207 resultados para X-ray crystal structure


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The X-ray LIII absorption-edge structure of rhenium in Cs2[ReCl6] has been measured with a bent-crystal X-ray spectrograph. An analysis in terms of molecular-orbital (m.o.) theory has been attempted. The energies of the m.o. levels, crystal-field splitting parameter, effective magnetic moment, magnetic susceptibility, and Landég parameter have been determined from this analysis. An estimate of the Re–Cl bond length has also been made.


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The diruthenium(III) complex [Ru2O(O2CAr)2(MeCN)4(PPh3)2](ClO4)2 (1), on reaction with 1,2-diaminoethane (en) in MeOH at 25-degrees-C, undergoes nucleophilic attacks at the carbon of two facial MeCN ligands to form [(Ru2O)-O-III(O2CAr)2-{NH2CH2CH2NHC(Me)NH}2(PPh3)2](ClO4)2 (2) (Ar = C6H4-p-X, X = H, Me, OMe, Cl) containing two seven-membered amino-amidine chelating ligands. The molecular structure of 2 with Ar = C6H4-p-OMe was determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data are as follows: triclinic, P1BAR, a = 13.942 (5) angstrom, b = 14.528 (2) angstrom, c = 21.758 (6) angstrom, alpha = 109.50 (2)-degrees, beta = 92.52 (3)-degrees, gamma = 112.61 (2)-degrees, V = 3759 (2) angstrom 3, and Z = 2. The complex has an {Ru2(mu-O)(mu-O2CAr2)2(2+)} core. The Ru-Ru and average Ru-O(oxo) distances and the Ru-O-Ru angle are 3.280 (2) angstrom, 1.887 [8] angstrom, and 120.7 (4)-degrees, respectively. The amino group of the chelating ligand is trans to the mu-oxo ligand. The nucleophilic attacks take place on the MeCN ligands cis to the mu-oxo ligand. The visible spectra of 2 in CHCl3 display an absorption band at 565 nm. The H-1 NMR spectra of 2 in CDCl3 are indicative of the formation of an amino-amidine ligand. Complex 2 exhibits metal-centered quasireversible one-electron oxidation and reduction processes in the potential ranges +0.9 to +1.0 V and -0.3 to -0.5 V (vs SCE), respectively, involving the Ru(III)2/Ru(III)Ru(IV) and Ru(III)2/Ru(II)Ru(III) redox couples in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M TBAP. The mechanistic aspects of the nucleophilic reaction are discussed.


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In the crystal structure of the antimalarial drug amodiaquine, the bonds linking the quinoline and the phenyl groups show partial double-bond character. The partial double-bond character of the two exocyclic bonds, together with stereochemical constraints, reduce flexibility of the two ring systems of the molecule. The dihedral angle between the two ring planes is lowest compared to those in the antileukaemic drug amsacrine and its derivatives. CPK-modelling studies suggest the way amodiaquine can bind to DNA. Stacking interaction between the quinoline and phenyl groups of independent molecules and the hydrogen-bond network stabilize the crystal structure.


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The title complex has been prepared from a reaction of [Ru2O(O22CMe)2 (MeCN)4(PPH3)2](ClO4)2 with N,N-dimethyl-1,2-diaminoethane (dmen) in MeOH. The crystal structure of [Ru2O(O2CMe)2(dmen)2(PPh3)2](ClO4)2.MeOH shows the presence of a [Ru2(mu-O)(mu-O2CMe)2]2+ core. The terminal ligands on each metal are a PPh3 and a bidentate chelating dmen. The Ru-Ru distance and Ru-O-Ru angle in the core are 3.271(2) angstrom and 120.9(4)-degrees. The more electron-donating site of the dmen ligand is bonded at the terminal sites trans to the mu-oxo ligand. The complex displays a visible absorption band at 566 nm (epsilon, 6960 M-1 cm-1) in MeCN and undergoes a nearly reversible one-electron oxidation at 1.02 V and an irreversible reduction at -0.52 V (vs SCE) in MeCN-0.1 M [NBu4n](ClO4).


