111 resultados para first principles


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Noble metal ion substituted CeO(2) in the form of Ce(0.98)M(0.02)O(2-delta) solid solution (where M = Pt, Pd, Cu) are the new generation catalysts with applications in three-way exhaust catalysis. While adsorption of CO on noble metals ions is well-known, adsorption of CO on noble metal ions has not been studied because creating exclusive ionic sites has been difficult. Using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) we have shown that CO gets adsorbed on the noble metal Pt(2+), Pd(2+), Cu(2+) ionic sites in the respective compounds, and the net energy of the overall system decreases. Adsorption of CO on metal ions is also confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).


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Combining experiments with first-principles calculations, we show that site-specific doping of Mn into SrTiO(3) has a decisive influence on the dielectric properties of these doped systems. We find that phonon contributions to the dielectric constant invariably decrease sharply on doping at any site. However, a sizable, random dipolar contribution only for Mn at the Sr site arises from a strong off-centric displacement of Mn in spite of Mn being in a non-d(0) state; this leads to a large dielectric constant at higher temperatures and gives rise to a relaxor ferroelectric behavior at lower temperatures. We also investigate magnetic properties in detail and critically reevaluate the possibility of a true multiglass state in such systems.


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Our in situ x-ray diffraction and Raman measurements of Yb2Ti2O7 pyrochlore show that it undergoes a reversible structural phase transition from cubic pyrochlore to a monoclinic phase at similar to 28.6 GPa. Analysis of the x-ray data shows the transition to be thermodynamically first order and the high pressure phase to be substitutionally disordered. These experimental results are supported by our first principles calculations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3681300]


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A strong electron-phonon interaction which limits the electronic mobility of semiconductors can also have significant effects on phonon frequencies. The latter is the key to the use of Raman spectroscopy for nondestructive characterization of doping in graphene-based devices. Using in situ Raman scattering from a single-layer MoS2 electrochemically top-gated field-effect transistor (FET), we show softening and broadening of the A(1g) phonon with electron doping, whereas the other Raman-active E-2g(1) mode remains essentially inert. Confirming these results with first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we use group theoretical arguments to explain why the A(1g) mode specifically exhibits a strong sensitivity to electron doping. Our work opens up the use of Raman spectroscopy in probing the level of doping in single-layer MoS2-based FETs, which have a high on-off ratio and are of technological significance.


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The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is a crucial mechanism of angular momentum transport in a variety of astrophysical accretion disks. In systems accreting at well below the Eddington rate, such as the central black hole in the Milky Way (Sgr A*), the plasma in the disk is essentially collisionless. We present a nonlinear study of the collisionless MRI using first-principles particle-in-cell plasma simulations. We focus on local two-dimensional (axisymmetric) simulations, deferring more realistic three-dimensional simulations to future work. For simulations with net vertical magnetic flux, the MRI continuously amplifies the magnetic field, B, until the Alfven velocity, v(A), is comparable to the speed of light, c (independent of the initial value of v(A)/c). This is consistent with the lack of saturation of MRI channel modes in analogous axisymmetric MHD simulations. The amplification of the magnetic field by the MRI generates a significant pressure anisotropy in the plasma (with the pressure perpendicular to B being larger than the parallel pressure). We find that this pressure anisotropy in turn excites mirror modes and that the volume-averaged pressure anisotropy remains near the threshold for mirror mode excitation. Particle energization is due to both reconnection and viscous heating associated with the pressure anisotropy. Reconnection produces a distinctive power-law component in the energy distribution function of the particles, indicating the likelihood of non-thermal ion and electron acceleration in collisionless accretion disks. This has important implications for interpreting the observed emission-from the radio to the gamma-rays-of systems such as Sgr A*.


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Using first-principles calculations we show that the band gap of bilayer sheets of semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) can be reduced smoothly by applying vertical compressive pressure. These materials undergo a universal reversible semiconductor-to-metal (S-M) transition at a critical pressure. The S-M transition is attributed to lifting of the degeneracy of the bands at the Fermi level caused by interlayer interactions via charge transfer from the metal to the chalcogen. The S-M transition can be reproduced even after incorporating the band gap corrections using hybrid functionals and the GW method. The ability to tune the band gap of TMDs in a controlled fashion over a wide range of energy opens up the possibility for its usage in a range of applications.


