263 resultados para galaxies: interactions


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We report new radio continuum and 21 cm HI observations using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) of the group Holmberg 124 ( Ho 124) comprising four late-type galaxies, namely NGC 2820, Mrk 108, NGC 2814 and NGC 2805. The three galaxies, NGC 2820, Mrk 108 and NGC 2814 which are closely located in the sky plane have clearly undergone tidal interactions as seen from the various morphological tidal signatures and debris. Moreover we note various features in the group members which we believe might be due to ram pressure. In this paper, we describe four interesting results emerging from our observations: a) detection of the tidal radio continuum bridge at 330 MHz connecting the galaxies NGC 2820+ Mrk 108 with NGC 2814. The radio bridge was discovered at 1465 MHz by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985, A& A, 150, 17). We find that the bridge has a fairly steep spectrum with a spectral index alpha(S proportional to nu(alpha)) of - 1.8(-0.2)(+0.3) which is much steeper than the - 0.8 quoted by van der Hulst & Hummel ( 1985); b) detection of other tidal features like the tilted HI and radio continuum disk of NGC 2814, a HI streamer and a radio continuum tail arising from the south of NGC 2814. We also report the detection of a possible tidal dwarf galaxy in HI; c) sharp truncation in the HI distribution in the south of NGC 2820 and in the HI and radio continuum distribution in the north of NGC 2814. The optical disks in both the cases look undisturbed. As pointed out by Davis et al. ( 1997, AJ, 114, 613), ram pressure affects different components of the interstellar medium to varying degrees. Simple estimates of pressure in different components of the interstellar medium ( radio continuum, Ha and HI) in NGC 2820 indicate that ram pressure will significantly influence HI; d) detection of a large one-sided HI loop to the north of NGC 2820. No radio continuum emission or Ha emission is associated with the HI loop. We discuss various scenarios for the origin of this loop including a central starburst, ram pressure stripping and tidal interaction. We do not support the central starburst scenario since the loop is not detected in ionized gas. Using the upper limit on X-ray luminosity of Ho 124 (Mulchaey et al. 2003, ApJS, 145, 39), we estimate an upper limit on the intragroup medium (IGrM) density of 8.8 x 10(-4) cm(-3). For half this electron density, we estimate the ram pressure force of the IGrM to be comparable to the gravitational pull of the disk of NGC 2820. Since tidal interaction has obviously influenced the group, we suggest that the loop could have formed by ram pressure stripping if tidal effects had reduced the surface density of HI in NGC 2820. From the complex observational picture of Ho 124 and the numerical estimates, we suggest that the evolution of the Ho 124 group may be governed by both tidal forces due to the interaction and the ram pressure due to motion of the member galaxies in the IGrM and that the IGrM densities should not be too low (i.e. >= 4 x 10(-4)). However this needs to be verified by further observations.


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Effects of non-polar, polar and proton-donating solvents on the n → π* transitions of C=O, C=S, NO2 and N=N groups have been investigated. The shifts of the absorption maxima in non-polar and polar solvents have been related to the electrostatic interactions between solute and solvent molecules, by employing the theory of McRAE. In solvents which can donate protons the solvent shifts are mainly determined by solute-solvent hydrogen bonding. Isobestic points have been found in the n → π* bonds of ethylenetrithio-carbonate in heptane-alcohol and heptane-chloroform solvent systems, indicating the existence of equilibria between the hydrogen bonded and the free species of the solute. Among the different proton-donating solvents studied water produces the largest blue-shifts. The blue-shifts in alcohols decrease in the order 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and t-butanol, the blue-shift in trifluoroethanol being nearly equal to that in water. This trend is exactly opposite to that for the self-association of alcohols. It is suggested that electron-withdrawing groups not merely decrease the extent of self-association of alcohols, but also increase the ability to donate hydrogen bonds. The approximate hydrogen-bond energies for several donor-acceptor systems have been estimated. In a series of aliphatio ketones and nitro compounds studied, the blue-shifts and consequently the hydrogen bond energies decrease with the decrease in the electron-withdrawing power of the alkyl groups. It is felt that electron-withdrawing groups render the chromophores better proton acceptors, and the alcohols better donors. A linear relationship between n → π* transition frequency and the infrared frequency of ethylenetrithiocarbonate has been found. It is concluded that stabilization of the electronic ground states of solute molecules by electrostatic and/or hydrogen-bond interactions determines the solvent shifts.


