136 resultados para Space time


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Synchronization issues pose a big challenge in cooperative communications. The benefits of cooperative diversity could be easily undone by improper synchronization. The problem arises because it would be difficult, from a complexity perspective, for multiple transmitting nodes to synchronize to a single receiver. For OFDM based systems, loss of performance due to imperfect carrier synchronization is severe, since it results in inter-carrier interference (ICI). The use of space-time/space-frequency codes from orthogonal designs are attractive for cooperative encoding. But orthogonal designs suffer from inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to the violation of quasi-static assumption, which can arise due to frequency- or time-selectivity of the channel. In this paper, we are concerned with combating the effects of i) ICI induced by carrier frequency offsets (CFO), and ii) ISI induced by frequency selectivity of the channel, in a cooperative communication scheme using space-frequency block coded (SFBC) OFDM. Specifically, we present an iterative interference cancellation (IC) algorithm to combat the ISI and ICI effects. The proposed algorithm could be applied to any orthogonal or quasi-orthogonal designs in cooperative SFBC OFDM schemes.


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Space-time block codes (STBCs) that are single-symbol decodable (SSD) in a co-located multiple antenna setting need not be SSD in a distributed cooperative communication setting. A relay network with N relays and a single source-destination pair is called a partially-coherent relay channel (PCRC) if the destination has perfect channel state information (CSI) of an the channels and the relays have only the phase information of the source-to-relay channels. In our earlier work, we had derived a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a distributed STBC (DSTBC) to be SSD for a PCRC. Using these conditions, in this paper we show that the possibility of channel phase compensation operation at the relay nodes using partial CSI at the relays increases the possible rate of SSD DSTBCs from 2/N when the relays do not have CSI to 1/2, which is independent of N. We also show that when a DSTBC is SSD for a PCRC, then arbitrary coordinate interleaving of the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the variables does not disturb its SSD property. Using this property we are able to construct codes that are SSD and have higher rate than 2/N but giving full diversity only for signal constellations satisfying certain conditions.


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Space-time block codes (STBCs) obtained from non-square complex orthogonal designs are bandwidth efficient compared to those from square real/complex orthogonal designs for colocated coherent MIMO systems and has other applications in (i) non-coherent MIMO systems with non-differential detection, (ii) Space-Time-Frequency codes for MIMO-OFDM systems and (iii) distributed space-time coding for relay channels. Liang (IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2003) has constructed maximal rate non-square designs for any number of antennas, with rates given by [(a+1)/(2a)] when number of transmit antennas is 2a-1 or 2a. However, these designs have large delays. When large number of antennas are considered this rate is close to 1/2. Tarokh et al (IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 1999) have constructed rate 1/2 non-square CODs using the rate-1 real orthogonal designs for any number of antennas, where the decoding delay of these codes is less compared to the codes constructed by Liang for number of transmit antennas more than 5. In this paper, we construct a class of rate-1/2 codes for arbitrary number of antennas where the decoding delay is reduced by 50% when compared with the rate-1/2 codes given by Tarokh et al. It is also shown that even though scaling the variables helps to lower the delay it can not be used to increase the rate.


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Single-symbol maximum likelihood (ML) decodable distributed orthogonal space-time block codes (DOST- BCs) have been introduced recently for cooperative networks and an upper-bound on the maximal rate of such codes along with code constructions has been presented. In this paper, we introduce a new class of distributed space-time block codes (DSTBCs) called semi-orthogonal precoded distributed single-symbol decodable space-time block codes (Semi-SSD-PDSTBCs) wherein, the source performs preceding on the information symbols before transmitting it to all the relays. A set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the relay matrices for the existence of semi-SSD- PDSTBCs is proved. It is shown that the DOSTBCs are a special case of semi-SSD-PDSTBCs. A subset of semi-SSD-PDSTBCs having diagonal covariance matrix at the destination is studied and an upper bound on the maximal rate of such codes is derived. The bounds obtained are approximately twice larger than that of the DOSTBCs. A systematic construction of Semi- SSD-PDSTBCs is presented when the number of relays K ges 4 and the constructed codes are shown to have higher rates than that of DOSTBCs.


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The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.


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The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.