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We studied structural and magnetic properties of a series of insulating double perovskite compounds, La2-xSrxCuRuO6 (0 <= x <= 1), representing doping via A-site substitution. The end members La2CuRuO6 and LaSrCuRuO6 form in monoclinic structure while the intermediate Sr doped compounds stabilize in triclinic structure. The Cu and Ru ions sit on alternate B sites of the perovskite lattice with similar to 15% antisite defects in the undoped sample while the Sr-doped samples show a tendency to higher ordering at B sites. The undoped (x = 0) compound shows a ferrimagnetic-like behavior at low temperatures. In surprising contrast to the usual expectation of an enhancement of ferromagnetic interaction on doping, an antiferromagnetic-like ground state is realized for all doped samples (x > 0). Heat capacity measurements indicate the absence of any long-range magnetic order in any of these compounds. The magnetic relaxation and memory effects observed in all compounds suggest glassy dynamical properties associated with magnetic disorder and frustration. We show that the observed magnetic properties are dominated by the competition between the nearest-neighbor Ru-O-Cu 180 degrees superexchange interaction and the next-nearest-neighbor Ru-O-O-Ru 90 degrees superexchange interaction as well as by the formation of antisite defects with interchanged Cu and Ru positions. Our calculated exchange interaction parameters from first principles calculations for x = 0 and x = 1 support this interpretation.


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We carry out a comparative study of the electronic structure of two pyrochlore ruthenate compounds, Tl2Ru2O7 and Hg2Ru2O7, in terms of first principles calculations. Our study reveals the Ru d electrons in Hg2Ru2O7 to be much more delocalized compared to that in Tl2Ru2O7. The subtle change in the Ru-d bandwidths in the two compounds, triggered by the differences in Hg 5d-Ru 4d hybridization compared to that of Tl 5d-Ru 4d, bring in the observed differences in behavior. Our study further shows that the development of long range noncollinear antiferromagnetic structure at low temperature is sufficient to produce the insulating solution in Hg2Ru2O7, in line with the prediction from recent nuclear magnetic resonance study.


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Lattice oxygen of TiO2 is activated by the substitution of Pd ion in its lattice. Ti1-xPdxO2-x (x = 0.01-0.03) have been synthesized by solution combustion method crystallizing in anatase TiO2 structure. Pd is in +2 oxidation state and Ti is in +4 oxidation state in the catalyst. Pd is more ionic in TiO2 lattice compared to Pd in PdO. Oxygen storage capacity defined by ``amount of oxygen that is used reversibly to oxidize CO'' is as high as 5100 mu mol/g of Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97. Oxygen is extracted by CO to CO2 in absence of feed oxygen even at room temperature which is more than 20 times compared to pure TiO2. Rate of CO oxidation is 2.75 mu mol g(-1) s(-1) at 60 degrees C over Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 and C2H2 gets oxidized to CO2 and H2O at room temperature. Catalyst is not poisoned on long time operation of the reactor. Such high catalytic activity is due to activated lattice oxygen created by the substitution of Pd ion as seen from first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations with 96 atom supercells of Ti32O64, Ti31Pd1O63, Ti30Pd2O62, and Ti29Pd3O61. The compounds crystallize in anatase TiO2 structure with Pd2+ ion in nearly square planar geometry and TiO6 octahedra are distorted by the creation of weakly bound oxygens. Structural analysis of Ti31Pd1O63 which is close to 3% Pd ion substituted TiO2 shows that oxygens associated with both Ti and Pd ions in the lattice show bond valence sum of 1.87, a low value characteristic of weak oxygen in the lattice compared to oxygens with valence 2 and above in the same lattice. Exact positions of activated oxygens have been identified in the lattice from DFT calculations.


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We present an analytical effective theory for the magnetic phase diagram for zigzag-edge terminated honeycomb nanoribbons described by a Hubbard model with an interaction parameter U. We show that the edge magnetic moment varies as ln U and uncover its dependence on the width W of the ribbon. The physics of this owes its origin to the sensory-organ-like response of the nanoribbons, demonstrating that considerations beyond the usual Stoner-Landau theory are necessary to understand the magnetism of these systems. A first-order magnetic transition from an antiparallel orientation of the moments on opposite edges to a parallel orientation occurs upon doping with holes or electrons. The critical doping for this transition is shown to depend inversely on the width of the ribbon. Using variational Monte Carlo calculations, we show that magnetism is robust to fluctuations. Additionally, we show that the magnetic phase diagram is generic to zigzag-edge terminated nanostructures such as nanodots. Furthermore, we perform first-principles modeling to show how such magnetic transitions can be realized in substituted graphene nanoribbons. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.085412


