172 resultados para Structural-Properties


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With the emergence of scientific interest in graphene oxide (GO) in recent times, researchers have endeavored to incorporate GO in thermoset polymeric matrix to develop composites with extraordinary set of properties. The current state of research in graphene/thermoset polymer composites is highlighted here with a focus on the role of interface in dictating the overall properties of the composites. Different strategies like covalent and non-covalent functionalization of GO have been discussed with respect to improvement in mechanical, electrical, thermal and rheological properties. In addition, future prospects have been outlined. By assessing the current state of research in graphene/thermoset composites, it is obvious that graphene derivatives are promising materials in enhancing the structural properties of the nanocomposites at extremely low levels of filler loading. This opens new avenues in designing lightweight composites for myriad applications and by tailoring the interfacial adhesion with the polymer, ordered structure can be achieved at macroscopic processing scales. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The structural properties of temporal networks often influence the dynamical processes that occur on these networks, e.g., bursty interaction patterns have been shown to slow down epidemics. In this paper, we investigate the effect of link lifetimes on the spread of history-dependent epidemics. We formulate an analytically tractable activity-driven temporal network model that explicitly incorporates link lifetimes. For Markovian link lifetimes, we use mean-field analysis for computing the epidemic threshold, while the effect of non-Markovian link lifetimes is studied using simulations. Furthermore, we also study the effect of negative correlation between the number of links spawned by an individual and the lifetimes of those links. Such negative correlations may arise due to the finite cognitive capacity of the individuals. Our investigations reveal that heavy-tailed link lifetimes slow down the epidemic, while negative correlations can reduce epidemic prevalence. We believe that our results help shed light on the role of link lifetimes in modulating diffusion processes on temporal networks.


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Ho3+ (0.25-7 mol%) doped Sr2CeO4 nanophosphors were synthesized by solution combustion method using urea as fuel. The structural properties of the nanophosphors were investigated by powder X-ray diffraction studies (PXRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. UV-Visible and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopic techniques were used for analysing the optical properties of the nanoparticles. PXRD and TEM results revealed the formation of Sr2CeO4: Ho3+ nanocrystalline particles with orthorhombic crystal structure. From the UV-Vis studies the optical band gap energy found to decrease from 5.9 to 5.74 eV with increase in dopant concentration. The PL spectra exhibit the broad excitation band from 200 to 400 nm which concurs well with the commercial near UV LED. The PL spectra vary with the dopant content due to energy transfer from the host to the activator. In this present work we demonstrate that color tuning of phosphor can be achieved by merely varying the Ho3+ ions concentration. The CIE and CCT chromaticity coordinates suggests Sr2CeO4: Ho3+ nanophosphors may be potentially applicable as promising single - phased phosphors for lighting applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new class of dendrimers, the poly(propyl ether imine) (PETIM) dendrimer, has been shown to be a novel hyperbranched polymer having potential applications as a drug delivery vehicle. Structure and dynamics of the amine terminated PETIM dendrimer and their changes with respect to the dendrimer generation are poorly understood. Since most drugs are hydrophobic in nature, the extent of hydrophobicity of the dendrimer core is related to its drug encapsulation and retention efficacy. In this study, we carry out fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to characterize the structure of PETIM (G2-G6) dendrimers in salt solution as a function of dendrimer generation at different protonation levels. Structural properties such as radius of gyration (R-g), radial density distribution, aspect ratio, and asphericity are calculated. In order to assess the hydrophilicity of the dendrimer, we compute the number of bound water molecules in the interior of dendrirner as well as the number of dendrimer-water hydrogen bonds. We conclude that PETIM dendrimers have relatively greater hydrophobicity and flexibility when compared with their extensively investigated PAMAM counterparts. Hence PETIM dendrimers are expected to have stronger interactions with lipid membranes as well as improved drug encapsulation and retention properties when compared with PAMAM dendrimers. We compute the root-mean-square fluctuation of dendrimers as well as their entropy to quantify the flexibility of the dendrimer. Finally we note that structural and solvation properties computed using force field parameters derived based on the CHARMM general purpose force field were in good quantitative agreement with those obtained using the generalized Amber force field (GAFF).