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Complexes of the formulation [(eta(6)-p-cymene)Ru(O-2-C6H4-CH=NC6H4-4-CH3)(L)](ClO4), where L is gamma-picoline, 4-vinylpyridine, 1-methylimidazole and 1-vinylimidazole have been prepared and characterised. The molecular structure of the vinylpyridine adduct has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic space group P2(1) with the following cell dimensions for the C31H33CIN2O5Ru(M = 650.11): a = 10.890(2)Angstrom, b = 22.295(9)Angstrom, c = 12.930(2)Angstrom, beta = 109.30(2)degrees(3), V = 2964(l)Angstrom 3, Z = 4; D-c = 1.457g cm(-3), lambda(Mo-K alpha) = 0.7107 Angstrom; mu(Mo-K alpha)= 6.61 cm(-1); T = 293 K; R = 0.0359 (wR(2) = 0.0981) for 4819 reflections with I > 2 sigma(I). The structure shows the non-bonding nature of the double bond of the 4-vinylpyridine ligand in the complex in which the metal is bonded to the eta(6)-p-cymene, the N, O-bidentate chelating schiff-base and the unidentate N-donor pyridine ligands.


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2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9-hexadecafluorodecyl 1,10-ditosylate and its precursors were synthesized and characterized by H-1- and F-19-NMR spectroscopic methods and X-ray crystallography. These compounds are building blocks for the syntheses of the surfactants containing polyperfluoromethylene spacer. The molecule has extended all-trans conformation with molecular symmetry (1) over bar (C-i). There is a reasonably strong C-H ... O interaction in the crystal and there are two F ... F intermolecular contact distances less than the sum of van der Waals radii. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of strontium-doped neodymium ferrite (Nd1-xSrxFeO3-delta where 0less than or equal toxless than or equal to0.4) were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeO3-type orthorhombic perovskite structure. The lattice parameters were determined at room temperature by X-ray powder diffraction. The orthorhombic distortion decreases with increasing Sr substitution. The pseudocubic lattice parameter shows a minimum at x=0.3. The thermal expansion curves for x=0.2-0.4 displayed rapid increase in slope at higher temperatures. The electrical conductivity increased with Sr content and temperature. The calculated activation energies for electrical conduction decreased with increasing x. The electrical conductivity can be described by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The charge compensation for divalent ion on the A-site is provided by the formation of Fe4+ ions on the B site and vacancies on the oxygen sublattice. The results indicate two defect domains: for low values of x, the predominant defect is Fe4+ ions, whereas for higher values of x, oxygen vacancies dominate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of the solid solution Nd0.7Sr0.3Fe1-xCoxO3 for 0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.8 were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeO3-type orthorhombic perovskite structure. The lattice parameters were determined at room temperature by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The pseudo-cubic lattice constant decreased continuously with x. The average linear thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) in the temperature range from 573 to 973 K was found to increase with x. The thermal expansion curves for all values of x displayed rapid increase in slope at high temperatures. The electrical conductivity increased with x for the entire temperature range of measurement. The calculated activation energy values indicate that electrical conduction takes place primarily by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The charge compensation for the divalent ion on the A-site is provided by the formation of Fe4+ ions on the B-site (in preference to Co4+ ions) and vacancies on the oxygen sublattice for low values of x. The large increase in the conductivity with x in the range from 0.6 to 0.8 is attributed to the substitution of Fe4+ ions by Co4+ ions. The Fe site has a lower small polaron site energy than Co and hence behaves like a carrier trap, thereby drastically reducing the conductivity. The non-linear behaviour in the dependence of log sigmaT with reciprocal temperature can be attributed to the generation of additional charge carriers with increasing temperature by the charge disproportionation of Co3+ ions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure, thennal expansion and electrical conductivity of the solid solutions YOgCao.2Fel-x MnxOJ+c5 (0 ~ x ~ 1.0) were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeOrtype orthorhombic perovskite structure with trace amounts of a second phase present in case of x = 0.8 and 1.0. The lattice parameters were detennined at room tempe'rature by using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The pseudocubic lattice constant decreased with increasing x. The average I inear thermal expansion coefficient (anv) in the temperature range from 673 to 973 K showed negligible change with x up to x = 0.4. The thennal expansion curve for x = I had a slope approaching zero in the temperature range from 648 to 948 K. The calculated activation energy values for electrical conduction indicate that conduction occurs primarily by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The drastic drop in electrical conductivity for a small addition of Mn (0 ~ x ~ 0.2) is caused by the preferential fonnation of Mn4t ion~ (rather than Fe4 +) which act as carrier traps. This continues till the charge compensation for the divalent ions on the A-site is complete. The results indicate that with further increase in manganese content (beyond x =0.4) in the solid solutions, there is an increase in exc :::ss oxygen and consequently, a small increase in Mn'll il>I1~, which are charge compensated by the formation of cation vancancies.