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Space-time block codes based on orthogonal designs are used for wireless communications with multiple transmit antennas which can achieve full transmit diversity and have low decoding complexity. However, the rate of the square real/complex orthogonal designs tends to zero with increase in number of antennas, while it is possible to have a rate-1 real orthogonal design (ROD) for any number of antennas.In case of complex orthogonal designs (CODs), rate-1 codes exist only for 1 and 2 antennas. In general, For a transmit antennas, the maximal rate of a COD is 1/2 + l/n or 1/2 + 1/n+1 for n even or odd respectively. In this paper, we present a simple construction for maximal-rate CODs for any number of antennas from square CODs which resembles the construction of rate-1 RODs from square RODs. These designs are shown to be amenable for construction of a class of generalized CODs (called Coordinate-Interleaved Scaled CODs) with low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) having the same parameters as the maximal-rate codes. Simulation results indicate that these codes perform better than the existing maximal rate codes under peak power constraint while performing the same under average power constraint.


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Non-orthogonal space-time block codes (STBC) with large dimensions are attractive because they can simultaneously achieve both high spectral efficiencies (same spectral efficiency as in V-BLAST for a given number of transmit antennas) as well as full transmit diversity. Decoding of non-orthogonal STBCs with large dimensions has been a challenge. In this paper, we present a reactive tabu search (RTS) based algorithm for decoding non-orthogonal STBCs from cyclic division algebras (CDA) having largedimensions. Under i.i.d fading and perfect channel state information at the receiver (CSIR), our simulation results show that RTS based decoding of 12 X 12 STBC from CDA and 4-QAM with 288 real dimensions achieves i) 10(-3) uncoded BER at an SNR of just 0.5 dB away from SISO AWGN performance, and ii) a coded BER performance close to within about 5 dB of the theoretical MIMO capacity, using rate-3/4 turbo code at a spectral efficiency of 18 bps/Hz. RTS is shown to achieve near SISO AWGN performance with less number of dimensions than with LAS algorithm (which we reported recently) at some extra complexity than LAS. We also report good BER performance of RTS when i.i.d fading and perfect CSIR assumptions are relaxed by considering a spatially correlated MIMO channel model, and by using a training based iterative RTS decoding/channel estimation scheme.


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Non-orthogonal space-time block codes (STBC) from cyclic division algebras (CDA) are attractive because they can simultaneously achieve both high spectral efficiencies (same spectral efficiency as in V-BLAST for a given number of transmit antennas) as well as full transmit diversity. Decoding of non-orthogonal STBCs with hundreds of dimensions has been a challenge. In this paper, we present a probabilistic data association (PDA) based algorithm for decoding non-orthogonal STBCs with large dimensions. Our simulation results show that the proposed PDA-based algorithm achieves near SISO AWGN uncoded BER as well as near-capacity coded BER (within 5 dB of the theoretical capacity) for large non-orthogonal STBCs from CDA. We study the effect of spatial correlation on the BER, and show that the performance loss due to spatial correlation can be alleviated by providing more receive spatial dimensions. We report good BER performance when a training-based iterative decoding/channel estimation is used (instead of assuming perfect channel knowledge) in channels with large coherence times. A comparison of the performances of the PDA algorithm and the likelihood ascent search (LAS) algorithm (reported in our recent work) is also presented.


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In this paper,we present a belief propagation (BP) based algorithm for decoding non-orthogonal space-time block codes (STBC) from cyclic division algebras (CDA) having large dimensions. The proposed approachinvolves message passing on Markov random field (MRF) representation of the STBC MIMO system. Adoption of BP approach to decode non-orthogonal STBCs of large dimensions has not been reported so far. Our simulation results show that the proposed BP-based decoding achieves increasingly closer to SISO AWGN performance for increased number of dimensions. In addition, it also achieves near-capacity turbo coded BER performance; for e.g., with BP decoding of 24 x 24 STBC from CDA using BPSK (i.e.,n576 real dimensions) and rate-1/2 turbo code (i.e., 12 bps/Hz spectral efficiency), coded BER performance close to within just about 2.5 dB from the theoretical MIMO capacity is achieved.


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A Space-Time Block Code (STBC) in K-variables is said to be g-Group ML-Decodable (GMLD) if its Maximum-Likelihood (ML) decoding metric can be written as a sum of g independent terms, with each term being a function of a subset of the K variables. In this paper, a construction method to obtain high-rate, 2-GMLD STBCs for 2(m) transmit antennas, m > 1, is presented. The rate of the STBC obtained for 2(m) transmit antennas is 2(m-2) + 1/2(m), complex symbols per channel use. The design method is illustrated for the case of 4 and 8 transmit antennas. The code obtained for 4 transmit antennas is equivalent to the rate-5/4 Quasi-Orthogonal design (QOD) proposed by Yuen, Guan and Tjung.


