196 resultados para diffusion anisotropy


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A pulsed field gradient spin echo NMR spectrometer has been assembled by interfacing a programmable pulse generator and a data acquisition system designed and fabricated in our laboratory with other imported units. Calibration results of the magnetic field gradients are presented.


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There is a constant effort to understand the defect structure and diffusion behavior in intermetallic compounds with the A15 structure. Diffusion of elements in intermetallic compounds depends mainly on antisites and vacancies on different sublattices. In this article, we shall discuss the diffusion of elements in A(3)B compounds with the A15 structure.


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Nb3Sn growth following the bronze technique, (i.e. by interdiffusion between Cu(Sn) alloy (bronze) and Nb) is one of the important methodologies to produce this superconductor. In this study, we have addressed the confusion over the growth rate of the Nb3Sn phase. Furthermore, a possible explanation for the corrugated layer in the multifilamentary structure is discussed. Kirkendall marker experiments were conducted to study the relative mobilities of the species, which also explained the reason for finding pores in the product phase layer. Based on the parabolic growth constant at different temperatures, the activation energy for the growth is determined. We have further explained the dramatic increase in the growth rate of the prod


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A microscopic theoretical calculation of time-dependent solvation energy shows that the solvation of an ion or a dipole is dominated by a single relaxation time if the translational contribution to relaxation is significant.


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In some bimolecular diffusion-controlled electron transfer (ET) reactions such as ion recombination (IR), both solvent polarization relaxation and the mutual diffusion of the reacting ion pair may determine the rate and even the yield of the reaction. However, a full treatment with these two reaction coordinates is a challenging task and has been left mostly unsolved. In this work, we address this problem by developing a dynamic theory by combining the ideas from ET reaction literature and barrierless chemical reactions. Two-dimensional coupled Smoluchowski equations are employed to compute the time evolution of joint probability distribution for the reactant (P-(1)(X,R,t)) and the product (p((2))(X,R,t)), where X, as is usual in ET reactions, describes the solvent polarization coordinate and R is the distance between the reacting ion pair. The reaction is described by a reaction line (sink) which is a function of X and R obtained by imposing a condition of equal energy on the initial and final states of a reacting ion pair. The resulting two-dimensional coupled equations of motion have been solved numerically using an alternate direction implicit (ADI) scheme (Peaceman and Rachford, J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math. 1955, 3, 28). The results reveal interesting interplay between polarization relaxation and translational dynamics. The following new results have been obtained. (i) For solvents with slow longitudinal polarization relaxation, the escape probability decreases drastically as the polarization relaxation time increases. We attribute this to caging by polarization of the surrounding solvent, As expected, for the solvents having fast polarization relaxation, the escape probability is independent of the polarization relaxation time. (ii) In the slow relaxation limit, there is a significant dependence of escape probability and average rate on the initial solvent polarization, again displaying the effects of polarization caging. Escape probability increases, and the average rate decreases on increasing the initial polarization. Again, in the fast polarization relaxation limit, there is no effect of initial polarization on the escape probability and the average rate of IR. (iii) For normal and barrierless regions the dependence of escape probability and the rate of IR on initial polarization is stronger than in the inverted region. (iv) Because of the involvement of dynamics along R coordinate, the asymmetrical parabolic (that is, non-Marcus) energy gap dependence of the rate is observed.


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The characteristics of the separated flow behind a diaphragm over a burning surface are investigated experimentally. This complex problem of practical significance involving recirculation, blowing and combustion reactions is studied in a two-dimensional combustion tunnel. The flame structure, recirculation patterns and heat transfer to the surface are presented for a range of values of free stream and fuel injection velocities as well as for different heights of the diaphragm. The trends of heat transfer vs axial distance are shown to be similar to those resulting from a non-reactive heated stream with a diaphragm. Treating the case of a boundary layer diffusion flame as that corresponding to the zero height of the diaphragm, the heat transfer augmentation due to recirculation is estimated. It is found that at considerable downstream distances (xfh > 3), the heat transfer rates with diaphragm overtake the rates from a developing boundary layer case. Flow visualization studies with particle track photography show that there are many similarities between the reactive and the non-reactive cases.