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Acetate kinase (AckA) catalyzes the reversible transfer of a phosphate group from acetyl phosphate to ADP, generating acetate and ATP, and plays a central role in carbon metabolism. In the present work, the gene corresponding to AckA from Salmonella typhimurium (StAckA) was cloned in the IPTG-inducible pRSET C vector, resulting in the attachment of a hexahistidine tag to the N-terminus of the expressed enzyme. The recombinant protein was overexpressed, purified and crystallized in two different crystal forms using the microbatch-under-oil method. Form I crystals diffracted to 2.70 angstrom resolution when examined using X-rays from a rotating-anode X-ray generator and belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 283.16, b = 62.17, c = 91.69 angstrom, beta = 93.57 degrees. Form II crystals, which diffracted to a higher resolution of 2.35 angstrom on the rotating-anode X-ray generator and to 1.90 angstrom on beamline BM14 of the ESRF, Grenoble, also belonged to space group C2 but with smaller unit-cell parameters (a = 151.01, b = 78.50, c = 97.48 angstrom, beta = 116.37 degrees). Calculation of Matthews coefficients for the two crystal forms suggested the presence of four and two protomers of StAckA in the asymmetric units of forms I and II, respectively. Initial phases for the form I diffraction data were obtained by molecular replacement using the coordinates of Thermotoga maritima AckA (TmAckA) as the search model. The form II structure was phased using a monomer of form I as the phasing model. Inspection of the initial electron-density maps suggests dramatic conformational differences between residues 230 and 300 of the two crystal forms and warrants further investigation.


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Trypsin-treated rat brain myelin was subjected to biochemical and X-ray studies. Untreated myelin gave rise to a pattern of three rings with a fundamental repeat period of 155 Angstrom consisting of two bilayers per repeat period, whereas myelin treated with trypsin showed a fundamental repeat period of 75 Angstrom with one bilayer per repeat period. The integrated raw intensity of the h=4 reflection with respect to the h=2 reflection is 0.38 for untreated myelin. The corresponding value reduced to 0.23, 0.18, 0.17 for myelin treated with 5, 10, 40 units of trypsin per mg of myelin, respectively, for 30 min at 30 degrees C. The decrease in relative raw intensity of the higher-order reflection relative to the lower-order reflection is suggestive of a disordering of the phosphate groups upon trypsin treatment or an increased mosaicity of the membrane or a combination of both these effects, However, trypsin treatment does not lead to a complete breakdown of the membrane, The integrated intensity of the h=1 reflection, though weak, is above the measurable threshold for untreated myelin, whereas the corresponding intensity is below the measurable threshold for trypsin-treated myelin, indicating a possible asymmetric to symmetric transition of the myelin bilayer structure about its centre after trypsin treatment.


