less stringent steric demand may be presumed) and noting the correction concomitant to this replacement was adopted to arrive at a notional figure for the position of maximal absorption in the planar enedioates. From this the conclusion, subject to substantiation by molecular mechanical or quantum chemical calculations, was drawn that even the E-isomeric and comparatively less substituted enedioates are highly sterically perturbed. An alternative to an earlier explanation of the bathochromic shift of absorption maxima encountered in the 5-cyclic ene-ester and ene-nitrile, relative to the 6-cyclic analogues (observed also with the enedioates and cyanovinyl ester systems), seen later to have been based on unwarranted premises, has been advanced. A comment on the absorption characteristics of enedioic anhydrides has been appended.


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We have investigated the influence of Fe excess on the electrical transport and magnetism of Fe1+yTe0.5Se0.5 (y=0.04 and 0.09) single crystals. Both compositions exhibit resistively determined superconducting transitions (T-c) with an onset temperature of about 15 K. From the width of the superconducting transition and the magnitude of the lower critical field H-c1, it is inferred that excess of Fe suppresses superconductivity. The linear and nonlinear responses of the ac susceptibility show that the superconducting state for these compositions is inhomogeneous. A possible origin of this phase separation is a magnetic coupling between Fe excess occupying interstitial sites in the chalcogen planes and those in the Fe-square lattice. The temperature derivative of the resistivity d(rho)/d(T) in the temperature range T-c < T < T-a with T-a being the temperature of a magnetic anomaly, changes from positive to negative with increasing Fe. A log 1/T divergence of the resistivity above T-c in the sample with higher amount of Fe suggests a disorder-driven electronic localization.


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The use of binary fluid systems in thermally driven vapour absorption and mechanically driven vapour compression refrigeration and heatpump cycles has provided an impetus for obtaining experimental date on caloric properties of such fluid mixtures. However, direct measurements of these properties are somewhat scarce in spite of the calorimetric techniques described in the literature being quite adequate. Most of the design data are derived through calculations using theoretical models and vapour-liquid equilibrium data. This article addresses the choice of working fluids and the current status on the data availability vis-a-vis engineering applications. Particular emphasis is on organic working fluid pairs.


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Coupled substitution of Nb(V) and Si(IV) for Ti(IV) and P(V)/As(V) in KTiOP04 (KTP) and KTiOAsO4 (KTA) giving new series of nonlinear optical materials, KTi1-xNbxOX1-xSixO4 (X=P,As), has been investigated. Substitution up to x = 0.40 readily occurs, the members retaining the orthorhombic (Pna2(1)) structure of KTP. The second harmonic generation (SHG) property of the parent KTP and KTA is not adversely affected by the coupled substitution. SHG intensity of the powder samples of the X = P series shows a slight increase with x up to x = 0.15; for 0.15 < x less-than-or-equal-to 0.40, there is a decrease in SHG intensity as compared to that for KTP. A similar trend in SHG intensity is seen for the arsenic analogs.