102 resultados para Symbol Grounding


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In this paper, we are interested in high spectral efficiency multicode CDMA systems with large number of users employing single/multiple transmit antennas and higher-order modulation. In particular, we consider a local neighborhood search based multiuser detection algorithm which offers very good performance and complexity, suited for systems with large number of users employing M-QAM/M-PSK. We apply the algorithm on the chip matched filter output vector. We demonstrate near-single user (SU) performance of the algorithm in CDMA systems with large number of users using 4-QAM/16-QAM/64-QAM/8-PSK on AWGN, frequency-flat, and frequency-selective fading channels. We further show that the algorithm performs very well in multicode multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) CDMA systems as well, outperforming other linear detectors and interference cancelers reported in the literature for such systems. The per-symbol complexity of the search algorithm is O(K2n2tn2cM), K: number of users, nt: number of transmit antennas at each user, nc: number of spreading codes multiplexed on each transmit antenna, M: modulation alphabet size, making the algorithm attractive for multiuser detection in large-dimension multicode MIMO-CDMA systems with M-QAM.


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Training for receive antenna selection (AS) differs from that for conventional multiple antenna systems because of the limited hardware usage inherent in AS. We analyze and optimize the performance of a novel energy-efficient training method tailored for receive AS. In it, the transmitter sends not only pilots that enable the selection process, but also an extra pilot that leads to accurate channel estimates for the selected antenna that actually receives data. For time-varying channels, we propose a novel antenna selection rule and prove that it minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP). We also derive closed-form expressions for the SEP of MPSK, and show that the considered training method is significantly more energy-efficient than the conventional AS training method.


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This paper proposes an algorithm for joint data detection and tracking of the dominant singular mode of a time varying channel at the transmitter and receiver of a time division duplex multiple input multiple output beamforming system. The method proposed is a modified expectation maximization algorithm which utilizes an initial estimate to track the dominant modes of the channel at the transmitter and the receiver blindly; and simultaneously detects the un known data. Furthermore, the estimates are constrained to be within a confidence interval of the previous estimate in order to improve the tracking performance and mitigate the effect of error propagation. Monte-Carlo simulation results of the symbol error rate and the mean square inner product between the estimated and the true singular vector are plotted to show the performance benefits offered by the proposed method compared to existing techniques.


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In this paper, we propose modulation diversity techniques for Spatial Modulation (SM) system using Complex Interleaved Orthogonal Design (CIOD). Specifically, we show that the standard SM scheme can achieve a transmit diversity order of two by using the CIOD meant for two transmit antenna system without incurring any additional system complexity or bandwidth requirement. Furthermore, we propose a low-complexity maximum likelihood detector for our CIOD based SM schemes by exploiting the structure of the CIOD. We show with our simulation results that the proposed schemes offer transmit diversity order of two and give a better symbol error rate performance than the conventional SM scheme.


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In the underlay mode of cognitive radio, secondary users are allowed to transmit when the primary is transmitting, but under tight interference constraints that protect the primary. However, these constraints limit the secondary system performance. Antenna selection (AS)-based multiple antenna techniques, which exploit spatial diversity with less hardware, help improve secondary system performance. We develop a novel and optimal transmit AS rule that minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP) of an average interference-constrained multiple-input-single-output secondary system that operates in the underlay mode. We show that the optimal rule is a non-linear function of the power gain of the channel from the secondary transmit antenna to the primary receiver and from the secondary transmit antenna to the secondary receive antenna. We also propose a simpler, tractable variant of the optimal rule that performs as well as the optimal rule. We then analyze its SEP with L transmit antennas, and extensively benchmark it with several heuristic selection rules proposed in the literature. We also enhance these rules in order to provide a fair comparison, and derive new expressions for their SEPs. The results bring out new inter-relationships between the various rules, and show that the optimal rule can significantly reduce the SEP.


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We propose a novel method of constructing Dispersion Matrices (DM) for Coherent Space-Time Shift Keying (CSTSK) relying on arbitrary PSK signal sets by exploiting codes from division algebras. We show that classic codes from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA) may be interpreted as DMs conceived for PSK signal sets. Hence various benefits of CDA codes such as their ability to achieve full diversity are inherited by CSTSK. We demonstrate that the proposed CDA based DMs are capable of achieving a lower symbol error ratio than the existing DMs generated using the capacity as their optimization objective function for both perfect and imperfect channel estimation.