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Gelonin is a single chain ribosome inactivating protein (RIP) with potential application in the treatment of cancer and AIDS. Diffraction quality crystals grown using PEG3350, belong to the space group P2(1), with it a = 49.4 Angstrom b = 44.9 Angstrom, c = 137.4 Angstrom and beta = 98.4 degrees, and contain two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Diffraction data collected to 1.8 Angstrom resolution has a R(m) value of 7.3%. Structure of gelonin has been solved by the molecular replacement method, using ricin A chain as the search model. Crystallographic refinement using X-PLOR resulted in a model for which the r.m.s deviations from ideal bond lengths and bond angles are 0.012 Angstrom and 2.7 degrees, respectively The final R-factor is 18.4% for 39,806 reflections for which I > 1.0 sigma(I).The C-alpha atoms of the two molecules in the asymmetric unit superpose to within 0.38 Angstrom for 247 atom pairs. The overall fold of gelonin is similar to that of other RIPs such as ricin A chain and alpha-momorcharin, the r.m.s.d. for C-alpha superpositions being 1.3 and 1.4 Angstrom, respectively The-catalytic residues (Glu166, Arg169 and Tyr113) in the active site form a hydrogen bond scheme similar to that observed in other RIPs. The conformation of Tyr74 in the active site, however, is significantly different from that in alpha-momorcharin. Three well defined water molecules are located in the active site cavity and one of them, X319, superposes to within 0.2 Angstrom of a corresponding water molecule in the structure of alpha-momorcharin. Any of the three could be the substrate water molecule in the hydrolysis reaction catalysed by gelonin.Difference electron density for a N-linked sugar moiety has been observed near only one of the two potential glycosylation sites in the sequence. The amino acid at position 239 has been established as Lys by calculation of omit electron density maps.The two cysteine residues in the sequence, Cys44 and Cys50, form a disulphide bond, and are therefore not available for disulphide conjugation with antibodies. Based on the structure, the region of the molecule that is involved in intradimer interactions is suggested to be suitable for introducing a Cys residue for purposes of conjugation with an antibody to produce useful immunotoxins.


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Asymmetric tri-bridged diruthenium(III) complexes, [Ru2O(O(2)CR)(3)(en) (PPh(3))(2)](ClO4) (R = C6H4-p-X: X = OMe (1a), Me (1b); en=1,2-diaminoethane), were prepared and structurally characterized. Complex 1a 3CHCl(3), crystallizes in the triclinic space group P (1) over bar with a = 14.029(5), b = 14.205(5), c = 20.610(6) Angstrom, alpha= 107.26(3), beta = 101.84(3), gamma= 97.57(3)degrees, V= 3756(2) Angstrom(3) and Z = 2. The complex has an {Ru-2(mu-O)(mu-O(2)CR)(2)(2+)} core and exhibits [O4PRu(mu-O)RuPO2N2](+) coordination environments for the metal centers. The novel structural feature is the asymmetric arrangement of ligands at the terminal sites of the core which shows an Ru... Ru separation of 3.226(3) Angstrom and an Ru-O-Ru angle of 119.2(5)degrees. An intense visible band observed near 570 nm is assigned to a charge transfer transition involving the d pi-Ru(III) and p pi-mu-O Orbitals. Cyclic voltammetry of the complexes displays a reversible Ru-2(III,III) reversible arrow Ru-2(III,IV) couple near 0.8 V (versus SCE) in MeCN-0.1 M TBAP.