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In this work, we study the well-known r-DIMENSIONAL k-MATCHING ((r, k)-DM), and r-SET k-PACKING ((r, k)-SP) problems. Given a universe U := U-1 ... U-r and an r-uniform family F subset of U-1 x ... x U-r, the (r, k)-DM problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. Given a universe U and an r-uniform family F subset of 2(U), the (r, k)-SP problem asks if F admits a collection of k mutually disjoint sets. We employ techniques based on dynamic programming and representative families. This leads to a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-1)k) .vertical bar F vertical bar. n log(2)n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-DM, where W is the maximum weight in the input, and a deterministic algorithm with running time O(2.851((r-0.5501)k).vertical bar F vertical bar.n log(2) n . logW) for the weighted version of (r, k)-SP. Thus, we significantly improve the previous best known deterministic running times for (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP and the previous best known running times for their weighted versions. We rely on structural properties of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP to develop algorithms that are faster than those that can be obtained by a standard use of representative sets. Incorporating the principles of iterative expansion, we obtain a better algorithm for (3, k)-DM, running in time O(2.004(3k).vertical bar F vertical bar . n log(2)n). We believe that this algorithm demonstrates an interesting application of representative families in conjunction with more traditional techniques. Furthermore, we present kernels of size O(e(r)r(k-1)(r) logW) for the weighted versions of (r, k)-DM and (r, k)-SP, improving the previous best known kernels of size O(r!r(k-1)(r) logW) for these problems.


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Scaffolds for bone tissue engineering are essentially characterized by porous three-dimensional structures with interconnected pores to facilitate the exchange of nutrients and removal of waste products from cells, thereby promoting cell proliferation in such engineered scaffolds. Although hydroxyapatite is widely being considered for bone tissue engineering applications due to its occurrence in the natural extracellular matrix of this tissue, limited reports are available on additive manufacturing of hydroxyapatite-based materials. In this perspective, hydroxyapatite-based three-dimensional porous scaffolds with two different binders (maltodextrin and sodium alginate) were fabricated using the extrusion method of three-dimensional plotting and the results were compared in reference to the structural properties of scaffolds processed via chemical stabilization and sintering routes, respectively. With the optimal processing conditions regarding to pH and viscosity of binder-loaded hydroxyapatite pastes, scaffolds with parallelepiped porous architecture having up to 74% porosity were fabricated. Interestingly, sintering of the as-plotted hydroxyapatite-sodium alginate (cross-linked with CaCl2 solution) scaffolds led to the formation of chlorapatite (Ca9.54P5.98O23.8Cl1.60(OH)(2.74)). Both the sintered scaffolds displayed progressive deformation and delayed fracture under compressive loading, with hydroxyapatite-alginate scaffolds exhibiting a higher compressive strength (9.5 +/- 0.5MPa) than hydroxyapatite-maltodextrin scaffolds (7.0 +/- 0.6MPa). The difference in properties is explained in terms of the phase assemblage and microstructure.


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For the physical-layer network-coded wireless two-way relaying, it was observed by Koike-Akino et al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of multiple-access interference, which occurs at the relay, and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called exclusive law. We extend this approach to an accumulate-compute-and-forward protocol, which employs two phases: a multiple access (MA) phase consisting of two channel uses with independent messages in each channel use and a broadcast (BC) phase having one channel use. Assuming that the two users transmit points from the same 4-phase-shift keying (PSK) constellation, every such network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law can be represented by a Latin square of side 16, and conversely, this relationship can be used to get the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. Two methods of obtaining this network coding map to be used at the relay are discussed. Using the structural properties of the Latin squares for a given set of parameters, the problem of finding all the required maps is reduced to finding a small set of maps for the case. Having obtained all the Latin squares, a criterion is provided to select a Latin square for a given realization of fade state. This criterion turns out to be the same as the one used byMuralidharan et al. for two-stage bidirectional relaying.