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A careful comparison of the distribution in the (R, θ)-plane of all NH ... O hydrogen bonds with that for bonds between neutral NH and neutral C=O groups indicated that the latter has a larger mean R and a wider range of θ and that the distribution was also broader than for the average case. Therefore, the potential function developed earlier for an average NH ... O hydrogen bond was modified to suit the peptide case. A three-parameter expression of the form {Mathematical expression}, with △ = R - Rmin, was found to be satisfactory. By comparing the theoretically expected distribution in R and θ with observed data (although limited), the best values were found to be p1 = 25, p3 = - 2 and q1 = 1 × 10-3, with Rmin = 2·95 Å and Vmin = - 4·5 kcal/mole. The procedure for obtaining a smooth transition from Vhb to the non-bonded potential Vnb for large R and θ is described, along with a flow chart useful for programming the formulae. Calculated values of ΔH, the enthalpy of formation of the hydrogen bond, using this function are in reasonable agreement with observation. When the atoms involved in the hydrogen bond occur in a five-membered ring as in the sequence[Figure not available: see fulltext.] a different formula for the potential function is needed, which is of the form Vhb = Vmin +p1△2 +q1x2 where x = θ - 50° for θ ≥ 50°, with p1 = 15, q1 = 0·002, Rmin = 2· Å and Vmin = - 2·5 kcal/mole. © 1971 Indian Academy of Sciences.


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Making use of the empirical potential functions for peptide NH .. O bonds, developed in this laboratory, the relative stabilities of the rightand left-handed α-helical structures of poly-L-alanine have been investigated, by calculating their conformational energies (V). The value of Vmin of the right-handed helix (αP) is about - 10.4 kcal/mole, and that of the left-handed helix (αM) is about - 9.6 kcal/mole, showing that the former is lower in energy by 0.8 kcal/mole. The helical parameters of the stable conformation of αP are n ∼ 3.6 and h ∼ 1.5 Å. The hydrogen bond of length 2.85 Å and nonlinearity of about 10° adds about 4.0 kcal/ mole to the stabilising energy of the helix in the minimum enregy region. The energy minimum is not sharply defined, but occurs over a long valley, suggesting that a distribution of conformations (φ{symbol}, ψ) of nearly the same energy may occur for the individual residues in a helix. The experimental data of a-helical fibres of poly-L-alanine are in good agreement with the theoretical results for αP. In the case of proteins, the mean values of (φ{symbol}, ψ) for different helices are distributed, but they invariably occur within the contour for V = Vmin + 2 kcal/mole for αP.


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Al-4.4 a/oZn and Al-4.4 a/oZn with Ag, Ce, Dy, Li, Nb, Pt, Y, or Yb, alloys have been investigated by resistometry with a view to study the solute-vacancy interactions and clustering kinetics in these alloys. Solute-vacancy binding energies have been evaluated for all these elements by making use of appropriate methods of evaluation. Ag and Dy additions yield some interesting results and these have been discussed in the thesis. Solute-vacancy binding energy values obtained here have been compared with other available values and discussed. A study of the type of interaction between vacancies and solute atoms indicates that the valency effect is more predominant than the elastic effect.