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Complexes [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(1-MeIm)(6)](ClO4)(2) (la-c), [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(ImH)(6)](ClO4)(2) (2a,b), and [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(4-MeImH)(6)](ClO4)(2) (3a,b) with a (mu-oxo)bis(mu-carboxylato)diruthenium(III) core have been prepared by reacting Ru2Cl(O2CR)(4) with the corresponding imidazole base, viz. 1-methylimidazole (1-MeIm), imidazole (ImH), and 4-methylimidazole (4-MeImH) in methanol, followed by treatment with NaClO4 in water (R: Me, a; C6H4-p-OMe, b; C6H4-p-Me, c). Diruthenium(III,IV) complexes [Ru2O(O2CR)(2)(1-MeIm)(6)](ClO4)(3) (R: Me, 4a; C6H4-p-OMe, 4b; C6H4-p-Me, 4c) have been prepared by one-electron oxidation of 1 in MeCN with K2S2O8 in water. Complexes la, 2a . 3H(2)O, and 4a . 1.5H(2)O have been structurally characterized. Crystal data for the complexes are as follows: la, orthorhombic, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 7.659(3) Angstrom, b = 22.366(3) Angstrom, c = 23.688(2) Angstrom, V = 4058(2) Angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0475, and R-w = 0.0467 for 2669 reflections with F-o > 2 sigma(F-o); 2a . 3H(2)O, triclinic, , a = 13.735(3) Angstrom, b = 14.428(4) Angstrom, c = 20.515(8) Angstrom, alpha = 87.13(3)degrees, beta = 87.61(3)degrees, gamma = 63.92(2)degrees, V = 3646(2) Angstrom(3), Z = 4, R = 0.0485 and R-w = 0.0583 for 10 594 reflections with F-o > 6 sigma(F-o); 4a . 1.5H(2)O triclinic, , a = 11.969(3) Angstrom, b = 12.090(6) Angstrom, c = 17.421(3) Angstrom, alpha = 108.93(2)degrees, beta = 84.42(2)degrees, gamma = 105.97(2)degrees, V = 2292(1) Angstrom(3), Z = 2, R = 0.0567, and R-w = 0.0705 for 6775 reflections with F-o > 6 sigma(F-o). The complexes have a diruthenium unit held by an oxo and two carboxylate ligands, and the imidazole ligands occupy the terminal sites of the core. The Ru-Ru distance and the Ru-O-oxo-Ru angle in la and 2a . 3H(2)O are 3.266(1), 3.272(1) Angstrom and 122.4(4), 120.5(2)degrees, while in 4a . 1.5H(2)O these values are 3.327(1) Angstrom and 133.6(2)degrees. The diruthenium(III) complexes 1-3 are blue in color and they exhibit an intense visible band in the range 560-575 nm. The absorption is charge transfer in nature involving the Ru(III)-d pi and O-oxo-p pi orbitals. The diruthenium(III,IV) complexes are red in color and show an intense band near 500 nm. The diruthenium(III) core readily gets oxidized with K2S2O8 forming quantitatively the diruthenium(III,IV) complex. The visible spectral record of the conversion shows an isosbestic point at 545 nm for 1 and at 535 nm for 2 and 3. Protonation of the oxide bridge by HClO4 in methanol yields the [Ru-2(mu-OH)(mu-O2CR)(2)](3+) core. The hydroxo species shows a visible band al 550 nm. The pK(a) value for la is 2.45. The protonated species are unstable. The 1-MeIm species converts to the diruthenium(III,IV) core, while the imidazole complex converts to [Ru(ImH)(6)](3+) and some uncharacterized products. Complex [Ru(ImH)(6)](ClO4)(3) has been structurally characterized. The diruthenium(III) complexes are essentially diamagnetic and show characteristic H-1 NMR spectra indicating the presence of the dimeric structure in solution. The diruthenium(III,IV) complexes are paramagnetic and display rhombic EPR spectral features. Complexes 1-3 are redox active. Complex 1 shows the one-electron reversible Ru-2(III)/(RuRuIV)-Ru-III, one-electron quasireversible (RuRuIV)-Ru-III/Ru-2(IV), and two-electron quasireversible Ru-2(III)/Ru-2(II) couples near 0.4, 1.5, and -1.0 V vs SCE In MeCN-0.1 M TBAP, respectively, in the cyclic and differential pulse voltammetric studies. Complexes 2 and 3 exhibit only reversible Ru-2(III)/(RuRuIV)-Ru-III and the quasireversible (RuRuIV)-Ru-III/Ru-2(IV) couples near 0.4 and 1.6 V vs SCE, respectively, The observation of a quasireversible one-step two-electron transfer reduction process in 1 is significant considering its relevance to the rapid and reversible Fe-2(III)/Fe-2(II) redox process known for the tribridged diiron core in the oxy and deoxy forms of hemerythrin.


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The DL- and L-arginine complexes of oxalic acid are made up of zwitterionic positively charged amino acid molecules and semi-oxalate ions. The dissimilar molecules aggregate into separate alternating layers in the former. The basic unit in the arginine layer is a centrosymmetric dimer, while the semi-oxalate ions form hydrogen-bonded strings in their layer. In the L-arginine complex each semi-oxalate ion is surrounded by arginine molecules and the complex can be described as an inclusion compound. The oxalic acid complexes of basic amino acids exhibit a variety of ionization states and stoichiometry. They illustrate the effect of aggregation and chirality on ionization state and stoichiometry, and that of molecular properties on aggregation. The semi-oxalate/oxalate ions tend to be planar, but large departures from planarity are possible. The amino acid aggregation in the different oxalic acid complexes do not resemble one another significantly, but the aggregation of a particular amino acid in its oxalic acid complex tends to have similarities with its aggregation in other structures. Also, semi-oxalate ions aggregate into similar strings in four of the six oxalic acid complexes. Thus, the intrinsic aggregation propensities of individual molecules tend to be retained in the complexes.