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The centromere, on which kinetochore proteins assemble, ensures precise chromosome segregation. Centromeres are largely specified by the histone H3 variant CENP-A (also known as Cse4 in yeasts). Structurally, centromere DNA sequences are highly diverse in nature. However, the evolutionary consequence of these structural diversities on de novo CENP-A chromatin formation remains elusive. Here, we report the identification of centromeres, as the binding sites of four evolutionarily conserved kinetochore proteins, in the human pathogenic budding yeast Candida tropicalis. Each of the seven centromeres comprises a 2 to 5 kb non-repetitive mid core flanked by 2 to 5 kb inverted repeats. The repeat-associated centromeres of C. tropicalis all share a high degree of sequence conservation with each other and are strikingly diverged from the unique and mostly non-repetitive centromeres of related Candida species-Candida albicans, Candida dubliniensis, and Candida lusitaniae. Using a plasmid-based assay, we further demonstrate that pericentric inverted repeats and the underlying DNA sequence provide a structural determinant in CENP-A recruitment in C. tropicalis, as opposed to epigenetically regulated CENP-A loading at centromeres in C. albicans. Thus, the centromere structure and its influence on de novo CENP-A recruitment has been significantly rewired in closely related Candida species. Strikingly, the centromere structural properties along with role of pericentric repeats in de novo CENP-A loading in C. tropicalis are more reminiscent to those of the distantly related fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Taken together, we demonstrate, for the first time, fission yeast-like repeat-associated centromeres in an ascomycetous budding yeast.


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Amorphous carbon-sulfur (a-C:S) composite films were prepared by vapor phase pyrolysis technique. The structural changes in the a-C:S films were investigated by electron microscopy. A powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) study depicts the two-phase nature of a sulfur-incorporated a-C system. The optical bandgap energy shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the sulfur content and preparation temperature. This infers a sulfur incorporation and pyrolysis temperature induced reduction in structural disorder or increase in sp (2) or pi-sites. The presence of sulfur (S 2p) in the a-C:S sample is analyzed by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The sp (3)/sp (2) hybridization ratio is determined by using the XPS C 1s peak fitting, and the results confirm an increase in sp (2) hybrids with sulfur addition to a-C. The electrical resistivity variation in the films depends on both the sulfur concentration and the pyrolysis temperature.


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Polyaniline (PANI)/para-toluene sulfonic acid (pTSA) and PANI/pTSA-TiO2 composites were prepared using chemical method and characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrical conductivity and magnetic properties were also measured. In corroboration with XRD, the micrographs of SEM indicated the homogeneous dispersion of TiO nanoparticles in bulk PANI/pTSA matrix. Conductivity of the PANI/pTSA-TiO2 was higher than the PAN[/pTSA, and the maximum conductivity obtained was 9.48 (S/cm) at 5 wt% of TiO2. Using SQUID magnetometer, it was found that PANI/pTSA was either paramagnetic or weakly ferromagnetic from 300 K down to 5 K with H-C approximate to 30 Oe and M-r approximate to 0.015 emu/g. On the other hand,PANI/pTSA-TiO2 was diamagnetic from 300 K down to about 50 K and below which it was weakly ferromagnetic. Furthermore, a nearly temperature-independent magnetization was observed in both the cases down to 50 K and below which the magnetization increased rapidly (a Curie like susceptibility was observed). The Pauli susceptibility (chi(pauli)) was calculated to be about 4.8 X 10(-5) and 1.6 x 10(-5)emug(-1) Oe(-1) K for PANI/pTSA and PANI/pTSA-TiO2, respectively.


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We have investigated the structure, magnetic and dielectric properties of the double perovskite oxides, R2NiMnO6 (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Y). We could refine powder X-ray diffraction patterns of all the phases on the basis of monoclinic (P2(1)/n) double perovskite structure where Ni and Mn atoms are ordered at 2c and 2d sites, respectively. All the phases are ferromagnetic insulators exhibiting relatively low dielectric loss and dielectric constants in the range 15-25. The ferromagnetic ordering temperature of the R2NiMnO6 series seems to correlate better with the radius of R3+ atoms than with the average Ni-O-Mn angle (phi) in the double perovskite structure. These results are consistent with all samples having Mn4+ and Ni2+ With minimal antisite disorder.