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Novel transmit antenna selection techniques are conceived for Spatial Modulation (SM) systems and their symbol error rate (SER) performance is investigated. Specifically, low-complexity Euclidean Distance optimized Antenna Selection (EDAS) and Capacity Optimized Antenna Selection (COAS) are studied. It is observed that the COAS scheme gives a better SER performance than the EDAS scheme. We show that the proposed antenna selection based SM systems are capable of attaining a significant gain in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to conventional SM systems, and also outperform the conventional MIMO systems employing antenna selection at both low and medium SNRs.


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N-gram language models and lexicon-based word-recognition are popular methods in the literature to improve recognition accuracies of online and offline handwritten data. However, there are very few works that deal with application of these techniques on online Tamil handwritten data. In this paper, we explore methods of developing symbol-level language models and a lexicon from a large Tamil text corpus and their application to improving symbol and word recognition accuracies. On a test database of around 2000 words, we find that bigram language models improve symbol (3%) and word recognition (8%) accuracies and while lexicon methods offer much greater improvements (30%) in terms of word recognition, there is a large dependency on choosing the right lexicon. For comparison to lexicon and language model based methods, we have also explored re-evaluation techniques which involve the use of expert classifiers to improve symbol and word recognition accuracies.


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The performance analysis of adaptive physical layer network-coded two-way relaying scenario is presented which employs two phases: Multiple access (MA) phase and Broadcast (BC) phase. The deep channel fade conditions which occur at the relay referred as the singular fade states fall in the following two classes: (i) removable and (ii) non-removable singular fade states. With every singular fade state, we associate an error probability that the relay transmits a wrong network-coded symbol during the BC phase. It is shown that adaptive network coding provides a coding gain over fixed network coding, by making the error probabilities associated with the removable singular fade states contributing to the average Symbol Error Rate (SER) fall as SNR-2 instead of SNR-1. A high SNR upper-bound on the average end-to-end SER for the adaptive network coding scheme is derived, for a Rician fading scenario, which is found to be tight through simulations. Specifically, it is shown that for the adaptive network coding scheme, the probability that the relay node transmits a wrong network-coded symbol is upper-bounded by twice the average SER of a point-to-point fading channel, at high SNR. Also, it is shown that in a Rician fading scenario, it suffices to remove the effect of only those singular fade states which contribute dominantly to the average SER.


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Fast and efficient channel estimation is key to achieving high data rate performance in mobile and vehicular communication systems, where the channel is fast time-varying. To this end, this work proposes and optimizes channel-dependent training schemes for reciprocal Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels with beamforming (BF) at the transmitter and receiver. First, assuming that Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the receiver, a channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) signal is proposed that enables efficient estimation of the BF vector at the transmitter with a minimum training duration of only one symbol. In contrast, conventional orthogonal training requires a minimum training duration equal to the number of receive antennas. A tight approximation to the capacity lower bound on the system is derived, which is used as a performance metric to optimize the parameters of the RCT. Next, assuming that CSI is available at the transmitter, a channel-dependent forward-link training signal is proposed and its power and duration are optimized with respect to an approximate capacity lower bound. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the significant performance improvement offered by the proposed channel-dependent training schemes over the existing channel-agnostic orthogonal training schemes.


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Amplify-and-forward (AF) relay based cooperation has been investigated in the literature given its simplicity and practicality. Two models for AF, namely, fixed gain and fixed power relaying, have been extensively studied. In fixed gain relaying, the relay gain is fixed but its transmit power varies as a function of the source-relay (SR) channel gain. In fixed power relaying, the relay's instantaneous transmit power is fixed, but its gain varies. We propose a general AF cooperation model in which an average transmit power constrained relay jointly adapts its gain and transmit power as a function of the channel gains. We derive the optimal AF gain policy that minimizes the fading- averaged symbol error probability (SEP) of MPSK and present insightful and tractable lower and upper bounds for it. We then analyze the SEP of the optimal policy. Our results show that the optimal scheme is up to 39.7% and 47.5% more energy-efficient than fixed power relaying and fixed gain relaying, respectively. Further, the weaker the direct source-destination link, the greater are the energy-efficiency gains.


