84 resultados para governing body


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Effect of coolant gas injection in the stagnation region on the surface heat transfer rates and aerodynamic drag for a large angle blunt body flying at hypersonic Mach number is reported for two stagnation enthalpies. A 60° apex-angle blunt cone model is employed for this purpose with air injection at the nose through a hole of 2mm diameter. The convective surface heating rates and aerodynamic drag are measured simultaneously using surface mounted platinum thin film sensors and internally mounted accelerometer balance system, respectively. About 35–40% reduction in surface heating rates is observed in the vicinity of stagnation region whereas 15–25% reduction in surface heating rates is felt beyond the stagnation region at stagnation enthalpy of 1.6MJ/kg. The aerodynamic drag expressed in terms of drag coefficient is found to increase by 20% due to the air injection.


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We report investigations on the texture, corrosion and wear behavior of ultra-fine grained (UFG) Ti-13Nb-Zr alloy, processed by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) technique, for biomedical applications. The microstructure obtained was characterized by X-ray line profile analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD). We focus on the corrosion resistance and the fretting behavior, the main considerations for such biomaterials, in simulated body fluid. To this end. potentiodynamic polarization tests were carried out to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the UFG alloy in Hanks solution at 37 degrees C. The fretting wear behavior was carried out against bearing steel in the same conditions. The roughness of the samples was also measured to examine the effect of topography on the wear behavior of the samples. Our results showed that the ECAE process increases noticeably the performance of the alloy as orthopedic implant. Although no significant difference was observed in the fretting wear behavior, the corrosion resistance of the UFG alloy was found to be higher than the non-treated material. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The altered spontaneous emission of an emitter near an arbitrary body can be elucidated using an energy balance of the electromagnetic field. From a classical point of view it is trivial to show that the field scattered back from any body should alter the emission of the source. But it is not at all apparent that the total radiative and non-radiative decay in an arbitrary body can add to the vacuum decay rate of the emitter (i.e.) an increase of emission that is just as much as the body absorbs and radiates in all directions. This gives us an opportunity to revisit two other elegant classical ideas of the past, the optical theorem and the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory of radiation. It also provides us alternative perspectives of Purcell effect and generalizes many of its manifestations, both enhancement and inhibition of emission. When the optical density of states of a body or a material is difficult to resolve (in a complex geometry or a highly inhomogeneous volume) such a generalization offers new directions to solutions. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the tree cricket Oecanthus henryi, females are attracted by male calls and can choose between males. To make a case for female choice based on male calls, it is necessary to examine male call variation in the field and identify repeatable call features that are reliable indicators of male size or symmetry. Female preference for these reliable call features and the underlying assumption behind this choice, female preference for larger males, also need to be examined. We found that females did prefer larger males during mating, as revealed by the longer mating durations and longer spermatophore retention times. We then examined the correlation between acoustic and morphological features and the repeatability of male calls in the field across two temporal scales, within and across nights. We found that carrier frequency was a reliable indicator of male size, with larger males calling at lower frequencies at a given temperature. Simultaneous playback of male calls differing in frequency, spanning the entire range of natural variation at a given temperature, revealed a lack of female preference for low carrier frequencies. The contrasting results between the phonotaxis and mating experiments may be because females are incapable of discriminating small differences in frequency or because the change in call carrier frequency with temperature renders this cue unreliable in tree crickets. (C) 2012 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present work proposes a new sensing methodology, which uses Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) to measure in vivo the surface strain and strain rate on calf muscles while performing certain exercises. Two simple exercises, namely ankle dorsi-flexion and ankle plantar-flexion, have been considered and the strain induced on the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle while performing these exercises has been monitored. The real time strain generated has been recorded and the results are compared with those obtained using a commercial Color Doppler Ultrasound (CDU) system. It is found that the proposed sensing methodology is promising for surface strain measurements in biomechanical applications.


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Social insects are characterized by reproductive caste differentiation of colony members into one or a small number of fertile queens and a large number of sterile workers. The evolutionary origin and maintenance of such sterile workers remains an enduring puzzle in insect sociobiology. Here, we studied ovarian development in over 600 freshly eclosed, isolated, virgin female Ropalidia marginata wasps, maintained in the laboratory. The wasps differed greatly both in the time taken to develop their ovaries and in the magnitude of ovarian development despite having similar access to resources. All females started with no ovarian development at day zero, and the percentage of individuals with at least one oocyte at any stage of development increased gradually across age, reached 100% at 100. days and decreased slightly thereafter. Approximately 40% of the females failed to develop ovaries within the average ecological lifespan of the species. Age, body size and adult feeding rate, when considered together, were the most important factors governing ovarian development. We suggest that such flexibility and variation in the potential and timing of reproductive development may physiologically predispose females to accept worker roles and thus provide a gateway to worker ontogeny and the evolution of sociality.