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In this paper, Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) with reduced Sphere Decoding Complexity (SDC) are constructed for two-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) fading multiple access channels. In this set-up, both the users employ identical STBCs and the destination performs sphere decoding for the symbols of the two users. First, we identify the positions of the zeros in the R matrix arising out of the Q-R decomposition of the lattice generator such that (i) the worst case SDC (WSDC) and (ii) the average SDC (ASDC) are reduced. Then, a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the lattice generator is provided such that the R matrix has zeros at the identified positions. Subsequently, explicit constructions of STBCs which results in the reduced ASDC are presented. The rate (in complex symbols per channel use) of the proposed designs is at most 2/N-t where N-t denotes the number of transmit antennas for each user. We also show that the class of STBCs from complex orthogonal designs (other than the Alamouti design) reduce the WSDC but not the ASDC.


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This paper proposes a full-rate, full-diversity space-time block code(STBC) with low maximum likelihood (ML) decoding complexity and high coding gain for the 4 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna (4 x 2) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system that employs 4/16-QAM. For such a system, the best code known is the DjABBA code and recently, Biglieri, Hong and Viterbo have proposed another STBC (BHV code) for 4-QAM which has lower ML-decoding complexity than the DjABBA code but does not have full-diversity like the DjABBA code. The code proposed in this paper has the same ML-decoding complexity as the BHV code for any square M-QAM but has full-diversity for 4- and 16-QAM. Compared with the DjABBA code, the proposed code has lower ML-decoding complexity for square M-QAM constellation, higher coding gain for 4- and 16-QAM, and hence a better codeword error rate (CER) performance. Simulation results confirming this are presented.


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In this paper, we propose a training-based channel estimation scheme for large non-orthogonal space-time block coded (STBC) MIMO systems.The proposed scheme employs a block transmission strategy where an N-t x N-t pilot matrix is sent (for training purposes) followed by several N-t x N-t square data STBC matrices, where Nt is the number of transmit antennas. At the receiver, we iterate between channel estimation (using an MMSE estimator) and detection (using a low-complexity likelihood ascent search (LAS) detector) till convergence or for a fixed number of iterations. Our simulation results show that excellent bit error rate and nearness-to-capacity performance are achieved by the proposed scheme at low complexities. The fact that we could show such good results for large STBCs (e.g., 16 x 16 STBC from cyclic division algebras) operating at spectral efficiencies in excess of 20 bps/Hz (even after accounting for the overheads meant for pilot-based channel estimation and turbo coding) establishes the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.


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In this paper, we suggest criteria for the identification of active and break events of the Indian summer monsoon on the basis of recently derived high resolution daily gridded rainfall dataset over India (1951-2007). Active and break events are defined as periods during the peak monsoon months of July and August, in which the normalized anomaly of the rainfall over a critical area, called the monsoon core zone exceeds 1 or is less than -1.0 respectively, provided the criterion is satisfied for at least three consecutive days. We elucidate the major features of these events. We consider very briefly the relationship of the intraseasonal fluctuations between these events and the interannual variation of the summer monsoon rainfall. We find that breaks tend to have a longer life-span than active spells.While, almost 80% of the active spells lasted 3-4 days, only 40% of the break spells were of such short duration. A small fraction (9%) of active spells and 32% of break spells lasted for a week or longer. While active events occurred almost every year, not a single break occurred in 26% of the years considered. On an average, there are 7 days of active and break events from July through August. There are no significant trends in either the days of active or break events. We have shown that there is a major difference between weak spells and long intense breaks. While weak spells are characterized by weak moist convective regimes, long intense break events have a heat trough type circulation which is similar to the circulation over the Indian subcontinent before the onset of the monsoon. The space-time evolution of the rainfall composite patterns suggests that the revival from breaks occurs primarily from northward propagations of the convective cloud zone. There are important differences between the spatial patterns of the active/break spells and those characteristic of interannual variation, particularly those associated with the link to ENSO. Hence, the interannual variation of the Indian monsoon cannot be considered as primarily arising from the interannual variation of intraseasonal variation. However, the signature over the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean on intraseasonal time scales is similar to that on the interannual time scales.