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Given the significant gains that relay-based cooperation promises, the practical problems of acquisition of channel state information (CSI) and the characterization and optimization of performance with imperfect CSI are receiving increasing attention. We develop novel and accurate expressions for the symbol error probability (SEP) for fixed-gain amplify-and-forward relaying when the destination acquires CSI using the time-efficient cascaded channel estimation (CCE) protocol. The CCE protocol saves time by making the destination directly estimate the product of the source-relay and relay-destination channel gains. For a single relay system, we first develop a novel SEP expression and a tight SEP upper bound. We then similarly analyze an opportunistic multi-relay system, in which both selection and coherent demodulation use imperfect estimates. A distinctive aspect of our approach is the use of as few simplifying approximations as possible, which results in new results that are accurate at signal-to-noise-ratios as low as 1 dB for single and multi-relay systems. Using insights gleaned from an asymptotic analysis, we also present a simple, closed-form, nearly-optimal solution for allocation of energy between pilot and data symbols at the source and relay(s).


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Single receive antenna selection (AS) is a popular method for obtaining diversity benefits without the additional costs of multiple radio receiver chains. Since only one antenna receives at any time, the transmitter sends a pilot multiple times to enable the receiver to estimate the channel gains of its N antennas to the transmitter and select an antenna. In time-varying channels, the channel estimates of different antennas are outdated to different extents. We analyze the symbol error probability (SEP) in time-varying channels of the N-pilot and (N+1)-pilot AS training schemes. In the former, the transmitter sends one pilot for each receive antenna. In the latter, the transmitter sends one additional pilot that helps sample the channel fading process of the selected antenna twice. We present several new results about the SEP, optimal energy allocation across pilots and data, and optimal selection rule in time-varying channels for the two schemes. We show that due to the unique nature of AS, the (N+1)-pilot scheme, despite its longer training duration, is much more energy-efficient than the conventional N-pilot scheme. An extension to a practical scenario where all data symbols of a packet are received by the same antenna is also investigated.


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Transmit antenna selection (AS) has been adopted in contemporary wideband wireless standards such as Long Term Evolution (LTE). We analyze a comprehensive new model for AS that captures several key features about its operation in wideband orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. These include the use of channel-aware frequency-domain scheduling (FDS) in conjunction with AS, the hardware constraint that a user must transmit using the same antenna over all its assigned subcarriers, and the scheduling constraint that the subcarriers assigned to a user must be contiguous. The model also captures the novel dual pilot training scheme that is used in LTE, in which a coarse system bandwidth-wide sounding reference signal is used to acquire relatively noisy channel state information (CSI) for AS and FDS, and a dense narrow-band demodulation reference signal is used to acquire accurate CSI for data demodulation. We analyze the symbol error probability when AS is done in conjunction with the channel-unaware, but fair, round-robin scheduling and with channel-aware greedy FDS. Our results quantify how effective joint AS-FDS is in dispersive environments, the interactions between the above features, and the ability of the user to lower SRS power with minimal performance degradation.


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A space-time block code (STBC) is said to be multigroup decodable if the information symbols encoded by it can be partitioned into two or more groups such that each group of symbols can be maximum-likelihood (ML) decoded independently of the other symbol groups. In this paper, we show that the upper triangular matrix encountered during the sphere decoding of a linear dispersion STBC can be rank-deficient even when the rate of the code is less than the minimum of the number of transmit and receive antennas. We then show that all known families of high-rate (rate greater than 1) multigroup decodable codes have rank-deficient matrix even when the rate is less than the number of transmit and receive antennas, and this rank-deficiency problem arises only in asymmetric MIMO systems when the number of receive antennas is strictly less than the number of transmit antennas. Unlike the codes with full-rank matrix, the complexity of the sphere decoding-based ML decoder for STBCs with rank-deficient matrix is polynomial in the constellation size, and hence is high. We derive the ML sphere decoding complexity of most of the known high-rate multigroup decodable codes, and show that for each code, the complexity is a decreasing function of the number of receive antennas.