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The goal of optimization in vehicle design is often blurred by the myriads of requirements belonging to attributes that may not be quite related. If solutions are sought by optimizing attribute performance-related objectives separately starting with a common baseline design configuration as in a traditional design environment, it becomes an arduous task to integrate the potentially conflicting solutions into one satisfactory design. It may be thus more desirable to carry out a combined multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) with vehicle weight as an objective function and cross-functional attribute performance targets as constraints. For the particular case of vehicle body structure design, the initial design is likely to be arrived at taking into account styling, packaging and market-driven requirements. The problem with performing a combined cross-functional optimization is the time associated with running such CAE algorithms that can provide a single optimal solution for heterogeneous areas such as NVH and crash safety. In the present paper, a practical MDO methodology is suggested that can be applied to weight optimization of automotive body structures by specifying constraints on frequency and crash performance. Because of the reduced number of cases to be analyzed for crash safety in comparison with other MDO approaches, the present methodology can generate a single size-optimized solution without having to take recourse to empirical techniques such as response surface-based prediction of crash performance and associated successive response surface updating for convergence. An example of weight optimization of spaceframe-based BIW of an aluminum-intensive vehicle is given to illustrate the steps involved in the current optimization process.


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In a networked society, governing advocacy groups and networks through decentralized systems of policy implementation has been the interest of governance network literature. This paper addresses the topic of governing networks in the context of Indian agrarian societies by taking the case example of a welfare scheme for the Indian rural poor. We explore context-specific regulatory dynamics through the situated agent based architectural framework. The effects of various regulatory strategies that can be adopted by governing node are tested under various action arenas through experimental design. Results show the impact of regulatory strategies on the resource dependencies and asymmetries in the network relationships. This indicates that the optimal feasible regulatory strategy in networked society is institutionally rational and is context dependent. Further, we show that situated MAS architecture is a natural fit for institutional understanding of the dynamics (Ostrom et al. in Rules, games, and common-pool resources, 1994).


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Boundary layers are subject to favorable and adverse pressure gradients because of both the temporal and spatial components of the pressure gradient. The adverse pressure gradient may cause the flow to separate. In a closed loop unsteady tunnel we have studied the initiation of separation in unsteady flow past a constriction (bluff body) in a channel. We have proposed two important scalings for the time when boundary layer separates. One is based on the local pressure gradient and the other is a convective time scale based on boundary layer parameters. The flow visualization using a dye injection technique shows the flow structure past the body. Nondimensional shedding frequency (Strouhal number) is calculated based on boundary layer and momentum thicknesses. Strouhal number based on the momentum thickness shows a close agreement with that for flat plate and circular cylinder.


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Damaged articulating joints can be repaired or replaced with synthetic biomaterials, which can release wear debris due to articulation, leading to the osteolysis. In a recent work, it has been shown that it is possible to achieve a better combination of flexural strength/fracture toughness as well as in vitro bioactivity and cytocompatibility properties in spark plasma sintered hydroxyapatite-titanium (HA-Ti) composites. Although hydroxyapatite and titanium are well documented for their good biocompatibility, nanosized hydroxyapatite (HA) and titanium (Ti) particles can cause severe toxicity to cells. In order to address this issue, fretting wear study of HA-Ti composites under dry and wet (1x SBF, supplemented with 5 g l(-1) bovine serum albumin (BSA)) condition was performed to assess the wear resistance as well as wear debris formation, in vitro. The experimental results reveal one order of magnitude lower wear rate for HA-10 wt% Ti (7.5 x 10(-5) mm(3) N-1 m(-1)) composite than monolithic HA (3.9 x 10(-4) mm(3) N-1 m(-1)) in simulated body fluid. The difference in the tribological properties has been analyzed in the light of phase assemblages and mechanical properties. Overall, the results suggest the potential use of HA-Ti composites over existing HA-based biocomposites in orthopedic as well as dental applications.