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The performance of optoelectronic devices critically depends on the quality of active layer. An effective way to obtain a high quality layers is by creating excess of metal atoms through various heat treatments. Recently, rapid thermal annealing (RTA) has proved a versatile technique for the post-treatment of semiconductor materials as compared to other techniques due to its precise control over the resources. Thus, we carried out a set of experiments on SnS films to explore the influence of RTA treatment on their properties. From these experiments we noticed that the films treated at 400 °C for 1 min in N2 atmosphere have a low electrical resistivity of ~5 Ωcm with relatively high Hall mobility and carrier density of 99 cm2/Vs and 1.3 × 1016 cm−3, respectively. The observed results, therefore, emphasise that it is possible to obtain good quality SnS films through RTA treatment without disturbing their crystal structure.


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Molybdenum oxide films (MoO3) were deposited on glass and crystalline silicon substrates by sputtering of molybdenum target under various oxygen partial pressures in the range 8 × 10−5–8 × 10−4 mbar and at a fixed substrate temperature of 473 K employing dc magnetron sputtering technique. The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the composition stoichiometry, chemical binding configuration, crystallographic structure and electrical and optical properties was systematically studied. X-ray photoelectron spectra of the films formed at 8 × 10−5 mbar showed the presence of Mo6+ and Mo5+ oxidation states of MoO3 and MoO3−x. The films deposited at oxygen partial pressure of 2 × 10−4 mbar showed Mo6+ oxidation state indicating the films were nearly stoichiometric. It was also confirmed by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the films formed at oxygen partial pressure of 2 × 10−4 mbar showed the presence of (0 k 0) reflections indicated the layered structure of α-phase MoO3. The electrical conductivity of the films decreased from 3.6 × 10−5 to 1.6 × 10−6 Ω−1 cm−1, the optical band gap of the films increased from 2.93 to 3.26 eV and the refractive index increased from 2.02 to 2.13 with the increase of oxygen partial pressure from 8 × 10−5 to 8 × 10−4 mbar, respectively.


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Optically clear glasses were fabricated by quenching the melt of CaCO3-Bi2O3-B2O3 (in equimolecular ratio). The amorphous and glassy characteristics of the as-quenched samples were confirmed via the X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) studies These glasses were found to. have high thermal stability parameter (S). The optical transmission studies carried out in the 200-2500 nm wavelength range confirmed both the as-quenched and heat-treated samples to be transparent between 400 nm and 2500 nm. The glass-plates that were heat-treated just above the glass transition temperature (723 K) for 6 h retained approximate to 60% transparency despite having nano-crystallites (approximate to 50-100 nm) of CaBi2B2O7 (CBBO) as confirmed by both the XRD and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies. The dielectric properties and impedance characteristics of the as-quenched and heat-treated (723 K/6 h) samples were studied as a function of frequency at different temperatures. Cole-Cole equation was employed to rationalize the impedance data.


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We describe the solution combustion synthesis and characterization of La1-xKxMnO3 (0.0 <= x <= 0.25) perovskite phases, which is a low temperature initiated, rapid route to prepare metal oxides. As-synthesized compounds are amorphous in nature; crystallinity was observed on heating at 800 degrees C for 5 min. Structural parameters were determined by the Rietveld refinement method using powder XRD data. Parent LaMnO3 compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic structure (space group Pbnm, No. 62). Potassium substituted compounds were crystallized with rhombohedral symmetry (space group R-3c, No. 167). The ratio of the Mn3+/Mn4+ was determined by the iodometric titration. The Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR) shows two absorption bands for Mn-O stretching vibration (v, mode), Mn-O-Mn deformation vibration (v(b) mode) around 600 cm(-1) and 400 cm(-1) for the compositions, x = 0.0, 0.05 and 0-10. Four-probe electrical resistivity measurements reveal a composition controlled metal to insulator transition (TM-1), the maximum TM-1 was observed for the composition La0.85K0.15MnO3 at 287 K. Room temperature vibrating sample magnetometer data indicate that for the composition up to x = 0-10, the compounds are paramagnetic whereas composition with x = 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 show magnetic moments of 27, 29 and 30 emu/g, respectively.