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The titled complex, obtained by co-crystallization (EtOH/25 degrees C),is apparently the only known complex of the free bases. Its crystal structure, as determined by X-ray diffraction at both 90 K and 313 K, showed that one A-T pair involves a Hoogsteen interaction, and the other a Watson-Crick interaction but only with respect to the adenine unit. The absence of a clear-cut Watson-Crick base pair raises intriguing questions about the basis of the DNA double helix. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The complex crystallizes in the space group P21/c with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensionsa= 12.747, b= 7.416, c= 17.894 A and/3= 90.2 °. The structure has been solved by the symbolic addition procedure using three dimensional photographic data and refined to an R value of 0.079 for 2019 observed reflexions. The pyramidal nature of the two hetero nitrogen atoms in the antipyrine molecule is inter:nediate between that observed in free antipyrine and in some of its metal complexes. The molecule is more polar than that in crystals of free antipyrine but less so compared with that in metal complexes. In the salicylic acid molecule, the hydroxyl group forms an internal hydrogen bond with one of the oxygen atoms in the carboxyl group. The association between the salicylic acid and the antipyrine molecules is achieved through an intermolecular hydrogen bond with the other carboxyl oxygen atom in the salicylic acid molecule as the proton donor and the carboxyl oxygen atom of the antipyrine molecule as the acceptor


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The complex web of interactions between the host immune system and the pathogen determines the outcome of any infection. A computational model of this interaction network, which encodes complex interplay among host and bacterial components, forms a useful basis for improving the understanding of pathogenesis, in filling knowledge gaps and consequently to identify strategies to counter the disease. We have built an extensive model of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis host-pathogen interactome, consisting of 75 nodes corresponding to host and pathogen molecules, cells, cellular states or processes. Vaccination effects, clearance efficiencies due to drugs and growth rates have also been encoded in the model. The system is modelled as a Boolean network. Virtual deletion experiments, multiple parameter scans and analysis of the system's response to perturbations, indicate that disabling processes such as phagocytosis and phagolysosome fusion or cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, greatly impaired bacterial clearance, while removing cytokines such as IL-10 alongside bacterial defence proteins such as SapM greatly favour clearance. Simulations indicate a high propensity of the pathogen to persist under different conditions.


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A polymer containing electron-rich aromatic donors (1,5-dialkoxynaphthalene (DAN)) was coerced into a folded state by an external folding agent that contained an electron-deficient aromatic acceptor (pyromellitic diimide (PM)) unit. The donor-containing polymer was designed to carry a tertiary amine moiety in the linking segment, which served as an H-bonding site for reinforcing the interaction with the acceptor containing folding agent that also bore a carboxylic acid group. The H-bonding interaction of the carboxylic acid and the tertiary amine brings the PDI unit between two adjacent DAN units along the polymer backbone to induce charge-transfer (C-T) interactions, and this in turn causes the polymer chain to form a pleated structure. Evidence for the formation of such a pleated structure was obtained from NMR titration studies and also by monitoring the C-T band in their UV-visible spectra. By varying the length of the segment that links the PDI acceptor to the carboxylic acid group, we showed that the most effective folding agent was the one that had a single carbon spacer, as evident from the highest value of the association constant. Control experiments with propionic acid clearly demonstrated the importance of the additional C-T interactions for venerating the folded structures. Further, solution viscosity measurements in the presence of varying amounts of the folding agent revealed a gradual stiffening of the chain in the case of the PDI carrying carboxylic acid, whereas no such affect was seen in the case of simple propionic acid. These observations were supported by D FT calculations of the interactions of a dimeric model of the polymer with the various folding agents; here too the stability of the complex was seen to be highest in the case of the single carbon spacer.


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Males of several acoustically communicating orthopteran species form spatially and temporally structured choruses. We investigated whether male field crickets of the species Plebeiogryllus guttiventris formed choruses in the field. Males formed spatial aggregations and showed fidelity to a calling site within a night, forming stable choruses. Within aggregations, the acoustic ranges of males overlapped considerably. We tested whether males within hearing range of each other interacted acoustically. The chirps of simultaneously calling males were aphasic with respect to each other and showed no significant alternation or synchrony of calls. Some individuals changed temporal features of their calling songs such as chirp durations and chirp rates in response to a simultaneously calling neighbour. The implications of these results for female mate choice are discussed