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The nontrivial electronic topology of a topological insulator is thus far known to display signatures in a robust metallic state at the surface. Here, we establish vibrational anomalies in Raman spectra of the bulk that signify changes in electronic topology: an E-g(2) phonon softens unusually and its linewidth exhibits an asymmetric peak at the pressure induced electronic topological transition (ETT) in Sb2Se3 crystal. Our first-principles calculations confirm the electronic transition from band to topological insulating state with reversal of parity of electronic bands passing through a metallic state at the ETT, but do not capture the phonon anomalies which involve breakdown of adiabatic approximation due to strongly coupled dynamics of phonons and electrons. Treating this within a four-band model of topological insulators, we elucidate how nonadiabatic renormalization of phonons constitutes readily measurable bulk signatures of an ETT, which will facilitate efforts to develop topological insulators by modifying a band insulator. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.107401


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Using first principles based density functional calculation we study the mechanical, electronic and transport properties of single crystalline gold nanowires. While nanowires with the diameter less than 2 nm retain hexagonal cross-section, the larger diameter wires show a structural smoothening leading to circular cross-section. These structural changes significantly affect the mechanical properties of the wires, however, strength remains comparable to the bulk. The transport calculations reveal that the conductivity of these wires are in good agreement with experiments. The combination of good mechanical, electronic and transport properties make these wires promising as interconnects for nano devices. Copyright 2013 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4796188]


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Various forms of carbon, especially the nanocarbons, have received considerable attention in recent years. There has also been some effort to investigate borocarbonitrides, BxCyNz, comprising besides carbon, the two elements on either side. Although uniformly homogeneous compositions of borocarbonitrides may be difficult to generate, there have been attempts to prepare them by solid state as well as gas phase reactions. Some of the products so obtained show evidence for the presence of BCN networks. Then, there are composites (G-BN) containing hexagonal BN (h-BN) and graphene (G) domains, G(1-x)(BN)(x), in varying proportions. Nanotubes of BxCyNz have been reported by several workers. The borocarbonitrides exhibit some interesting electronic and gas adsorption properties. Thus, some of the preparations show selective CO2 adsorption. They also exhibit excellent characteristics for supercapacitor applications. In order to understand the nature of these understudied materials, it is necessary to examine the results from first-principles calculations. These calculations throw light on the variation in the band gap of G-BN with the concentration of h-BN, for different geometries of the domains and their boundaries. The possibility of formation of Stone-Wales (SW) defects at the interfaces of graphene and h-BN has been studied and the estimates of the formation energies of SW defects at the interfaces are similar to 4 to 6 eV. The presence of such defects at the interfaces influences the electronic structure near the band gap and the associated properties. For example, adsorption of CH4 and CO2 occurs with significantly stronger binding at the interfacial defects.


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Fundamental gap renormalization due to electronic polarization is a basic phenomenon in molecular crystals. Despite its ubiquity and importance, all conventional approaches within density-functional theory completely fail to capture it, even qualitatively. Here, we present a new screened range-separated hybrid functional, which, through judicious introduction of the scalar dielectric constant, quantitatively captures polarization-induced gap renormalization, as demonstrated on the prototypical organic molecular crystals of benzene, pentacene, and C-60. This functional is predictive, as it contains system-specific adjustable parameters that are determined from first principles, rather than from empirical considerations.


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We investigate the effect of nitrogen and boron doping on Li diffusion through defected graphene using first principles based density functional theory. While a high energy barrier rules out the possibility of Li-diffusion through the pristine graphene, the barrier reduces with the incorporation of defects. Among the most common defects in pristine graphene, Li diffusion through the divacancy encounters the lowest energy barrier of 1.34 eV. The effect of nitrogen and boron doping on the Li diffusion through doped defected-graphene sheets has been studied. N-doping in graphene with a monovacancy reduces the energy barrier significantly. The barrier reduces with the increasing number of N atoms. On the other hand, for N doped graphene with a divacancy, Li binds in the plane of the sheet, with an enhanced binding energy. The B doping in graphene with a monovacancy leads to the enhancement of the barrier. However, in the case of B-doped graphene with a divacancy, the barrier reduces to 1.54 eV, which could lead to good kinetics. The barriers do not change significantly with B concentration. Therefore, divacancy, B and N doped defected graphene has emerged as a better alternative to pristine graphene as an anode material for Li ion battery.