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A spin one XY ferromagnet with uniaxial anisotropy has been investigated, using Green's function technique in random phase approximation (RPA). The Green functions associated with the anisotropy energy are treated without decoupling. A set of coupled equations have been obtained to find the critical temperature Tc and left angle bracket(SZ)2right-pointing angle bracket at Tc as function of the uniaxial anisotropy parameter D. Tc and left angle bracket(SZ)2right-pointing angle bracket at Tc are found to increase with D. The results are compared with the earlier results obtained in the Narath type of RPA.


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The nanoindentation technique has been employed to relate the mechanical properties of saccharin single crystals with their internal structure. Indentations were performed on (100) and (011) faces to assess the mechanical anisotropy. The load-displacement (P-h) curves indicate significant differences in the nature of the plastic deformation on the two faces. The P-h curves obtained on the (011) plane are smooth, reflecting homogeneous plasticity. However, displacement bursts (pop-ins) are observed in the P-h curves obtained on the (100) plane suggesting a discrete deformation mechanism. Marginal differences exist in the hardness and modulus on the two faces that may, in part, be rationalized, although one notes that saccharin has a largely three-dimensional close-packed structure. The structural origins of the fundamentally different deformation mechanisms on (100) and (011) are discussed in terms of the dimensionality of the hydrogen bonding networks. Down the (100) planes, the saccharin dimers are stacked and are stabilized by nonspecific van der Wants interactions mostly between aromatic rings. However, down the (011) planes, the molecules are stabilized by more directional and cross-linked C-H ... O hydrogen bonds. This anisotropy in crystal packing and interactions is reflected in the mechanical behavior on these faces. The displacements associated with the pop-ins were found to he integral multiples oldie molecule separation distances. Nanoindentation offers an opportunity to compare experimentally, and in a quantitative way, the various intermolecular interactions that fire present in a molecular crystal.


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The details of cage-to-cage migration have been obtained from an analysis of the molecular dynamics trajectory of a probe adsorbate. It is observed that particles utilize the region within a radius of 2 angstrom from the window center but with diffusion taking place predominantly at 1.6 angstrom from the window center and a potential energy of nearly -12 kJ/mol. A barrier of about 0.5 kJ/mol is observed for surface-mediated diffusion. Surprisingly, for diffusion without surface mediation for a particle going from one cage center to another, there is an attractive well near the window instead of a barrier. At low adsorbate concentrations and room temperature, the predominant mode for cage-to-cage migration is surface-mediated diffusion. The analysis suggests that particles slide along the surface of the inner walls of the alpha-cages during migration from one cage to another.


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The performance of the contacts, where Au/Ti layers are used in the metallization scheme, largely depends on the product phases grown by interdiffusion at the interface. It is found that four intermetallic compounds grow with narrow homogeneity range and wavy interfaces in the interdiffusion zone. The presence of wavy interfaces is the indication of high anisotropy in diffusion of the product phases. This also reflects in the deviation of parabolic growth from the average. Further, we have determined the relevant diffusion parameters, such as interdiffusion coefficient in the penetrated region of the end members and integrated diffusion coefficients of the intermetallic compounds.


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In the present work the integral diffusion coefficients are estimated by using the diaphragm cell technique. The diffusion coefficients are measured at various compositions for two sets binary systems: one of cyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols and the other of methylcyclohexane and n-paraffinic alcohols. The alcohols used are seven members of homologous series of n-paraffinic alcohols from ethanol to octanol. The maximum possible error in the experimental diffusion coefficient could be 8% for both the cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohol system. A correlation for each of the two sets of binary systems is given. The maximum deviation in the correlations was less than 6.5 and 3.5% for cyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols and methylcyclohexane-n-alkyl alcohols, respectively.


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Heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence relaxation rate are calculated for the individual transitions of the S spin in an AIS nuclear spin system assuming that the heteronucleus (S spin) has relaxation contributions from both intramolecular dipole-dipole and chemical shift anisotropy relaxation. The individual multiplet components of the heteronuclear zero- and double-quantum coherences are shown to have different transverse relaxation rates. The cross-correlation between the two relaxation mechanisms is shown to be the dominant cause of the calculated differential line broadening. Experimental data are presented using as an example a uniformly 15N labelled sample of human epidermal growth factor.


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The mutual diffusion coefficients for binary liquid systems of benzene-n-alkyl alcohol at various compositions have been determined by the diaphragm cell method at 28-degrees-C. The alcohols used were the members of n-paraffinic alcohols ranging from C1 to C8. The maximum possible experimental error is 14%. The data were fitted with a generalized correlation, giving the deviation from the experimental data to within 2.75%, on average.