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The complex web of interactions between the host immune system and the pathogen determines the outcome of any infection. A computational model of this interaction network, which encodes complex interplay among host and bacterial components, forms a useful basis for improving the understanding of pathogenesis, in filling knowledge gaps and consequently to identify strategies to counter the disease. We have built an extensive model of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis host-pathogen interactome, consisting of 75 nodes corresponding to host and pathogen molecules, cells, cellular states or processes. Vaccination effects, clearance efficiencies due to drugs and growth rates have also been encoded in the model. The system is modelled as a Boolean network. Virtual deletion experiments, multiple parameter scans and analysis of the system's response to perturbations, indicate that disabling processes such as phagocytosis and phagolysosome fusion or cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, greatly impaired bacterial clearance, while removing cytokines such as IL-10 alongside bacterial defence proteins such as SapM greatly favour clearance. Simulations indicate a high propensity of the pathogen to persist under different conditions.


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A computational scheme has been developed for strongly interacting systems wherein the intermolecular interaction is introduced as a charge-induced-dipole term. Within this approximation, the model Hamiltonian is exactly solved using a valence-bond basis. The validity of the scheme has been checked by use of exact calculations on small model systems. The method has been applied to finite polyenes to study the shifts in the ground-state energies and dipole-allowed excited-state energies in the presence of neighbors. Our calculations show a red shift in the optical gap of the infinite polyene by 0.124 eV, which is rather small compared to the experimental red shift. This is traced to the larger inaccuracy in the calculated shift in the excited state. The calculated shift in the ground-state energies are more accurate and hence the method is better suited for studying the effect of intermolecular interactions on the properties of the ground state.


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Tau is mainly distributed in cytoplasm and also found to be localized in the nucleus. There is limited data on DNA binding potential of Tau.We provide novel evidence on nicking of DNA by Tau. Tau nicks the supercoiled DNA leading to open circular and linear forms. The metal ion magnesium (a co-factor for endonuclease) enhanced the Tau DNA nicking ability, while an endonuclease specific inhibitor,aurinetricarboxylic acid (ATA) inhibited the Tau DNA nicking ability Further, we also evidenced that Tau induces B-C-A mixed conformational transition in DNA and also changes DNA stability. Tau-scDNA complex is more sensitive to DNAse I digestion indicating stability changes in DNA caused by Tau. These findings indicate that Tau alters DNA helicity and integrity and also nicks the DNA. The relevance of these novel intriguing findings regarding the role Tau in neuronal dysfunction is discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The hydrophobic effect is widely believed to be an important determinant of protein stability. However, it is difficult to obtain unambiguous experimental estimates of the contribution of the hydrophobic driving force to the overall free energy of folding. Thermodynamic and structural studies of large to small substitutions in proteins are the most direct method of measuring this contribution. We have substituted the buried residue Phe8 in RNase S with alanine, methionine, and norleucine, Binding thermodynamics and structures were characterized by titration calorimetry and crystallography, respectively. The crystal structures of the RNase S F8A, F8M, and F8Nle mutants indicate that the protein tolerates the changes without any main chain adjustments, The correlation of structural and thermodynamic parameters associated with large to small substitutions was analyzed for nine mutants of RNase S as well as 32 additional cavity-containing mutants of T4 lysozyme, human lysozyme, and barnase. Such substitutions were typically found to result in negligible changes in Delta C-p and positive values of both Delta Delta H degrees and aas of folding. Enthalpic effects were dominant, and the sign of Delta Delta S is the opposite of that expected from the hydrophobic effect. Values of Delta Delta G degrees and Delta Delta H degrees correlated better with changes in packing parameters such as residue depth or occluded surface than with the change in accessible surface area upon folding. These results suggest that the loss of packing interactions rather than the hydrophobic effect is a dominant contributor to the observed energetics for large to small substitutions. Hence, estimates of the magnitude of the hydrophobic driving force derived from earlier mutational studies are likely to be significantly in excess of the actual value.