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The evolution of sexually dimorphic, elaborate male traits that are seemingly maladaptive may be driven by sexual selection (male-male competition and or female mate choice). Tusk possession in the Asian elephant is sexually dimorphic and exaggerated but its role in male-male competition has not yet been determined. We examined the role of the tusks in establishing dominance along with two other known male-male signals, namely, body size and musth (a temporary physiologically heightened sexual state) in an Asian elephant population in northeastern India with equal proportions of tusked and tuskless males. We observed 116 agonistic interactions with clear dominance outcomes between adult (>15 years) males during 458 field days in the dry season months of 2008-2011. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was used to predict the probability of winning as a function of body size, tusk possession and musth status relative to the opponent. A hierarchy of the three male-male signals emerged from this analysis, with musth overriding body size and body size overriding tusk possession. In this elephant population tusk possession thus plays a relatively minor role in male-male competition. An important implication of musth and body size being stronger determinants of dominance than tusk possession is that it could facilitate rapid evolution of tuskless males in the population under artificial selection against tusked individuals, which are poached for ivory. (C) 2013 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three codes, that can solve three dimensional linear elastostatic problems using constant boundary elements while ignoring body forces, are provided here. The file 'bemconst.m' contains a MATLAB code for solving three dimensional linear elastostatic problems using constant boundary elements while ignoring body forces. The file 'bemconst.f90' is a Fortran translation of the MATLAB code contained in the file 'bemconst.m'. The file 'bemconstp.f90' is a parallelized version of the Fortran code contained in the file 'bemconst.f90'. The file 'inbem96.txt' is the input file for the Fortran codes contained in the files 'bemconst.f90' and 'bemconstp.f90'. Author hereby declares that the present codes are the original works of the author. Further, author hereby declares that any of the present codes, in full or in part, is not a translation or a copy of any of the existing codes written by someone else. Author's institution (Indian Institute of Science) has informed the author in writing that the institution is not interested in claiming any copyright on the present codes. Author is hereby distributing the present codes under the MIT License; full text of the license is included in each of the files that contain the codes.


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Growing consumer expectations continue to fuel further advancements in vehicle ride comfort analysis including development of a comprehensive tool capable of aiding the understanding of ride comfort. To date, most of the work on biodynamic responses of human body in the context of ride comfort mainly concentrates on driver or a designated occupant and therefore leaves the scope for further work on ride comfort analysis covering a larger number of occupants with detailed modeling of their body segments. In the present study, governing equations of a 13-DOF (degrees-of-freedom) lumped parameter model (LPM) of a full car with seats (7-DOF without seats) and a 7-DOF occupant model, a linear version of an earlier non-linear occupant model, are presented. One or more occupant models can be coupled with the vehicle model resulting into a maximum of 48-DOF LPM for a car with five occupants. These multi-occupant models can be formulated in a modular manner and solved efficiently using MATLAB/SIMULINK for a given transient road input. The vehicle model and the occupant model are independently verified by favorably comparing computed dynamic responses with published data. A number of cases with different dispositions of occupants in a small car are analyzed using the current modular approach thereby underscoring its potential for efficient ride quality assessment and design of suspension systems.


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The stability of a long circular tunnel in a cohesive frictional soil medium has been determined in the presence of horizontal pseudo-static seismic body forces. The tunnel is supported by means of lining and anchorage system which is assumed to exert uniform internal compressive normal pressure on its periphery. The upper bound finite element limit analysis has been performed to compute the magnitude of the internal compressive pressure required to support the tunnel. The results have been presented in terms of normalized compressive normal stress, defined in terms of sigma(i)/c; where sigma(i) is the magnitude of the compressive normal pressure on the periphery of the tunnel and c refers to soil cohesion. The variation of sigma(i)/c with horizontal earthquake acceleration coefficient (alpha(h)) has been established for different combinations of H/D, gamma D/c and phi where (i) H and D refers to tunnel cover and diameter, respectively, and (ii) gamma and phi correspond to unit weight and internal friction angle of soil mass, respectively. Nodal velocity patterns have also been plotted for assessing the zones of significant plastic deformation. The analysis clearly reveals that an increase in the magnitude of the earthquake acceleration leads to a significant increment in the magnitude of internal compressive pressure. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present direct experimental signatures of a nonequilibrium phase transition associated with the yield point of a prototypical soft solid-a binary colloidal glass. By simultaneously quantifying single-particle dynamics and bulk mechanical response, we identified the threshold for the onset of irreversibility with the yield strain. We extracted the relaxation time from the transient behavior of the loss modulus and found that it diverges in the vicinity of the yield strain. This critical slowing down is accompanied by a growing correlation length associated with the size of regions of high Debye-Waller factor, which are precursors to yield events in glasses. Our results affirm that the paradigm of nonequilibrium critical phenomena is instrumental in achieving a holistic understanding of yielding in soft solids.